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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2290803 No.2290803[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I've noticed that the retro gaming review site HG101 has a bad reputation here. Why is this?

>> No.2290813

The wild ride never ends.

>> No.2290817
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I apologize if this question is asked too often.

And for posting this on /vp/ by mistake.

>> No.2290819

>/vr/ is one person
It really doesn't to most.

>> No.2290820

It's just mad GGers from /v/ invading trying to spread their toxic shit here.

>> No.2290824

Had a longass thread a while back, i didn't stick around in it for too long though.
Saw some mentions about HG101 apparently having low quality articles or something.

>> No.2290834

Sorry about that chief, not to bust your balls about it. It's just that there's been a few threads in the recent past though and there's usually pissing matches over GG-related issues or the nature of true manliness. Then I get interrogated about my everyday hypocrisy.

Which is to say I enjoy these threads a lot.

>> No.2290837

I think the Chrono Trigger one is notoriously bad, but in general I've hardly ever come across a bad one. I've learned about so many new games from HG101 it's pros outweigh the cons. I had no idea the site was involved in any kind of sjw war.

>> No.2290856


Basically HG101 supports feminism (insomuch as any public organization in a modern Western country does) and calls out instances of racism and sexism in some retro games it's covered. They never allow these observations to color their judgment of a game, though. To GGers this means they're on the other side of the culture war.

>> No.2290860

I like them? I've found out about some cool games through that site.

>> No.2290863
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If you ask GG then EVERYONE is involved in their little struggle. If Zoe Quinn had a dog, I'm sure they'd try to accuse it of passing out bribes and taking kickbacks with an entirely straight face.

The amount of self-righteousness from both sides is fucking nauseating.

>> No.2290870

forgot to mention. I dont really read the articles or give a shit how they are written because often they are walls of text. I just look at the pictures and try to find new obscure japanese games.

>> No.2290883
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Sometimes I wonder if kids write those articles.

>> No.2290885

You know how I know you're from Tumblr?

>> No.2290891

By the way, here's a question for you, who brought up GG in this thread first?

>> No.2290896

>Error: You cannot delete a post this old.

I'm so sorry /vr/

>> No.2290921

I like it.

>> No.2290929

It's mostly terrible with a handful of okay articles.

>> No.2290935


The quality of their articles in terms of redaction, content, insight, etc. is usually low. The people who write them are not good writers.

But they are well-researched and often look into games that are obscure or hard to find reliable info about. So overall it's a nice site.

>> No.2290948
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It's because members of /vr/ are chronically unhappy hipsters who dislike anything not sufficiently obscure enough for their "retro" tastes.