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File: 108 KB, 1117x430, project64inanutshell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2335474 No.2335474 [Reply] [Original]

Today I've learned that Project64 is garbage and it's userbase is unfiltered cancer. Supplying adware with an emulator is some 2006-tier shit right there.

Is there an actual decent N64 emulator out there? Does anyone here mess with the Pixel-Perfect plugin?

>> No.2335482

Pretty much the next best thing you're gonna get is Mupen64Plus through RetroArch.

>> No.2335487


Tried it on Android, seemed to have exactly the same issues as Project 64 1.6. Is it any better on Windows?

>> No.2335490

From my experience, it is, at least a bit.

>> No.2335695

>Does anyone here mess with the Pixel-Perfect plugin?
You mean the pixel perfect plugin created by one of PJ64's main contributors; who also created the RSP interpreter used by mupen64plus?

Don't blame the emulator because one or two forum members are jackasses. The lead dev behind Cen64 is a complete wanker who used to have absurd arguments with HatCat, the RSP dev from mupen64\PJ64 before he left the forums in a huff. Good coder, though.

>> No.2335697
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You seem kinda salty. PJ64 is the best N64 emulator in existence. It has a number of fuckwads in its community. There's a lot of weird behind the scenes politics over the emulator.

Regardless, you don't see Zilmar acting like a fuckwad over this adware situation. He does kinda *ignore* complaints to a degree, however. There's a pull request to remove the adware over on github. So far Zilmar has ignored it. But he hasn't closed it, either.

>> No.2335705
File: 69 KB, 433x352, fml.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the nintendo 64 will never get a proper emulator between the weird ass architecture of the console and autistic people in charge of emulator development

>> No.2335708


>> No.2335712

You may choose or not to support it, but the fact that the installer has adware in it doesn't make the emulator any less good, stop being autistic.
N64 emulation is still fucked and PJ64 is still the best we have.

>> No.2335714


It's a pretty scummy behavior though.

>> No.2335716

>It's a pretty scummy behavior though.
People should politely petition Zilmar directly. Zilmar should set up a new donation system and some ads on the site before you get to the download page. Having shitty stuff in the installer is unecessary.

>> No.2335717

there will be new build every new month with
>supposed improved stability
>more ads
just like utorrent

might just add bitcoin miner while he is at it

>> No.2335718

Project 64 has never had ads in the emulator itself. PJ64 is open source and completely clean. It's the installer that is the problem.

They need to set up an official build bot, though. And also engage with people better. Have a blog update every 3-4 months talking about the emulator progress. You shouldn't have to trawl through github commits to find out how things are going.

>> No.2335739

I remember hearing about one called CEN64 which could be the be-all-end-all of N64 emulators, like how Mednafen PS1 is to PS1 emulators.

>> No.2335751

>I remember hearing about one called CEN64 which could be the be-all-end-all of N64 emulators, like how Mednafen PS1 is to PS1 emulators.
Cen64 shows promise. But the side effect of accurate N64 emulation is accurate N64 framerates.

>> No.2335760

Why use Project64 when there's Mupen64? Hell, I'd rather use my old copy of 1964 than PJ64. Someone should leak the PJ64 source and fork it into a version that doesn't suck.

>> No.2335772

I'm really considering just buying one with a flash cart at this point instead of waiting.

>> No.2335803

Will there ever be an n64 emulator that's not a frankenstein of a bunch of stupid fucking plug-ins?

>> No.2335807

Unless you want emulator features that's probably a much better solution.

The v3 of Everdrive 64 has perfect compatibility with every single N64 game, and the cheaper and more common v2 works fine with everything except Animal Crossing (why are you playing this instead of the Gamecube one anyway?) and Pokemon Stadium 2 (which is still completely playable, it just has minor graphical errors).

The only "problem" is that you're not emulating and are thus bound by the limits of the console.

>> No.2335809

My issue was more me being a cheap fuck rather than wanting emulation features. I'm just sick of waiting for N64 emulation to actually reach to somewhere decent for stuff that isn't Mario 64 or Banjo.

