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2293635 No.2293635 [Reply] [Original]

So recent experiences have told me that perhaps I am not alone.

Very rarely do I see this. I see these opinions all the time, but not this combination:

Best 2D Zelda ever - Link's Awakening
Best 3D Zelda ever - Majora's Mask

Ocarina of Time is also a beautiful game but a fairy tale in comparison when it comes to depth. ALTTP feels similar but mainly it's that I prefer the atmosphere and what LA ultimately ends up being over it.

I don't think it's just me anymore. Anyone else feel the same way?

>> No.2293654

I would rather have all of my skin peeled off than see another ranking of Zelda games

>> No.2293661

I've been playing LA and it doesn't go beyond a 6.5~7.0 to me. Seasons/Ages were much more entertaining.

>> No.2293673


I liked Seasons (the one I had) a lot to but it just felt like an extension of LA to me (for obvious reasons).

>> No.2293678

Zelda 2 NES is legit my favorite. It's the only one I've played.

>> No.2293679

Well, the setting and characters were much more interesting imo, and there were some pretty cool gameplay elements in seasons/ages. LA just feels like a huge parody with interesting things here and there.

>> No.2293682


I guess that really depends on how much you value the dungeons and the theme of LA. It's a bit of a trippy dream land, kind of like Majora's Mask. That's probably why I like it. I liked the bosses in Seasons more though, but never experienced a dungeon as cool as the bottle grotto or wind fish's egg.

>> No.2293712

I'm very close to that. Link's Awakening has always been my favorite 2D Zelda, but I still have to give my favorite 3D to Ocarina. Majora is my 2nd favorite.

I like Ocarina more on repeated playthroughs. There's just no filler or bullshit and the whole thing flows wonderfully.

>> No.2293718

The way I see it, there are fundamentally two different Zelda stories; there's the archetypal hero's journey/fairytail of ALttP or OoT, and there's the stranger, darker, more personal side-story of LA and MM.

LA and MM are definitely darker, and deal with more tragic themes, but I categorically disagree that this makes them deeper. They just explore a different set of themes. They also tend to feel more unique and novel because we're so used to the hero's journey archetype.

>> No.2293730

I feel that the difference in theme makes them deeper simply because it engages the player on a different level. Instead of "save the world, just because", LA and MM present the player with a mystery, along with a mission of self-preservation. In that way I feel they are deeper, simply because they allow the player to get that much more invested. Not to say you can't get that invested in any Zelda game, but MM and LA just facilitate it better, in my opinion.

>> No.2293737


>trippy dream land

Bingo. That would be what both games have in common. But really, it's just a case of preferring chocolate over vanilla, if you catch my drift.

>> No.2293740

Every time I replay LA, I realize how awesome the dungeon design is. There are always just enough branching paths to make me second guess myself, which is pretty much how it should be, and there's some little trick in Turtle Rock that dead-ends me every time I play, and I always look forward to figuring it out again.

>> No.2293757

That's strange, because despite prefering Seasons/Ages, I still think I prefer MM a bit more. It might be because I played S/A first, LA feels less improved, for obvious reasons. I like the the two of them (LA and MM) precisely because they deviate from your usual "save Zelda from Ganon in Hyrule" and after TP betraying my expectations and having the same setup as always I grew to respect them more. LA is pretty entertaining though, for sure, but it feels weird with all the huge number of cameos. I'm still in the fourth dungeon though, hopefully it'll get better.

>> No.2293807

been a long time zelda fan. since the first release in the 80s,

i simply just hate majoras mask. i feel like it is the absolute worst game of the series.

i really do not see why people enjoy it. id wager a guess that its nostalgia more than anything.

>> No.2293812
File: 904 KB, 825x1031, Some Call Him _Ram Abbalah_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wrong. It's feeling there's something more personal and real at stake than a single inept princess being slightly inconvenienced by a were-pig.

(You give bullshit, you get bullshit.)

>> No.2293816


>> No.2293825
File: 504 KB, 531x378, Masaka Is Waking....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"Wrong"? Nah. Just bullshit. Typing like you've just entered puberty pretty much sealed the deal.

>> No.2293852

>"Wrong"? Nah. Just bullshit.

i...i dont know what to believe anymore.

>> No.2293858

You guys sound like a couple bitch babies on the playground.
>You're wrong!
>No, you are!
>Nuh uh!

