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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2339491 No.2339491 [Reply] [Original]

Discuss arcade games, 1CC's, cool arcade stories, cabinet/stick building, and generally cool things about arcade culture.

>> No.2339534


Arcades man, I might have money in the future for my very own cabinet, but if I travel, and I probably will, I would have to leave it behind.

I guess it's gonna be emulashun for me if at all.

>> No.2339536


>> No.2339539

How much is 1 PLAY?

>> No.2339542
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It's a deal let me tell you. Almost every arcade in Japan is 100 yen a play.

>> No.2339545

>you will never be a 6 year old during the birth of arcades again.

>> No.2339548

There's no way to properly emulate the arcade experience anywhere outside an arcade. You're grasping at straws unless you fly out to Tokyo. If you play arcade games at home, no matter what hardware they're on, you will never experience the social aspect of the experience. Whether it's ShmupMAME, FBA, a supergun or an authentic candy cab, you are basically just indulging yourself alone, and you will never experience that near-superhuman moment when you're on the last stage of a game you've barely played and you manage to pull a 1CC just for the people who have crowded around you. Fightcade may be cool, but you won't feel the raw aggression of a fighting game based arcade. People have been known to actually get stabbed in those places -- that's how great the tension becomes. In a strange way, fighting arcades start to mirror fight clubs.
Arcades themselves are sex. Arcade games elsewhere are masturbation.

>> No.2339550

There are some newer machines, like Tekken and stuff, that are at 150 or even 200. Scalpers. Not like these games are that great, but still.

>> No.2339554


You give more credit to the social aspect that it does deserve. It's only part of it.

(You will never be a child surrounded by other children cheering)

>> No.2339558

>On vacation
>Randomly find X-Men at a seaside arcade
>4-player only, but whatever
>Random guy walks up and does the perfect Colossus yell
>Beat shit up together
>Ogle girls on the beach afterwards

>> No.2339560

I think it's 50YEN.

>> No.2339562

It just so happens I'll spend a long time in Tokyo starting later this year.

What are some recommended places to go for arcades?

>> No.2339564

>You're grasping at straws unless you fly out to Tokyo.

You do know that there are decent arcades in other parts of the world, right? Hell, if you want to be all weeaboo about it, you should at the very least acknowledge the arcades that Sega still maintains outside of Japan.

>> No.2339572

It's only part of it in the same way that it's only part of going to the bar. It's an apt comparison -- why go to the bar, after all, when you can drink at home for cheaper, and get to drink exactly what you want (well, what you have, which is more tailored to your taste) rather than be limited by what the bar has? The answer, of course, is that the experience of being in a cool bar (especially a French one) can't be replicated in any other place.

Hey Arcade. Thank me later.

That was a sort of figure of speech, but they're sort of scattered in other parts of the world. Anyway, I'm guessing that most people here are Americans, and they usually have fuck-all. I'm actually living in New York right now, and the so-called "hardcore" Chinatown Fair arcade is just pathetic. They have a Street Fighter 4 machine with a computer mouse obstructing part of the display (lol), an outdated version of VF5, a few Tekken games, and a fucking MAMEcade filled with Happ parts. Everything else is gimmicks, like those punching bag and basketball machines that you can find anywhere. If you're American and you want to see a real arcade, you're not going to go to a Sega place somewhere else, you're going to go to Japan and see a real one.

>> No.2339576

What's the consensus with Korean parts? I've been building a lot of fight-sticks for my friends recently and I would like to know how they measure up against Japanese ones, since I found both the JLF and LS-32 loose and sloppy.

>> No.2339578


I'm the guy you were talking into going to japan.

Actually european, arcades closed here in my part of Spain circa 2004 (that's when I saw the last machines anyway).

You know, I'm not that much into the social aspect of arcades, I prefer playing the things with some people I trust and care about so a machine would be perfect for me if not for the prospect of having to travel.

>> No.2339589

If you like more modern games, then pretty much anywhere. You can pretty much trip and fall into an arcade anywhere in a populated area of Japan.

If you like older stuff and electromechanical games, there's a great vintage arcade in Odaiba Icchoume, a shopping district that's set up to resemble 1960's Tokyo. Absolutely must-visit for anyone who wants that Showa nostalgia.


>> No.2339593

I've never been to Spain, but that's interesting. It would be really cool to track the arcade culture in different parts of the world.
I get how appealing the actual hardware is, but I feel like the burden of a cabinet really outweighs the benefit of one if it's just going to sit at home. Maybe you should build a Supergun and a bunch of fightsticks. PCB's are still fairly cheap for what they are, since retro-collectors haven't seemed to quite catch wind of them yet. You can get a really cool Neo Geo MVS setup for not that much right now.

>> No.2339596

>and you will never experience that near-superhuman moment when you're on the last stage of a game you've barely played and you manage to pull a 1CC just for the people who have crowded around you
Somehow I thought that in big halls with long rows of candy cabs like in OP pic nobody gives a fuck and you can play calmly. Thanks to reassuring me that it's better to play at home.

>> No.2339604

Really depends on the arcade, but if you're playing something mildly popular, you'll get a line fairly quickly.

>> No.2339607

Not him, but I know what he is talking about and it has a lot to do with the nature of Japan as a place. It is a shame culture and people will make decisions based on how they might be judged by others. There might be no other people in the arcade or one other person by the door but people including yourself if you live there long enough will try their hardest just in case.

>> No.2339608

I've never seen anybody "crowd around" for the typical game, but the fighting games and rhythm games always get crowds. The GGXX cabs at the arcade I always stopped at on the way home from school were set up opposite from each other, so you couldn't see who you were playing against, and I always got the funniest surprised looks from Japanese kids when they'd peer over the cabinet and see they got rekt by a foreigner.

>> No.2339609

I predict that someone will link a certain article within twenty posts.

>> No.2339610

Shmups, especially bullet hell games, will get crowds if you're good enough.
I really like the back-to-back cabinet setup for fighting games. It prevents lazy American techniques like hand-reading, and more importantly, it makes the whole experience a lot more immersive and exhilarating. There's a big difference between seeing Johnny Loser next to you and knowing that you're playing against him and simply knowing that you're playing against an exceptionally good Fei Long and possibly never finding out about Johnny Loser himself.

>> No.2339613

Anyone who does a good Colossus yell is a true friend, and ally.


>> No.2339617

Hello? Any more stick builders here? I would go to /trv/ or /jp/ if I wanted to hear about how great Japan is.

>> No.2339620

Korean parts are good if you're Korean or really big into Tekken. Not much else I can say. They might be more comfortable if you like American parts but are aware of the fact that they are terrible for everything. I would suggest just trying to get used to Sanwa/Seimitsu bits.

>> No.2339672

What are some fun games to 1cc?

>> No.2339696

Donkey Kong
Dig Dug

>> No.2339697

Any fun arcade games.
I've been playing Daiku no Gen-san, aka Hammerin' Harry, lately. It's fun. Go for the Japanese version. All of them have horrible voices in them, but the Japanese voices are slightly less awful.

>> No.2339704

That all depend what you want to play and how.
but as >>2339572 said, you can't go wrong with TAITO HEY if you want a challenge.
I have a boner just thinking about HEY.

Kind of blogging but I was living in taito-ku so i was close to akiba and always stop there when i finish work,
At first i was only going to taito station and club sega and was doing well most of the time.
Then i got inside HEY and it was brutal.
First night I got totally destroyed by a salaryman on HnK.
I also remember I kind of pissed off some people there for doing 1CC,2ALL on shmups like Cyvern Garegga or outzone but i seriously miss that pressure while playing now.
The level of amazing players whatever the genre on that arcade is damn high.
About joystick parts, for Fighting games i tried a Crown 303 and it was complete shit, tried a Fanta and it was kind of comparable as a JLF but the switches were total shit.
For shmups they are all crap.

>> No.2339706

what is you definition of "fun" please.

>> No.2339732

France here, living near Germany. Never had an arcade where I live, sometimes a pinball machine or some no-name arcade cabinet once every 10 bars, and that was somewhere in the mid-90' to early 00'. Now there's some sort of resurgence thanks to the nostalgia, but you'll only find some arcades in the big cities like Paris or Lyon.
Hell, the one located in Metz is just a brunch of consoles and PCs together to play MOBAs, shooters and sport games. Nothing wrong with these games, but come on, don't name your place an arcade if it's only THAT.

My arcade experience is limited to those Sega 3D classics releases on the 3DS and some games on emulators. I really envy those who could experience even getting into shitty arcades as long as they had the time of their lives.

>> No.2339746

Will try it out, the only thing ki emember from that game is LETS GET BUSY.

>> No.2339764

I've lived in Dieppe (shitty place, don't go near it) and I could have more or less guessed that. The pace of French culture wouldn't lend itself well to arcade culture. People there seem to enjoy relaxing after a hard day's work, as opposed to Japan or America where relaxation either does not exist or exists in name only. Even the rowdy youth seems more casual than their foreign counterparts. The mania of Hey Arcade or even Chinatown Fair would seem out of place.
That said, I did like playing pinball on random bars. That was a good time.

>> No.2339780

Yeah and it doesn't help we don't have big cities as much as Japan or America. Making an arcade wouldn't be worth it if you build one in the country anyway, you gotta have a lot of people around there. Sadly, this isn't much the case in France. Population density is rather low anywhere except Paris, Lyon and Marseille basically.

>> No.2339792

>New Yorker doesn't mention Next Level

>> No.2339806

Also, arcades survived so well in Japan because of how strategically they were placed and because of the structure of Japanese cities lending itself well to stopover amusement areas. French cities could never facilitate such a thing.

I live near it. It's not an arcade. It's more similar to those awful MOBA-centric Chinese internet cafés in the area. It's a bunch of total losers in a massive circle jerk and no actual arcade machines. I believe that some of them even live together now -- they call themselves the empire, right? I don't like Chinatown Fair, but I'll take it a million times over Next Level.

>> No.2339814

I thought there was still a healthy arcade culture due to the fighting game community in france, no ?

>> No.2339824

Fighting game communities don't necessitate good arcade culture. There are now quite likely more people in the FGC who learned through playing SF4 on their 360's than people who learned in the arcades.
It's possible that we're both wrong. I only lived in Dieppe, which is in the extreme north of France, comparable to America's deep south. The other guy doesn't seem to live in such an urban area. Maybe we're both oblivious and the French love to 1CC Battle Garrega, but I find that unlikely based on what I know about the place.

>> No.2339828

>cool stories
None here. But I did spend $10 to beat the 2nd Area 51 game. Holy shit the UFO at the end is hard. There were 2 of us and it was still hard.

>> No.2339836

there are a lot of very good SF3/ST players on fightcade (formerly ggpo) that are french too, I always lose to the french

>> No.2339842

There are good players from all over the world on Fightcade. I sincerely doubt that Pakistan has a great arcade culture, and yet some of the best players on the service are Pakistani.

>> No.2339886

will japanese people beat me if I spend more than 1 credit on a game

>> No.2339903

In my city (Rimini, Italy) there is still kind of a disproportionate amount of arcades: my father actually has one, he actually had the luck to open and manage it in the first half of the 80s, when mechanical amusement machines started being phased out for actual videogames and he had two Space Invaders cabinets with two queues starting outside of his premise (not a big feat, it's not a big place at all). When he had to start a family, he had to rent it, which he still does, albeit with some difficulties, mainly because no one wants to manage it nowadays.
Generally speaking, arcades here managed to survive because tourism, which is kind of a thing of the past but it's still present, and most of the remaining arcades being close to pedestrian roads and hotels. Every single one, including ours, had to face the harsh reality that, in order to keep things running, you have to have video pokers and generally gambling machines. It's supremely shitty, it brings terrible patrons, but otherwise you close.
Other than that, since typically clients don't stick around for much, most of the games that remain are designed to be as pick up and play as possible. Most of them light guns (I think my city has probably the highest Ocean Hunter density of the world save for Singapore, like there's eight machines still around and still kicking), cranes, ticket machines and rhythm games. Sometime there's the Japanese novelty an importer from around finds and tries to make popular.

>> No.2339904

Watch out, they all know karate

>> No.2339935

I doubt it, but they'll sigh with relief after you leave.

>> No.2339940

The Japanese are rather non-confrontational, but you will likely be bombarded with passive aggression.

Sounds like most of the west. Sad, but still fascinating in its own way.

>> No.2339954

No. They might sigh loudly and "accidentally" crash their umbrellas into yours on the way out, but it'll all be indirect. That isn't the disadvantage of credit feeding, anyway. The disadvantage is that you are ruining the games for yourself.

>> No.2339970

Here you go.


>> No.2340001

The article is good for explaining arcade games to clueless retards who can't understand even a little bit of etiquette or arcade culture, but we haven't had that many in this thread so far. It's going nicely.

