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File: 175 KB, 721x1000, Ff6_gogo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2299016 No.2299016 [Reply] [Original]

My friends, it is time we answer the age old question that has plauge our minds for pur entire childhood. Who is Gogo?


Gogo does talk
Gogo lives after the final boss
Gogo could be male/female
Gogo could be a monster
Gogo is not seen AS GOGO in WOB (someone who is gogo could be in WOB then disguises as gogo in WOR)

Also general FF6 thread.


Leo (buried in thamasa)
Ghestal (he died for sure)

Possibles in my eyes

Ziegfried imposter you fight on phantom train
Famed mimic gogo from ffV

Any other theories? I'm at a loss for trying to decipher this. I can't find any solid theories about him/her.

Also this could just be a general FF6 thread too,

>> No.2299017

I reccomend listening to this while theorizing


>> No.2299018

My dad beat me then left a year before final fantasy III came out in America so i'll guess him.

>> No.2299020

It's got to be Daryl. It's just too coicidental

>> No.2299028

What about What about banon? No-one really knows what happened to him after the end of the world

>> No.2299030

Gogo is the king of doma

>> No.2299035

Holy shit that remix is dope

>> No.2299037

gogo is not someone you see in the world of balance. he's just some random person who shows up in the world of ruin.

>> No.2299040
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Gogo is simply Gogo, just some mysterious person you find living underground.

>> No.2299193
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>> No.2299267
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He's Elvis. Or at least that's what I always named him.

>> No.2299361

Someone on the dev team said that he was SOMEONE from the game

>> No.2299364

He's GoGo from FFV.

>> No.2299368

He's a guy who doesn't like to stop.

>> No.2299379

Well of course he was someone from the game, he was Gogo. Was it worded in such a way that they could go back and say something like that, I wonder?

>> No.2299453


>> No.2299475
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Has anyone considered the possibility that GOGO IS AN ESPER?

He is not seen on the airship. He fell in the chasm and stayed there, possibly on purpose due to the fact that he knew his own nature, and the fact he was going to disappear from the world with the rest of the magicite. If he had gotten onboard, he would've wafted away at the same time as Terra's esper half being stripped from her.

He is a master of the simulacrum, but did anyone stop to wonder how that's even possible? He talks it down like it's just an ability. You're to think it's no different from Relm's Sketch of Gau's Rage, even though he can just plain HAVE those abilities as well.

Gogo is the mirror esper.
>Someone on the dev team said that he was SOMEONE from the game
And possibly one of them that came out of the gate when you first get to it. Or maybe even the second time! You see repeat espers during these sequences. Maybe he's in disguise. Maybe as far back as Maduin's flashback. Or in the mountains with Yura.

>> No.2299685
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Gogo is just Gogo, he/she is not meant to be anyone else, it's just a character purposely created to be mysterious and make people wonder who it is.

This thread is dumb and pointless, you're thinking too much into a videogame, just like retards who try to make sense out of Dragon Ball.

>> No.2299713

>I've seen some shit.

>> No.2299728

When you look under Gogo's rags you'll find

>> No.2299772

I'm positive GoGo is a male if it isn't a type of monster.

GoGo instantly became one of my favorite party members.

>> No.2299780

The Amano artwork makes Gogo look tall as fuck, so that's something to think about.

>> No.2299785

Welp, I looked up Gogo's actual height and it's 5'5 according to the wiki. I think it's Daryl.

>> No.2299842


It's Gilgamesh from Final Fantasy V. Seriously, that's all it is. A cross over.

>> No.2299853

if it was anyone from ff5
dont you think it would be famed mimic gogo?

>> No.2299872
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>fucking retards!
>I hate em I hate em I hate em!

>> No.2299873

Gogo is Emperor Gestahl:

Gestahl wants revenge against Kefka for turning on him. Second, Gestahl, although wanting this, knows he can't do it himself, but also knows he can't let out his identity to the heroes if he wants to join them. Third, the fall from the floating continent has messed up his memory of magic spells, as well as his brain in general, so now he can only do stuff that he can observe other people doing, including magic spells. And the reason he can't equip magicite is because the espers still don't trust him. Although there is still the question of how he survived being kicked off the floating continent...

>> No.2299904
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I like this.

>> No.2299936
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as awesome as this is,
you are reallllly reaching lol,.

