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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2308698 No.2308698 [Reply] [Original]

Because the last one sank into the depths of page ten.

Like the usual.
Discussion of the Nintendo 64, accessories, games and whatnot.

>> No.2308704

Also forgot to add that this is the 5th thread.

>> No.2308713

Did they ever released games with enhanced cartridge hardware like the FX chip for StarFox on the SNES?

>> No.2308720

Also, they should have taken the risk of making dual cartridge games at least a couple of times.

>> No.2308739

They should have, but it might've been costly.

>> No.2308745
File: 57 KB, 640x456, 40152-Rayman_2_-_The_Great_Escape_(USA)_(En,Fr,De,Es,It)-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, n64 brothers, we need to talk. How come no one ever mentions Rayman 2 as one of the n64's truly great games? When researching n64 games to get for my collection, I must have read a million top-10/50/100/whatever lists, and I don't think Rayman 2 came up once. In fact, I thought the Dreamcast was the original platform cause everyone talks up that version so much (which,to be fair, is an excellent port that really takes advantage of the Dreamcast's extra power). Why no love? Is it because it was over shadowed by Mario and Banjo? Or maybe because it was ported to every system known to man? Its not right, I tell ya! Rayman 2 is one of the best looking and best playing games on the system! Its time Rayman 2 gets the respect it deserves!

>> No.2308746

>Did they ever released games with enhanced cartridge hardware
Well, they had the expansion pak, but I guess that's not really the same thing.

>> No.2308762

>Did they ever released games with enhanced cartridge hardware like the FX chip for StarFox on the SNES?
Animal Forest had a clock.

That's pretty much it. Unless you count flash ram saves and stuff.

>> No.2308780

Totally forgot Animal Forest had an RTC chip.

>> No.2308783
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Oh this bait.

>> No.2308787

I agree, Rayman 2 was certainly one of the best N64 games, without a doubt.
A seriously under rated platformer on the 64.

>> No.2308795

rayman 2 was ported to everything.
the n64 wasn't even the "best" version as it required the controller pak and I'm aware the ps1 version is incomplete and glitchy.
Either ps2, pc or dreamcast versions were preferable.

>> No.2308805

>the n64 wasn't even the "best" version as it required the controller pak and I'm aware the ps1 version is incomplete and glitchy.
How is requiring the controller pack a problem? The Gamecube and PS2 versions required a memory card, too.

The N64 version is hardly the best version compared to the PC version especially, but that seems an odd criticism.

>> No.2308810

>How is requiring the controller pack a problem? The Gamecube and PS2 versions required a memory card, too.
i take it that you never actually owned the thing
it was a clusterfuck

>> No.2308838
File: 7 KB, 220x163, 220px-N64-mem_card1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The controller pak? It's just a small cartidge that actually isn't heavy (unlike the Rumble pak). I have it plugged on my controller and I often forget it's there. I only use it for Goemon games, Hybrid Heaven and a few others, but not too many N64 games actually require it. I think you can use it to save your ghosts in Mario Kart, but the actual game data saves in the cart memory as with most games.

I think the controller pak is kinda nifty looking, and it's really small.

IMO the worst memory card/cart of 5th gen was the Saturn's. I fucking love my Saturn, but damn managing saves can be a pain, and the fact the cart slot is said to fuck up if you put in and out carts in it scares the fuck out of me.

>> No.2308856

The problem with the controller pack was it was rather low capacity. Compared to the fundamentally broken memory cards used by the PS1 (Saving... Saving... Saving some more... Sony were warned the mem cards were flawed but they ignored the warnings... Saving... Saving...)

>> No.2308857

I think the main problem with the Saturn is that if you unplug it, the battery holding saves on the console dies within a matter of days.

>> No.2308863 [DELETED] 

What the fuck SEGA?!

>> No.2308898

the thing is, that thing would hang on the controller and if you touched it you risked corrupting all your data
also the storage size was extremely small, often it could only hold one or two saves for only one game at a time
i dont wanna talk anymore because n64 kiddies are extremely vicious and defensive

>> No.2308905

yep, that sums it up. that poster beat me to it

but anyway I don't understand why n64 kids like to claim multiplats as if they were exclusives. I've seen a few threads recommending third parties like duke nukem and tony hawk, when those were terrible ports at that

>> No.2308909


>the thing is, that thing would hang on the controller and if you touched it you risked corrupting all your data

I assume you're talking about the unofficial ones that are a bit larger and kind of stick out of the controller a bit. The offial ones don't, so it's pretty unlikely you will corrupt the saves by touching it.

>also the storage size was extremely small, often it could only hold one or two saves for only one game at a time

This is true, but then again, there are very few games that actually require it. I only have one, and I still haven't run out of space.

>i dont wanna talk anymore because n64 kiddies are extremely vicious and defensive

huh? what's the matter champ? We're adults here, we can discuss without being fanboys. The fact you're using the word "kiddy" kind of makes me think you're the vicious and defensive one.

>> No.2308910

i just think the controller pak is a big enough flaw and even the official one goes corrupt for no reason

>> No.2308917

Never heard of an official controller pak go corrupt. Mines works fine and I've been using it for over a decade.
The unofficial ones are known to not be reliable though.

By the way, really, don't think just because you had an argument with some N64 fanboy, that means all people who like N64 are the same. I've always been an idort, so I find these console wars kind of retarded, no matter which side you pick.
I'll agree with you about the storage capacity being limited, but I don't think they go corrupt as easily as you claim.

>> No.2308940

I'm fairly sure putting hardware expansions into N64 cartridges is impossible. The slot doesn't have the right pins nor the bandwidth for it.

There's no point to it anyway because coding better microcodes alone gives the N64 higher performance...it's a unique feature that other consoles did not have at the time

>> No.2308953

The N64 was an epic fail of a system. With the exception of a few games like Mario 64, Zelda OOT, Mario Kart and Golden Eye there wasn't much good about this thing. The limited storage capacity of the cartridges was a huge blunder on the part of Nintendo who should have made the leap to compact disc. The lack of content on games because of the miniscule amount of data made them bare bones, repetitive looking, short, boring pieces of entertainment that were only amusing at the time because 3D was so new in games. Most N64 games are not even worth a play anymore with the exception of a few.

>> No.2308958

Cool story

>> No.2308961
File: 146 KB, 640x343, Goe1348816707399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>epic fail

haven't heard that one since.. what, 2008?


>> No.2308968 [DELETED] 

That's old pasta, isn't it?

>> No.2308969
File: 188 KB, 252x357, Wonder_Project_J2_-_Koruro_no_Mori_no_Josette_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone can confirm if the english translated ROM of this game works fine on everdrives? I know it crashes using emulators.

>> No.2308975

No arguments to refute my points.

Cool, I'll just be playing the epic catalogue of RPGs, fighters and Horror games on my PS

>> No.2308983


Fighters on PS1? when you could be playing the actual good versions on Saturn? your bait is too weak, dude.

>> No.2308986
File: 30 KB, 304x411, Goemon10f6c7m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



keep going, you sound like a shitty troll from 2008 and it amuses me.

>> No.2309005

When did they get decent compression tech? I recall most ports having the FMVs cut due to cart space, and then Resident Evil 2 N64 blew my mind.