>> No.2340004

There used to be an arcade in Little Tokyo mall on 2nd floor. Now there is this giant tablet game galleria next to the bowling alleys.

>> No.2340006
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>I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Endless arcade centers in Akihabara. I've watched people 1CC Mushihimesama Futari in Ultra Mode with their hands tied behind their back. All those ... moments will be lost in time, like tears...in rain. Time to die.

>> No.2340015

Despite what the above JP guys will tell you, there are good arcade experiences to be had outside of Japan. I'm sure it's great there, but I'm not interested in shmups or the hardcore 1cc playthrough. There's a great retro arcade in Portland called Ground Kontrol which is filled every night with a great mix of wizards and casuals playing a mix of Pac Man, Street Fighter, and pinball. I've heard of similar places in LA and Seattle, I'm sure they exist on the east coast.

It's too bad that arcade culture is a faint shadow of what it was three decades ago, but most of us aren't going to Japan and certainly not just for video games. I'm happy for anyone who is there living the dream, though.

>> No.2340047

Fuck you, I like it.

>> No.2340056

This is a great image.

So do I. It's the best article to be found on the subject. It's just that it usually gets linked when some trailer trash crawls up from /v/ and starts bragging about clearing Mortal Kombat in only fifty credits and has to be put on its place. Surprisingly enough, that hasn't happened yet.

>> No.2340060

There are so many more reasons to go to Japan. It's just a fascinating and beautiful place.
And sure, Barcades are fun, but they aren't really arcades. You could take the games out and put in any other form of entertainment and the essence would remain the same. They aren't what I would call arcade culture - hipster culture, more like.

>> No.2340064
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>reliving a past gone by with Sega 3DS Arcade ports

>really want a Space Harrier and Phantasy Zone cabinet

>> No.2340071

My 1ccs so far.
>Sunset Riders, Contra, Ghouls n Ghosts, Final Fight, Cadillacs and Dinosaurs, Punisher, Shadow over Mystara etc.
What should be next?

>> No.2340079

Yes, people who go out to play video games and have fun are hipsters.

>> No.2340083

>they aren't really arcades
How are they not arcades? Because they're not full of Japanese players 1ccing Dodonpachi? Fuck off.

>> No.2340091

Those require analogue arcade sticks, right?
Too bad. PCB's are cheap now and arcade parts are negligible, but ones with specialized parts might never come down.

>> No.2340096

R-Type and/or the good Metal Slug games.

Have either of you been to a Barcade?
Maybe it's a New York thing, but the people at the ones I've been to use the games the same way that people use Billiards in other bars. They're incidental, and more or less a means of sparking other interaction. There isn't anything wrong with that, and I enjoy Barcades, much like I enjoy bars -- it's just that getting properly immersed in a game is nearly impossible at these places. They're fun, but not really the arcade experience proper.

>> No.2340128

My 1CC list are:
Captain Silver
Contra (hardest setting on MAME)
Double Dragon (hardest settings)
Double Dragon II
Golden Axe (hardest setting)
Midnight Resistance
Super Contra (second hardest with the minimum allowed lives)

>> No.2340136

Someone just recently told me about an arcade near where I live named "Klassic Arcade". I'm always open to going to arcades, but the idea of it just being stuff like the really early classics turns me off. Unless ofcourse they have some early Sega titles. I can only play Space Invaders for so long.

>> No.2340143

$5 all you can play is pretty neat, they have a lot of classic games. Your loss. I'd go for the pinball practice alone, assuming the tables are maintained.

>> No.2340147

I'm not sure why games like Pac-Man, Donkey Kong and Space Invaders are viewed as the height of video games in America. They're fun, but I don't understand the allure that so many people seem to feel. The idea of an arcade full of just those kind of depresses me.

>> No.2340162

Yeah, for that cheap I don't see why not. Not to mention, the factor of them having all of that glass bottle soda sounds dandy.

>> No.2340175 [DELETED] 

I'm not sure how often you guys get this question so I apologize in advance, I did not see an answer in the pastebin.

Is there anything I should avoid when it comes to buying cables? I'm going to get some s-video cables, is there any difference between brands or can I pretty much count on all of them to do the same thing?

>> No.2340403

Arcade UFO's the only chance I've had to play in a compact Japanese-style arcade, just a lot of candy cabs in a converted laundromat. Would have been even better if they had Fantasy Zone operating in one of them.

>> No.2340441

Next Level isn't an Arcade, it's all consoles and card games. More of a LAN Cafe-type thing if nothing else

GK has terrible BO, like it's borderline unbearable on weekends

>> No.2340450
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>> No.2340650

>tried a Fanta
Who made the Fanta? Myoungshin or Taeyoung? If not then don't bother. If so, well, the Koreans love them.

I've got a JLF heavily customised for Tekken. +0.5mm actuator, 2lb spring, normal 200g/2N microswitches because the ones in the JLF PCB are kinda shit for anything but SF games IMO, and a harness to use those last. I've also got a bushing made from clear hose thinned with sandpaper around the thinner half of the actuator, to reduce total throw - you can do that with electrical tape, but you have to change the tape if the stick is used regularly. Worth trying out to see if you like it.

I enjoyed tweaking, and though it means i can't just pick up somebody else's stick and expect it to be the same, mine actually works the way i want. Or almost, because i'd like to try some slightly stronger springs, mb 2.5 or 3lb, but i can't find any.

>> No.2340669
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Pic related is the lower end of the actuator wrapped in tape to see if i liked the way it felt.

>> No.2340679

Taeyoung Fantas are out of production. Myoungshins are better constructed anyway.

>> No.2340684

I play Tekken on an LS-40. It feels just stiff enough for it. Then again, I play Law, so I don't really have that many complex inputs to deal with, as almost all my moves are just tap plus button.

>> No.2340725

Since this is an arcade thread, I might as well ask a question I've been wondering about. What are, if there are any, the legal ramifications of building your own arcade cabinet and letting the public play on it for free, assuming it is loaded with games.
Like lets say I built my own machine, filled it with things like Metal Slug and Shmups, and put it in a college cafeteria.

I don't plan on doing this at all (if I make my own cabinet its never leaving my house) but I was curious just how much trouble it would bring. What if it was for charity or had one of those 'insert an empty can for a credit' systems?

What if I had an arcade cabinet that played indie games that I payed for or games that are free, like Dynablaster or Cave Story?

tl;dr what are the legals problems that would occur by making my own arcade cabinet and let other people play it outside of my home?

>> No.2340734

Technically illegal but you are in no danger of legal trouble at all. There is no one enforcing these laws.

>> No.2340775

So is it illegal with just the roms like Metal Slug and such? Or is there some obscure law somewhere that even if I purchase a game, I can't let other people play it?

Say I had a Cave Story or Stone Soup machine and I charge for plays in some way or form, where does the problem start? With having the machine or making people pay for a game that is free to download on the internet?

>> No.2340784

Most you would get is a "cease and desist" letter (and that sounds worse than it actually is) or someone removing the cabinet for the licensed games.
As long as you ensured the space allows you to set it up there, indie games should be fine. They may have a clause you can't use this for profit, etc, but as the other anon says no one enforces this kind of stuff.
Now god forbid you made your own Jukebox with pirated songs or even worse free public movies.

>> No.2340792

I have a crappy USB controller I want to make into an arcade stick, and the board is easy enough to work with, but I don't know how to solder to the board contacts. Is there a handy guide for doing it right? Preferably with pictures?

>> No.2340805

Technically, it's illegal to do any such thing unless you're using an original PCB. Building your own cabinet without the manufacturer's approval might be in the grey zone for newer games. MAMEcades are technically piracy.
In practice, however, nobody enforces this, because arcade developers and distributors are not putting down pressure even remotely comparable to what the RIAA and MPAA does. For reference, Chinatown Fair, one of the most well-known arcades on the East Coast, has a MAMEcade loaded with roms. They aren't even obscure games. I played a few rounds of Tekken 2 against strangers there, followed by some KoF 2002. Scrolling through the menu, I found many more games by current and prominent devs. If a popular (by American standards) arcade can get away with this, so could you.

You put the wire over the contact and solder on, while making sure it doesn't touch another contact or solder point. That's it.
As for what contact does what, it is very dependent on the controller -- there is no universal design. I would advise you to use a first party console controller to ensure that the PCB is well designed (for minimum lag) and because it's well documented.
This should have everything you need:

>> No.2340850

i'd say using something like this would be easier as there's no soldering if you use a JLF and Sanwa buttons or similar - http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Zero-Delay-USB-Encoder-to-PC-Joystick-For-Arcade-DIY-KIT-Sanwa-Parts-MAME-/201240176618?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_15&hash=item2edad967ea

>> No.2340853

Pretty sure the whole raison d'etre of Chinatown Fair these days is the rhythm games, not the fighting games (or anything else "retro"). The DDR/PIU machines are popular and the Beatmania machine (when it's working) is literally constantly in use.

There are good /vr/ type arcades in the US though, I know of two good big ones in New Hampshire (Pinball Wizard and Fun World), there are probably lots of others.

>> No.2340869

The Heart Of Gaming?

>> No.2340873

Yeah. I haven't been in months though so I'm gonna head down for the 3 Year Anniversary thing next Saturday. They've completely changed the layout.

>> No.2341024

>springs, mb 2.5 or 3lb, but i can't find any
Scratch that, Paradisearcadeshop seem to have fixed their catalogue finally.

>> No.2341048


There's like one new room which houses a few more consoles but otherwise stuff has mostly just been shuffled around.

still a pretty good place to be mind you

>> No.2341084

>microtransactions are bad
>except when arcades do it

>> No.2341092

Can someone explain this more in-depth,please? Do the Japanese dislike people who play a machine more than once?

FWIW I'm an arcade technician in the US and I've never seen anything like that.

>> No.2341094

You can beat an arcade game in one sitting, depending on your skill level
App games have some sort of limiting factor keeping your from playing unless you pay for more playtime.

All other microtransactions I could give less of a fuck about. I'll play entirely using hobo-gold instead of a game's SUPER-PREMIUM-GOLD if I can just keep playing.

Also arcade machines charge from twenty five cents to a dollar for more playtime. Cheapest I've seen was that Crazy Taxi game on the App Market which gave you more fuel for five bucks.

>> No.2341095

I suppose it is because they think you're hogging the machine

>> No.2341096

See >>2339970

You pay to play arcade games. By that logic, paying for any game is bad.

>> No.2341098

>/v/-tier bait
Double Dragon III did it though.

>> No.2341123

Let's post attract modes that have been engraved into our brains.

>> No.2341183
File: 20 KB, 620x350, i-got-next.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss this. "I got next"

>> No.2341202

So coming along next fall, I'll have access to an acrylic-cutting laser. Originally, I was planning to make a bartop cabinet out of wood, but this might change things. What are the advantages of wood versus acrylic?

>> No.2341247

I was thinking, vending machines like the ones that sell junk food and cigarettes are placed randomly at streets, why don't they do the same with arcade gaming machines? or do they do that already?

>> No.2341250

Probably because anyone walking around on the street has a destination and a schedule/timeframe.
It just wouldn't make sense.
Plus, would you want to play games when it's only fucking 4° Celsius?

>> No.2341283

>vending machines like the ones that sell junk food and cigarettes are placed randomly at streets
They are? Where? I've lived in a few west coast cities and never seen that.

>> No.2341284

Arcade games that get beaten in a sitting frequently don't stay around for long. No arcade owner would keep them around, since once the novelty wears off nobody will play them anymore. People have a really romanticized view of the arcades and their games. They are supposed to drain suckers of quarters, and at the same time be satisfying enough to keep them coming.

>> No.2341286

Yeah, or asking someone playing a fighting game "cool if I jump in?" and then promptly getting your ass kicked.

>> No.2341291

People also got stabbed at cyber cafés over CS, yet I you ain't glorifying that. Git gud.

>> No.2341294

whats the cheapest way to make one?

I want an authentic cab, but my friend keeps saying "just put a box on your computer, install MAME, and use a fightstick for the joystick and buttons"

>> No.2341304

The point I was making is that if you're good enough, you can beat an arcade game in one go. I believe the term is 1cc? I'm not an arcade guru since there are none in my town besides the Cruisin' World Tour in one laundry mat and a half busted Metal Slug/Bubble Bobble/KoF/some fucking soccer game - machine.
App games generally have some sort of play limiter that keeps you from just sitting down and playing.
If you die in an arcade game, you generally can just toss in another coin, yeah. But app games don't even have the decency to wait for you to die before asking you to open your wallet. "Oh, you've played five levels. Better wait for at least 20 minutes for another level. You want to keep playing right now? Five dollars, chump."

