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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2338584 No.2338584 [Reply] [Original]

Basically discussion of the SNES and its games, accessories, etc.

>> No.2338654

I used to have a snes but now i just have emulators with one of those iBuffalo controllers

>> No.2338667

zombies ate my neighbors

>> No.2338682

Finally bit the bullet and decided to purchase a SNES. Or rather, a super famicom imported from japan. It looks much nicer than the SNES and for whatever reason it's a ton cheaper even with shipping factored in.

I have no intention of buying many SNES games because of how retarded the prices can be, so I also just bought a super everdrive. Since there are certain games it can't play, I decided to buy the jap versions of starfox and yoshi's island (which are also much cheaper, even with shipping).

>> No.2338685

Is there any reason to own a SNES over using Snes9x aside from collecting?

And I mean honestly. Collecting is fine but is there any other real reason?

>> No.2338689

no, not really. Same is true of pretty much any console from 5th gen or before though.

>> No.2338693
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Depends, I own one because I enjoy hooking it up to the CRT and getting the real resolution. Even with filters the emulated versions on an LCD just look strange to me. Collecting is another good reason, but just play what you want how you want!

>> No.2338704
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>5th gen


SNES emulation is pretty good nowdays. By having the real console, you're sure that you will never get any weird glitches or inaccurracies (unless your SNES or carts get damaged), but for like 98% of the SNES library emulation is pretty much flawless. Star away from PSP SNES emulators though. Always try to emulate on your desktop PC, use a CRT display, and a good USB pad. That would be pretty close to the real thing.

>> No.2338708

I actually meant to say 4th gen. Although I hear playstation emulation is good.

>> No.2338714

Right on, I see. Thanks

>> No.2338734

Playstation emulation is certianly getting there, Mednafen is pretty legit (though command-line only iirc)

>> No.2338737

nice decision
I sold/traded off all my SNES stuff long ago, I still pay a little more because I like buying the games with the box and manual, but even then it tends to be cheaper than the same loose snes game

>> No.2338759


>> No.2338943

So, /vr/...
What are your fondest memories of the SNES?

>> No.2339968


>> No.2339981


Cliche as fuck, but: the moment I got it.

I had never anticipated a console as much as I did the SNES. Until then my only other console was a Famiclone. SNES was the first time I got an original console. Opening the box, tearing away the nylon, holding the beast in my hands. Even the brand new plastic smell (brand new SNES plastic had a very particular smell).

>> No.2340165
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>tfw you only learned that the eject button was a gimmick just a few months ago

>> No.2341673


>> No.2341676

how so?

>> No.2341690

Having an eject button doesn't actually do anything. Like just about every cartridge based console ever, you can just yank the cartridges out, it makes no difference. The eject button is just there because it's fun watch the cartridge pop out.

>> No.2341701


It actually makes it easier and takes less effort, and probably also serves to prevent possible damage.

>> No.2341703 [DELETED] 

Can't speak for the SNES specifically, but I always thought it was possible to corrupt your save data by ripping out the cartridge?

>> No.2342629

I distinctly remember opening it up, and I was only a babby at the time, and my dad setting it up for me and my brothers.

>> No.2342631

It also serves as an easier method for people with severe autism to remove the cartridge.

>> No.2342648

With the N64 I have to hold the console down with one hand as I pull out the cartridge. With the SNES I just push the button and the cartridge jumps out. Seems not only more classy, but also useful to prevent damage from yanking around the console trying to remove the cartridge.

>> No.2342698

>not liking buttons
Neurotypical scum

>> No.2342731
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>mfw the American SNES

>> No.2342752

Why do black friends always get your controllers greasy and shit?

>> No.2342753

Legendary system. I don't got one but I emulate. My favs are Actraiser, Killer Instinct, and Super Metroid.

Even though i don't have a SNES, I bought boxed copies of those games to collect cause I liked them so much. But even if I did have a SNES, I'd still emulate cause it's better.

>> No.2342754

Because they're disgusting apes. Why you would befriend one is beyond me.

>> No.2342756

all that watermelon and fried chicken my nigga

>> No.2342760
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The SNES did get a severe visual downgrade, admittedly, though the Japanese/European design look kinda "gay" also.

>> No.2342781

What's gay about it? Neither of them look gay, it's just the NA one looks blocky, bland and cheap.

>> No.2343832
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Just got my flashcart. The thing is amazing.

>> No.2344401

So you're saying even though you don't have an SNES, you spend your money on your favorite SNES games, even though you DON'T ACTUALLY HAVE AN SNES TO PLAY THEM ON?
It's like saying "I have a sink, but I don't have any plumbing put in yet to actually have the faucets in the sink function."

>> No.2344404

And the plastic fucking yellows over time.

>> No.2344408

that happens with the euro/jap models as well.

>> No.2344410
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>> No.2344443

Playing DKC in the wee morning hours at granny's house. Bologna Sandwiches, orange soda, the 1994 olympic games, grandma and SNES. good times.

I personally like the NA version....before the yellowing.

>> No.2344482
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They all get yellow over time, just accept it.

>> No.2344576

I vaguely remember there being a method to somehow prevent/clean the yellowing, but I can't remember.
It was something like putting some sort of protectant to sheild the SNES from the Sun's rays.
Setting like that.

>> No.2346834


You will eat your words when he sells those games in 10 years and gets rich like a motherfucker

>> No.2346841
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Stay jealous fucks

>mfw when no SMW, Zelda, F-Zero and DK2
wtf was I thinking

>> No.2346845

that is bullshit, since it isn't even sun's rays that causes it, that was just what people thought. It's actually just the fire retardant in the plastic speeding up the aging process, there is a chemical solution that you can use to restore it though.

>> No.2346846

The SNES doesn't yellow from sunlight but from oxygen exposure to the flame retardant in the plastic. The insides of the SNES yellow as well.

>> No.2346847

So I have 3 SNES'.
One is my childhood one which I will take to my grave.
The other 2 I got because it was cheaper to win an auction for an SNES + SNES Advantage then it was to buy the straight Advantage anywhere here or on Ebay.

So one of them is in decent shape, but its got some chips in the shell (near the corners) and is yellowed like fuck.

The other one has the connecting structs busted off and is also pretty damn yellow.

I have the stuff to retrobrite it to make look good, but is there any point?

I guess the question is is there anything cool I can do with these 2 SNES, or should I just keep them or bin them?

>> No.2346848

I started collecting records before I actually had a player... I really don't seem the harm when you know you will eventually get one.

>> No.2346849

oh, never mind, I didn't read the original post, where it's clear that he has no inclination to buy an SNES at all.

>> No.2346853

It would be interesting to know what board revisions those SNES's are. If any of them are a 1CHIP, don't get rid of it.

>> No.2346854

well I like your post-modernist style rug at least.

>> No.2346859

I checked way back when I got them, they're just run of the mill SNES. I know one of them is older then mine because it has that little cartridge lock that I guess they removed in later revisions but other then that, nothing special

>> No.2346863

why would you want the first lufia? it's just a generic jrpg with nothing that interesting about it, the series doesn't even get good until the second game....

>> No.2347107
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had to re buy this because i lost my original copy.

>> No.2347120

>room is clearly in the basement
>kanji is fake

>> No.2347125

well durr, hahaha