>> No.2299942

Underrated post

>> No.2300138
File: 19 KB, 200x200, ackchually.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay..let's see...Gogo = Relm's mother theory..

(A) For one, look at Gogo's clothes. They are more or less the same color and style as Strago and Relm, with one difference (a bit of orange) which could easily be dirt...seeing as how Gogo is underground. Now, three people from Thamasa wear Green, Red, and Yellow... they are Strago, Relm, and Gungho/ Thamasa Elder...

which could clearly mean that: Green, Red, and Yellow are the colors of Thamasa!

Or...instead of yellow, the color could be gold... making the three colors: Red, Gold, and Green... which could be a clear Boy George reference, which would be clever...but too clever for Square to think of.

So if Gogo is wearing those colors, it must mean something.
(B) The line that talk of Relm's mother:

"Departed mom's love protects against fatal magic attacks"
(Taken from Momento Ring)
Departed means more things than just "Dead" or "Deceased" it can also mean, one who leaves or dissapears. So maybe Relm's mother left Relm in the care of her good friend Strago, to go find Shadow, but get's lost out in sea somewhere, maybe ending up on Triangle island...where she is swallowed by our good friend "Zone Eater" and yes, while Zone Eater isn't fought in WoB, maybe she didn't get swallowed TILL WoR!

The game never states how long Relm's mother is gone, she could have left sometime right before the party got to town.

The game also never states whether or not Relm's mother died, which is another big hole.

>> No.2300141

Why would Banon need to disguise himself?

>> No.2300148


Here's the evidence (not me)

A quote from Adlai Stevenson, taken from his book "What I Think": "I am always amazed by the resistance offered to progress, even the most inocous progress. Imagine, if you will, jumping from one rickety bridge to another, with blind men running back and forth trying to push you off, and you will have some idea what legislating progress is like. The good news is that if you're pushed off, you can always climb back up and try again.". This quote is disturbing in its uncanny likeness toFinal Fantasy VI: in order to reach Gogo, the player must navigate his way through several bridges in an underground cavern, jumping from one to another, while strange men in green clothing move around, knocking the character off if they touch it, making the process begin again.

When asked about his baldness by an NBC reporter in 1952, Stevenson responded: "I suppose I could wear a hat, but then my teeth would fall out to spite me. I could get false ones, but doubtless then I would get fat just to prove my teeth work. The easiest course is to drape my whole body in robes and shawls and hope no one recognizes my eyes". Gogo is draped in multicolored robes and shawls, and his/her face is barely distinguishable.

>> No.2300150


In another 1952 interview, Stevenson said: "President Eisenhowercontinues to amaze me. He appears to be an ungainly and graceless man, but whensenator Robert Taftmakes a move, no matter how ridiculous, Eisenhower copies it with the skill ofFrench mimeMarcel Marceau. I haven't achieved such levels of mimicry with my own party, but I'm working on it". This requires almost no explanation: Gogo is a mime with near-supernatural skills.

In another book, "Friends and Enemies", Stevenson said: "The legislature is a frightening thing. To this day the state capitol building seems to me a beast ready to swallow me up; the very walls and ceilings seem to crush you as you walk through it". The player's character must be swallowed by a beast, the Zone Eater, to reach the secret area Gogo is in.

Stevenson gave a speech inCharlottesville in1960, in which he said: "Today we are plunged into a battle that is familiar to us. The enemies and the problems are the same. But the terrain is different. The world around us has changed and shifted so much we no longer recognize it". The 'familiar battle' may be a reference to the struggle againstFinal Fantasy VIvillainKefka, and the enemies and problems truly are the same: Kefka is still the villain, and the problem is preventing Kefka from using the powers of the three statues. The terrain and world has changed, inFinal Fantasy VI, Kefka succeeds in destroying the landscape, changing theWOBto theWOR.


>> No.2300189
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>> No.2300230

I remember gogo being in ffv, but all of these other theories are really neat!

>> No.2300305

Truly the relationship between life and art is mysterious.

>> No.2300342

>For one, look at Gogo's clothes. They are more or less the same color and style as Strago and Relm
Also Banon.

>> No.2300548

Gogo is banon
Kefka is baram

>> No.2300553

Relm's mom, innit?

>> No.2300560
File: 32 KB, 465x595, wizard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, son.

>> No.2300639

That's like asking who's Gilgamesh.