I can forgive just about every form of microtransaction, even shit that turns some games into F2P P2W, but just let me goddamn play. I'm not here to NOT play games.

>> No.2341332

One of the arcade owners around me got doused with gasoline and almost got lighted by an idiot who got told to get out since he was kicking a video poker machine he was losing at. My father also told me that you would find cliques of bullies and self-appointed good players. Around Ladybug. So yeah, fuck embellishing arcade culture.

>> No.2341334

Every culture has a shit side, it's just that some are more visible.
Like most fandoms.

>> No.2341339

>tfw only arcade near me is a multicade in a barbershop
>tfw the stick is ridiculously stiff
Why must life be so painful

>> No.2341340

is the barber a nice guy at least?

>> No.2341342

Yeah, he's a pretty cool guy.
Plus there's free soda, which is a plus.

>> No.2341390

>free diabetes juice
>decent owner
sounds like a solid 8/10 to me, honestly. I'd hang out there.

>> No.2341393

An arcade recently opened at a mall here in Texas, I took my brother there to show him a real arcade, but it was shit.
Huge ass room, but only like 10 non-ticket feeding machines, and most of them were foot-pedal shooters. Disappointing.

>> No.2341416

Being able to play iidx and sound voltex as much as I want at home is way better than going to an arcade and hoping no one else wants to play the machines when I play. Also it's more expensive. Arcades can be fun but arcade games are better.

>> No.2341427

This is anything but cool

>> No.2341536
File: 100 KB, 864x648, V4HxENT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my arcade stick that I made for my arcade supergun. The lighter wood is a high quality plywood glued together, and the darker one is just walnut. The buttons are Sanwas and the stick is a Semitsu

>> No.2341540
File: 169 KB, 922x692, OGYCHOA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the supergun it attaches to and is made to match the plywood from the arcade stick.

>> No.2341542

What boards you got?

>> No.2341550

I have a Mr.Driller G, Bells and Whistles (Detana!! TwinBee), and an MVS 1-B board. ( Metal Slug 1 X 3), King of fighters (97 98 99), Samurai Shodown, Last Blade 2 and Puzle Bobble.

>> No.2341551

>GK has terrible BO, like it's borderline unbearable on weekends
>a place with a bunch of fat sweaty nerds smells like fat sweaty nerds
Gee willikers, Batman.

>> No.2341570

Way more solid, and way easier to clean.

>> No.2341574

You would think they'd have pretty strong ventilation and stuff to mitigate the nasal assault, I've been there, loved it, went back on a Saturday and Jesus tittyfucking Christ it was unbearable.

Not the original guy that said it but it was gross and I agree fully.

>> No.2342234

Some guy I know gutted out dead astro cabs and stuffed them with Dreamcast. CvS2, Ikaruga, MvC1, Street Fighter III Offline Edition by RDC and Power Quest are frequently played.

>> No.2342242
File: 155 KB, 640x480, ground-kontrol-or.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I go to Ground Kontrol a couple times a month and have never noticed any smell. It's not worse than any other bar, at least. And anyways, they have an awesome collection of games and pinball, so who cares. It's everything you'd want in an arcade.

>> No.2342512

yeah there are gangs of shmup superplayers in japan who will beat up any filthy gaijin they see using continues don't use continues dude

>> No.2342530

Seconding this question; I want to build an arcade cab for my niece and nephew.

>> No.2342945

and how. so much fun.

>> No.2342981

Is that true? I mean how would you beat something like Mortal Kombat it usually takes me at least 20 tries to pass goro and I'm really good

>> No.2342992

are you powering this off ATX?

not sure that's the best idea.

>> No.2343012

Mortal Kombat (2) single-player is about exploting enemy AI, it doesn't matter if you are a good player, the AI is a cheap piece of shit, you require exploits to 1cc.

>> No.2343036


The AI in MK arcade games isn't just cheap, it straight up cheats.
>fuck the projectile animation, I'ma leave it hanging when I read your inputs and throw you anyway

>> No.2343074

I like arcades but damn, Midway and Konami were a bunch of faggots sometimes.

>> No.2343083

Anyone remember Strike Force? It was like Defender with lizard gibs flying all over the place.

>> No.2343153
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>ash trays on the control panel of the arcade machine
>smoking next to arcade machines
Motherfucker, WHY?

>> No.2343156



>> No.2343203

in Japan and Asia in general you can still smoke indoors, pretty much anywhere

this includes arcades. the worst part of finally making it to HEY in Akiba is the pain of your eyes burning when the smoke starts to get to you after 15-20 minutes

>> No.2343540

How young are you?

This whole anti smoking thing didnt start until mid 90s. I remember in the late 80s seeing benched football players fucking smoking on field.

>> No.2343541
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Do you mean the large connector in the picture? That's the Jamma connector, the standard wiring harness for a lot of arcade games. I actually power it with a large brick power supply that puts out different voltages.

This is my current related project. I'm consoling a MVS-1c board, the design meant to go with the supergun I have. There's going to be large black acrylic or ABS panels on the front and back with all the connectors I need. It reminds me of a 1970's stereo.

>> No.2343552


>He doesn't smoke like a chimney or two

>> No.2343560
File: 14 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not exactly at an arcade, but still..

>coming out of Mortal Kombat, super hype because it was so awesome.
>friends go to use the washroom, I decide to kill time waiting on the MK2 machine
>just as I put my quarter in, some other dude comes and challenges
>I take Mileena, he takes Liu Kang
>nervous cause I've only really played at home and suck with stick contols
>teleport kicks, ball rolls and air sai throws all over the place.
>first round, get a Flawless Victory on him.
>second round, he finally gets a hit in.
>turn and say, "You ruined my flawless!"
>he glares back
>beat him and he starts waking away immediately
>some little kid, probably his brother says " wait, look!"
>Mileena eating fatality

>> No.2344114

What do you fags think about the Simpsons Arcade Game?

>> No.2344121
File: 38 KB, 400x445, machine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear that before I die, I'll have to get a pair of Cyber Sled machines. That game is my childhood. I hate that game is basically unemulatable in MAME, but at least the the PS1 port is still fun.

>> No.2344138

Mediocre as far as arcade beat-'em-ups are concerned, but better than the Acclaim crap on consoles.

>> No.2344143

Fun with a few players, but the epitome of a quarter muncher. The bosses are just straight up damage sponges designed to waste money.

>> No.2344148

I got to play this game exactly once in my life. I would kill to be able to do it at least once more.

>> No.2344240

Good presentation, mediocre gameplay. It's fun with friends and MAME i guess, but not fun at all if you are using credits in an actual arcade.

>> No.2344349

>How young are you?
My age doesn't have to do anything with it. I guess you didn't get it. I don't care about the health of the people who smoke. They can do whatever they want. However, smoke damages electronics, so it's not nice to smoke next to arcade machines, especially if we want to preserve them.

>> No.2345028

Any stories from places that aren't arcades per-se?

>Every sunday after church.
>This general store near the house of our lord.
>Has like 9 or 10 arcade cabs.
>Spend ONLY a quarter in a random game.
>You lose you go back to home.
>Eventually get to 1cc Metal Slug, 2 & X.
>Suddenly Game boy color and Pokeyman Blue.
>Stop spending my quarters in that magical place.
>Returned to that place last month.
>The store is just like I remember it, but it only has one machine.
>MAME cabinet, has pretty much all the pre-2004 NeoGeo library.
>Play Viewpoint just so the lady on the counter gets to hear this sick tunes.


Fuck, my back was killing me after I left the place, I guess I'm too tall to play like that.

>> No.2345227

fond memories of playing this at elementary school events at the skating rink. in retrospect, a very cheap and greedy game

>> No.2345708

Similar story about MK2

>5 years old or so
>brother would take me to the arcade with him
>he would whoop people at MK2; literally a line of people challenging him
>one kid starts taunting him "I'll whoop your ass" etc
>brother laughs "You couldn't even beat my little brother"
>when it's that kid's turn, my brother has me play
>I end up standing on a box to reach the controls
>little did they know that me and my brother played the SNES version constantly
>I pick sub zero
>double flawless and finish with an ice grenade fatality
>everyone is kind of stunned after seeing such a little kid do that
>brother just laughs

>> No.2346354

I just happen to be in Tokyo at the moment. Thanks for the tip!

I can give impressions later on or somehing.

>> No.2346510

Adapt it into a book.

10/10 I giggled like a schoolgirl

>> No.2346876

learn to lie on the internet anon.
No 5yo brat can adapt from playing with a pad to an arcade panel on the fly.
>inb4 "i..i...was playing with a super advantage at home!"
yeah no fucking teenager would give that controller to a 5yo kid.

>> No.2347045

Just spammed bombs to manage a 1-ALL in Dodonpachi, and accidentally met the second loop requirements by somehow getting a chain of 385 at some point.

How is the second loop even supposed to be possible? Some of the patterns seemed plausble, but Hibachi alone required feeding something like 50 credits, and would require surviving 5 minutes against insane patterns. Maybe bullet hell games aren't for me.

>> No.2347170 [DELETED] 

ITT: Discussion drifts further and further away from retro gaming in favor of weeaboo circle jerking over GLORIOUS NIPPON ARCADES UGUU~~~

>> No.2347205

I dunno man. MK is pretty straight forward and the moves were designed to be easy to pull off. My mom, who was in her 50's back when MK was big loved it. Mostly we'd play on Genesis, but she would do a few rounds if I was playing at the mall when she was done shopping and even she beat people a few times.

Now shes in her 70's and has almost 1500 hours in Animal Crossing New Leaf. My mom rocks.

>> No.2347369


We could speak about european arcades.

"14 year olds pretending to be hot shit and smoking already, edge off the charts"

There, euro-arcades for you.

>> No.2347374

You have a cool mom anon.

But My Grandma was way more cooler.
She played video games with me from the Master system to Dreamcast (until her death).
She spend a considerable time with me translating Phantasy star 2 and 4 cause the games were in English only here.
She got more then 80 stars on M64 save.
For her the only console that could show real good graphics was Dreamcast talking about the sand and beach on Sonic adventure the day we boot it.
she manned Dudley on 3rd strike and could even parry fireballs at some point.

But all this have nothing to do with my post, playing with a joystick need an adaptation time.
Pressing buttons with all your fingers is not like playing with your thumb, same for a joystick it day and night to pull a move with it than a Dpad.

>> No.2347421

Yeah your grandma sounds like she was freaking awesome. Sorry she's not with you anymore.

I tend to lean on giving people's stories the benefit of the doubt around here. You have to be pretty weird to make up a story that you're only telling to strangers who will never even know who you are.

Also I think of my mom being able to make the transition from pad to stick without too much trouble. She wasn't great obviously, but knew enough to beat a few random shitters and she usually used Mileena who has super easy moves. I wouldn't be totally surprised if a kid could to it too.

>> No.2347556
File: 30 KB, 640x480, giant-robo-ova-7-robos-tears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what is sad and ironic anon ?
Everything i said about my Grandma was true.

>> No.2347558

That's not ironic at all, but it is sad. Me talking about my mom was true too. I called her just to say hi after your post.

>> No.2348115

Speaking of the HoG, I'm planning to hit it up at opening on Saturday then spend the night there.

Anyone else thinking of heading for the 3 year bash?

>> No.2348414

Building an arcade stick into a Radioshack ABS Project Box right now. Should I house the PCB inside or wire up a DB-15 connector and hook up PCB's externally?

>> No.2348569

PCB inside for that nice, clean 1-wire look
That is, if you're using an IPAC or similar.

>> No.2348630

>not playing this
You are doing it wrong.


>> No.2348762

I'm just going off of what I remember.

Everyone was pretty much speechless afterward, and I distinctly remember my brother saying:
>"What other little kid do you know could do that?"

I'm not even big into fighting games, but back then when all we had was a SNES the only 2 player games we had were Zombies Ate my Neighbors and MK2, so we played MK2 pretty much everyday. IIRC, my brother stole magazines from Blockbuster that had lists of Fatalities on the last page or something. I remember being amazed how he somehow knew all the fatalities; I had to beg him to show me some of them.

Anyway, it's a true story and one of my earliest memories of playing video games. I never was able to stick with fighting games though, which is unfortunate because practically everyone I work with is into that shit.

>> No.2348774

What would the perfect arcade involve, realistically speaking? Not just games, but also atmosphere (furnishings/lighting/etc) and what not?

>Muh blacklights and neon carpet

>> No.2348791

Arcades need variety. Events, variable atmosphere, and friendly, responsive staff.

I used to work as a tech at one of the largest arcades in North America. 275 games when I left (500+ player stations), and one thing I hated the most was the lighting and the sound. It was always fucking dimly lit, and the sound was oppressively loud in some spots. This is meant to create the same feeling as being in a casino, but it was just torture. Arcades need to have good lighting on some days, dim lighting on others. And yes, even black lighting occasionally. Arcades shouldn't remain static, they need to be change and update frequently.