>> No.2335810

Go for it, then. I got one about a year ago and I definitely don't regret it.

>> No.2335812
File: 256 KB, 1016x612, garfield_il_film_breckin_meyer_peter_hewitt_024_jpg_htrq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why use Project64 when there's Mupen64?
Because PJ64 is more compatible and arguably more accurate.

>Someone should leak the PJ64 source and fork it into a version that doesn't suck.
Project 64 has been open source since April Fool's Day 2013. Did you get the memo?

>Will there ever be an n64 emulator that's not a frankenstein of a bunch of stupid fucking plug-ins?
There's nothing particularly wrong with plugins unless the plugins are closed source. Linux doesn't inherently suck because it's modular.

>> No.2335814

PJ64's modulator nature has always been a pain in my ass ever since I started using emulators back in like 2004. All the other emulators I would use were simple pick-up-and-play, but N64 had all these plugins hat weren't even packed in.

>> No.2335817

>Because PJ64 is more compatible and arguably more accurate.
no, Mupen64 is

>There's nothing particularly wrong with plugins unless the plugins are closed source. Linux doesn't inherently suck because it's modular.
It has nothing to do with emulation

>> No.2335819

>PJ64's modulator nature has always been a pain in my ass ever since I started using emulators back in like 2004. All the other emulators I would use were simple pick-up-and-play, but N64 had all these plugins hat weren't even packed in.
That's what happens when you give people the freedom to expand upon your emulator via plugins. The idea is that the best plugin(s) will eventually be made official.

>> No.2335823

>>Because PJ64 is more compatible and arguably more accurate.
>no, Mupen64 is
Project 64 runs more games and also runs Factor 5 games without constant terrain flickering caused by mupen64plus's core. PJ64 can run World Driver Championship. M64P can't even boot it. PJ64 has working audio (and video) in Resident Evil 2, unlike mupen64plus.

>> No.2335824

Someone should study PJ64, 1964, and mupen64plus to determine which emulator is the least reliant on hacks for its CPU emulation.

>> No.2335826

You'd think the most accurate one would have the best compatibility.

>> No.2335838

>You'd think the most accurate one would have the best compatibility.
Not necessarily, since emulators can use dirty, dirty hacks to make otherwise unplayable games work.

>> No.2335839


>> No.2335852

The accurate one would still beat it though.

>> No.2335858


That was always the case though, anon

>Closed source for a decade
>Sat on their asses for most of that time
>Still literally HUNDREDS of game-specific hacks
>Makes accuracy sacrifices for the sake of speed in fucking 2015
>Are proud when they manage to get Rogue Squadron to work through an unsupported 3rd party hack, instead of doing it the correct way
>Put 1.7 behind a paywall and then get mad when people pirate your emulator
>The dicksucking P64 forum community stayed with them despite all of this

>> No.2335860


How can one small community be so retarded?

>> No.2335865


I hope you didn't mean to quote


anon, because everything I said there is absolutely true.

>> No.2335872

Dude, my post is a conclusion based on what I read on the "aforequoted" posts.

How can this specific emulator's community be so retarded?

>> No.2335914
File: 14 KB, 924x173, Captura de pantalla 2015-04-09 17.01.48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, fuck them

>> No.2336153

who the fuck gives a shit the n64 blows

>> No.2336283

So it is open source then. What about its plugins?

>> No.2336287

>How can one small community be so retarded?
>You seem kinda salty.
6th genners obviously.

>> No.2336402
File: 6 KB, 96x73, Mega Man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw we are currently living in the age of paid emulators and fan translations

I want to get off this wild ride.

>> No.2336423

>*blows the ps1 and saturn out of the water

>> No.2336425
File: 3 KB, 250x250, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fork Project64 1.6.

PJ64 1.6 is still the best version and it didn't come with spyware IIRC. This newer 2.2 version has higher system requirements and worse compatibility for little to no gain.