>> No.2309015
File: 13 KB, 480x360, eva64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Factor 5 doing wizard coding.

Evangelion 64 also has a lot of "cutscenes" (although I think they're not actual FMV, but rather big detailed sprites with individual animated parts) and a lot of voice clips.

>> No.2309597

>When did they get decent compression tech?
Factor 5's speech compression tech MORT appeared in around 1998. Unfortunately, Nintendo did fuck-all to encourage third parties to use it. Rareware used mp3 instead for Conker and Perfect Dark. Acclaim got pretty decent results from whatever method they used for audio with Turok 3. Shadow Man, on the other hand, by their British branch, had muddy voice acting. Factor 5's codec SHOULD have been used for games like Shadow Man, but wasn't.

Angel Studios developed their own FMV codec for RE2. The results are pretty decent, especially since the video runs at 30fps.

>> No.2309603

>but anyway I don't understand why n64 kids like to claim multiplats as if they were exclusives. I've seen a few threads recommending third parties like duke nukem and tony hawk, when those were terrible ports at that
The N64 had the exclusive Duke Nukem: Zero Hour.

>> No.2309619

>I know it crashes using emulators.
huh? I was playing it on mupen64plus about a year ago

>> No.2309621
File: 28 KB, 280x198, WonderPJ2146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You got to the end? I've read it crashes right at the end so I'm trying to avoid such disappointment.
I'm eventually buying an Everdrive anyway, but I want to confirm if it can run the translated rom no problem.

>> No.2309626

Oh, no. I didn't get very far at all.

>> No.2310172

So what svideo cable should I get? I'm a little hesitant about buying cheap-looking svid cables, but if some one says they are good enough then I'll just go for it.

>> No.2310180

Any cheap cable is garbage. The official ones are like $20-$50. Not terrible.

>> No.2310192

I'm not arguing, I actually love that story. It was so good I've read it about 6 times. Such original ideas and lush contribution to the discussion. Mind if I print this and frame it?

>> No.2310239


Yes, the english translated ROM works perfect on everdrives.

Just make sure you download the right one, I downloaded an unfinished version of the translation patch by accident and thought it was broken when there was more japanese than (broken) english.

So yeah it works fine.

>> No.2310335


>> No.2310486
File: 497 KB, 300x177, 1427312604122.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here, I've got some too:
Despite the somewhat small collection of great games, the ones we had were fantastic!

Also, I support the choice of cartridges because
>Muh on cart saves
>Muh hardware expansion in cart
>Muh loading times

>> No.2310510
File: 283 KB, 632x893, 1405980440036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The answer might be predictable if I ask it in a N64 thread but I'll try.

Banjo Kazookie and Tooie: N64 version or Xbox Live version? Which one is the best one and why?
Bonus points for the "why" as I'd like to know the reasons of your choice.

>> No.2310537
File: 19 KB, 400x379, d8b7a42b35fc4bed9e3d6abki5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2310539

360 makes Kazooie too easy
I don't know what's changed in Tooie, aside from the fps fix, which kind of would make me want to say 360 for Tooie, but honestly the fps drops aren't that bad on n64

>> No.2310546

Oh, as for why Kazooie is just better on 64: it doesn't have video issues and it's already kind of easy save for the last levels, so the 360 saving all notes just makes it way too easy.

>> No.2310556

So in terms of performance, there are no big differences, right?

>> No.2310587


I'd imagine controlling with the 360's stick instead of the N64 one might feel different. Probably nothing major, but on N64 you'd be able to have more control over the sensitive press (to make Banjo walk in different speeds). Most of the time you will be running but there might be some narrow places where the 360 controller might make it harder to control.

>> No.2310742


I just picked up an EverDrive 64 v2.5. The translated rom works just fine.

>> No.2310746

I've had mine for ages as well. Never had a problem with it.

>> No.2310898
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To this day this game saddens me.
At least it was released on a different system.

>> No.2311018

The translated rom always have been workinf fine
the issue is the ending, nobodyhave played all the game in the everdrive up to the ending, it hangs up in all emulators.
So are you up to the task, to complete the game and tell is the ending work on real hardware?

>> No.2311029

I would have loved to see a "cart" that was actually a CD-ROM drive that could dump the disc's data into a large ram cache. Plays lagless like a cart but the big game size of the other guys. Actually I wonder why Sony didn't do something similar, just in the hardware itself. Either way this really would have turned the tide of the industry. If Nintendo did it, they might still be #1 today. If Sony did, Nintendo might be lucky to make games for the Playstation Ultimate.

>> No.2311037

You say all that as if...

>the thread you're responding to wasn't understood to be an opinion
>because the opinions are negative, they somehow are invalid
>responding to an opinion with a counter opinion somehow "shows 'em"

Ultimately you come off looking defensive.

>> No.2311549

I have a corrupt one. Thought it was the battery, so I replaced it. The thing still asks me to initialize it every time I try to boot up Quest 64.

>> No.2312003
File: 48 KB, 640x440, Doom_64-box-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picked this up for next to nothing. Great game and very affordable.

>> No.2312327

>Quest 64


>> No.2312339


I hated vanilla DOOM. I've heard this is actually scary, though. Do you think I'd like it? Keep in mind I'm not averse to 2.5D shooters themselves; I absolutely fuckin' love the BUILD Holy Triad.

>> No.2312357

I'm sure you would because I'm not a huge fan of vanilla DOOM myself.

>> No.2313063

At least it had some stand-out games.

>> No.2313068


Why are you feeding the troll?

>> No.2313105 [DELETED] 

That clown took the bait.

>> No.2313129

If I remember correctly, consoles started out by loading the entire ROM into RAM and going from there. I'm sure "let's dump the disc into memory to reduce load time" occurred to plenty of people at Sony but some technical/economic barriers prevented it from being implemented.

>> No.2313160

Playstation only had 2MB of RAM, so you'd have less to work with than a Genesis cartridge.

The exceptions are games developed on Net Yaroze, which had to fit entirely in 2MB and only used the CD for audio streaming.

>> No.2313183
File: 145 KB, 301x266, rouge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone a rouge squadron fan?

>> No.2313378


>> No.2313969

Did you make that image with the genetic algorithm that was on /mlp/ awhile back?

>> No.2314952


>> No.2314971
File: 2.89 MB, 1536x2100, n64_sinandpunishment_jp - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished Sin & Punishment on easy recently on Virtual Console. God damn what a beautiful game. It really sucks it was never released globally, it really would've been a hit and it even had the voice acting in English already. It's probably the best looking N64 game I've seen, if not one of them. HIGHLY reccomend it to anyone seeking a fast-paced unique style of shmup.

I plan on getting the sequel Star Successor soon, but does anyone know of any other games similar to S&P from around that gen?

>> No.2315081

dem graphics tho

>> No.2315135
File: 136 KB, 300x207, Turok-dinosaur_hunter_n64_cover[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I supposed to know what's going on in Turok?
I get I have to find keys to unlock new levels, but that's literally all I get in this game, aside from that I hunt dinosaurs and all living people want to kill me.

The game just feels very... obtuse.

>> No.2315141 [DELETED] 

It's based on a comic book IIRC, that should help a lot though I never read a single page.

