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2332181 No.2332181 [Reply] [Original]

Since monster won't ship there cables outside of america(stupidly childish policy) which s-video cable wound be the next best for quality?

>inb4 rgb scart
Its for n64 and I don't know shit about soldering so scart is out of the equation

>> No.2332194

It's just S-video, as long as the connector is correct it will provide s-video image transfer. I use cheapies for all my consoles and they look substantially better than if Monster were to make a composite cable for older consoles.

>> No.2332210
File: 56 KB, 300x300, unnamed (3)-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They did make s-video cables(pic related) which I've been told looks much better than the official Nintendo s-video cables. I guess I'll just have to got with Nintendo then.

>> No.2332226

The Nintendo and Hori brand s-video cables are the best.

>> No.2332260
File: 21 KB, 132x99, ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2332378

What region are you in? Remember that PAL N64's need a special S-Video cable, or a mod to use an NTSC one. (This is if you're using CRT or ever want to. Most LCD TV's will simply cut the signal level digitally, i believe.) There are no official PAL N64 S-Video cables, Nintendo never made them. If you can't solder, the only place i know of that sells them nowadays is http://www.consolegoods.co.uk which several anons here don't like. Never dealt with them myself.

From their site:
>For standard charcoal/dark grey PAL N64 consoles. Special edition coloured and Pokemon PAL N64 consoles don't seem to output S-Video.

>> No.2332398
File: 63 KB, 315x288, unnamed (4)-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck...I'm PAL region.

>> No.2332401


Basically PAL N64s are gimped as fuck - they come with an aerial connector as standard and your only real hope for improvement is a scart cable. Retrogamingcables.co.uk is a good place to hit up, their Super Nintendo cable improves the picture massively.

>> No.2332497 [DELETED] 

>stupidly childish policy

Your fault for not living in the greatest country



>> No.2332518
File: 18 KB, 400x400, 1423957039826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>assuming I'm yuropoor because I'm in a PAL region

Your ameritard is showing

>> No.2332525 [DELETED] 

if you're not a yuropoor then you're either a kangaroo fucker or you're a BR or some other 3rd world shitstain

>> No.2332532

>S-video on N64
Seriously, just emulate. If you're not going to do the piss easy RGB mod, just emulate instead.

>> No.2332536

We ride roo's like horses, get it right

>> No.2332541

Because i like playing the actual console on a crt for mah nastalgia.

>> No.2332546

Australia is even worse

>> No.2332562
File: 8 KB, 203x200, Quag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always just used the cable from my Gamecube, it fits my SNES as well as my N64.

A quick look on eBay says they're around £6.50 (if you're in the UK ) for an official one, third parties are about £2 but I don't know if they're any good.

Hope this is of some use.

>> No.2332567


>> No.2332572

On most borderline Normalfag boards I use, australian posters are so terrible that they get confined to their own general. This is especially true on /o/ and /sp/

>> No.2332668


PAL N64s can't actually be modded though. I settled on a pre-modded JP console I found on ebay and it works great, the quality makes a lot of difference.

>> No.2332829

They can be modded but they need a separate pcb.
The guy you're replying to is probably just a kid btw. I wouldn't call either mod "piss easy". Not difficult but if you're messing with 30awg size wires you don't want some trash iron from china.

>> No.2332856


>> No.2333293
File: 265 KB, 1284x658, N64 Video how-to.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I can use any SNES/GC S-Video cable on a PAL N64
Dude, read the thread. Or even just this - >>2332378 On a CRT the PAL N64 will just wash out like the brightness is on 500%. Even then I'm not sure you can use an NTSC AV cable instead, do the NTSC ones have the 75ohm termination built in?

Only the later ones. The normal dark grey ones output S-Video just fine. It's a nice jump in quality, and the cable mod is a good place to start learning.

>> No.2333301

I think this one would be about two rounds apeice right now.

>> No.2333610

Monster actually makes a difference for analog cables (mostly the shielding and thicker gauge wire)

>> No.2333630

Would you also like to imply we have to choose between cyber accoustics and dr dre beats, thermaltake and the worst generic cases, memorex and gold colored "archival grade" optical media or allied/deer and silenX PSUs?