Gilgamesh is Gilgamesh.
Gogo is Gogo.

>> No.2300642

Which actually lends itself to the FFV theory. When Gilgamesh appears he's normally the same one as FFV going through a dimensional trip.

It would stand to reason that Gogo could do the same.

>> No.2300651

Espers could melt steel beams...

>> No.2300654
File: 1.59 MB, 1152x864, There Is Weather.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This. Even if you don't put any stock in it, GoGo is pretty clearly meant to be a character in the same vein as Mimic GoGo.

No mystery here, folks. Just a really elaborate cameo/reference.

>> No.2300740 [DELETED] 

Nice strawman, tard.
But making fun of my post doesn't make it any less true.

>> No.2301792

Baram is Kefka?

Holy shit it makes sense now...

>Baram isn't killed by shadow
>Baram is captured by the empire
>Baram gets experimented on with magitek infusion since he is a criminal
>First successful fusion gives him power, so they make him a general

>Shadow then assists in killing Kefka in endgame, then commits suicide in the tower because he finally helped put Baram out of his misery like he wanted


>> No.2301824 [DELETED] 

You call that a strawman?

>> No.2301891

I bet gogo could with a good whack of the magnus staff

>> No.2302280

I bet gogo is Sean Connery illesig

>> No.2302410

This was proven to be false. No such person exists.

>Fake Ziegfried
This is actually correct, you were originally going to find him several times disguised as different characters. In fact, you were supposed to originally recruit Gogo from bars in the world of ruin when he looked like someone from your party.

There are out-of-game notes from the people who wrote the characters for FF6.
For instance, Sabin had a life threatening disease and left to go work out, ends up living through it but its why he gave up the throne.
Kefka was born in Thamasa in an orphanage and was beaten regularly by the head caretaker.
When he grows up he goes and joins the Empire and is heralded as a tactical genius, winning fights they didn't think they'd win(or win so easily).
The Empire is impressed and they sign him up for some Magitek infusion.
For years the dudes perfectly sane til Celes shows up. Kefka loves Celes and proposes to her, but is rejected. Unable to take it he over reacts and is demoted. From there he turns into the Kefka we see in-game.

Baram only has one eye, Gogo and Kefka both have two.

>> No.2302742

>adlai stevenson never existed
You... are a fucking idiot. He existed, he just never said any of those things.

>gogo is fake ziggy

>gogo from bars

>kefka from thamasa
Makes no sense. For one, he wouldn't need magic infusion, were that the case. For another, WoG has said no such thing. The fanfic writer who came up with that has stressed that it is not meant to be canon.

>sabin was sickly
That's from some fanfic created by a nutjob who worked on the game who noted, at the beginning of said dojin, that the story should not be taken as canon.

>> No.2302770

Why do people call Mash, Sabin?

>> No.2302779

Same reason people call you a faggot: that's how it was presented. The western audiences, he was presented as Sabin. To 4chan, you're presented as a faggot.

>> No.2302867
File: 15 KB, 250x250, 5245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly ebin, my /b/rother

>> No.2302894

>Fucking idiot

You can't prove to me that he existed. You can show me a picture and words next to it but you can never truly prove that there was ever an Adlai Stevenson.
If any articles or such things exist they are simply made by the government to try and fit Gogo's identity to their narrative. You won't fool me Obama.

>Kefka from Thamasa
I forgot the exact city, the backstory itself fits pretty well in line with the game.
At least its what the writer had in mind for Kefka, a dutiful gifted person with a clear insight tainted by unnatural means for war.


The writer of the character elaborating on his(?) characters not necessarily a bad thing, it can give insight but in this case it really doesn't since Sabin really doesn't seem to do anything of consequence to the plot that involves his silly disease.

Also fuck fanfic in general, the person who wrote MS08th Team wrote a novella where one of the main characters side-love interests is held down by a bunch of Federation soldiers and raped before getting shot in the face, all while crying out for him.

>> No.2303037

wait wait wait, do you mean soraya saga? it's not exactly a fanfic, she wrote and designed sabin and edgar for the game and the producers allowed her to expand on their backstory in a privately-printed doujin. so it's actually semi-canon.

>> No.2303056

This is beautiful

>> No.2303105


>There are out-of-game notes from the people who wrote the characters for FF6.