I too had no idea what the heck was happening around me and how all that was possible.

Guess the devs took the "story in games is like stories in porn" approach.

>> No.2315146


There is nothing quite like S&P I'm afraid. The game mixes elements of on-rail shooter, cabal shooters and run n' gun games, and masterfully so.

Not the same, but I reccommend you try the Panzer Dragoon games for Sega Saturn. Especially the 2nd one.

>> No.2315149


No, Turok is very much "all there in the manual" trope. In this way it is very like a classic FPS.

>> No.2315150
File: 642 KB, 1280x720, RezHD_003[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say Rez is similar, but only as the base gameplay level. Worth looking into. Not on N64 I'm afraid.

>> No.2315156


As I seem to recall, only the basic elements are shared between comic book and videogame. Evidently this caused enough confusion that the original strategy guide for Turok 2 specifically addresses this in a "History Of" blurb.

>> No.2315172


The manual for Turok includes a short comic at the end that serves as a prologue to the game.

I remember being disappointed by Turok as a kid though, I was hyped for it, but I never got very far. I've heard the sequel was better.

>> No.2315201

some evil witch doctor dude named campaigner started manipulating time, grab a gun and stop him
spawning enemies and portals are actually rifts in time etc
in the sequel you're up against aliens

>> No.2315204 [DELETED] 

The first game noticeable more fun later on.

The first jungle and the second level, the catacombs weren't that great, but after about 50% through things got more interesting and even finished the game.

I still have some nice memories of me fighting cyber dinosaurs with the pulse gun, rocket launcher and grenade launcher all while frantically trying to stay alive and not waste too much ammo because I had no idea what was next.

>> No.2315315

It's a good game imo, but get ready for shitty draw distances and some lag here and there.
The controls are awkward at first, but get easier over time. I think the C buttons are for moving around if I'm not mistakenly.
It's not bad, but it's not good either.
Then there's Rage Wars, and the sequel to the first game.
Let's not speak about the third game.

>> No.2315473

I just bought an N64 from a local video game reseller shop (along with a copy of WCW/nWo Revenge). All in all, $65. 64 came with a controller, the hookups, and an expansion pak. What games should I look for in the future (aside from Super Mario 64, Goldeneye, popular shit like that)?

>> No.2315489

Maybe Mischief Makers.
I could list a lot on here, but it would be a long, long list.
It's usually the popular games that are good.

>> No.2315502

I loved Omega Boost, and I would love to get into Panzer, if only I had a saturn. It's totally on my wanted list.

>> No.2316426

No I got it from g a few months back

use to play it with my dad

>> No.2316625 [SPOILER] 
File: 236 KB, 1440x952, 1427661316273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the worst N64 games you've ever played?

>> No.2316642
File: 66 KB, 972x608, r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this game.

>> No.2316653 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2316657


You posted it. Although it's not N64-exclusive.


Is it really that bad? I always thought it looked pretty realistic (for its time at least). Always wanted to try it, but I know it's not too good either... but how bad it is? And why?

>> No.2316660 [DELETED] 


the n64 has some of the best video game music ever

it kind of sucks that the disc format has allowed game developers to cheat and use licensed music instead of making their own

>> No.2316663

Superman64 is a game I personally owned back in the day. It truly is as atrocious as they say.

>> No.2316670 [DELETED] 


hybrid heaven
megaman 64
castlevania 64
army men sarges heroes
the duke nukem port
the carmageddon port
both of the quake ports

i'm not going to include superman 64 in the list because everyone knows how bad that one was

>> No.2316672

>it kind of sucks that the disc format has allowed game developers to cheat and use licensed music instead of making their own

A. I don't see how that's "cheating"
B. The disc format didn't lead developers to exclusively use licensed music; it did allow developers to use higher-quality recordings, though
C. The higher-quality sound doesn't instantly make bad music good. The composition is what counts

If you can't see any of that, I don't think you're really qualified to discuss "the best game music ever"

>> No.2316673 [DELETED] 

when i was a kid, if i got good grades on my progress report at school, my mom would rent me a game from blockbuster, and one time i chose superman 64. biggest regret of my life.

>> No.2316674


>hybrid heaven
>megaman 64
>castlevania 64


>> No.2316675

>i'm not going to include superman 64 in the list because everyone knows how bad that one was

That's just a much longer way of including it in the list, you know.

>> No.2316678 [DELETED] 



>> No.2316681

>but how bad it is? And why?
The engine sounds are terrible and there's a weird like ambient engine noise?
The controls are twitchy, it's part of the incremental turning radius plague racing games.
Most annoying to me is the car backfires NONE FUCKING STOP.

Really if it weren't for the sound it wouldn't be that bad but all together it's the worst N64 game I have played. I'd rather play a 100hours of Quest 64.

>> No.2316686 [DELETED] 


you're annoying

>> No.2316758

Quest 64 was shit, but at least it had good draw distances.
But that still doesn't make it a good game.
Castlevania wasn't a terrible game, but it was a polygon-based Castlevania game, which didn't really catch on with N64 owners.

>> No.2316796
File: 34 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone played Rocket Robot on Wheels?

It's like a better version of Spyro or Banjo Kazooie. Pick it up if you don't have it!

>> No.2316830
File: 74 KB, 412x351, 537286563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Better Version Of Spyro or banjo.
r u fukn srs m8?

>> No.2316835


I mean it's probably not as good as space station silicone valley overall, but the graphics are better than spyro on ps1, and the physics puzzles were better than easy boring fetch quests of banjo

>> No.2316910

>better version of banjo

This bait.

>> No.2316974


I tried playing it the other day, picked it up at my local gamestore

I hated it

Can't tell you any quantifiable real reason why, it just wasn't fun at all

>> No.2318879

Can somebody confirm if if it's fine to import a Japanese 64 and use it with a Aus PAL 64 power supply?

>> No.2318945
File: 3.99 MB, 4720x2420, N64-Transfer-Pak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do some Transfer Paks have grey stickers and some purple ones?

Is it the difference between the ones included with Stadium 1 and the ones sold separately?

>> No.2319414
File: 741 KB, 2448x3264, IMG_1892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my N64 collection. Many I've had for, you know, 15 years or whatever the hell, some I've lost and reacquired over the years, and some are things I only ever borrowed or played with friends that have been added to my own collection in recent years.

Games lost to time and moving a lot that break my heart: Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon and Mischief Makers.


>> No.2320134

>not in alphabetical order
its real....

>> No.2320149

>not listing them in chronological order

>> No.2320189

I implore you to print out new labels for those poor games.

>> No.2321067


Bottom two rows are series, third row is shooters, fourth is Mario-related other than glover (platformer though), top is miscellaneous. There's a method to my madness.


Most of them aren't too bad. The cartridges could be cleaned a bit though. Haven't been gaming much recently. Also, I think a bit of wear and tear on retro gaming stuff is neat. Adds to MUH NOSTALGIA in a way.

>> No.2321072

Why didn't all N64 carts have save features?

>> No.2321081


Has to do with limitations of cartridge storage, I believe. Oftentimes games that needed a memory card were really big by N64 standards. Especially if a game had to track statistics for multiple characters on each save file or was just generally pushing tech boundaries.