The best idea would be to take PJ64 1.6's source code

and then rename the project to Project64Plus (PJ64P), take the few good bits of 2.2, and release it as a new free, open source, with a strict manifesto stating it's made for users by users.

>> No.2336430
File: 26 KB, 760x243, web 1.0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But anon, that guy probably has a shitton of posts!

>> No.2336470

I love the people who "volunteered" to donate money, only to get an even more broken version of the emulator 10 years later.

>> No.2336476

hahaha it's like im in 2005 and my life didnt go horribly wrong yet

>> No.2336482
File: 21 KB, 479x359, epileptic deadpool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw progress on N64 emulation has been stagnant since like 2004

>> No.2336483

This. Fucking this.

I think it would be neat if plugins for the CPU emulation were introduced as well. You could have an LLE core for games that do weird shit with the hardware, an HLE core for playing games on 10 year old toasters, hell there could even be cores based on other N64 emulators, like Mupen or 1964.

>> No.2336486
File: 88 KB, 900x563, 1425516165694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you only have 14 posts
>your opinion is invalid

>> No.2336491

That is how forums work. That is why I come here. Everyone is on the same footing.

>> No.2336509
File: 59 KB, 900x636, 1421908058901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's pretty bad.

Still the best we have and I'll keep using it until something better comes along. Which will be never. Fucking n64 emulation.

>> No.2336535

One day some autist will come along and make it all alright.
One day, the N64 will have its bsnes, and all will be right in the world.

>> No.2336770

some minutes on google and I found different sources for versions of Project 64:
>a modified 2.1 with no installer
>a modified 2.2 with no installer

>> No.2336781

If you actually like n64 enough to warrant caring about an emulator, just get a fucking flashcart.

>> No.2336783

if you like shit easy games yeah it does. Personally I like arcade games more than console style games so the 5th gen in general is pretty forgettable. n64 fans are the most casual of all retro gamers

>> No.2336785

>I like arcade games
>pretty forgettable

saturn is literally an arcade port box

>> No.2336791
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>> No.2336792

It is an arcade port box and I have nothing but awesome arcade games for my saturn. I could still live without 5th gen consoles and survive on MAME if I had to though.

>> No.2336795

That's really no different from calling someone a newfag or accusing them of being from a board/site you dislike here.

>> No.2336802
File: 1.03 MB, 699x699, 1381106716059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gamecube and Wii emulation is better than N64 emulation

>> No.2336816

I somewhat agree, but I'll take official ports + hardware over emulation any day

>> No.2336821

decent open source n64 emulator when?

>> No.2336825

Hopefully never.

>> No.2336826

someone should pick up and old one like 1964 and make it not suck

>> No.2336954

>This newer 2.2 version has higher system requirements and worse compatibility for little to no gain.
Are you demented? PJ64 2.2 has higher system requirements largely because it includes Glide64 and not just Jabo. Glide64 has higher system requirements because it uses the CPU to calculate depth information and also has proper framebuffer support. If anything, 2.2's core is faster because it includes an optional 32 bit recompiler. (Similar to how 1964 offered an "Assume 32 bit" option. A fair few N64 games never use 64 bit instructions, leading to a speed boost.)

>a strict manifesto stating it's made for users by users.
Users who most likely can't code to save themselves. Nobody wants to go back to 1.6's source code for a reason. It's mainly useful for finding regressions.

>> No.2336967

2.2 is garbage and you can shove your bundled adware up your ass.

>> No.2336995

>So PJ64 is open source then. What about its plugins?
Everything is open source except Jabo's video and audio. Both will be replaced with open source plugins. One big motivation is there is something fundamentally fucked about PJ64's sound emulation and it likely needs to be fixed on both the core and plugin's end. Some work has gone into porting 1964's audio plugin to PJ64, and that will hopefully provide a good foundation.

