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File: 502 KB, 1404x1550, Space_Harrier_Art_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2285541 No.2285541 [Reply] [Original]

Space Harrier thread

Because fuck it, don't even need a reason.

>> No.2285546


Sega Piano Nocturne has a nice rendition of its theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8BnrwoNNFk

We should talk about Planet Harriers as well.

>> No.2285547

Awesome game.

Any one play it on the Saturn? I honestly find the standard controller easier than using the mission stick that was made for it.

>> No.2285549

Planet Harriers isn't /vr/ sadly. I wish it got a Dreamcast port.

>> No.2285551

Seen someone OCC it, it gets insane later on
If im right the Saturn version dont auto center, makes it easier for me

>> No.2285553

>Awesome game.
good discussion

>> No.2285554

Why crop out the bit where he was actually discussing it?

>> No.2285556

Depends. The Hikaru board was first used for Brave Firefighters in 1999, which fits into the sticky's definition of /vr/-approved. More info: http://www.system16.com/hardware.php?id=724

Here's a port comparison: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NY6nZ9DIOxs

Not as insane as later rounds of Fantasy Zone...

>> No.2285562

Oh really, I thought the board used was later than that, like post-Naomi.

>> No.2285563

Oh, so the standard controller making the game easier is what makes the game awesome. It makes so much sense now.

>> No.2285564

I die less the further in the game I get somehow

I once used the 3DS's stage select to start after the last bonus stage and went through the rest of the game on one credit, including the hidden final boss, but playing from the beginning I usually die at least once or twice on the first couple of stages

I can't play this with inverted stick controls

But with Galaxy Force 2 it's the other way around

I think it's the fact that the screen doesn't pitch when you move vertically

>> No.2285567
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Was thrilled to find those. Not uncommon, but it's weird to see a Sega game on Famicom and C64.

>> No.2285568

He didn't say that, genius.

>> No.2285571


>> No.2285574

I got it confused with Chihiro at first. Hikaru must have been expensive with its phong shading and shit.

Fantasy Zone got *two* Famicom conversions. But yeah, I'd expect these games on Western PCs more so than a competing platform in Japan.

Now for a late SST performance of the main theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=emgdshpl_hk

>> No.2285978

I suck so much at it.

>> No.2285998

Two? Is there a large difference between them?

>> No.2286264


>> No.2286282

I like these guys.

>> No.2286336
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I'm a total Space Harrier fan. I saw the machine for the first time back when I was a kid, in a seaside arcade that also had OutRun. how appropriate <3 one day, I'll 1cc this game.

>> No.2286382

sms version is fun, it's the only version i've played.

I wish I could play the original cab some day...theres an episode of game center cx where arino plays it.

>> No.2286393
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>> No.2286405

The FM-7 version is much superior. Probably just came down to variance in programmers' abilities back then.

>> No.2286410

how do you get good at it anyway? Among others I always slam into obstacles and enemies because my sprite obscures the view.

>> No.2286412

The PC-6601 version gives this turd a run for it's money.

And then the ZX Spectrum version:

>> No.2286426
File: 1.07 MB, 897x861, ONLY-THE-DEAD-CAN-KNOW-PEACE-FROM-THIS-RUSTLING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2286435

Don't forget After Burner was ported to the Famicom by Sunsoft. And Adventure Island is basically Wonder Boy. There's also a few Sega ports for the PC-Engine.

>> No.2286439


>> No.2286464

Are you SURE this isnt a faulty rom?

>> No.2286738
File: 34 KB, 372x416, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came here to laugh at you.

>> No.2287012

Planet Harriers is pretty neat. Got to play it at Arcade Odyssey a while ago.
it desperately needed a port to something, anything, it's quite fun

oh, and most impressive Space Harrier port coming through :^)

it's actually damn cool (the music playing in it isn't actually from the system though)
but I truly have no idea why this was even considered or released

>> No.2287025

Because the PC-6000 and MZ series were still being used in the mid 80s.
It's more surprising that the game wasn't ported to the Atari 2600.

>> No.2287152

>le fantasy zone dragon face

>> No.2287162

>Adventure Island is basically Wonder Boy
I've always been curious about that one. Is there a story behind that?

>> No.2287245

>square harrier

>> No.2287253

Is Planet Harriers decent on emulation?

