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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2305583 No.2305583 [Reply] [Original]

So. Once again i realised yesterday that emulation is not like the reali thing. And even though, (and i'm going to get bashed for this) i play my retro on an HDTV, whenever i turn on my snes, i get a feeling of perfection that i could never get from an emulator.

Do you guys have similar experiences?

Do you think that emulators are completely perfect and the same thing?

What are your opinions on the matter?

pic related it's the game i was playing on my snes, even though i play the Japanese version because its cheaper and i'm poor.

>> No.2305586

Anyone who gives a shit about what TV you use is just shitposting. I use my 55" LED.

Honestly, I like sitting on my couch and its kinda satisfying to pop in the cart and use the controller. I however, can almost never tell the differences between real software and emulators for the most part (NES and SNES specifically). Some games (Such as Actraiser 2) are actually much more enjoyable on Emulator because otherwise they're frustrating as fuck.

>> No.2305594


the HDTV looks better if you lower the sharpness to 10. And if the snes like mine is modified to run at 60 hz...
See i can tell the difference and that's the thing, especially today, when resellers tend to raise the prices...some retro games tend to cost as much as they did, when new, or more.
But i guess that's the price i'll ultimately have to pay.

>> No.2305598

>Do you think that emulators are completely perfect and the same thing?
No, input lag is unfortunately still a thing.

>> No.2305620

After I worked with BASIC and DOS in emulators just like I did in the old days I can't really think of them as that different in terms of content. Emulation just makes things a lot more comfortable and configurable.
I still have old machines standing around but no interest to hook them up any more.

>> No.2305643 [DELETED] 
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can i has them plz?

>> No.2305673

You see, OP. As far as I believe, a snes cartridge was made for the snes, that was made to work with the TVs back at the time.

So, playing a snes cart on a snes, with a snes controller, on a TV made in the same age of it is of course the best option, not just because of nostalgia, because that's how they made and tested it with. Hooking up your snes on a HDTV won't work just as well as connecting your PS3 to a CRT.

But with the technology today, you can emulate it so it will look and play just like you would on a real thing, with some tweaking.

For me, it's more about searching what cartridge I want to play from the shoebox full of carts, blowing the dust off of it (even if it makes no difference), and not having to deal with menus and system setups to make it work fine.

>> No.2305674

>Some games (Such as Actraiser 2) are actually much more enjoyable on Emulator because otherwise they're frustrating as fuck.
Why? Savestates?

>> No.2305696

>But with the technology today, you can emulate it so it will look and play just like you would on a real thing

Not OP but this is really a myth.

Emulation is good for GENERAL use, you can play certain games even better than they were on their native hardware and software, but you're also bound to find games that work worse or don't work at all on emulators.
The most common problem is input delay in certain games, titles like Bust A Groove have problems with that on emulators, I remember playing it 2 years ago and wondering why it was so hard to time inputs properly in some stages, found out the inputs were processed slower in stages with a lot of effects that caused hiccups in processing, both on PC and PSP.
Games like Ogre Battle 64 or Xenosaga 3 work real bad on emulators compared to the original hardware.
Not to mention that while the real thing just needs you to connect a couple of jacks and slap a cartridge or a CD in it, emulation can and will require a lot of tinkering with stuff that usually requires quite a bit of knowledge to be used properly.

On the bright side, certain old machines like Nes or SNES have near perfect emulation now, even PSX and PS2 emulation has become much better and some games can benefit a lot from this, so again, certain things are good while other's aren't.

If you ask me I'd always prefer to have the original stuff if I have the chance, and not because I'm a collectorfag or anything, it's just that it usually works better, I don't care about AA, filters or savestates either so while emulation is a great thing and a huge commodity for those like me who travel around a lot, I still consider it slightly inferior to the real thing.

>> No.2305705

I'm emulating everything pre N64 on Wii with CRT and can't complain. Plus you even get a bunch of perfectly emulated 64 games on there.

>> No.2305710
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I was mainly talking about emulating /vr/ stuff.
You can emulate most of it properly, like the real thing. Of course if you get out of /vr/ area and get specific, you'll find problems.

Ever since the first N64 emulator got released, I've been waiting to play my favorite game properly, and never managed to.

>> No.2305716

>emulation can and will require a lot of tinkering with stuff that usually requires quite a bit of knowledge to be used properly.
Depends on what you want to emulate. console emulators are pretty easy to start for most part unless you want to customize your experience. Computers can be tricky but so is the real deal.
Hooking up a system to a monitor and sound system, connecting input devices and insterting the game medium isn't that simple either once you want to play more than one or two systems.

>> No.2305730

There's not really a difference. Emulation is just more convenient. Really it's just autism keeping you from just enjoying the vidya in whatever form you can get it.