>Closed source for a decade
>Sat on their asses for most of that time
This is not true. PJ64 was under active development to varying degrees. However, much of the work on PJ64 1.7 was scrapped and 2.0 was started. I believe 2.0 onwards has a completely rewritten recompiler. Could be wrong, though.
>Still literally HUNDREDS of game-specific hacks
Citation needed.
>Are proud when they manage to get Rogue Squadron to work through an unsupported 3rd party hack, instead of doing it the correct way
What are you talking about? The FixedFPULocations hack? Rogue Squadron doesn't need that hack. The core bug involved only affects Battle for Naboo\Indiana Jones. Said hack has not been merged into the source code. Essentially the emulator is supposed to choose between two different modes and it fails with those two games for some reason. The problem could be caused by a CPU interpreter bug, though. And that is gonna be an absolute BITCH to solve accurately.
>Put 1.7 behind a paywall and then get mad when people pirate your emulator
I don't approve of that. It's in the past.
>The dicksucking P64 forum community stayed with them despite all of this
Jabo left.

>> No.2337004

>2.2 is garbage and you can shove your bundled adware up your ass.

2.2 is a huge improvement. I wasn't happy with it being released with major issues unresolved, though. And you could be a little more appreciative towards PJ64 team members who helpfully provide adware-free bundles.

>> No.2337015

yea the rsp recompiler and the ugly gui is the only thing they added to 2.0
video plugin now accepts widescreen hacks and hd textures, too bad most of the texture packs are long dead now

>> No.2337029

err, not gui, I mean hud

>> No.2337050

>yea the rsp recompiler and the ugly gui is the only thing they added to 2.0
No. Also the RSP has had work on it. Interestingly, PJ64 is the only emulator with its own LLE RSP. All the others (with the possible exception of Cen64) either use HLE or use HatCat's RSP Interpreter. And HatCat is a PJ64 contributor.

Other changes with 2.0-2.2 include moving mem pak handling to the core and also giving the core more control over sound timing instead of the plugin.

>video plugin now accepts widescreen hacks and hd textures, too bad most of the texture packs are long dead now
No. Glide64 doesn't support widescreen hacks. GLideN64 will, however. And there is a new HD Ocarina of Time texture pack waiting in the wings for GLideN64 to release.

Speaking of GLideN64...


>> No.2337059

>And you could be a little more appreciative towards PJ64 team members who helpfully provide adware-free bundles

Why should he be appreciative towards people fixing something that should not have existed in the first place? It's like saying you should not be allowed be mad at a PC game having a shit port because the fan community fixed it.

>> No.2337094

woops, i meant jabo, pretty sure jabo 1.9 or whatever supports widescreen hacks
that's what i said, btw, the only new thing is the rsp

>> No.2337102

Jabo 1.6.1 and Jabo 1.7 support the widescreen hack. It's mainly useful for Zelda. GLideN64 should replace Jabo completely, and will be completely open source.

>> No.2337105

tru dat mah nigga

>> No.2337457

>government should spy on everyone because people are prone to doing things they're not allowed to :^)

>> No.2337946


>> No.2337998

The state of N64 emulation is a fucking mess.
but i have high hopes for the future.

>> No.2338023

there's been so little progress since 1.6, which feels like it was 10+ years ago.

that said, using glide64final as your graphics plugin fixes a LOT of games. it does more than any minor update to the emulator ever did.

bundling adware is just more shit on the shitcake that is pj64.

>> No.2338080

are those two games really the only difference between the two versions? that doesn't sound like a $68 difference

>> No.2338140

It's called an analogy

>> No.2338150

You keep using that word...

>> No.2338151

Just support mupen.
Yes its pretty shit, but with support it'll get better.
Heck, maybe we could make a bounty of some sort for a person (or group) to fix it up.
Just please don't support PJ64. Even if its open source now, the community and developers are giant fuck wads.

>> No.2338156

How do I into supporting mupen?

I am interested in anything that isn't PJ64 so if mupen is good and has potential, then im in. Just tell me how?