>> No.2293860

OoT gives more of an epic vibe (in the dictionary sense of the word), but there's something about MM which makes it really interesting. Not only about the "personal and real things at stake", but also how its atmosphere is completely different from other zeldas so far. As if you were exploring this weird land, and little by little you become more familiarized with its citizens. And then it also becomes a quest for saving the citizens because you care for them, not only simply because you want to leave that place ASAP. The tragedies you see most people going through because of Skull Kid, and knowing everytime they need to go through it is quite depressive. Let's not forget about a rare instance in 3D Zeldas where you have a lot of freedom of choice in the lack of order for accomplishing the sidequests. And the fourth land feels completely different from anything else in Zelda imo. In general, MM, if you take a closer look, is a shiny jewel that is still valued nowadays, but with some good polishing it actually shines just as much as a certain other one. For some, much more.

>> No.2293867


muh deeep

>> No.2293872
File: 38 KB, 91x284, Face Key.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And in this post young Anon makes the horrifying realization that life is basically like high-school....

>> No.2293874

Deep is kind of a bad word here, it's just a completely different experience from OoT.

>> No.2293875

wins thread

muh game theories

>> No.2294367

>LA is dark
Sure is especially with all that Mario shit in there.

>> No.2294770

I prefer ALttP to LA, just because sometimes the tiles on the screen were a little confusing to look at. So it was mostly a limitation of the GB screen, really.

>> No.2294778

Unfortunate to hear you say that. What functionally-retarded adults do you hang with, anon?

>> No.2294843

>spending the first eighth of the game as a Doku kid
shit traumatized me man

>> No.2297157
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>My friends and I are ever so much more sophisticated than this unrefined society.

>> No.2297163

Why do you guys like zelda? Serious question. Ive played them all a little bit over many years but never for more than a day at a time. They all feel sort of boring. LA is a beautiful game and it is a real blast getting through the first dungeon, but i always quit 10 minutes.

I love almost any game that involves
killing shit and gaining sub-weapons too.

>> No.2298272
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My brother is the same way. He's got a really short attention span. Back in the day, he would watch me play and get really interested, but he didn't want to actually commit by starting his own file, the lazy ass. So he'd copy my save files and play them for a few days before getting bored and dropping it.

To answer your question, though... It's really hard to say. I suppose the one thing I love about the series (that is, the one quality all the titles share) is the sense of adventure.

>> No.2298297

You sound like a typical 15 year old faggot with no imagination or brain cells.

>> No.2298301
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I was 15 once and still didn't sound as bad as this boyo.

>> No.2299651

I don't know how to rank the 3D Zelda games.
Majora is one of my all-time favorite *experiences*- I didn't think it was an extremely fun game because of the clunky combat mechanics, but the story and atmosphere were infinitely fascinating. Wind Waker would win for actual gameplay, except for the sailing and actual Wind Waker/body-swap parts. TP and OoT have excellent dungeons in otherwise bland games. Wii-mote sunk SS for me.

As for 2D, Seasons by far. It's just fun, distilled and compacted fun.

>> No.2299876

Those are my two favorite zeldas, as well. Really, I always assumed that if someone liked Link's Awakening then they'd probably like Majora's mask. Conversely, if they like LttP, they'd like OoT.

LA and MM are more character oriented games. In LA you spend time getting to know Marin and some of the other island inhabitants throughout your adventure. You do the same thing with the residents of clock town in majora's mask.

In OoT and LttP, most of the npcs really just serve as sign posts on your road to saving the world. Those games are more focused on feeling like an adventure, so the npc characters aren't as prominent. There's nothing wrong with that, it's just a different type of game flow compared to the other two.

>> No.2302589
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Goddamn son- you got the right combo. Although, I would have to say that those two wouldn't be the same without the context of the other games in the series. It is the establishment of the series created by the first zelda, LTTP, OoT that gives Majora's Mask and Link's Awakening their tier. I will no iterate further on what has been mentioned by others in the thread except for they also present interesting themes and more personal immersion

>> No.2302750

I don't usually get involved in these arguments, but this post just reeks of someone who's still in high school.

Life changes enormously after school, even in the transition to college and especially when you start working.

It's largely for the better.

>> No.2302756

I would play the fuck out of that image.