I always wanted the arcade floor to have special promotional days.
Blackout days - Black lights only, wear white/neon clothes!
Quiet days - Sound turned low on all games, no house music!
Full lighting days - Game lighting and maintenance lighting all 100%, windows open!

These are just some stuff that I wish we did, but it could never happen for various reasons.

Although, to be honest, the absolutely most critical part of running an arcade is cleanliness. Dirty games look terrible, smell terrible, and are more likely to have errors. Cabinets need to be vacuumed, floors need to be scrubbed, monitors need to be wiped down. The problem is only technicians really know (or should know) how to properly maintenance a game, and none of us want to clean games all day long.

>> No.2348946

Cthulhu. My only concern is that it's not PS4 compatible and such. Besides, if I wire it up to a DB15 connector, I can use it with a Neo Geo. Dilemma.

>> No.2349335
File: 24 KB, 499x499, 0e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saved tons of money these past few months
>have bux
>"oh i guess i can get something like an arcade board to supergun or something? uhh i hope i can afford it"
>almost mint Cosmic Smash NAOMI cabinet pops up near me
>370 bucks shipped

my life is suddenly very good

i just wish someday to get a jamma candy cab like an egret or an astro city though, those would be the tits

>> No.2350506

Are push buttons or screw buttons better?

>> No.2350539

This. The arcade close to my home growing up was a shithole. I shudder to think how many layers of dried sweat and saliva the DDR machine was caked in

>> No.2351662
File: 403 KB, 1600x1200, Japan 2003 - 018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took this picture in 2003 in Shinjuku if I remember right.

the white guy in the front was a seller called Silberstein.

also managed to play 3rd Strike against several top calls Japanese players.

>> No.2351784
File: 55 KB, 641x425, 3rdworldarcade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2351794

If everything wasn't so dusty this would be a pretty sweet setup

>> No.2351796

Oy vey!

>> No.2352107

that actually looks really cozy. I like the rough wood look and I have a soft-spot for abandoned-looking grunge.

>> No.2352118

I have a Logitech Attack 3 joystick. If I wanted to emulate some arcade games would I be able to use that?

>> No.2352140

Hell no. I've tried and it's the worst thing I have ever done in my life.

>> No.2352142


Well Christ. How hard is it to make one of those controllers with the joystick and buttons? Would I be better off buying one?

>> No.2352198

why did arcades die out? I can see the ones focusing on video games not doing so well but shit what else do people do when they hang out? I remember in my town all people ever did aside from going out to eat or hanging out at their house was go to tim hortons or wander around the mall. An arcade would have been popular as shit there.

>> No.2352207

It's not that hard. There's probably guides somewhere to get you started. Once you have all the stuff you could probably build it in a day if you don't use glue or paint.

>> No.2352423

Can someone help me remember the name of a game? Light gun shooter, your character is on a helicopter, the gun is a big machine gun with autofire, and the graphics are 3D, like HotD or that Jurassic Park one.

>> No.2352445
File: 186 KB, 850x1200, 328bc8b57a925c3682728da143f7d8f1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would be Gunblade NY

>> No.2352448

Thanks a lot.

>> No.2352483

Any Canadafags been to the Playdium?
What's it like?

>> No.2352514

wasn't the sequel LA machine guns? i played that all the time at my local arcade.

>> No.2352535

Yep, there was a wii disc that had them both. Gunblade also works nicely on the Model 2 emulator, even on my shit computer.

>> No.2352546

I could eventually get through the first three stages on one credit. Best thing about that game was being able to shoot other objects in the environment to keep the combo meter going. That mine level is a motherfucker though.

>> No.2354098


>> No.2354473

Do any of you actually own an arcade machine? I'm looking at one and would like to know any warning to be had before I pull the trigger.

It's mame based, has a crt hantarex polo monitor. Sanwa sticks and buttans.

>> No.2354676

>tfw /v/ had an actual arcade thread just now and was better than this one.

>> No.2354690

>It's mame based, has a crt hantarex polo monitor. Sanwa sticks and buttans.

Why going through the troubles of having a real cabinet while still having the problems you get for using MAME?

>> No.2354714

My mom had the Mappy theme set as her cell ring tone when I'm calling. Apparently she found it by herself on the internet. This was back before smartphones was a thing, mid 00s or so, so it was a midi tune.

>> No.2354717


What do you suggest then? Supergun based? Importing an actual modern arcade machine? (yah, that wouldn't be very retro)

>> No.2354726

I'm currently having some Seimitsu parts ordered for my Saturn hss-0136 stick. PS-15 and LS-56-01. I was thinking getting Sanwa stuff, but then the stick might have needed additional work to fit in.
In retrospect, maybe I should've gotten sanwa buttons, since I hear they require less force to press. I only found out later on that the controller board is connected to the rest of the logic through a ribbon cable, so the size of the buttons would not have been an issue (that's why I went for the PS-15 to begin with).

I'm currently trying to decide whether to leave it as a Saturn pad only, or to cannibalize my spare X360 wired pad, and make the stick work with both Saturn and PC.

>> No.2354747


Check for a cheap Jamma-based arcade PCB, and build one from scratch. there are countless tutorials online on how to make a supergun and/or a cabinet, and if you put enough work, it'll come as something pretty good looking.

>> No.2354765

one just opened in my town

>> No.2354772

Just get one of those saturn to usb controller adapters, then you can use it on both saturn and pc.

>> No.2354783

Neither Sanwa nor Seimitsu buttons are anywhere near American ones in terms of actuation force. Chill.
Also, why don't you just carry signals out to a DB15, so if you decide to get a PC/multi PCB later, you can do that externally, but just use it as a Saturn pad for now?

>> No.2354784

Lag, yo. PSX is the only console that has decent minimum-lag converters, from what I've seen and heard.

>> No.2354793

Havn't noticed any with my mayflash adapter. There's others on the market though, like this one:

>> No.2354808

I wanted that one because it seems to be the only one that will recognize the 3D pad's shoulder buttons as analogue. But I was too cheap and got the mayflash adapter instead.

>> No.2354809

I'm guessing an adapter this cheap would lag for a full second and break within a day. Anyone know if this is true? $3.99 is just too tempting

>> No.2354820

I have one of those, it works fine with rumble and everything.

>> No.2354827

No lag either? I think I'll get it.

>> No.2354831


Let's assume I wanted an arcade machine not with just old machines but also with newer stuff like Taito Type X, Atomiswave, Naomi, M2 and Dreamcast, would it be then sane enough to use the pc approach?

>> No.2354834

How hardcore are you? I'm no super fighting game player that depends on 0 lag so maybe there might be and I haven't noticed it.

>> No.2354837

>Taito Type X
Is a PC.

Is very slightly modified JAMMA

Can be converted to JAMMA

Can be converted to JAMMA

Is a console

The point of building a personal cab is accuracy. Go for JAMMA.

>> No.2354843

Nah, just as long as it's not noticeable.

>> No.2354852

Something I thought I should mention, it works fine without any drivers. However for rumble support you need to use their supplied driver.

>> No.2354853

>The point of building a personal cab is accuracy

No, that's nonsense, the point for me is playing in a cab, only "accuracy" I would care about is button layout and aspect ratio for vertical games.

>> No.2354858

>giant tablet game galleria


how does that even work

>> No.2354864

Probably no rumble for me then, because I doubt they have drivers for Linux. Then again, the built-in drivers give me rumble for the Gamecube Mayflash adapter and this looks like a clone of the PS Mayflash so idk.

>> No.2355626

If you could import 1 game to a cabinet, what would it be?
I would put Risk of Rain on a cabinet- it's styled a lot like an arcade game.

>> No.2355771
File: 212 KB, 300x600, happykacho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you talking about the place Arino went to? I went there one time before they closed, they had Typing of the Dead, lots of fun.

>> No.2355837

Experience is only as creditable as how it's interpreted.

>> No.2355912

>you will never be the very best in the world at any arcade game, ever

>> No.2356410

they are best korean behind a proxy

>> No.2356423

Marvel vs Capcom

This was the one arcade game that kept me from going insane when I went with my dad to Mexico in 7th grade for a month. When we arrived there I found out he had a wife and kids down there. I spoke no Spanish, so it was very strange. The only person I had to talk to for a month was my dad. We would go to the mall a lot, though, and they had a Marvel vs Capcom machine there so I would play it for hours.

Still my favorite fighting game ever.

>> No.2356792


Arcade infinity? I got a chance to go there while on vacation, lots of cool shit. Saw the most insane pop n music player ever. That typing of the dead blew my mind

>> No.2356829

>North korea
>Best Korea

>The Jew vermin Stalin and Kim Il Sung had close connections to each other, and the former helped the latter to instate communism in The northern Regions of the Korean Peninsula.

>North Korea has a substantial number of starving citizens. as well as most stores being forbidden by national law to sell anything on certain days of the month.
>North Korea jails people who watch Just about any Western-made movie.

>Many parts of the country are filled with child beggars

>Nearly everything is owned by the Federal Gov't.


>> No.2357462

Favorite arcades /vr/? my top 5 so far.

Ghouls 'n Ghosts
Sunset Riders
Final Fight
Tie between VIolent Storm and Cadillacs.

>> No.2357468

Final Fight
Crazy Taxi

>> No.2357474

lies, all lies

>> No.2357492

No, Arino went a place called Japan Arcade, unfortunately both it and Infinity are gone.

>> No.2357986

I use the crown 303 in the madkatz ke, I like it and play capcom and snk games pretty regularly

>> No.2359471


>> No.2359480

I'm going to assume you never actually went to an arcade, and/or are too young to actually have been to an arcade.

Why? Because you just squalked off the same three things that you read online every now and then that were false when they were stated, and are just as false now.

Most arcades were perfectly fine, gang violence was only a thing in (surprise) the shithole known as California. I say this and I live in Philadelphia which is a shithole too and is filled with retard delinquents.

>> No.2359506


I spent most of my child hood and teenage years in arcades.

I am a minority that lives and grew up in the hood.

I had beef with this cheap nigga at cvs2, he kept doing that HP with Haohmaoru.

fuck you cracka, fuck you for doubting my childhood.

>> No.2360167
File: 28 KB, 256x341, AirGallet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I suck or is the hitbox too big in this game? I don't know why but there is something that just feels off about it whenever I play it compared to other shmups.

>> No.2360268

Keep denying it, Juche slime.

>> No.2360286

>is the hitbox too big in this game?

There's no hitbox that are too big, it just means you need to git gud.

>> No.2360597

If game has a big hitbox then it means its all about that maneuvering .

>> No.2362235

Laserdisc games on mame besides Drason's lair 1 and 2, anyone? Would appreciate it if someone gave at least 2 examples.

>> No.2362309
File: 188 KB, 1200x1600, Picture0423151445_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I just lucked into a free SFII Champion Edition cabinet whose only problem is a monitor with vertical collapse (only displays a horizontal line). With any luck, I should be able to fix this with some solder, but I've never soldered anything before. I understand the basics, but does anyone have any pointers for what I should be looking for on the board or mistakes to avoid making?

>> No.2362331


Before soldering anything that has to do with a CRT, I'd advise you to start practicing on something else first, and then learn the basic CRT safety procedures (how to discharge those 25kV from the tube, how to disconnect the flyback transformer or the driver board).
Anyway, go for it anon, this kind of problems can be solved at really low expenses.

>> No.2362363

Road Blaster

>> No.2364336
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Pic related.

>> No.2364378

>>2362363 and Time Gal

>> No.2364609

Space Ace

>> No.2367267


>> No.2367301

Does anyone remember Virtual On arcade boxes? Or Time Crisis 2?

>> No.2367794

Airgallet is old school to the core wih some rare short patterns close to denmaku. there is no room for improvising.
Pro tip : if you grab the S weapon reset your game.

>> No.2369715

Yup. Time Crisis ain't too hard to find, but Virtual On is getting tough.

>> No.2369761

>Street Fighter 2 at local laundromat
>Few teens I know from neighborhood playing
>Not too shabby
>Place quarter on screen edge
>Looks of confusion my way
>Have to explain I'm calling next
>mfw this generation

>> No.2369819

Wait, what? People don't know what that means anymore?

>> No.2369821

I did this to some 12 year old at an arcade I know, and he just said
>I guess that means you're next
>well good luck, this one is pretty hard
nice kid

>> No.2369859
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They were looking at me like I didn't know where the coin slot was.

>> No.2369891

I've seen kids who didn't know where the start button on a pinball machine was or how to launch a ball.