>> No.2305739


Emulation is very convenient, but there is a different. Especially on 5th gen consoles.

Playing on a CRT also makes a difference. Call me "autistic" if you want, I hate how washed up old games look on HDTVs. And yeah I know about s-video mods, still prefer CRT for SD games.

>> No.2305743

What do CRTs have to do with this? You can emulate on a CRT. Proper scaling wouldn't make games look washed out.

>> No.2305747


I know. that's why I said "ALSO makes a difference". Emulating on CRT can be very close to the real deal, at least with pre-5th gen systems.

>> No.2305774

Yeah. Even if you only use savestates at the beginning of a level its much more convenient because you don't have to go through that whole mode 7 thing, and if you die early on once on a hard level you can just revert to a savestate if its a levle you're going to need all your lives to get through.

>> No.2305779


Uh.. I won't judge you, but I don't use save states. Only acceptable use of save state to me is to actually save your game if the game doesn't has save anywhere function.

>> No.2305796

Or handhelds.

>> No.2306061
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I like playing on the actual console but I don't care about emulation, I care about proper display. The actual consoles on my CRT are the best thing, with emulation on the Wii coming close second.

Don't really care that it's emulated, just want to display on my CRT.

>> No.2306074

Depends on the system. Unknown systems and 3D systems I am pretty much forced to use the physical media. And if I own the games, not so much out of preference but justification for even owning it, I would play it on the original system.

That depends entirely on your setup. If you are feeding wire through wire in converters and whatnot, it may be laggy. If you are using wireless connections, it will be laggy. If you are using a straight controller to board connection it will be no more laggy than the same thing on the console.

>> No.2306108

>Unknown systems
As in less popular systems that only have inaccurate emulators or really obscure systems without one? Do you really buy one just for a single game? Even arcade cabinets?
I emulate from my own CDs. Other media should be possible with an adapter.

>> No.2306125

Unknown as in "i couldn't think of a word", but I meant what you had said. No, I don't buy them. But if I actually wanted to play PC-88 or WonderSwan and other Japanese computer and console systems it would probably be best that I use the original system

>> No.2306280

I played through Mystical Ninja just fine on emulator a few years back
it takes some looking around but I know project 64 works

>> No.2306346

>Only acceptable use of save state to me is to actually save your game if the game doesn't has save anywhere function
Yeah, but that's part of the difficulty in some older games - artificial or not, there's a resource management part to a lot of games that you bypass if you use save states as a "save anywhere" function.

Now, I don't particularly care (I use save states to practice shmups and particularly hard platformers), but it's still "cheating" even if you're not save-scumming.

>> No.2306357


I know, I almost always go for the in-game saving feature (e.g, go talk to the king in DQ, etc), but let's say I have an urgency and need to leave and can't save and have played for 3 hours straight... then I might use save state as an exception.

>> No.2306358

>use a modern gaming PC
>emulate console games accurately while outputting "superwide" native resolutions to a CRT monitor and using a Dual Shock gamepad
>can also play PC games with the same setup.

No need for real hardware when I've got this.

>> No.2306367


It's not really the optimal option, but yeah I guess if you don't care about 5th gen emulation, that's an alright setup.

I'd add other kind of USB controllers though, dualshock have horrid d-pads.

>> No.2306390

>It's not really the optimal option,

Tell me why it's not.

>> No.2306419


Because the optimal option would be to have 100% perfect hardware performance, i.e having the actual hardware.

Most practical and optimal option right now is to have the actual consoles (which aren't really that expensive, compared to games. Plus if you have room for a CRT you have room for a few consoles), and an everdrive. Though some games might not be compatible due to having special chips, etc.

>> No.2306484

Crisp, clean look > muddy CRT dicks. My SNES started collecting dust the second I discovered emulation.

>> No.2306496

>Because the optimal option would be to have 100% perfect hardware performance

You don't need 100% perfect. Even less accurate emulators can run pretty much indistinguishable from real hardware in normal gameplay, the differences that exist you can only notice if you know what to look for. But we have emulators that are extremely accurate for certain systems, I can tell you there's no real difference in those outside of extreme minutia and edge cases, nothing people playing games should care about. Even real hardware has differences between revision so "100% perfection" is relative and is a placebo.

That's not even mentioning that some games can run better in emulators than in real hardware anyway. And overclocking emulators is much easier than modding hardware to be overclocked.

>> No.2306534

But I already told you your setup was alright, I also do the same (emulation thorugh PC or wii, with a CRT output, and using USB pads). But the optimal option would be, yes, the 100% perfect performance, even if it's indistinguishable to you.

I don't know which games would need overclock. I can think of a couple from the 5th gen whow ould run better with more FPS, but then again emulation from 5th is exactly the kind of emulation I stay away from. 3rd/4th gen emulation is for the most part pretty good though.