>For instance, Sabin had a life threatening disease and left to go work out, ends up living through it but its why he gave up the throne.
Kefka was born in Thamasa in an orphanage and was beaten regularly by the head caretaker.

>When he grows up he goes and joins the Empire and is heralded as a tactical genius, winning fights they didn't think they'd win(or win so easily).

>The Empire is impressed and they sign him up for some Magitek infusion.

>For years the dudes perfectly sane til Celes shows up. Kefka loves Celes and proposes to her, but is rejected. Unable to take it he over reacts and is demoted. From there he turns into the Kefka we see in-game.

That's actually really disappointing for a Kefka origin story. Imma share mine now, 'kay?

Kefka used to be an up-and-comming officer of the empire before that fateful experiment that gave him thunder magic. He was by no means as highly decorated as General Leo, but nor was he a simple grunt. Far from being ordered to take part in the tests, he volunteered; all who served in the empire were eager and ambitious (Kefka saw this as his ticket to the big time). The infusion, which gave Kefka the ability to weild thunder magic, seemed to be an unadulterated success at first. Kefka could volly thunder spells as easily as if he'd been born doing it, and his promotion into the the outermost edges of the "inner circle" of the Emperor duly followed. But some months after his promotion ceremony (which occurred a full year after the infusion had taken place to make sure no ugly complications would arise like what had occurred with other subjects) officer Kefka began acting...Odd. It was little things, at first. Things that were mistaken as simply idiosyncrasies that had been there all along by everyone (for Kefka had never had anyone he sincerely called friend). But as time went by everyone began to suspect something had indeed gone...

>> No.2303115

The Thamasa thing is from a fanfiction/fan doujin someone put onto the wiki and nobody took it down for a few years so lots of people believe that now. It's wrong though.

Vector has someone mentioning Kefka's backstory. He was a magitech knight or advisor before he was experimented on. Not a criminal and not some nobody from Thamasa.

>> No.2303206


...wrong during that fateful procedure. Never particularly compassionate to begin with (none of the Emperor's officers save a small clique around Leo ever saw the value), Kefka went from cold and calculating to positively sadistic, even when other tactics would suffice. He seemed to develop an irrational fondness for the suffering of others, and having a conversation with him about anything inevitably devolved into an exercise in comprehending the cryptic and bizarre. Strangest of all was how he began to dress; elaborate and trend-setting at first, but in the end growing too outlandish even for the jaded sensibilities of the capital. Of course it was only a matter of time until such behavior grew dysfunctional enough to attract the attention of the emperor, and after a vicious incident in which Kefka literally vaporized one of his immediate superiors for "not knocking once, waiting a bit, knocking twice more, and then stamping his feet three times sharp" before entering his private chambers that Ghestal finally had to act; Cid was ordered to perform a full review of the infusion procedure before attempting it on any "potentially valuable candidate" again, and Kefka was promoted out of the way to the newly created post of "Court Mage" where Ghestal could keep an eye on him.

In the years to come, Kefka would find new use in the emperor's service as his personal instrument of terror and gleeful hatchet man, and it wouldn't be until Celes Cher that another candidate was subjected to the full infusion procedure again (a small child in the capital was "volunteered" to help work out the kinks in the meantime; he ended up no worse for wear than developing a small knack for regenerative spells).

>> No.2303323

This was discussed for years over on the gamefaqs forums.

The most supported hypothesis is that Gogo is Adlai Stevenson.

>> No.2303571
File: 556 KB, 800x691, 1424984770200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe its from loving this game so much since its release or something..

but this kind of stuff makes me laugh>>2303323

>> No.2303859

Epic meme bruh.

But trying to make fun of my post with your stupid strawman doesn't make it any less accurate.

>> No.2304052

>Not a criminal

Whoa. Did I say he was a criminal?
He was an abused orphan and then a tactical genius.
He snapped before the events of the game and got demoted, even the game says as much.

>> No.2304057
File: 1010 KB, 817x660, Kefka The Man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It never says he was demoted, far from it, he appears to have been removed from the military hierarchy completely and made "Court Mage", a position that would imply he's (nominally) part politician, part adviser.

I think we all know he had other ideas, though.

>> No.2304198

Gogo is Sonic.

He just had to disguise himself because he would be killed in the name of Nintendo.