>> No.2321112

>Why didn't all N64 carts have save features?
To save on manufacturing costs, mainly. Third party publishers scrimped and saved wherever they could. Look at Conker's Bad Fur Day. The game's chapter system is designed around the fact they had to store 3 save files in 1\2KB of data. (Or was it a whole KB? Can't remember.)

>> No.2321115

Though, to clarify, Conker skimped on the save chip because the 64MB carts were expensive, IIRC.

>> No.2321630

My copy of SF64 was purchased from blockbuster when they were selling off all their stock, and the contacts are looser than a Filipino hooker in my slot. I'm not sure if video is impacted because I've never really had a frame of reference besides lolproject 64.

Either way, how can I go about fixing this?

>> No.2321663
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Fun thing to note about this game, it was one of the first games to have a realistic physics engine. Or something like that.

>> No.2321665

I'd have to imagine that's the case. Mine has a grey sticker and I know it came with Pokemon Stadium.

>> No.2321676
File: 71 KB, 229x230, 1394663445345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also, I think a bit of wear and tear on retro gaming stuff is neat
you won't think it's all that neat when it's gotten to the point that some of those cartridges are already at. Treat your games nicely man, they don't last forever.

>> No.2321819
File: 199 KB, 1360x768, hybrid_heaven_wallpaper__4_original_by_razpootin-d5p68ih.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game was fucking amazing. My copy was in french and I had no idea what the fuck was happening but god it was good

>> No.2321897
File: 26 KB, 453x306, cart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish more people would give this game a chance. Pic related and Legacy of Darkness are still the best 3D Castlevania games imo.

>> No.2321950


>> No.2321974
File: 75 KB, 700x720, CV_MariaCarrie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's not like it has really strong competitors.


Both pretty interesting Konami efforts, Hybrid Heaven's battle system is one of the best and most creative I've seen on RPGs. The game failed to deliver in terms of overall design (a lot of people complain about the claustrophobic underground setting, etc), but combat is ace. It even has VS mode to play against a friend, and lets you use your customized character using the controller pak.
Some of the staff in that game also worked in Snatcher and, I believe, the MSX Metal Gear games, which is why it probably got the whole "it's the N64's MGS" thing, which isn't true because both games are nothing alike, though it might have a reference or two.

Castlevania 64 is pretty cool. I like how, in a way, it's like a 3D take of Rondo of Blood. You can choose whether the Belmont-descendant vampire killer or the little girl with magic powers, you can interact with certain NPCs which then will change the way the game envelops, etc.
It's a pretty ambitious game, only held back by the primitive camera, really.
I enjoyed the exploration-based levels (The Villa, Castle Entrance) more than the platforming-focused ones (fuck the tower of sorcery, although it's not really that bad, I mean, you'd also die a lot trying to do tricky jumps on older CV games, but in this one, it's easier to blame the camera than blame yourself).
The Villa in particular is, I think, one of the best moments in the entire CV franchise.
Have yet to play LoD, heard it's even better.

>> No.2321985

Castlevania 64 has some issues (camera yeah, some jumping hitbox problems too I think), but it's unfairly maligned for two reasons, one in the present, and one in the past.

Present) The Zelda II effect, where a game that is different to its predecessors and successors is unfairly maligned by armchair gaming historians as failures because it didn't appear to start a trend in the series, therefore they think the game must have been a regretful mistake.

Past) It was released practically in the same window as Ocarina of Time which new standards for 3D action adventure, leading the game to be somewhat ignored, and its flaws accentuated compared to OoT.

>> No.2321987

LoD fixes some of the problem areas in the first one and expands with some new stages and playable characters.

Also the hardest part of CV64 was Duel Towers because there are some blind leaps of faith you have to make unless you have that level memorized. Hell, even Tower of Science and the bullshit cube dispensary at the beginning of the level was harder than Tower of Sorcery.

>> No.2321989

>there will never be a game quite like this

>> No.2321991

Found and played it for the first time about a month or two ago. It was lackluster, IMO. Iffy music and any of the racing puzzles were bullshit. I didn't hate it but towards the end I was virtually forcing myself to finish it.

>> No.2322114

Battle for naboo was bretty good too, and it had the platinum ranks too.
the gamecube sequel was pretty good too but recently playing it, the levels aren't as good as in 1. 3 is best left ignored.

I always use to rent this game and never get past the first few levels. I played it on an emulator recently and the field of view is terrible.
I have this, it's not very good. Gran Turismo is so much better than any of the sim like n64 racing games I've played.

>> No.2322763

For someone who has never played much Castlevania, CV64 is a good game. But for someone who has played all of the games before CV64, it might not be as good as expected. The game is good or bad depending on how much experience the player has with the Castlevania series.

>> No.2322770

I think you're screwed.

>> No.2322931

>I have this, it's not very good. Gran Turismo is so much better than any of the sim like n64 racing games I've played.
What about World Driver Championship?

>> No.2322986

Damn shame. Still functional though, just doesn't insert with as much friction as does a healthy cart.

>> No.2323343

I never had one(stuck with my 2600 for years), but started looking for one recently. Finally found one at a garage sale at a Spanish church downtown a few days ago. paid 7 bucks for it. Can you guys recommend some good games besides the ones everyone knows about (Banjo, Ocarina, Mario world, etc.)?

>> No.2323505


Wave Race, Blast Corps, both Goemon games, Mischief Makers, Jet Force Gemini, F-Zero X, there were various other titles reccommended throughout this thread.

>> No.2323665

What's you guys' opinion on this?

>> No.2325570

I've never played that so I cant say

>> No.2328387

the game sucked dude. accept it.

>> No.2328410

Accept what an opinion is.

>> No.2328420


It doesn't suck, it's just an OK game, has some very interesting stuff, but CV in 3D was always hard to do. At least CV64 is better than the new ones made by these spanish devs and kojima

>> No.2328929

Why do people suddenly hate Castlevania 64?

>> No.2328979

Because everyone was butthurt over the fact that it was a 3D Castlevania game, and that it wasn't what the fans were used to.
Yeah, it's flawed, but it was actually kind of fun.

>> No.2328987

Nothing sudden about it, on the contrary, people always hated it. Same with Megaman Legends.

>> No.2328989
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Actually, now that the dust has setlted, people are starting to recognize CV64's strong points (level design, atmosphere, story) better than before, it still has its flaws, but it's far from being shit.
And likewise, people are starting to notice SOTN's flaws more (it's still a GREAT game, but it's not the "perfect best castlevania evar" as people used to think back in the late 90s/early 00s).

Neither were really like the classic ones, but CV64 has more in common with the classic games than SOTN does in some aspects. They actually tried to make a 3D Castlevania, while SOTN used CV's 2D aesthetics, but changed a lot the game design and controls.
I always considered CV64 a sort of 3D Rondo of Blood with survival horror/adventure elements.

But yeah, you still get people claiming N64 is shit because they saw someone's opinions on Youtube, etc.

>> No.2329048

YouTubers told them to. See also: Ocarina of Time.

>> No.2329054

OoT is hated now by 6th genners and later generations?

>> No.2329057

Nah, it's hated just by 4chenners.

