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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2324053 No.2324053 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any cool game where i can just pick up a sword and run into enemies? I don't want jrpgs nor old rpgs in "ultima" style; something more arcade like the first legacy of kain would be good. Bonus points if the animation is well done; not clunky.

>> No.2324182 [DELETED] 

You know, it's not retro, but you should check out The Last Story on Wii. Its battle system is exactly as you describe.

>> No.2324196
File: 13 KB, 278x181, fatallabyrinth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well visually it's pretty simple, but it has an arcade style: Fatal Labyrinth for the genesis/md is straight forward kill monsters in randomly generated dungeons without all the story and bullshit in order to collect gold that is only used on a bigger and better funeral when you eventually die.

>> No.2324237

theres a video game called the legends of zelda that is like what you have described

>> No.2324287

Y's series.

>> No.2324320

ys and ys clones

>> No.2324336
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Crusader of Centy is okay. Nothing spectacular though.

I think Beyond Oasis is really good. Slow to start but pretty neat.

>> No.2324362

Zelda is more about exploring dungeons and solving puzzles and using various items more than "pick up a sword and run into enemies".

>> No.2324390

Xak: The Art of Visual Stage for the MSX2. Any game with bump combat will do this for you.

>> No.2324401

Super Ghosts and Goblins?

>> No.2324403

I'm trying to think of melee action/arcade games with an overhead view and not coming up with a single thing

Diablo, kinda, but even then not quite

They're all adventure or rpg hybrids

>> No.2324612
File: 98 KB, 511x384, n64-5151-11328132900[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No Gauntlet
Shame on you all

Gauntlet Legends was my favorite and N64 is best version. It should be noted it emulates quite poorly.

>> No.2324643
File: 22 KB, 250x363, willownes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This hidden gem on the NES.

It's like a mix between the first Zelda and ALTTP, with an overworld with towns, and different kinds of dungeons, probably what Zelda 2 would have been if they kept the original formula.

Also, the music, sweet Jesus, listen to that music:


>> No.2324647

>Y's series
>Not clunky animations

>> No.2325184
File: 111 KB, 550x400, wizard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>something more arcade

Magic Sword
King of Dragons
Knights of the Round
W-W-W-W-W-Wel-Welcome to the D&D World!

>> No.2325232
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>> No.2325306

Ys Origins, Dragon Valor, or Knights of the Round is probably what you're looking for.

A lot of these are either more or less jRPG or incorporate a bunch of different kinds of gameplay elements but:

Soul Blazer
Threads of Fate
Brave Fencer Musashi
Alundra / Alundra 2
Beyond Oasis as somebody said
Castlevania: SotN
Brain Lord
Way of the Samurai
Dicing Knight
Devil May Cry
Kingdom Hearts
Summon Night 2: Swordcraft Story
Tales of Destiny

"but anon some of those aren't vr"

don't care, some of them are