>> No.2333641

just use a coat hanger, big boy

>> No.2333676

Not him but what are you saying there I don't even

Whatever you're getting at, Beats are the audio equivalent of Apple hardware.

>> No.2333721

In this case, the main reason they'd be suggested is that you can be sure the cables are properly wired and not running dual composite.

>> No.2333819 [DELETED] 
File: 111 KB, 491x398, no_u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? No *I* don't even. I can't tell if you think positively of those two or not. I don't think those four parallel sets can be all that confusing, though now I realize thermaltake should have been listed second in that pair instead.

Apple's actually a good parrallel though, the way monster cables had taken its head salespeople on really extravagant seminars where some totalled sportscars is neatly comparable to this:

>> No.2333821

learn some english before you come to an english speaking board

that kind of image and related shitposting is also frowned upon. refrain

>> No.2333825


>> No.2333862

here's a real world test for you to engage in:
buy microsoft VGA cable for 360
buy china VGA cable for 360
buy monster VGA cable for 360

let me know which one clearly looks better; you'd have to be blind to not notice (esp. for text)

hint: it's the monster cable
source: i've actually done this

>> No.2333880

I was only commenting on Beats audio being an overpriced, overhyped joke. I'm aware of the benefits provided by shielded cabling. Which most tests seem to ignore by refusing to try and generate interference, just running the cable vs a coathanger in a clean environment. Why you'd even expect any difference in a test like that is beyond me, but they do it.

>I can't tell if you think positively of those two or not
*No*, that was *my* point, only with *all* of your examples :)

>> No.2335063

Obviously he's referring to beats electronics' pattent on neodymium magnet drivers that are 42-60mm in diameter, thermaltake's patent on carbon fibre hard drive cages, mitsui's proprietary proper gold optical disc dye and silenx's exclusive sourcing of rubycon capacitors, comparing those to monster's patent on shielded cables.

>> No.2335146

Unfortunately, I don't think there's any other cables that can provide quite the same luxurious feel. Terribly sorry.

>> No.2335330

hate to break it to you, but no fancy cable that y'all are still obviously too poor to have the market such a classy brand deserves will make your master system graphics look good.

>> No.2335603

>looks much better
you mean the picture or the actual cables?

>> No.2335632

VGA cables need a hell of a lot more bandwidth than s-video cables, and carry 3 component signals (with similar frequency characteristics) all in one bundle. S-video carries two signals, at much lower bandwidth, with frequency bands that are already mostly separated.

There's a reason that professional systems carry high-resolution RGB video on separate shielded coaxial cables, but s-video on a little set of twisted pairs.

>> No.2335663

Would component YPbPr need less bandwidth as it carries less video information than RGB?

>> No.2335672

Won't the output still look like shit anyway with most games upscaling instead of running at your native resolution?

>> No.2335884

unless you have 100 meter cables or something its all the same

>> No.2336438

Shame you didn't take pictures (because it didn't happen)

>> No.2336447

YPbPr can carry more information in the same bandwidth as RGB. But it always needs to be decoded to RGB before it can be displayed, so there is computational overhead.

>> No.2336672

S-video, scart, RGB, component, composite... Help me out /vr/, because I'm fucking lost. Which is best for my NES/SNES/64/DC/etc? Is there an image that does a good job of comparing how they differ? Is this autism?

>> No.2336743

>S-video, scart, RGB, component, composite
CTRL-F "Inputs and Signal types"

RGB ≥ Component > S-Video > Composite
SCART is just a type of connector, and can technically carry any of the above signals; RGB and Composite are the two that you'll usually see used with it though.

Composite, unless you want to look into modding

RGB for Model 1s, Composite for Model 2. Model 2 can be modded to add S-Video and RGB back in however.

S-Video without modding. PAL unit's have a few caveats with S-video though.


>> No.2336759

Wow, you can't touch monster's impeccable reputation, so now you shift the focus over to some fabricated cable type issue. Weak man, weak!

>> No.2336763

Anyone that thinks over the top insulation and gold contacts makes a cable doesn't know a whole lot.

Monster cables aren't that great. Not bad but not the best.

>> No.2337389

>what is the best brand of cables and why is it monster?

Is this the cancer that is killing vr?

>> No.2339731

dank meme


>> No.2341417

nice cables