>> No.2369951

You mean you have to use your hands?
That's like a baby's toy

>> No.2369980

Metal Slug 3
Time Crisis 2
Dig Dug
Spy Hunter
Maximum Force, specifically while dual wielding.

I miss arcades and it hurts daily.

>> No.2370002

>you are now aware BTTF2's future was set in 2015
>you are now aware BTTF is 30 years old

>> No.2370078

this morning i woke up and had an epiphany,
i want to own and run my own arcade.
all the games will be on freeplay and all you have to do is pay 5 or 10 bucks at the door.
we'll sell old cheap games, t-shirts and drinks.
every friday will be fight night.
every saturday will be race night.
crts and retro vidya will be set up with the cabinates and you can rent games at the counter.
there will be crappy carpet.
the lights will be dim.
no food or gum.
why cant we all just follow our dreams?

>> No.2370145
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>> No.2370176

>You are now aware that the Cubs are going to win the- yeah, no

>> No.2370212

But you can, anon.
You just have to become a millionaire first so you can take the financial burden.

>> No.2370428

how does someone even go about starting an arcade?
it's just way to much money

>> No.2370454

Maybe if you ran a casino on the side you'd stay afloat

>> No.2370481

Pffft. You can be social at home. You ever hear of friends?

>> No.2371012

don't do they freeplay cover charge model, or at least give people the OPTION to just use quarters. I don't go to galloping ghost because I don't want to pay 15 dollars to play shit I have on mame. but if it were only 25 or 50 cents per credit I could justify hanging out and playing third strike and last blade, waiting for challengers

>> No.2371021


Congratulations, you just set up The Heart of Gaming! Is your name Mark, by any chance?

>> No.2371109

>wanting to be able to ride a goddamn bike into my old age

Exercise is way better than smoking, Anon.

>> No.2371909

Nope that aint me, I live in Ireland there are probably 2 arcades in the entire country, but I just have an urge to do it, I know my friends would help out with running the place and shit, and i could probably set up a handfull of mame cabs myself,and where i live is boring af so as long as i keep prices low i could stay afloat.i don't want to do this, I need to do this.

>> No.2372987

Should I just be a fag and make a MAME machine
after I make my bartop Picade that is

>> No.2373403
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I'm hoping to make my entire house my own private arcade. Working on aquiring as many cabs as possible.

>> No.2373628

I was two times on vacation in Italy in the 80s. One time in Rimini and was blown away by the many arcades and realized how much better the original arcade games were than the homecomputer conversions. Spent most of the time strolling through the city near the beach looking for arcades. Good times. I found most of the games in the MAME set and it looks like they had a few bootlegs there which are not properly emulated. Spain was also good for arcades.

>> No.2373636

Looks pretty slick. I would totally do this once I get my own place. Problem is, its damn hard to find arcades here (northern canada) and shipping is a bitch for a cab.

>> No.2373754

Who's mark?

>> No.2373809

I actually live in north western ontario canada. Ive had to watch very closely if arcades ever appear on sale and I don't hesitate to snatch them up. My first cabs were 3 sega new astro city candy cabs which cost me a fortune to ship from B.C.. They are still my best arcade investment to date. Recently in the past year I've been lucky to grab quite a few cabs locally. I now have Mortal kombat 2, Street Fighter 2, House of the dead 2, Terminator 2, Smash tv(I will be converting this cab back to its original mario bros), and in the garage im currently restoring a 4 player TMNT, Street fighter 3, Virtua Fighter, and Killer Instinct. I had a 2 player driving cab sega outrunners being delivered last week but sadly it was in a car accident and destroyed in route.

>> No.2373932

In Michigan? I've been there. Great for pinball and a handful of neat oddities but mostly it's the normal "Pac-man, Donkey Kong, Burger Time" lineup. It's a fun place to take the kids.

>> No.2374471

Where do I go for a "proper" arcade experience?

I wanna get into this.

>> No.2374482

I've heard. The guy who gave me the business card said he took his son there and they had a blast. Might have been because they have all of this neat soda though.

And define oddities.

>> No.2374497

The 90's.

>> No.2374610

Depends where you live.
>inb4 that GRORIOUS NIPPON fag comes back with his claims that there are no real arcades outside of Japan

>> No.2374624
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sega pls

>> No.2374625

Arcade culture is dead elsewhere.

>> No.2374635

Let me use this thread for a minute, since I don't really think this deserves its own thread.

I'm trying to set up MAME, but I can't seem to figure it out. The documentation doesn't really help much either, as things simply don't seem to work like they should according to the website.

Anyone have a handy guide somewhere to walk me through this? I'd appreciate any front end recommendations as well.

>> No.2374716

South Florida

>> No.2374732

>I don't go to galloping ghost because I don't want to pay 15 dollars to play shit I have on mame
>Not wanting to play arcade games on the original hardware

>> No.2374737

How do I get there?

>> No.2374756

Blacklights, LSD, and your old CD collection.

>> No.2374914

because you are broke and don't know what you're doing

>> No.2375394

Is there any recommended cabinet building guides?

I've got the time, cash, and space to potentially build two if needs be since I'm guessing they've got be kinda specialised due to the control schemes - and I'd like to be able to play a good split of shooting/fighting/racing/general classic games on them.

>> No.2375435

>Is there any recommended cabinet building guides?
No. Nobody in the entire world has ever made one. And even if there was, there's certainly not such a thing as a search engine that would let you find it anyway.

>> No.2375451

I was wondering if there were any that /vr/ in particular recommends. I can find hundreds by googling, but I've no fucking clue if they actually churn out decent end results or if there's flaws to them that I wouldn't personally recognise - like recommending a shitty screen or pad.

>> No.2376145

Whats a good game for a beginner to 1cc?

>> No.2376148

Golden Axe, use jump+slash a lot when you are in problems.
Also Double Dragon.

>> No.2376159

Thanks for the quick response!

I've been trying Ghosts n Goblins for a few days and it seems really difficult.

>> No.2376160


Double Dragon without a doubt, just elbow the fuckers.

>> No.2376168

And when using MAME, in order to make sure I have the controls mapped correctly I just look them up right?

There isnt an easier way?

>> No.2376172

Ghosts n' Goblins is hard as shit, but Ghouls 'n Ghosts is much more accessible to 1cc and fun as fuck to play.

>> No.2376178

Congrats, you have successfully been unhelpful. Your white noise post is noted and appreciated.

>> No.2376189

>more accessible to 1cc
So its easier? I'll try that then

>> No.2376209

Yes, it's a lot easier, but still a challenge, especially if you are new to the game.

>> No.2376426

I add two other brawlers: Denjin Makai II with Skullbyule, and Shadow over Mystara with Cleric.

>> No.2376521
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Guy in the P1 spot uses a cheat to play as final boss. You randomselect and get the loli. You kick his ass. Everybody laughs at him.

>> No.2378235


>> No.2378273

I hope you did the dance too.

>> No.2380454


>> No.2382154

Imagine if Defender never existed

>> No.2382460

Sooo you guys heard of New Retro Arcade? It's this thing for the oculus rift that creates a virtual arcade using roms and such.

Seems pretty fun and very nostalgicly fueled. Lots of machines to use and a few other side things, like a bowling lane, darts, and a basketball thing. Also cassettes and a boombox.

>> No.2382685

grew up on that, feels gud

>> No.2382696

Running in them

>> No.2382701

So much of these arcade memories are "tears in rain" kind of stuff. So much lost to time. I had a similar experience recently reading about peoples' time with Star Wars Galaxies.

I remember arcades drying up around the early 2000s here. Shame too. Neo Geo cabinets used to be really common in pubs. I remember Virtua Striker 2 used to be everywhere, and some lasertag place had an MVS with Waku Waku 7 of all things on it.

>> No.2382721

I heared of it in a arcade thread on /v/ last week, but i don't have my rift with me to try it out.

>> No.2382725

Be 10 year old
Fucking Robocop 2 in a bar!
Play like a madman
Get so gud I get to the final boss without a sweat every time
Can't beat it because the operator was the kind of guy that doesn't install a 3rd button so you can actually jump.

And that's how I never 1ccd Robocop 2 at a very tender age.

Fun Fact: People actually believed the game never had a jump button.

>> No.2384776
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I remember Cherry's KWJ switches were discontinued. They were really good for pushbuttons as they were softer than D4
I do keep seeing mentions of the switches in various places like ZF site.
Is there the slighted chance the switches are still manufactured?

>> No.2384798

>grow up in the last ages of arcades
>get to enjoy classic games and pins as a kid, but watch them close down and die as i age
>people are just throwing these glorious machines away or selling them for almost nothing!
>just a kid, no money or space to snatch these up
>get older, go to school, finally get money and place of my own
>check the arcade market
>it's either collectors who won't let go (who could blame em?), or retards saying VINTAGE, RARE JOUST $6995 OBO

fuuuuuccccck i missed the golden age of collecting

>> No.2386323

Matsushita stops making AM series microswitches.
Seimitsu either goes bankrupt or switches to other manufacturer

>> No.2386435

Just got a pink Namco light gun in the mail.

Now I wish I picked up that copy of GunBullet I saw on eBay for 50 bucks the other week.

I was planning on taking it apart and wiring it into a G-con2, but closer examination shows that the 6 pin connector on the end can easily be wired up to a control board, all I have to do is get a standard 6 pin connector, shave the edges, and run the whole thing as stock. Which is pretty nice, if I ever wind up buying some real hardware I can still use it.

>> No.2386440

>all modern arcades are "barcades"

>> No.2389283

Imagine if there were sex-arcade games where there would be a fake pussy and ass as the controller
What a world that would be

>> No.2389328

there would be a lot of stds

>> No.2389906

Self-cleaning. Drains out the cum and then sanitizes.

>> No.2392609

I want to be fucked while playing galaga

>> No.2392614

This is a good thing, in my book. Drinks and no dumb fucking teenagers.

>> No.2392637
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I had a few lame ones.
>arcade in a random brazil bakery
>me and my friend skipping school to play king of fighters 98
>a small boy, around 10 years old comes
>shabby clothes, flip flops, almost a street rat
>he puts a coin in
>beats us up
>my friend getting salty
>screams to the boy
>slaps the back of the neck of the boy
>the boy screams: BROOO
>his brother was a basketball tall-ish thug wearing a trucker cap and hip hop clothes
>his brother says to us
>me and my friend being 2 pussies start to sweat
>his brother goes to the counter buy some cigarrettes and sodas
>we legged away like 2 pussies and never passed near that bakery for years

For some reason, remembering the sound of my friend slapping the back of the neck of that boy always makes me laugh

>> No.2393094


For the Type X I would advice against using a PC or do a ton of research since it can be a pain in the ass to get the right hardware config going to get some games working. It's easier to find a cheap used Type X 2 and depending on the route you want to go getting an hdd that has most the type x and type x2 games on it.

For Atomiswave I haven't ran across many games that use the 5th button. I think out of all the games I own only Fist of the North Star uses it from the top of my head.

Dreamcast can be handled in 2 ways. Getting a jamma adapter for it like the mgdc (there might be something newer) or getting one of the flash car/sd card read things for the Naomi gd-rom that you can load up with any Naomi or Dreamcast game.

>> No.2393095

a-are you a-a gril?

>> No.2393507

I am a George Foreman grill.
i'll make it sizzle :^)

>> No.2393512

King of Fighters XI uses the 5th button, but only for knock down moves and super desperation moves.

>> No.2393525

More like "No dumb kids to idle around and pretend to play a game, or waste their parents money sucking at the game"

Anyone else experience shit like this?

>> No.2393554

Rumble Fish also uses the 5th button. Many fighting games use it.

>> No.2393579

Interesting. I should try to plug it in more often. I mainly only play Metal Slug and Dolphin Blue on the AW. Some of my friends will want to play FotNS on rare occasion.

>> No.2395031

There's a good place in Greensboro, NC called Lost Ark. Retro consoles for sale in the front, classic arcade in the back.

>> No.2395069

>or waste their parents money sucking at the game"

Thats what really brings in the bux though to a arcade some dumb kid who credit feeds every game in the arcade.

>> No.2396204

I remember one time in an arcade recently, one girl put a credit into Tekken 5, pressed start and just left the cabinet for no reason, she wasn't even tall enough to reach the buttons

That day, I played a free game of Tekken 5

>> No.2398123

Sexual galaga

>> No.2398184

What if he's... "the chosen one?" Like in The Last Starfighter.

>> No.2399116

Anyone else pissed off seeing these new "Amusement centers" which are literally just store spaces with crane games and shit like that? I swear, that shit should be banned, nothing but scams.

>> No.2399128

I have a custom arcade stick I need to make a template for, I was going to just take the buttons out, trace the holes, and scan it and then vector the scan so I could make art for it.

