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2290840 No.2290840 [Reply] [Original]

So, Is Croc: Legend of the Gobbos a good game?

>> No.2290864

It's decent. Don't even think about the portable versions.

>> No.2290865

If you enjoy bland, vaguley amusing 90s 3D platformers then you'll have a blast.

>> No.2290868 [DELETED] 

Croc, Spyro, and Gex, the holy trinity of bland generic platformers.

>> No.2290874

Fuck you.

>> No.2290879

The music was nice.

>> No.2290881

you do realize this was one of the most influential games on the ps1, right? this game is fucking awesome.

>> No.2290882

No Crash?
>But but sequels!
2 was decent, I'll give you that, but a broken clock is still right twice a day.

>> No.2290912

This was always my opinion growing up. Maybe the games were better but the characters certainly seemed generic.

>> No.2291332

It's... "meh" tier

>> No.2291335


>Bland, generic

Fuck off, scum.

>> No.2291545


Nah, don't listen to them. It's a good game. try it first man. I'd say it's comparable to Crash Bandicoot and Spyro in my opinion. Not quite as good but comparable. Like same league.

>> No.2291552

it's cute and has some interesting levels/enemies but the controls are p shit which means more than you'd think
i guess the mechanics of gex and croc are generic but they still have a lot of creative ideas. wait a minute
shitpost detected.

>> No.2291561

I had Croc 2 for PC when and its nostalgic as fuck but damn i cant replay it

>> No.2291586


Crash is a platformer in the same way subway surfers is a platformer

>> No.2291609

I agree controls are shit, but it's way better in analogue than digital.

I personally love croc and it can get pretty challenging if you're trying to 100%.

>> No.2291679

Croc 1 is so-so. Croc 2 is a brilliant game. Croc's original demonstration directly inspired Mario 64.

>> No.2291698

Great game but shit controls

>> No.2291721

it was a groundbreaking game but it's hardly worth playing now

>> No.2291874

>released over a year after Mario 64

>> No.2291884

Fuck no, I played it a lot as a kid so I can still enjoy it motly for nostalgia, but I don't see someone playing this for the first time now and enjoying it.

>> No.2291891

I had it on the Saturn.

This game ruined my childhood.

>> No.2291917

It's a pretty basic platformer. The most memorable thing about it is the music.

>> No.2291919

A rejected nintendo game is "one of the most influential games on the ps1"


Game is ok. Controls like shit. Could've been great.

>> No.2291949

>one of the most influential games on the ps1

You didn't play a lot of PS1 games i assume

>> No.2291952

Awkward tank controls, bland level design and clunky camera. Croc 1 is a croc of shit.

>> No.2292045

I hate Croc's movement, especially with the precise platforming moments. But I can't help but like the game a little. The snow boss that multiplies was really difficult when I played as a kid.

>> No.2292498

Don't care if you're trolling, just putting it out there that Gex is amazing. I doubt there will be a character as cool as him again.

>> No.2292509

seriously? ok

>> No.2292568

>still is a relevant IP

you wanna check yourself real quick?

>> No.2292578

You should double check that, spyro isn't playable in the new skylanders anymore.

>> No.2292587

I think by bland he meant bland gameplay. Like an open area collection quest with very little actual challenge or platforming, which some people might think about those games, which Crash can't really apply to as it's linearity keeps the player constantly engaged. (Though I thought the Spyro games were great, though the first took a while to introduce some engagement and challenge. I haven't played croc or gex though)

>> No.2295275

Croc was pretty good, but Gex is fucking trash

>> No.2295302

wow, a lot of you kids who had problems with the controls clearly didn't play the pc version because I never had a problem with the controls on the PC version.

take your obvious flamebait back to >>>/v/ where it belongs.

>> No.2296631

Nah. The game was a generic 3D platformer with shit controls. That being said I loved the world and soundtrack for it. Croc really has some potential to be something great but he never got the great game he deserved which is sad.

>> No.2296638

Name anything particular influential about this game.