>> No.2329058

Oh, but not Majora's Mask, no no no. You see, that one just came out on 3DS, so it's cool to not hate it yet. Also because of the condescending elitism around liking "that other N64 Zelda game that was just too hard for you to appreciate."

>> No.2329059

It's not hated by anyone. Sure, there's some criticism, but what doesn't garner criticism? If you ask most people if they like OoT, they're gonna say yeah.

>> No.2329061

Wow I didn't know OoT was disliked. MM isn't that great.

>> No.2329071

What does /vr/ think of the technical decisions made for the N64?
I'm glad it used cartridges but Nintendo really should have helped 3rd parties utilize the system with more documentation and microcode.

>> No.2329089


Pretty much what you said.

I'm also glad they used cartidges, feels better to collect than CDs.
And since I think they use flash memory, the save data is likely to last longer than NES/SNES carts memory.

>> No.2329102


Are they not battery backed?

>> No.2329109


The large majority of N64 carts use Flash RAM, or EEPROM.
From what I understand, only a dozen of games used SRAM or an integrated battery.

Either way it seems N64 carts are highly durable. I never cam across any save data lost on any of my +50 carts.

>> No.2329413

My n64 is making a very strange sound. It's difficult to describe, but I'll try.

It's an oscillating sound, as though it were coming from or through a fan. It's not nearly as high a frequency as coil whine. I'd open it up and take pictures, but it's still working at the time being. Also, I don't have the bit to open the console (hooray for proprietary bullshit!), so I'm not sure if it's coming from the PSU or the console itself. Does this issue sound familiar to anyone used to repairing N64s?

>> No.2329417

The bit needed isn't proprietary. It's just a security bit. It's however not really used anymore because of security torx.

It could be capacitors and or the psu failing. Bad idea to continue running it.

>> No.2329421

It'd be easier to narrow down the culprit if I had another PSU on hand. Happen to know off hand what security bit the console uses, or is this the kind of thing that google would tell me with a cursory search?

>> No.2329426

Search nintendo security bit on ebay. As said they're not used anymore so. Videogamemuseum I think? They have some pretty decent quality bits and the two sizes used by Nintendo and SEGA.

>> No.2329435

In your opinion, are these worth their weight in shit? I saw another option on amazon, but many of the reviews indicate shoddy quality and quick stripping.


>> No.2329436

Sup bros. I'm having issues with emulators for N64. I can't seem to get a stable one going to play banjo kazooie (and later on, tooie) on. What's considered the best emulator for those two games? I just froze at 92 notes in treasure trove cove and I'm buttmad.

>> No.2329437

>In your opinion, are these worth their weight in shit?
The best ones I've found are from these guys. They're goldish in color. Been using them for 2 years now. No problems. Used them on a lot of screws.

Most are trash and you're better off melting a pen down then using them. Those I linked are pretty damn good though.

>> No.2329440

Splendid, I'll order those. Shame I'll have to wait another month before I visit my parents and have access to the system though.

What size screwdriver do they fit into? Sorry for such a question, but I'm new to any sort of console modification.

>> No.2329443

Any standard driver will fit them. That kind of stuff is pretty standardized. It's when you get into powered stuff that you need to worry about. Or watch making.

>> No.2329450

Well, as much as I plan on learning to solder and such, I think I'll avoid such intricacies for the time being.

Thanks for your input. Oh, and one last thing: I've noticed that framerates and draw distances don't seem to be what they used to on my system, but AGDQ and such still works fine. Think that the sound I'm hearing is related, or are my rose tinted glasses just falling off?

>> No.2329456

If you want to learn to solder I really recommend buying a decent iron. Makes it much easier. Also don't practice on a N64. Go find a laptop or something out of the trash.

Some games have a lot of fog. Generally the worse ones. What do you mean by agdq? Talking about the speed runners?

>> No.2329460

Oh lord I'm not risking one of my consoles while learning. I got a cheap "learn to solder" kit from radio shack and will invest in a better iron when I get the basics down.

I'm referring to SM64 in particular, it seems as though Jolly Roger Bay is running at a lower framerate than I see in places such as speed runs (that is what I meant) and other sources actually recorded from a console. And though I have no frame of reference since it's my first time playing it, DK64 seems to have a hilarious amount of pop-in. I'm just wondering if these things could be a sign of my failing hardware or if this is how it always was.

>> No.2329461
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Got pick related today for £2 at a car boot sale.
Did I do good /vr/?

The analogue seems decent, little deadzone play compared to my official one. Looks barely used.

>> No.2329465


I got 2 of those when I was 7. They're still working. All in all, it's pretty solid for a third party. The only REAL issue is that the Z button has a nasty habit of getting stuck.

>> No.2329467

They could be. Watch some videos of non emulated games on youtube

>> No.2329827

What the hell are you smoking? That little guy locked into a slot that completely surrounded it in hard plastic. There was zero chance of it shaking loose by accident or by force. You could drop the control from 50 feet, and there's zero chance the pak would disconnect. You absolutely had to press down the little tab on the control to release that thing, hence the deep semicircular edge you can see in the picture. Personally, I never had the originals nor third party ones go corrupt, but it's not something I've polled a lot of people on. The save size was indeed inadequate, especially if you wanted to save data from a really greedy game like FIFA '98, but 3rd party ones had 4x or more storage.

>> No.2329868

The original Extreme-G is by a large margin my favorite racing game ever. I thought it had better controls than the sequel, as well as much more engrossing atmosphere and godly, influential music (futuristic trance beats, but I'm terrible with music genres). I highly recommend you find yourself a copy if you've never played it.

>> No.2329889

All I want is Aria of Sorrow in slightly higher resolution. Still haven't played Castlevania 64 since reading about it in a gaming magazine 10+ years ago, but this thread has reminded me to get around to it.

>> No.2329916

I have one of those. Best 3rd party n64 controllers I know of, but that's not saying much. The buttons travel a bit too much and the sides should really be longer. Also, the stick really likes to stay in the groove of one of the 8 primary directions, but that can actually be an asset, depending on the context. It's very easy to point straight up without having to hit the edge and press into a corner. That can really be a godsend on some platformers, though I only ever used it for multiplayer. I guess the flanks are a bit wide which makes it harder to press L and R if you have small hands, but whatever. Honestly, that controller has great potential for niche speedrunning uses and games that only use 8 movement directions, like Bomberman 64.

>> No.2330045

Huh, they're both great imo. I went through Majora's Mask for the first time in like 10 years a few weeks ago and it was loads better than I remembered.

I think Mupen64Plus is the usual for BK/Tooie, but I just finished Tooie a few days ago with like 10-12 freezes max on PJ64 1.6. I still have my BK cart so idk how emulating that goes.

On another note, DK64 is hands down one of the worst games to play these days. Can't emulate it, playing it is infuriating cause it runs at fuckin 10-15fps half the time, dear lord.

>> No.2330051
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>war gods
>0 results
I guess that's not surprising cause this game was honestly terrible except for the laughs

Anyone remember this piece of shit? I have never been able to beat the final boss still.