>> No.2338162

Well you can start by using it.
I think they have a donation box on their github as well if you want.
But just using it and maybe reporting any bugs and such is a great way to contribute

>> No.2338174
File: 52 KB, 193x170, 5135153454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"End users are too selfish to volunteer to willingly do such things :D. So I'm glad Master Payne, I mean Betty actually did what he did. Serves them right ;)

>> No.2338195

so, N64 emus are still HLE based or what...

>> No.2338235
File: 81 KB, 312x313, 1427349237775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paid fan-translations
These are a thing? I knew some of the MSX guys were doing that way back in the day, but now?

>> No.2338385

And how is it related to PJ64 or publicity?

>> No.2338485

I guess you could consider stuff like Sekai Project to be paid fan translations. Though really they are authorized by the original developer so I'm not sure if it counts, even if all their talent pool are people they poached from fan translation groups or projects.

Also you have stuff like paid redirect links or file hosts that pay a bit when the patches go up for translators to try to make a few bucks, also ads put around their status blogs, but I doubt they actually make that much from those things. (Especially compared to the time it actually takes to translate.)

>> No.2338492

Build your own version without the adware and distribute it yourself?

>> No.2338558

I don't see anything wrong with it. If some guy is obsessed with a random Jap game and wants to pay someone to translate it for him, that's their business. It's better than the game never being translated at all. It's completely unrelated to volunteer translation projects in any case.

>> No.2338582 [DELETED] 

What do they do with the sex scenes in all-ages PE?

Do they pretend sex never happened? Or just cut to black or something? Seems like a lot of routes put a pretty big emphasis on it and preparing for it would be a shame to cut that all.

>> No.2338923

Yeah there's a recent one for SD Snatcher and the guys who made it are such assholes they even post links to send their fanboys to attack anyone who asks for a free copy online.


>> No.2339459

>so, N64 emus are still HLE based or what...
Project 64 has always been the LLE-oriented N64 emulator. Wheras Mupen and 1964 both went down the HLE road, especially for audio. LLE graphics emulation is very expensive, though.

>> No.2339961

at least i managed to permanently get rid of the adware using control panel

>> No.2339972

what the hell i thought mupen64 was the slow, accurate one

graphics are handled by plugins in ALL emulators i dont even know how they are relevant

>> No.2339978

How long until someone leaks a copy? It's onl a question of time.

>> No.2340563

I uploaded one on mediafire about a week ago for a guy on /v/.


>> No.2340609

You're the best, thanks Anon.

>> No.2340615

Any chance you could add that to vrshares?

>> No.2340619

Yeah can you give me a link to it? Thought I had it bookmarked but I guess not.

>> No.2340646


>> No.2340648
File: 560 KB, 257x192, summoning the dark lord.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright I added it. Didn't really know what to put for the description so sorry if it seems half assed.

>> No.2340694

the only games I want to play that arent on the WII VC are the 2 Goemon games, Mischief Makers and Castlevania Legacy of Darkness.
Do they emulate well?

>> No.2340709
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>bitching about emulators
>bitching about people who make emulators

Learn to program and make your own emulator. Oh wait, you're a fucking retard.

Buy a fucking N64, 4 controllers (make that 1, because you're a fucking friendless faggot, why do you even want to play N64...), and a flash cart and GUESS FUCKING WHAT? You don't have to deal with this shit ever again.

Emulator fags... every time man.

>> No.2340801
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>> No.2340831 [DELETED] 
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we got a badass over here. Also im not gonna buy a console who had like 10 worthwhile games. And on top of that, sold like shit outside USA, which makes it way more expensive.

Also eventually all the N64 hardware will stop working, so that means all the N64 will disappear? Emulators are necessary to keep old forgotten hardware alive, so shut the fuck up, you double nigger.

>> No.2340890

Why in the hell is Glide still a thing in the year of our lord 2015? It's inexcusable. I swear to god N64 emulation is the reason it didn't rightfully die a quiet death ages ago.