Is there a better way to do it? It's got custom dimensions that there aren't really premade templates for.

>> No.2399270

No contact info, 0/10

>> No.2399316
File: 143 KB, 1024x767, coolridercab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the most rare/uncommon game you've ever seen at an arcade? The main arcade at Cedar Point had two of pic related, great game.

>> No.2399317

most sega cabs will fit into that criteria!

>> No.2399329

When did Cedar Point have two Cool Riders cabs?! Had no idea they even got distributed outside Japan, must be a Virtual-On Cyber Troopers scenario.

>> No.2399349
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There actually was a dedicated US cabinet, as seen here. I went to Cedar Point in summer 2008 and haven't been since, don't know if they're still there.

>> No.2399808

This is the thread I was looking for.

I recently got bit by the arcade emulating bug. I'm not super hardcore into it, but, I would like a somewhat nice stick.

How much for an entry level stick?

I'm in for sticker shock aren't I?

>> No.2399810

That is absolutely beautiful.
I am ridiculously jealous.

>> No.2399832

Most PS3 / 360 USB arcade controllers will work with emulators.

>> No.2399837

I don't feel like spending 100+ dollars on an arcade stick.

Are there arcade sticks that are good in the 50 to 60, maybe 70 dollar range that will fit the bill?

>> No.2399869

I have a Hori EX 2 which I use with mame and other emulators. It looks pretty expensive on Amazon most likely because it isn't made anymore, but there's this for $44


>> No.2399876

The ex 2 looks a lot like the hori v3 or a hori mini stick.

Are the hori mini sticks any good?

>> No.2399879

There are better arcade sticks out there, but I got this one for virtually nothing.

>> No.2399912

I go a 2 player astro city for ¥1200

>> No.2399915

I do not have enough peanut butter for all this jealous.

>> No.2399981

I may actually try that.
From what I hear it's not a bad stick at all and with some slight modification to the housing it can take sanwa buttons.

Though I'm not using it for anything more than some casual emulation.

>> No.2401641

I hear your stick isn't bad at all~

>> No.2402690


Oh jeez I never played the game but I passed up a deal on buying a pair just like your picture for 200 bucks. Was too lazy at the time to actually want to drive up and get a friend to move it.

Plus I never played the game so......

>> No.2402857
File: 24 KB, 545x258, someone is full of themselves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neat article, but it's annoying how elitist this person comes off as. About fucking arcade games of all things.

>> No.2402875

It's amazing how pompous and self important someone can get over fucking video games.

>> No.2402896

That was just nauseatingly self-fellating and cringe worthy.

Maybe i'm just not dedicated to games enough to appreciate it but it just felt reading something by a bitter manchild who hates everything he didn't grow up with.

>> No.2404350

He's pretty bitter, but ultimately right. Gaming should never be about making games for everyone. You wouldn't think that a kid who plays basketball with a hoop stuck to a door and a tiny ball is impressive, yet that's the approach that most gamers in the west take. They sit through pathetic cinematic experiences where they get to push a button once every 5 minutes and watch numbers go up, or they're "playing" with a fucking skinner box designed to suck down money to avoid wait times.

I think he's a bit harsh on Playstation and beyond, but I can't really blame him because it was an obvious degeneration from that point on. I think given the choice between an arcade-only world, and a console-only world, anyone sane would choose the arcade. It's like choosing between little league and pro baseball.

>> No.2404357

I don't know, shooters and fighters did just that and they wound up cannibalizing themselves.

>> No.2404360

I guess you're right.
After getting over my initial dislike of the guy i have to admit he seems to be right about a lot of things.

>> No.2404402


That's really just bullshit. If gaming remained exclusively as a competitive arcade experience many genres that are meant for home play would have never developed. Video games have a high-stakes competitive aspect but also a personalized, narrative, single-player one. And to deny that side just because of some ridiculous idea that the "honor" of "real gaming" is tarnished is idiotic. Arcade culture is unique and worth preserving but not to the exclusion of all else.

>> No.2404408

While I do enjoy the narrative single-player experience, I think the massive downturn it brought about makes it cancerous. I'd rather have a lower concentration of highly polished games than a high concentration of absolutely terrible cinematic bile with a few gems.

If you'd asked me in the 90s, it might have been a tough question. The home console experience was seriously competing with the arcades.

Today? Knowing what we know? I'd trash all of home gaming in a heartbeat if it meant we had more of a focus on the skill driven arcade scene.

>> No.2404429

I'm only 18 right now, but I remember 5 years ago I used to play metal slug 2 all the time at the laundromat, that's my trv arcade experience.

>> No.2404443

Is 1cc just for default settings? Or can I put a game like metal slug on easy, with 9 lives per credit and count beating that as a 1cc?

>> No.2404496

Whether there are a 1000 being released a year or 10, some are going to be shit. Games that you don't like aren't stealing resources from games (or potential games) that you do like. It's not like there's a finite amount of some ethereal "game goodness" that is forced to be spread out through the entire industry.

>> No.2404742

How exactly would I play my delicious RTS games in an arcade? Am I supposed to pay for a credit for each game?

The thing that bugs me most about his article is the claim that there aren't any hard games these days. And while, sure, from a single player aspect he might be right, but from a multiplayer aspect he's dead wrong. Like,so wrong it hurts.

>> No.2404760

1ccing metal slug is bullshit anyway since they don't ever give you extends
no one cares, really, theres no point in fitting in with these autists. Try to beat your own scores while using as few continues as possible, play with a buddy and have fun

>> No.2404773

you really wanted to say MOBA didnt you

>> No.2404913

No, I actually had to look up what MOBA meant.

I was thinking more along the lines of Starcraft, and Quake.

>> No.2404937

in fact im pretty sure there is an arcade version of quake

>> No.2405793

Sometimes I eat froot loops while playing on my Tempest
And sometimes I bump the bowl
And I laugh as the milk seeps in

>> No.2405826


>having a buddy
>having fun

Where do you think you are?

>> No.2407216

converting my original PAC-MAN to a MAME cab has been fun

>> No.2407384

there's a cool arcade only game from the 90s called night slashers, and i want to play it but i want to play it on a console
is there a console i can use as an emulator for that goodness

>> No.2407609

can you still smoke in arcades?

>> No.2407616

in Japan? yes, and it fucking sucks. your eyes will start burning unless you're a heavy smoker yourself (or you're used to it).

>> No.2407623

I don't remember it being that bad in America when people could smoke in Arcades, and I didn't smoke or have a family who did, I started because of arcades though, people in my group of friends did, said it helped them focus

>> No.2407624

Question: do any arcade sticks have their mount points 40mm apart like the Seimitsu LS-56? That stick is a bit too stiff for my liking (requires too much force to tilt in a direction).

Failing that, is there any option to install a different stick but doing something like keeping the mount of the LS-56? I do not want to drill new holes into the metal plate of my arcade stick.

>> No.2407749

Makes me wonder if there are any cannabis cafe arcades. Sounds pretty fantastic.

>> No.2408675

Hi all this is a great thread. I just wanted to say in my spare time outside of my real job I am the tech/repair guy for a newish (been open for about over a year) arcade which in the UK, and I will happily answer any questions and give an insight into the behind the scenes of running a arcade and tbh it is a bloodly nightmare and I wouldn't recommend to anyone setting up an arcade in this age unless you have a fecking HUGE amount of money to throw away ...I mean sink into it ;)

>> No.2408751

Well, an easy mode 9 lives 1cc isnt' as valuable as a default setting one, but still a 1cc.

>> No.2408759

>Finally find a good arcade in my city
>it's actually not that great

>> No.2408762

Sure. Besides the obvious like pinball machines and token slots, what kind of maintenance do arcade machines usually need? How much does it cost over a year to maintain a group of machines?

>> No.2408765

>cannabis cafe arcades

Wait, why isn't this a thing?

>> No.2408786

Well, even barcades are a relatively recent development the US I think. It's possible that just nobody with the resources has thought to do it yet. There's still pretty major obstacles to operating a legal canna-business in Colorado, not the least of which being investors are wary because of the uncertain legal climate. Two states are suing Colorado trying to get legalization overturned on some interstate commerce BS, and while the Obama administration hasn't exactly been friendly towards legal cannabis, whoever gets elected next could potentially shut the whole thing down.

>> No.2408801

So far we only have 1 Pinball machine and the rest of the machines in the arcade are Jamma or dedicated (35+) cabinets. With the Jamma cabinets the most common thing that goes on them for us is buttons and joysticks wearing out which is understandable but what we seem to always have issues with is the CRT screens going down. They either die completely, lose focus, vertical collapse, lucky enough we have a chap in Cornwall that specializes in CRT's so he sorts them for us. Because our cabinets have come from all across the UK and a lot of them didn't get the TLC they deserve and now they have to a place of rest they are needing to be completely serviced. Since we have opened we probably had to have 25+ monitors repaired, our Rave Racer Twin has had both monitors serviced twice! With the dedicated cabinets like for example Manx TT, Vampire Night, Silent Scope, Hydro Thunder we have had issues which are pain to fix because they have custom parts which are no longer made are a nightmare to get hold of. I wouldn't be able to give you a exact price for the repairs so far but each monitor cost us £50-80 (x25) to get repaired, PSU's for Jamma cabinets £25 each, wiring £40+, Solder £10+, replacement caps, IC's misc bits £80, Tools £50+, Custom Parts as a whole £600+ so all in all well over a few thousand in repairs.. it sucks. For example we just had a new cabinet arrive (sold as working) Club Kart, everything seemed good but after a day or so a weird checkerboard graphics error appears... so that is £150+ for a replacement Sega Naomi 2 motherboard straight on top of the cost and delivery of the machine grrr.

>> No.2408837

Are you the new arcade in bridgewater? I've been meaning to come down at some point but not sure i fancy rsi from metal slugs with no autofire (in japan for games like gradius and metal slug it's common to find auto fire wired in). Also good luck if anyone actually figures out how to play psyvariar properly that game is a joystick killer lolll great game though, terra diver/soukyugurentai is amazing also and actually the main reason i want to come down besides the pinball...

>> No.2408863

Yes that's us :D I'm amazed that someone on 4chan knows us I feel honored lol. I think Psyvariar has been changed recently but that is one of my personal favorites along with Terra diver/Soukyugurentai which has been changed to Baku Baku Animal. I am hoping to put some autofire mods onto some of the cabinets but my main first aim is just to get everything work in general (constant battle), once everything is running sweet me and the owner want to fully restore all the cabinets to there original glory so fresh artwork, control panels, bodywork etc.

>> No.2408873

Wait, this Ground Kontrol Portland Oregon, this arcade is based

>> No.2408925

There isn't but there is a arcade version of Half Life 2. No really look it up.

>> No.2408969


Quake - Arcade Tournament Edition

It did exist and there is a blog which has all the information, looks pretty awesome back in the day.

>> No.2408978

>looks pretty awesome back in the day.
what, are you there now, back in the day?

>> No.2408985

>there now, back in the day
Typo... :) and trying to get past the spam filter so I didn't read what I typed.

>> No.2409074

Ah cool I'm in Taunton and definitely plan on popping down at somepoint, I liked the facebook page a whilst back to check out the machines you have and stuff that's how i recognized you from the post, anyways good luck with the place I've been spreading the word about and hope you do well.

>> No.2409221

Newfag here. I've got MAME installed, and have KoF '94, Double Dragon (the fightan), and a couple shmups.

What are some good games to try out? I wanna get into beat-em-ups.

>> No.2409240

Cool I hope you visit soon and thanks for spreading the word its much appreciated. If you see me tinkering in the back of cabinet please feel free to say hello :P

>> No.2409271

While I'm at it, how do I git gud at KoF '94?

>> No.2409310

>please feel free to say hello :P
Will do man.

>> No.2409563

My dad said that the reason the cop hung out in one arcade was because they were selling drugs there. Someone would pass them along through the racing cabinets.

>> No.2409730


You git gud at '94 by not playing it and switching to anything past '96. '98 or 2002 are usually the go-to years as they're Dream Matches.

Seriously, I love me some fucking KoF, but '94 is so clunky by modern standards. Even the weird HD version they made on the PS2 was only cool as a curiosity; It still plays like ass.

>> No.2409734

Oh. Thank you.

>> No.2409816


I probably sound harsh as shit but it's really ridiculous. Inputs weren't really standardized and SNK was still trying to be 'different' from Capcom so you get weird things like down-to-up-back for Terry's Crack shoot. Ew.

Also, Get Garou. Get Garou and learn to love it. It needs all the love it can get.

>> No.2409995
File: 949 KB, 500x250, THE POWER, I CAN'T CONTROL IT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>download Garou
>promptly have a fightgasm
>somehow become better at fightan through this fightgasm

>> No.2410026
File: 49 KB, 222x315, King_of_Dragons_sales_flyer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw just 1cc'd King of Dragons
This game is fucking awesome.