>> No.2330054
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>tfw you lost your Banjo Tooie, Perfect Dark, OoT, Smash 64, Star Fox 64, Bomberman 64, Automobili Lamborghini, and C&C carts

At least I still have conkers lol ;_;

>> No.2330179

I've completed both versions of both games. I'm pissed at how good the XBLA ports are because I'll never again be able to sit down and fully enjoy the 64 versions.

I mean, the 64 versions are nice because they don't have stupid achievements and other XBL bullshit (it's especially annoying when that stuff shows up in the dialogue). However, the 360 versions have a super steady frame rate in my experience, and most importantly for me, the textures and draw distance is leagues better than the N64. It blew my mind when I first saw the texture comparisons.

>> No.2330183

Yeah, but there's a lot more downsides than that. The new font is hideous, and isn't even remotely synchronized to the guh huhs like the old font kinda was. They changed the note system removing even the small semblance of challenge that the original game had. While some textures did get upgraded, those that didn't are inaccurately filtered and tiled (looking much uglier than the original console), much like PC emulation. Tooie was even worse, because it had a big focus on aiming reticles, and they totally messed up the aiming controls on XBLA.

>> No.2330189

>Banjo Tooie was easily the most nostalgic game for me
>Growing up, it was THE game that I went to. If I had nothing else to play, I just walked around Isle O' Hags and felt like I was actually in the world
>I visited the world of Tooie every day
>Years went by, console generations came and went
>I still brought out my N64 when I had nothing to play, and went back to the world of Tooie
>Microsoft announces ports
>Play the ports because the textures look great, and actually enjoy the games quite a bit
>Finish Tooie
>Feel empty
>Exploring the world feels...different
>I tried booting up the 64 version, maybe muh nostalgia
>For the first time, I don't feel anything while starting the game
>I don't feel transported to a world, I just feel like I'm playing an old game
>I'll never recapture the childhood feeling of wonder that I managed to hold on to for so long

I don't fucking know, /vr/.

>> No.2330198

I bought an n64 at launch, even rented a Japanese one at a video store months before american launch. I had Mario 64, pilotwings, wave race, turok 1, mischief makers, diddy kong racing, hybrid heaven, oot, jfg, star fox 64, and a few others I'm not recalling. Sold most of my collection off over the past couple years. Some notes:

Yes, war gods was shit.

Castlevania 64 was not good nor bad. Most anyone that talks shit about it didn't have a 64 at the time of the game's launch and had to experience it through emu or later purchase, or, as noted earlier, watched some sweaty faggot on YouTube shit on it. For those of us that went through the 64's entire lifespan start to finish, c64 was unlike anything we had on the system. That game had some shit pants moments and neat atmospheres...I'm trying to be positive here!

Diddly Kong racing I didn't like for a couple years until I tried to master it. Game is WAY more hardcore than it appears on surface.

Mischief Makers is an absolute masterpiece. I was so sad when I mastered it.

I was not crazy about oot, probably because I was young when it came out and have been stuck in the water temple going near 20 years now.

Pilotwings 64 doesn't get the credit it deserves.

Jfg is another masterpiece despite that faggoty fucking save the bear faggots shit.

Turok 1 is impossibruu. Also, holy fucking fog.

Quest 64 is shit. I rented that back in the day and my child ass hated that shit.

I remember enjoying Multi Racing Championship at the time. Good rental.

Robotron 64 was some serious rad shit.

I did not like Winback that much. Maybe because child faggot.

Played a lot of star fox 64 but disliked the soundtrack, always sounded squashed and low budget. SNES starfox had superior tuneage.

>> No.2330206


Also, I always believed ki gold to be one of the most overlooked 2d fighters ever. That game was SO fast.

Remember how Shadows of the Empire got shit reviews by EVERY magazine but was actually rad? What was up with that? Always thought of that to be some strange industry conspiracy or something.

>> No.2330216

The n64 was ok but the lack of jrpgs really killed it for me. It was great fun for platformers, shooters and racers though. It's a shame nintendo stuck with cartridges instead of using cds.

>> No.2330234
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Agree with pretty much everything you said, except I didn't got stuck on OOT.

Also, you didn't say what you thought of Hybrid Heaven. I didn't play it back in the day, only a couple years ago, and I really liked it, very original and unique game.

Also, renting a japanese N64 before the western release must have been incredible. I remember seeing a store with one in display for the first time, before the official western launch, until then, I had only seen screenshots of N64 on magazines, but one day for the first time I saw it running the SM64 demo, my jaw dropped drastically.

I remember they had the japanese N64 box there, it looks so nice.
We asked the price for it and it was ridiculously expensive, I guess they tried to take advantage of rich people who couldn't wait until the official release.

>> No.2330241


Shadows of the Empire is half a great game. Get towards the end and things go straight to hell.

>Dat vehicle section

>> No.2330346

I know that feeling. As much as I still love SM64, I stopped getting that feeling I got when I was younger. I blame emulation though; when you have the entirety of a console's library at your fingertips, it's easy to take games for granted.

>> No.2330461

>stuck on the water temple for 20 years
You better go and beat that eventually. You're going to remember that on your deathbed.

>> No.2330793

I was using normal Mupen64. I haven't tried Plus due to the lack of GUI. Also I was playing DK64 fairly well a few months ago with P64, but there were lots of graphical glitches.

>> No.2330797

Shadow of the Empire is just laughably bad when placed next to Jedi Knight. I'm pretty sure Shadows was out first by a little bit, but not much, they were both released around the same time.

>> No.2330803

Not him, but I never could get into HH. My brother was absolutely obsessed over it, but it was just way too clunky for me to enjoy it. Also there's a lot of WHAT DO I DO that I generally dislike in games.

>> No.2330807

>I'm pretty sure Shadows was out first by a little bit, but not much, they were both released around the same time.
11 months difference. That's almost a year. Jedi Knight was more specialized too. Shadows of the Empire tried to be everything.

>> No.2330815

What's up with the IRC no actually existing?

>> No.2330816
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Yeah, the controls are a bit clunky, but the main thing the game has going on for it are the battles. One you get the hang of how the battle mechanics work, start making your own custom combos, and how to properly manage your stamina bar, it becomes addictive as fuck. it's like a turn-based virtua fighter/wrestling game.

You never played the VS Mode with your brother? shit's great, but none of my friends can get the hand of it either. I wish I could play it with someone who knows how to play it. A lot of hilarious situations are to be had.

>> No.2330829

I have. I honestly think that overall, HH is a pretty bad game (to be fair, the N64 is kinda lacking games that stand the test of time), but I can definitely see the appeal in it. I'm glad someone has fun out of it, because you can definitely tell that the devs loved working on it.

>> No.2330839

You are right. I was slightly off because I played both of them around the same time.

The thing that really put me off about Shadows is how god damn sluggish it is. And I know it is a console game, but the Mario games are not that sluggish. JK ran so much smoother, even on a non-gaming PC with software rendering. I'll cut it slack in the graphics department, though, because a year was enormous back in the 90s.

>> No.2330850
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Yeah, the game is far from being perfect, the whole TPS aspects of it are very barebones, the platforming stuff just sucks, the labyrinthic level design isn't bad per se, but it would help if every room and corridor were less same-looking, etc. But the battles and the overall uniqueness of the game got me to like it.

I didn't like it at first at all, though. And I played it only a few years ago, so I don't have nostalgia for it. But I kinda forced me to finish it, expecting to hate it, and ended up liking it a lot.