>> No.2287260

The MZ-700 was vastly outmoded by the mid-1980s, but the programmer decided to essentially demoscene with it, making ports like this as well as original games and movies all in the machine's text-graphics mode. He's still doing stuff today, but not with old computers.

Never heard anyone say it was a bad dump or anything. Best way to check is look for hardware-based recordings on Nico Nico Douga.

>> No.2287332

The MZ-700 came out in 1982. It may be comparabe to the Apple ][e.
The MZ-2500 series came out in 1985.

>> No.2287361

I love Space Harrier's music and it's trippy visuals, but I find its gameplay incredibly dull. I don't know what's wrong with me, I really love Starfox which is similar.

>> No.2287363

I like 3D World Runner better, tbh.

>> No.2287371

why was sega so obsessed with having ports for underpowered systems

>> No.2287774

They were kings of the arcade, everybody wanted home versions of their games for the system they owned. Easy to do that if you were a talented programmer and got in contact with Dempa.

Star Fox has power-ups, an OutRun-influenced branching structure, and plays slower with more set-pieces. I think you'd enjoy Galaxy Force II more, as that has scoring and crazy things happening in every stage.

>> No.2287842


Technically there are three. The first and second Fantasy Zones (at least the SMS game) were ported to the FC. Only Japan got the second one, while the first one was also released in the USA by Tengen. The Tengen version has duller graphics but better music, and was ported by Pixel. The Famicom version was ported by Sanritsu, and had more colorful graphics but arguably worse music. To this day, there hasn't been a free doer hacker to merge both, at least transplant the sound data from one into the other, but they're more than happy to retranslate a game that already was translated, because the localization didn't say "damn" that one time. All for free.

>> No.2288282

This game is currently on sale on the 3DS. have you guys tried this version? Seems it has some neet options.

>> No.2288698

>neet options

Are you fired from being a space harrier and forced to subside on society's rations?

>> No.2288725

>have you guys tried this version? Seems it has some neet options.

>flunk out of space harrier school
>on disability for depression
>spend the rest of your twenties drinking
>spindles of dvd-rs with anime and roms
>apartment smells like cat urine

>> No.2288907

NEETs don't worry about stylus controls.

>> No.2289102

The ZX Spectrum sounds like a cat purring.

>> No.2289143
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Ahahaha... ha...

>> No.2289156


th-thanks keith...

>> No.2289178
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>> No.2291225
File: 232 KB, 885x547, space harrier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2291387
File: 206 KB, 1280x768, Jacky_Bryant_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jacky Bryant is secretly Space Harrier.

>> No.2291392

>Space Harrier, Virtua Fighter and Fantasy Zone all take place in the same universe


>> No.2291731

Hudson obtained the rights from Sega to make ports of the original Wonder Boy. While developing the NES version, they decided to change the main character to Master Higgins (resembling their spokesman/CEO at the time, and named after him in the Japanese versions).

Since they had the rights to adapt only the one game, future Adventure Island games diverged quickly from the Wonder Boy series. Sega really couldn't do shit about Hudson changing the character in their game because of the terms of their contract.

And that's why Adventure Island and Wonder Boy are the same game.

>> No.2291835

>Master Higgins (resembling their spokesman/CEO at the time
Sort of, he was Mejin Takahashi in JP, a Hudson employee (not CEO) who was briefly a minor Famicom celebrity due to his rapid fire talent, apparently 15 times a second. He's interviewed in an early Game Center CX.

>> No.2291951
File: 69 KB, 960x543, ryo space harrier sanic transformed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Shenmue where Space Harrier is a documentary, since we all know Ryo is Akira.

>> No.2291957

he kinda looks like kamiya

>> No.2292514

Kamiya had a head of hair once...

I bet he also wanted to be cool like Meijin, which is why he "had to do the cool thing" by playing Space Harrier and stuff.

>> No.2292759
File: 88 KB, 924x612, kamiya space harrier (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2293097

wow, the spectrum version has no business looking that good.

>> No.2293101

16 times a second actually

Though I also heard something claiming that it's in fact impossible to press a Famicom button 16 times in a second.

>> No.2293105

Found the source: http://magweasel.com/2013/05/22/when-16-shot-gamemaster-power-isnt-16-shot-gamemaster-power/