It's weird, but i like the early Capcom games like Final Fight, Cadillacs or King of Dragons a lot more than the latter ones like Shadow over Mystara or Battle Circuit.

>> No.2410032

Got in arcade in East Lansing called Pinball Petes. Has tons of pinball machines, galaga, ms.pacman, tekken, soul caliber, dance dance revolution, and tons of the obvious ones like skeeball, pool, and the basketball games. It's pretty much the main place my friends and I got to because it's one of the best things to do in the city.

>> No.2410303

>It's weird, but i like the early Capcom games like Final Fight, Cadillacs or King of Dragons
I do to tbh especially cadillacs.

>> No.2410556 [DELETED] 
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Absolutely sane, all of those systems run great on my machine (Using DEMUL for dreamcast, atomiswave and Naomi 1/2)

Although if by M2 you mean Konami M2 then absolutely NOT sane as there's no emulator for that (or even rom dumps) and even if MAME supported it it'd be decades from now before it was actually playable

>For the Type X I would advice against using a PC or do a ton of research since it can be a pain in the ass to get the right hardware config going to get some games working. It's easier to find a cheap used Type X 2 and depending on the route you want to go getting an hdd that has most the type x and type x2 games on it.
Not really, pretty much every hardware config will work except for a few games like Blazblue where it's hit or miss with ATI cards. Many of the early incompatibilities was due to the bad quality of cracks but those have since been rectified by others. I wouldn't recommend getting a TTX at all

If any of you guys are interested, I posted a bunch of TTX dumps over at mchan's /1cc/ (a board I made for arcades and netplay) and some other things too

>> No.2410586

I think he meant Sega Model 2, not Konami M2

>> No.2410659

Is there a dump for SSFIV:AE yet?

>> No.2410734


>> No.2410862

Does DEMUL still desync like a motherfucker in netplay? I tried CvS2 a year or two ago and it never stayed synced for longer than one match

Also did the guys who ripped arcade KOF XI and NGBC finally stop dickteasing with screenshots and actually release them yet? I'd love to netplay those two games if DEMUL supports them (they're both Atomiswave I believe)

>> No.2410879

Can confirm this. Works on all kinds of setups , but one issue I got was Samurai Spirits doesn`t display correctly the metal shader on ATI. I guess it was compiled for NVIDIA cards. The shaders are in the dump, but no idea how to convert them. Suspicious fixes from russian sites didn`t help.

>> No.2410898
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I'm not sure if DEMUL actually stays in sync or not since the one time I tried playing Hokuto no Ken online it lagged really hard for us, although there weren't any desyncs at all. You'd probably have better luck using openkaillera's P2P if you're facing desyncing issues. Once played a game with somebody all the way in Singapore flawlessly with it and that was halfway across the world from me

Also yes support for KOFXI and NGBC is included in the latest version of DEMUL and the roms are on Gametronik.

>> No.2411807

When did they stop making arcade games?

>> No.2413406
File: 122 KB, 835x462, Now all is lost, including hope, which is dead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The day the 90's died.

>> No.2414056
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>using an arcade stick without a shaft cover
Why are you still gaming like a noob?

>> No.2414102

What the hell's a shaft cover supposed to do anyways?

>> No.2414104

Make it so your fingers don't get cold when you touch the bare metal. Why would you ever want that?

>> No.2414107

Actually Blazblue works just fine on ATI cards, at least mine anyways. Just make sure your drivers are updated to the latest version

>> No.2414638

Prevents dust from entering the enclosure, the stick assembly is greased on the inside to make it move smoothly and if that starts to gum up or decay then you'll suddenly have stick movement that's "mushy" and forced instead of smooth and fluent

>> No.2414758

Huh. Cool.

>> No.2414790

I remember that TTX loader. It was a blast to play the new Power Instinct game. They changed the combos so they have Air Combos and Hunter Series, kind of like the early Capcom Marvel games (Marvel Super Heroes and such). One of the grannies also has a sick super attack, where she leans back and walks forward on the gigantic insect legs coming out from under her skirt.

Was Nesica X Live cracked yet? They did another update on that, and I'd really like to check it since they FINALLY managed to upgrade balance issues that were still there since the Matrimelee days. Like how the biker dude had a combo super, that could be followed into an air kick super for a second bar, but it actually did less damage that way so there was no damn point in using it.

>> No.2414808

Can you guys recommend some solutions in how to get a seimetsu ls-56 to move around easier? I find it very, very stiff, as in it requires too much force to move it. Not as silky smooth as I'd like it.

Getting another pad is not really an option (it wouldn't fit, nor do I want to spend a lot more money on it).

>> No.2414906

You probably just need to get a different spring for it

>> No.2414940

Is kaillera still the only program to play online with? i know of GGPO but they only have fighting games

>> No.2414948

fightcade, but it is also mostly fighting games

>> No.2414950

there's always some people playing metal slug though

>> No.2414953

Are there any decent arcades in London that aren't the shitty Trocadero?

>> No.2417230

Because America a shit

>> No.2418165

There's Fightcade, but it uses an older version Final Burn Alpha exclusively as the emulator. Then there's MameHUB although I never tried it, then there's Mednafen's netplay which is fantastic but it doesn't emulate any arcade systems. Then there's Retroarch's p2p method which I tried once and it was too complex and hardware demanding. Then there's the alternative versions of Kaillera which support p2p connections and input recording and are comparable to playing on GGPO/fightcade except for the minor chance of desyncing, actually Kaillera is the only one of these solutions where desyncing is a problem. Though playing through p2p greatly diminishes the chances of that happening (at the cost of only being able to connect 2 players)

That's all the methods I know of that currently exist

>> No.2418178
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>Was Nesica X Live cracked yet?
No and it probably won't be due to the extreme difficulty (near impossible) of actually acquiring a system outside of Japan, or even IN Japan as you have to be a registered arcade owner to even get such a setup making it impossible even if you wanted to just run a supergun at home

They never stopped making arcade games, you should check out Arcadeheroes for all the latest releases and upcoming news. Arcades just shifted into a far more extravagant and luxury industry that makes a few key releases every year.

America's got nothing to do with it, KID. It's just the natural progression of home technology eventually outpacing arcade technology. There was nothing anybody could have done about it.

I think it's about that time to shill for my board again, we've got FREE GAEMS and cool people, don't forget to bring quarters! Regularly updated with the latest dumps as I find them
pls visit

>> No.2418795

I figure I'll ask here. I've been tasked with building, essentially, a MAMEbox/ROMbox. The equipment is already provided and the machine itself is already built, but my main question is if there is any kind of, I guess, multicade software where I can navigate emulators and roms with a controller or stick? Something like Kodi, but for games and emulators? Sorry if this is the wrong place, but the wiki didn't seem to have anything on this.

>> No.2418805
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konami beatemups

>> No.2418845 [DELETED] 
File: 134 KB, 640x480, 3 game2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much everybody with a home made cab uses hyperspin. Also the term you're looking for is 'frontend'

>> No.2418875

That would explain why I couldn't find anything on the wiki, thanks dude.

>> No.2419182 [DELETED] 

It's also the Dust button in the Guilty Gear games other than Isuka, where it's the turn button.

>> No.2419201

The fifth button is used in all the Guilty Gear games on the board for the dust attacks.

>> No.2420306

Same guy here again, sorry to be a bother. Is it normal to have to register with their site to download hyperspin? That seems fishy as fuck, but that's where the wiki leads to.

>> No.2420350 [DELETED] 

I've never actually used hyperspin but that seems normal to me. Not like there's some giant scam associated with arcades or frontends.

>> No.2420364

Fair enough. I'm just a touch leery about piracy grey area stuff (granted emulation isn't itself piracy) having a registration.

>> No.2420654

Couple things:

1. I'm trying to get Gradius 4 running in MAME (newest release, GUI version). It says I need to press the test switch to continue. WTF is that?

2. DoDonPachi Dai-Fukkatsu Black Label is now emulated, but I can't find the rom. Has any site updated to the latest rom set yet?

>> No.2420856

>1. I'm trying to get Gradius 4 running in MAME (newest release, GUI version). It says I need to press the test switch to continue. WTF is that?
Don't bother, you won't be able to get it running full speed unless you have an overclocked haswell i7 and that's no joke. Better to play the port for PSP and PS2

>2. DoDonPachi Dai-Fukkatsu Black Label is now emulated, but I can't find the rom. Has any site updated to the latest rom set yet?
It doesn't seem to be on the usual rom sites yet so it looks like you're either going to have to wait or you're going to have to ask around the grape vine

>> No.2420946

I got Gradius 4 running. The slowdown's not THAT bad.

>> No.2420980

Apologies if this is the wrong place to ask this.

How do I get into Naomi and/or Atomiswave emulation? I wanna play all those games that MAME won't run. Is there a step-by-step walkthrough? I'm a complete moron when it comes to setting up and running this kind of stuff.

>> No.2422058


They don't even distribute roms or supply the emulators. Front-ends like Hyperspin are just flashy launchers.

(Literally, in HS' case since it's completely flash-based)

They make you register because they have download limits to curb their bandwidth consumption. Each user can only download so many things per day.

>> No.2422069

>It says I need to press the test switch to continue. WTF is that?

Real arcade cabs have operator switches for configuring the game or diagnosing problems. They're usually located inside the panel or behind the coin door.

Since you're just emulating a cabinet you'll need to bind the test switch to a key or button in MAME's options.

>> No.2422082

Candy Cabs are so sexy.

>> No.2422091

>I got Gradius 4 running. The slowdown's not THAT bad.
Yes it is and you can just go get the superb psp emulator ppsspp and run gradius 4 perfectly in it from the gradius collection release.

>2. DoDonPachi Dai-Fukkatsu Black Label is now emulated, but I can't find the rom. Has any site updated to the latest rom set yet?

I found it using good old google search on a chinese site.

>> No.2422118

it runs mostly ok if you turn on multi threading
there's also the trick of enabling pugsy's cheat file and underclocking the processor a little bit, 10% should give you a huge speedup. The game only lags during the last boss and true last boss fights or when there are too many bullets being cancelled for me.

>> No.2422169

This is an actually legit for real hood nigga right here. Anyone who ever went into an arcade in a black neighborhood in the 90s saw this kinda shit happen literally nonstop. VERY bad environment for kids. Come to think of it that's probably what killed the arcades. Inner city arcades were overrun by gangs so kids couldn't go in them anymore and the suburbs didn't have enough population density to support arcades financially.

Naw, son. You white as hell.

>> No.2422180

It don't fucking matter if it ain't the version required by the new MAME release. The old rom is easy to find. There's a new dump though and THAT'S the one that's emulated.

>> No.2422185

black label is a brand new dump
I got mine from a forum post in retro roms
worked on mame 1.61

>> No.2422219

Shit's asking for name and password. Fuck that.

>> No.2422235

you can use guerrillamail you big babby

>> No.2422285

>The old rom is easy to find. There's a new dump though and THAT'S the one that's emulated.
And that's the one i have you stupid cunt, do you not understand the difference between daiffukatsu and daiffukatsu black label? So again i found it using google and not being a fucking derpologist.

But still why bother when it runs flawlessly on ppsspp on pretty much any system out the box.

>> No.2422293

They're skill based and very competitive. For me its Robotron 2084. The local b arcade I go to keeps high scores. I love the game and I love pushing up my score. That's why there are ao many games there. Games like the 4 player X-Men or Simpson's games will never change. You always go through the same levels and deal with the same shit. Very little skill is involved.

>> No.2422297

>Games like the 4 player X-Men or Simpson's games will never change. You always go through the same levels and deal with the same shit. Very little skill is involved.

Bad examples tbh and unless you can 1 credit either id say you should rethink. All beatemups require a shit ton of skill and practice to get 1cc runs.

>> No.2422782

Midway actually said before that they had a hard time getting NBA Jam approved because the NBA didn't want to be associated with arcades due to gang activity

They also said people would rip MK3 boards out of the cabs.

Also I saw a documentary about "the central park five" and at one point it was said there were nignogs heading to an arcade to start shit

Not that I was there of course, but I think there's more than enough evidence to back up that guy's claims. I hear the reason chuckee cheeses took off so spectacularly was that it was finally a place for little kids to get at the arcade machines

>> No.2422807
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This isn't the wrong place to ask, you should download DEMUL as that is the best NAOMI emulator I found and the only one that will play Atomiswave games (unless you're using the Atomiswave->Naomi converted games which run under NullDC and Makaron)

If you'd like, I can upload all three emulators with the bioses included, it's really simple after that and there's no configuration necessary except for many graphics if your computer is too slow

If you'd make a post on my board, I'd be more than happy to help you further if you have any more questions

>> No.2422856
File: 574 KB, 1364x730, 7400123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna post another screenshot, hokuto no ken with the widescreen 'hack' of NullDC

>> No.2422859

this. dumbest statement ever, it's like when you read IGN reviews that cry about "difficulty" and "repetitiveness" when they just mash continue and A at the same time to finish the game

1CC'ing a game, let alone finishing it without losing a life is crazy, and yet, some people can do this. does that not take skill? of course it does.