>> No.2304695

>it's semi-canon
Except for the note at the beginning of the story where she says 'rofl not canon lol,' as mentioned already in >>2302742
>it's not really a fanfic
Semifanfic, then. She wrote the story years after FFVI. She published it after. She included the aforementioned note that it's not canon. She has self-admitted that the story is trivial and unrelated. In it, she even tries to give Sabin, Gau and Cyan something of a familial connection wherein Cyan, distraught at the loss of his son, and Gau/Sabin, distraught at having no father figure (Gau never having had one and Sabin having lost his true father as well as Duncan) would bond as something of a family unit with Cyan as father figure. A nice idea, but ultimately not cannon. And the whole notion of the disease is just dumb.

He's demoted /twice/ actually, IIRC!
Once, before the events of the game. Kefka laments having to go to the desert of Figaro. IIRC, he says that he's sent out there to do recon because of said demotion.

Second was after the events at Doma or at the snowfield above Narshe.

>> No.2305556


>> No.2306007

Kefka is probably just a dude who got infused with magitek and went crazy

>> No.2306021

His uncle who worked at Nintendo.

>> No.2307965

None of these are right... hehehehe

>> No.2307993


>IIRC, he says that he's sent out there to do recon because of said demotion.

You're not recalling correctly. Kefka is pissed off because he feels this is more "errand-boy" and much less "terrorize the poor bastard until he kneels". There's also the fact he's doing such a "boring" (as he likely thinks it) assignment in a goddamn desert. What catches him off-guard is that emperor Ghestal's suspicions are actually entirely accurate: Edward is nothing like his father when it comes to appeasing the Empire and far from being a Returner sympathizer he's a fullblown collaborator.

>Second was after the events at Doma or at the snowfield above Narshe.

Now that, on the other hand, is a viable case. Certainly at minimum he got a reprimand. Either way he legit lost imperial favor (though Ghestal later alludes to it being exaggerated somewhat as part of a political feint against the Returners and the Espers). Still, this doesn't count; my contention was that he wasn't demoted _prior_ to the start of the game, not that he was _never_ demoted.

>> No.2308024

>He is not seen on the airship.

Look again.

>> No.2309569

You can see him an umaro on the airship near the end

>> No.2309573

Screencap pls

>> No.2311512
File: 132 KB, 660x451, the-labyrinth-david-bowie.widea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have we not considered the obvious

>> No.2311531

Yes, obviously, Gogo is Paul Atreides.

>> No.2311597

Adlai Stevenson man.

look it up.

>> No.2311624

See, humans and espers have, in some cases, similar enough biology to reproduce with each other. You could say they're similar enough that it's probably a single chromosome, linked to a certain gland in the brain that produces the hormones which alter the growth and development of the individual.

Gestahl probably had Cid do whatever was necessary to figure out how to make use of magical power. This likely meant dissecting several Espers to compare what was different in their physiology compared to humans.

In a perhaps risky and poorly thought out experiment, Cid extracted the components of the brain from a live Esper, that were absent in the brain of a human, and transplanted them into a human individual, a young child soldier, probably only in his teens at the time, who showed great ambition and loyalty to the Empire.

Yet somebody clearly expendable.

By all appearances, it was a success... and yet...

You see, much of who we are is in our brains, and when you subject someone to the sort of torture that is lobotomization, and take that hate filled tissue, and implant it into another, much is left behind, and yet, some is carried with it. The most defining characteristic of Kefka is his hatred. The human part of him hates the Esper who stole his humanity from him. The Esper inside him hates humanity who stole it's life from it. Kefka hates Celes, a girl who ended up being so normal and human after his mind was so disfigured. He hates the Empire and the Emperor who ordered this transformation. He hates everyone who lives a normal life in a normal place who didn't have be born in his fucked up city where he got drafted by his fucked up government. He hates Terra and Celes and every successful magitek soldier in the army for being successful experiments while he was a failure.

Actually maybe he doesn't hate Terra. She's a freak too.

It's rather poetic that he decides to fuck up the entire world and make it into a twisted reflection of his own disfigured mind.

>> No.2311651

It's mentioned several times in the thread.

>> No.2311658

fuck you I don't read threads

you listen to me, I'm important, I don't read your shit, you're fucking nothing

how dare you try to correct me you ugly piece of shit

>> No.2311665

My apologies, master. This will be my last and only mistake.

>> No.2314037

God damn I love this game