I still would understand not appealing to most people, it's just a weirdass game.

>> No.2330861

To be fair though, how many games let you suplex aliens that look like gorillas and lizards? It's definitely a unique game, which I rather value. I just can't get into it.

>> No.2331805


>> No.2332052

Hell yeah I remember that bargain bin queen. Doubt my brother and I put more than 8 hours combined playtime into that reeking stinkpile. I did like the exaggerated blockiness of the fighters that seem like the inspiration for gears of war garbage.

>> No.2332057

Conker's is by far the most difficult to replace of those games. The rest you can get on amazon or ebay for reasonably cheap.

>> No.2332060


I'm fully serious when I say HH is one of my all-time favourite games.

>> No.2332071

This seems like a good thread to ask.
Has anyone here played Ocarina of Time 3D?
How is it? Is anything changed?

I got Majoras Mask 3D a while back, i'm just now at the end ( only missing 1 heart piece, the fucking Don Gero frog choir ), and so far my only 1 complaint about the game is that it took me quite a while to get used to the Ocarina controls. They improved a damn lot of stuff in the game.

So i'm wondering, did they improve some things on OoT? Are there any things that might take some getting used to ( other than Ocarina buttons ) ?

>> No.2332072

We're serious when we say we're sorry you have such shit taste.

>> No.2332081

What'd they improve in Majora's Mask 3D?

>> No.2332082


HH, like cv64, was another unique game a lot of us couldn't pass up. I didn't play much of it because of the clunk, but respect it for what it is.

I think I rented that Japanese n64 for 3 days and two nights. It came with Mario 64 and pilotwings. I didn't sleep much. It was a surreal experience. I also rented the Japanese SNES before american release. Japanese super Mario world is a completely different game.

SotE was balls deep. The vehicle levels were hard if you expected to beat them first try.

>> No.2332095

That's okay bro. Favoritism does not match up to actual quality. One of my favorite movies is Blackula.

>> No.2332130

Outside of a few very specific lighting changes, it's almost as good as MM3D. A bunch of people with claim that they ruined the "atmosphere" of certain things, but I'd much rather take a game that runs better, controls better, and has multiple conveniences brought by having the second screen over a somewhat darker rendered game.

>> No.2332145

So you're saying they destroyed the Deku tree as well as the Forest, Soul, and Spirit temples?

>> No.2332443


>It was a surreal experience.

I imagine. Seeing that japanese N64 on display at that store was surreal enough for me.

>Japanese super Mario world is a completely different game.

Please do elaborate!

>> No.2332450

You know what thing that I don't like about the n64 (besides horrible emulation)?

After the paradise that was the SNES, the N64 is completely devoid of RPGs, and that's sad

>> No.2332453

Not at all

OoT3D is an amazing port that, if you ask me, it's even worth playing over the original

>> No.2332765

Seeing as though they kept all of the glitches present in the first version of the N64 game in OoT3D to keep it original, nothing much has changed.
Except for the obvious graphical improvements, and all of the minor improvements.

>> No.2332823

The OoT remake really doesn't looks good to me. Definitely not preferred over the original like WWHD.

>> No.2332916

The icons for characters when there is dialogue is HD, and altered a little. Also it is harder to aim in FPS mode with xbox joystick as opposed to a new n64 controller. Those are the only things I don't like.

>> No.2332926

this. except I'm still at the
>Play the ports because the textures look great, and actually enjoy the games quite a bit

>> No.2333627

So, /vr/.
What are your fondest memories of the N64?

>> No.2333629

As cliche as it is. OoT hyrule field.

>> No.2333642

Getting to Toad Town in Paper Mario

>> No.2333659

SoE is another game I use to play with my father. Use to play the sewer level to play with the jetpack. The junkyard level is awful. The speeder bike level is one of the worst levels I've played in any game.

I watched the AVGN & friend playthrough a while ago and felt smug he didn't know you can stand between the slave 1s guns and not get hit.

I went back a while ago when I found out there were codes to switch to an xwing or tie fighter on the last level but otherwise I never play it anymore.

>> No.2333694
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Waiting for games.

>> No.2333701

using the secret Neon car in extreme-g
4 player smash or goldeneye
going to blockbuster to rent new games

>> No.2334079
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Pre-launch hype for the "ULTRA 64", with all these magazine screenshots of proto Mario 64, Zelda, Wave Race, etc. Even that Robotech game that never came out.

Actually seeing SM64 for the first time on display off of a japanese N64 at a store. I vividly remember how amazed I was at the attract mode, seeing Mario running through the falling bridge on the ghost house was incredible. Until then, the only 3D games I've played were stuff like Magic Carpet or Alone in the Dark on the PC, and some arcade games like Virtua Fighter 1 and 2 (which also left a big impression on me the first time I played them). But SM64 was something else, the sense of "go anywhere" in it and how fluid the animations and controls looked were breathtaking.

Finally getting a N64 and SM64 as a surprise gift after I had received a PS1. Hooking it up and listening to that comfy file select music, then fooling around with the controls outside the castle and finally entering Bob omb battlefield. Way too many memories with this game. One of the few games that lived up to the hype for me.

Picking up Mischief Makers randomly once, without knowing what to expect. Little did I know it would become one of my favorite games of all time. I remember getting a flu, skipping school, and playing Mischief Makers non-stop comfy as fuck in my bed. Great memories that always come back every time I play it.

All the multiplayer stuff of course. Mario Kart 64 got insane amount of play time, it was the favorite game of many of my friends and relatives. I wasn't too crazy about the game itself, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't have a great time playing it in multi player.

Fast-forward to more recent years, and I also have a lot of great memories with the N64. Finally getting the Goemon games which I'd always see on magazines but never had the chance to play. Those lived up to the hype as well.
Also importing Sin and Punishment: I honestly think this game alone makes owning a N64 worth it.

>> No.2334556

I always thought Neon turned too well, so I preferred Roach. Looked more badass too. I'm starting to remember those stupid cheats you got for beating cups in Extreme-G that I totally forgot about. Damn, that game is underrated.

Playing any good game for the first time, especially after a quick flip through of the manual to build anticipation. OoT, BanjoKazooie, Extreme-G, Mario Kart, SSB, Bomberman 64 and Perfect Dark all come to mind.

>> No.2335976

One of the devs actually released a proto ROM of Robotech: Crystal Dreams online.
Hell, for being very close to a beta version of the game, it sure looked good for being only a 4 mb cart.

>> No.2336030

Nintendo should have taken the risk of making dual cartridge games for the system. That and It would have been nice to see N64DD make use of VCDs'

>> No.2336082
File: 58 KB, 640x441, covereu87v5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not playing the best futuristic racing game out there

>> No.2337012

That's not F-Zero X

>> No.2337073

>playing Mario 64 again
>Tower of the Wing Cap, trying to get all Red Coins
>Keep having to re-do it because I can't get them all in one sitting, and fuck me if I can gain enough momentum to get some of the higher stars

I love this game but god damn it this is stupid.

>> No.2337082

That's not Episode 1 - Racer.