>> No.2423942

>not wanting to be associated with gang activity

By the late 90s the NBA couldn't figure out how to NOT be associated with gang activity. And they were making TONS of money off of it as well. Them and Nike and any other corporation with a "urban" image was raking in literally billions by associating their products with gangs/rap/hoodshit and selling it to hood minorities and suburban whites who somehow went for the exact same faggotry around that time.

>> No.2424886
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I'm trying to find a Taito TypeX3 or software can anyone here point me in the right direction?

>> No.2425097

Like the boring ass Gameworks locations in Tempe or Seattle?

I doubt their other locations are any good, but can anyone speak to the Dubai location?

>> No.2425108

>I'm trying to find a Taito TypeX3 or software can anyone here point me in the right direction?
Type X3's haven't been cracked, assuming Taito learned their lesson they probably won't be cracked and it's still new hardware so you're probably going to be spending upwards to one grand if you can even find a reseller. Besides isn't the only game on it USF4?

>> No.2425110

>that feel when I took a class at university that assigned that article as required reading

I don't think that prof would have assigned it if he knew much more about the author...

>> No.2425120

honestly Denver and SLC are better for arcades than LA unless LA has changed recently

>> No.2425124
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>Icycalm was actually required college reading somewhere
It's over.

>> No.2425128
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>found a Viewpoint cab at a local gas station
>the cab is muted

>> No.2425154

Great question. I often literally dream of such Xanadus...

If I had an arcade, each hour would have a theme, and music playing would be video game songs based on that theme like: forest levels, mine levels, space levels, snow levels, or genres, or boss levels, or whatever. Screens around the building would show things like box art of the game whose music is currently playing, the composer, trivia about the game, screens / gameplay videos of the game, etc.

There should be merit badge style things / pins that you can earn by doing things in the game. Basically something to get the people talking to each other since a lot of gamers are awkward and if you can't get them to interact even if they didn't come there together then there's no community and then what's the point?

The arcade cannot be predictable. It should be different all the time like Hogwarts. Revolving walls like in Scooby Doo. Secrets. Maybe it could be like an adventure game or a Zelda dungeon. Have to get so far in certain game to get the password to unlock something else. Maybe the opportunity to unlock something permanently that then is available for all so people have a reason to gather around and cheer for someone.

All this takes so much money it would have to be some Sheikh's art project, but it is my dream. It would have to have as many games as Galloping Ghost but in a way more expensive building. A world pilgrimage site.

>> No.2425165
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Please end my suffering and tell me you're joking

>> No.2425170

there's a reason that 90's TMNT movie has Shredder's gang doing all that arcade game business

>> No.2425174


here's the prof's book, which is certainly worse than AK's writing:


>> No.2425178

It's time to Attack the Gas Station

>> No.2425182

no shit, it's like castrating a man

even worse, their little arcade nook had some pinball machine and another game or two that were allowed to chime and beep all they wanted


>> No.2425189
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Yoshihisa Kishimoto (creator of the Kunio-kun and Double Dragon) says he had to conduct the location testing for the arcade version of Double Dragon II in a San Francisco ghetto and he was scared shitless during the experience.

>> No.2425201

link to your source? sounds like interesting reading

>> No.2425217

>The big thing for us, though, was the fact that it was the very first NBA-licensed coin-operated game. That was quite a hurdle, because the NBA was really concerned about putting their logo in arcades. Back then, a lot of the arcades they were used to in New York were kind of seedy with drug dealers hanging around, and the NBA didn't want to be associated with that. We really had to educate the league about all the family fun centers and bowling alleys, and why the NBA logo should be on the side of these cabinets. We tried to make them forget about the seedy side and they finally agreed. Then right off the bat, we knew we had a huge game.
Marketing an image is different from wanting to be associated with the things that image propagates.

>> No.2425218
File: 478 KB, 616x438, RenegadeLocationTestUSA-616x438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ロケテストはサンフランシスコの黒人街にある超恐ろしいゲームセンター。 1人残され10時間ぐらい震えながらDATAを取ったことを思い出します。 ほんとに怖かった‥‥
The location test was conducted in a rather dreadful video arcade in a San Francisco ghetto. I spent over ten hours gathering income data all by myself. It was truly frightening...

>> No.2425752

All this talk about arcades being the hang out for gang activity, I don't think that shit would happen now, especially since today's children are gigantic pussies. I mean, think about it, the act of rebellion back then was to do violence, the act of rebellion right now is to bitch about shit on tumblr.

But I guess that would be a bad thing because that would mean arcades would be full of dumb treehugging liberal hipsters who would "kick you out" for bringing a styrofoam cup

>> No.2425757

I wish I lived in your reality.

>> No.2425785

It's called Random New England region that no one really knows exists but is full of rich people

Of course, I'm not rich or anything, I wish but sadly not

>> No.2425794

Seriously. Come ride public transportation in my city, Anon, you'll love it.

>> No.2425796


It's different from country to country, city to city and town to town.
Some people have safe public transportation and some get killed in libraries.

>> No.2426336

And do you think 1cc'ing a beat 'em up doesn't require skills? nigga please.

That being said, Simpsons and X-Men are really mediocre games, the combat was subpar compared to Capcom games they were meant to eat the money from little kids.

>> No.2428158

So I just found a mitre saw at a garage sale, for 10 bucks.
20 bucks.
GG, cabinet build gonna be easy

>> No.2428160


>> No.2428290
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I'm going to japan in a year or two, Anyone know where an arcade is that has f-zero nx?

>> No.2428475

didn't need to be a "black" neighborhood... ANY inner city arcade was rough in the late 80s/early 90s, esp. during the SF2 & MK days.

the only exceptions were large, touristy arcades run by corporations, since they had actual employees who kind of cared, and security.

>> No.2428493

so far, yes, all it has is Ultra.

Situation is the same as NESiCA, if you're not an arcade owner in Japan, you aren't getting one.

There are however people selling Ultra and TX3 boards without network functionality on the grey market... but don't be surprised if you can't update the game and if the boards get bricked by future releases.

tell me you're fucking joking

holy shit, you're not joking.

>> No.2430285

Bed and breakfast with an arcade would be the shit

>> No.2430305


>Final stage of a game
>People crowding around you

I've had this happen to me before. There's no better feeling.

Some people even start bringing you food and drink. I pity those too young to never have experienced this.

>> No.2430329

The memorable ones were: TIME OUT (Springfield Mall, VA) CAMELOT (now BOOMER'S Cathedral City, CA), Tomorrowland Arcade (Anaheim, VA), Tropicana Hotel (Las Vegas, NV)...

Born in 1980 means I watched them evolve and then die off in the corners and then return as MAME cabinets...

Good times.

SUNSET RIDERS, D&D GAME from the 90s, the Die Hard Arcade game... so good...

>> No.2430368

What are some arcade games that are not-too-hard 1CCs? I can do the following and am looking for more:

-Makaimura (3 loops I think)
-Rockman The Power Battle
-Rockman The Power Fighters
-Wonderboy in Monster Land (at least I THINK I did... can't really remember)

And a couple fighting games (which I generally suck at and don't find incredibly fun when it comes to playing alone).

Any games similar to any of these that might be worth me trying to 1CC? I am not very good at shmups (I can almost 1CC Salamander, but Gradius II destroys me at that speed stage)

>> No.2430478
File: 24 KB, 288x224, thunderx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you've almost cleared Salamander, try out Thunder Cross, it's not that hard.

>> No.2431064

I realize I'm a little late to this thread... But holy fuck does reading this remind me of my younger days. I have never been happier or more content in life, than I was hanging out at the arcade.
Not only did I run with my little crew at my own local arcade, but I travelled to all the other arcades too.

I am sad inside, knowing that the days of the arcade are over, and more and more people will exist, never knowing the thrill of playing against a complete stranger in front of a crowd.

I'll never ever get to put my quarter up on the glass again.... That sucks.

>> No.2431120

Any Minnesotans in here? I'm heading down there next weekend for a beer festival.
I've heard you guys used to have an Insert Coin(s) location, but it seems to have turned into some place called The Venue. Is it still a barcade or just some lame nightclub? Any other good places for vidya?

>> No.2431124

Thunder Cross is a lot of fun but it has huge hit boxes for a game so bullet heavy.

>> No.2431158
File: 318 KB, 960x1280, Front2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bruh, we played the shit out of Garou back then here in Mexico, when I was in high school (year 2000). There was this snack store a couple of blocks near and all the cool dudes used to hang out there. The owner got a couple candy cabs and some pretty cool titles including Metal slug 3, kof 98-99. It was the only store with actual candy cabs, great audio and sharp grapics. Some dude got them from Japan. It was pretty common to see bootleg cabs here but often we were able to play in original neo geo cabs. Pic related.

>> No.2431169

who else gets annoyed at how popular speedrunning has become because they show off all these popular games that everyone grew up playing like Mario, Zelda and Tetris

arcade shit is a million times harder but the people who are amazing at them are unknown by comparison. that shit ain't fair.

>> No.2431185

What's the deal with Latin America and the Neo Geo? How come there were so many MVSs everywhere? They were by far the predominant force in local arcades.

>> No.2431195

cheap and easy to hack and pirate

>> No.2431557

I remember the red neo geo cabs since I was 9, like in 1994, some fancy arcade places had a couple and the recent titles. The first I ever played was Fatal Fury, then eventually all the fighting games came. I don't know man, we love them. Art of Fighting 2 was GOAT back then, then kof 94'. We used to have plenty of Arcades here. Times change. There's still guys who play tournaments here.

The pirate stuff came here from the south (DF), I'm from the north. Literally every arcade place with bootleg cabs was managed by chilangos. But the bastards worked pretty hard and got the hot titles just in time. I remember the places fully crowded when kof 2000 and came. It was awesome.

There was this place in a Carl's Jr. They had this jungle-themed Arcade place, called -Fantasy- 3 levels of fun. Plenty of old and the newest titles. There even was a smoker's area for edgy teens, where you could play Killer Instinct, Mortal Kombat Ultimate and other games. With pool tables and shit. I miss that place so much.

>> No.2432616

pretty much this. snk dumped a lot of their excess stock in Asia and Latin America; the ease of piracy and the widely available mainboards created the conditions for the regions to become hotbeds of SNK players/enthusiasts.

>> No.2432649

Most people speedrunning community are casuals and poseurs who only care more about popularity via brand recognition than actually playing games.

I never understood the appeal of speedrunning anyway. It makes the games look like Benny Hill sketches.

>> No.2432657

>arcade shit
You mean shmups. It's the only surviving arcade genre besides fighters.

>> No.2432692

There was something about playing Metal Slug 2 in the real machine that I just couldnt feel when emulating. I also remember sometimes we went to this one restaurant that had Pulstar for just 20 pesetas (0,15€) but it was super hard and i didnt like it that much

>> No.2432821

I felt the same way about the arcade Contra mainly because the enemy A.I. is emulated right and the rolling mines in those third person stages always roll towards corner

>> No.2432828
File: 34 KB, 384x224, round1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's the only surviving arcade genre besides fighters
kek, beat 'em ups are survival at its prime, it's actually THE reason to play them.

>> No.2432854

implying there's a reason to play those instead of dmc, bayonetta, ninja gaiden, etc

>> No.2432857 [DELETED] 

In those games you have infinite continues, and the combat is quite different (not necessarily better or worse, just different), so that's kinda a bad analogy.

>> No.2432859

The one you posted is balanced for coop play not 1cc. But yeah sure, good point.

>> No.2432861

In those games you have infinite continues, and the gameplay is quite different (not necessarily better or worse, just different), so that's a bad analogy. It's like saying "don't play shitty shoot 'em ups when you can play flight simulators"

>> No.2432864

It's still 1cceable, the only part that i think are very hard is stage 6 and stage 8, they are the stages that you are able to die once.

>> No.2433009

>TFW you slept in that room, down by the cabinet that was running Money Idol Exchanger.

I brought two duvets and some pillows and a comfier night on an arcade floor I have not spent.

>> No.2434886
File: 112 KB, 760x262, logo-mame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking to setup mame on my pc, is there such thing as a best of mame pack with all the chd's and bioses i could torrent? been driving myself nuts trying to find it.