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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2305120 No.2305120[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Dark Souls

Obviously it isn't a retro game, but I wanted to know if you guys (retro gamers) had played it. If you have played it, I'd like to here your thoughts on it.

I feel that it is a sort of throwback game and has a lot of retro feel. Anyone want to offer their opinions?

Apologies to the board if it's still a no go, but I hope I illustrated why I posted here.

>> No.2305124

if we wanted to talk about dark souls, we would go to /v/.

>> No.2305130

Why would you ever think this belongs on the retro video games board

>> No.2305157

I think it's an insanely overrated game that is only really notable for not trying its hardest to be a movie.

It's not a bad game at all, it's pretty good really. But its popularity is an indication of just how shitty gaming has gotten, that just by virtue of NOT being a hand-holdy cinematic piece of shit it garners universal praise.

>> No.2305168

dark souls is good and pretty challenging, and i think most people who think it has a "retro feel" are constructing that connection from their cherry picked memories of older games that are also good and pretty challenging because they're underexposed to modern games that are good and pretty challenging, and no this thread doesn't belong here

>> No.2305195
File: 582 KB, 409x555, Faustus Of Byzantium.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This does not belong here in any way, shape, or form, OP. You know better, and if you don't you should by now.

Purge the unbeliever.

>> No.2305227

Only link to retro is the "challenge", and even then thats hardly an intentional throwback.
The game doesn't really have a retro feel at all and you're severely underexposed to retro if you think HARD = retro.

>> No.2305230

I disagree. The checkpoint use is pretty old school in all of the games, and Demon's Souls might as well be level-based. I don't think they're very good at recreating the feeling, though. You can't really expect the player to be fine with repeating levels slowly and carefully if they can just run past everything and get straight to the boss.

>> No.2305241

Love the series. pumped countless hours into all of them.

Sorry but this thread doesn't belong here. The only feature this game shares with retro games are the emphasis on gameplay instead of graphics or story.

What modern game doesn't have some form of checkpoints?

>> No.2305245

Most of them do but the point is that there's a million of them. You can hardly lose more than 20 seconds of progress. There aren't many games these days that have the balls to make the player repeat a whole level to get another shot at the boss.