>> No.2306536


but SD resolutions do look muddy on HD TVs, while they look crisp on CRT because it's the actual resolution and video display these games were made for.

>> No.2306547
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stop replying to bait threads please you dolts.

>> No.2306551

They'll look muddy if you let the monitor do the scaling and they'll look muddy on a CRT because the technology is restricted.
Properly scaled it will look sharper on a LCD. Original resolution isn't a restriction when emulating.

>> No.2306581


LEDs, HDTV and tubes change everything. Retarded.


When you learn to properly configure your emulator, it will look better than the old thing. You'll be actually be able to fit in the HD screen without blurring everything and making it smoother with filters.

Some faggots just love the "original" stuff, but yeah, if you're not playing on an old TV, it will look like shit, sorry.

Plus I can't stand PS1's 3D nowadays that I have accostumed to HD. PsX emulator is a blessing. Also, being able to speed up/skip entire cutscenes that weren't skippable.

>> No.2306582


Are you fucking blind or something?

How the FUCK can you not tell the difference playing NES/SNES on a normal TV or in an HD one?

Fucking blind faggots.

>> No.2306587


I think >>2306547 might be onto something.

>> No.2306590


We are talking about old shit. Although PS1 emulation is almost perfect, you can still find some games that won't run properly.

And jesus, you went as far as to say Xenosaga 3. PS2 emulation is still a new thing, calm down. The point stands that, MOST games are better played without loading times and HD graphics in widescreen enchanced.

>> No.2306597


I miss the old days of trolling.

Today, these faggots thinks that trolling is acting like a retarded.

Thanks, I just lost more faith in humanity.

>> No.2306617

No emulators are fucked up, but some of them are much better than others, but I've never found one that recreates the original experience. Nestcle was pretty damn close. Unfortunately shit doesn't work on newer OSes.

>> No.2306632


enjoy your innocence while it lasts, newfag

>> No.2306664


I've been here for a month or two. Still don't give a fuck what TV people use.

>> No.2306719

Name one worthwhile retro game that plays better on real hardware than on emulators.

Hard mode: No N64, Saturn, or Dreamcast

>> No.2306726
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Okay, anon.

>> No.2306729

>Do you think that emulators are completely perfect and the same thing?
Depends entirely on the emulator.
Depending on your setup, you can actually get less input lag with an emulator than with real hardware.

>> No.2306784
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>TV people

>> No.2306867

Except it's the same as keeping your console on and walking away as a kid. Nothing wrong with that beside your parents possibly turning it off.

>> No.2306905

As a few people pointed out, it depends on the emulator/system you want to emulate. SNES is pretty close to perfect these days and I prefer to emulate it (PC is plugged to my TV) over the real thing simply out of convenience. PSX has some rough edges and still needs time. N64 is pretty much forgettable.

I think the whole "it's just not like the real thing" is akin to vinyl lovers who love getting their plates on their turn table. I can somehow understand it but I don't really need it.

>> No.2306918

>Nestcle was pretty damn close.

What. No, Nesticle was a horrible piece of crap. Sure it was all we had back then but let's not get fooled by nostalgia goggles. Nestopia is infinitely better.

Just to let you remember how shitty Nesticle was: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mYhfr8YXAc

>> No.2309840

I feel the same way.

I also feel that good emulation as is having good rom dumps of old games for preservation sake. Although it's probably a long time from now, old video game hardware will eventually one day start to fail and with it so many good games.

I realize im talking about these things as if they're some sort of national treasure but the thought having them lost kind of saddens me.

>> No.2309842

* I also feel that good emulation and good rom dumps of old games for preservation sake is a good thing.

>> No.2310224

speaking of actraiser, it appears that actraiser will be getting the msu1 treatment and this'll be used as the base: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svWGSOT17XA

>> No.2310228

>no slowdown on 100mhx 486 overdrive
back then nestcle was pretty damn sweet

>> No.2310234

> i get a feeling of perfection
Give fucking facts , a feeling is not a fucking fact.
Emulation is far from perfect but most not hardcore retro gamers cant even notice the diference.
I use my original hardware always , but the diference with good emulators is not that big , most of the time there is not diference at all.

>> No.2310240

if the system is really well documented , making near-perfect hardware clones ( not emulator boxes) are possible.
The problem with preservation is ( and always will be) copyright and legal stuff.

>> No.2310243


>> No.2310245

>feeding it
I commend OP, he got a lot of fish.

>> No.2310303
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>> No.2310314

or you know, just make a straight up clone? 68000 cpus and z80s are common as dirt and cheap as dirt so sega genesis emulator boxes shouldn't even exist. The problem exists with patented chips but I am sure the patents have expired on NES chips.