>> No.2337096

those ain't Rollcage Stage II

>> No.2337098

nvm that one wasn't ported to the N64

>> No.2337285

mainly just because it's not an exclusive.
And while GREAT, the n64 version prolly still isn't the definitive one.

So mainly not on lists because those focus on n64 only games

>> No.2337286

A million times this.
Still never enjoyed another racer more.

And if I could ever find the composer of the music, or even just music LIKE it, I would die happy

>> No.2339729

>Also forgot to add that this is the 5th thread.

Thank goodness you pointed hat out then, otherwise

>> No.2339782


You're sagging shit that's been said many, many times before.

Am I the only person who thinks that the n64 has an AMAZING library of games? There's at least 50 games for the thing that are great. Much more than the past few generations of consoles imo

>> No.2339786


XBLA version unless you're specifically playing for nostalgia purposes

Get the Perfect Dark XBLA version while you're at it. It's nearly flawless and I have 7 days of playtime logged

>> No.2339789


How does that make it easier? It's just less time consuming now

>> No.2339791



>> No.2339798
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Yes, but a lot of people pretend 1st party Nintendo or Rare games don't count as "good games".

The N64 has a really great catalogue of quality games, and people often tend to forget the amount of multiplayer games N64 had which also made it popular back in the day (sports games, racing games, etc).
The only way you could say the N64 "sucks" is if for some reason you hated Nintendo with a passion and don't want to touch any of their games (I can understand people being fed up with Mario and Zelda, but F-Zero X and Wave Race 64 are amazing arcade titles that even anti-Nintendo people can enjoy).

>> No.2339812
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It is in many ways not a great game, but I love the hell out of it.

>> No.2339976

I remember playing Star Fox 64.
I remember beating that game in like an hour, and holy shit was it fun.

>> No.2339991


nigga did you even hard route

>> No.2339995

>he doesn't know about hard route
>literally thinks those other planets are just for show

>> No.2340515

Has N64 emulation gotten any better in the past few years?
I'm looking to play through PM64 with a friend who doesn't have access to his 64 but last time I checked the games emulation was still really sketchy.

>> No.2340941

It's getting there.
Since I usually use mobile emulation, I use Mupen 64. Screwing around with the video and audio settings gets some games to run better, but I always found Resident Evil 2 for the 64 hard to run.

>> No.2341032

>I always found Resident Evil 2 for the 64 hard to run.
Latest PJ64 builds run it near-perfectly. Mupen64plus is useless for RE2.

>> No.2341158
File: 43 KB, 720x540, 1528403-sin_and_punishment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone upload the translated flashcart-friendly version of Sin and Punishment for me? I'm a retard and can't get xDelta patch it.

>> No.2341161

Where do you need translations in it besides the menus? It really isn't that difficult to use and if you really need the tutorial so bad, you can look it up.

>> No.2341164

The version of xDelta I'm using looks for .nds files, perhaps I'm just blind. Getting all the tutorial/information from here: http://www.retrocollect.com/News/flash-cartridge-compatible-sin-a-punishment-nintendo-64-fan-translation-patch-released.html

I don't know anything about the game, so I'm not sure where I need translations in it. I just heard a "complete" translation exists, so I figured why not use it.

>> No.2341170

Oh okay then. Make sure you read/play the tutorial before you play, it'll be harder otherwise. It's probably my favorite if not one of the best N64 games you can play. Get ready for an experience!

>> No.2342454

>dual cartridge games
As in two plugged in at once for double the amount of space and stuff? That'd actually be really interesting, but wonder since it's never been done before (afaik) pricey or hard to do with the hardware/software, etc.

If you mean like cartridge 1, cartridge 2 as compared to games that are across two discs they had some intention originally to allow you to port saves over to other games by saving it in the RAM, but technical limitations[citation needed] made the planned 10 second window of switch cartridges to a much smaller time.

>> No.2342492

I remember when I played this with a friend back in the day. He left the cart at my house once and it stayed with me for four years, over which I never once played it again.

Last time I tried the DC version I didn't think much of it, maybe when I get my everdrive 64 I'll re-download and see if it's still any good.

>> No.2342496

Admittedly I was too stupid as a kid to know how controller paks worked, but having used one recently for games after getting back into retro, I haven't had any such problems with the controller pak, and I'm even using a 3rd party model that juts out further from the base. As for storage space, mine is exceptional in that it's actually four memory cards in one, but each individual memory card is a unique entity (no cross-save between the cards) and I currently have six games saved on one portion of it.

I think you're just taking comparisons between it and a PS memory card and mixing it with simple superstition.

>> No.2342504

I have a 3rd party 256K memory card, 6 save files, and it's full. Buying a new one soon so I can save all the games that need it. I never had a PS1 but this always seemed small.
Also was completely unaware you could edit it's contents by holding start as you turn on a game that supports one until a few years ago.

>> No.2342989

>We're adults here
>posts on 4chan

>> No.2343014

I'm just going to place this unpopular opinion right here:

I like Donkey Kong 64, and I'm glad it's coming to the virtual console. I lost my cartridge in a move along with Megaman Legends, Mario Kart, and Perfect Dark, all of which I've since replaced, save for DK64, which I could never find for less than $60.

>> No.2343536

a nigger stole my Star Fox 64 cart a long time ago

>> No.2343573

there are several DK64 carts for ~$20 BiN on ebay right now

>> No.2343590

I liked Quest 64. It isn't that bad.

>> No.2344394

If you like Quest 64, you have autism.

The only thing that I see that is good about it is the awesome draw distances.

>> No.2344396


>If you like Quest 64, you have autism.

Kind of true for a lot of RPGs

I thought the battle system was interesting (but not as good as it could have been) and the music was decent. But yeah I still wouldn't say I liked it. It's a very basic and barebones RPG.

>> No.2344451
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Are there any bad replacement sticks I should watch out for? Need one but don't know what's good or bad

>> No.2344568

Well, there was Aidyn Chronicles, but that was pure shit as well.
It basically had the same battle system as Queat 64, maybe because both games were made by THQ.
Quest 64 could've had some success, but the hype train inbound for the game's arrival got destroyed, due to it being pretty flawed here and there.
Fuck, Ogre Battle 64 is probably the only good RPG for the system.

>> No.2344785


>made by THQ.

THQ was just the publisher, Quest 64 (originally called Elltale Monsters in Japan, I believe) was made by a japanese dev. Aydin Chronicles was western-made, I think.

Ogre Battle 64 is pretty good. Probably the best N64 RPG would be between OB64, Paper Mario and Shiren 2 (japan only)

>> No.2347613

Some other N64 RPGs are HM64, River King 2, Hybrid Heaven, Zool and SRW64 if someone wants to check those out.

>> No.2347627

Second. The one on my official controller is fucked.

>> No.2347657 [DELETED] 


Oh right, Zool. Not to be confused with the 90s ChupaChups mascot game made for Amiga, PC and consoles.

I've read the RPG Zool for N64 it's a good game, been wanting to import for a while.

>> No.2347678
File: 17 KB, 256x199, Zool - Majuu Tsukai Densetsu-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh right, Zool. Not to be confused with the 90s ChupaChups mascot game made for Amiga, PC and consoles.

I've read the RPG Zool for N64 it's a good game, been wanting to import for a while.