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File: 166 KB, 610x340, ssbm-informations-en-vracs-002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2282241 No.2282241 [Reply] [Original]

Why do excellent development teams fall apart?

>> No.2282257

Not entirely sure where you're going with this, but the answer is fairly obvious. Life gets in the way. Making games is incredibly time consuming and there's no space for family or outside interests at all, it's not a sustainable lifestyle. Not to mention that after years of work, if a game is not a financial success it's devastating. Most people don't stay in the biz for very long, if they do it's as "creative directors" or producers, etc.

>> No.2282259


>> No.2282278

Sometimes people fall in love with their creations and want to do what's best and leave the series at a high point. Because of this, Team Silent got fired and Hideo Kojima got death threats lol. Nothing will ever be perfect. Silent Hill 2 was supposed to have a nightmare apartment section, but some of their servers failed and they lost the data. The prophetic Metal Gear Solid 2 started coming true right before they finished making it (9/11) and they had to remove the imagery depicting Arsenal Gear crashing into New York.

>> No.2282367

Why are they trying to imply that dogs lay eggs?

>> No.2282371

Because the artist didn't know how to draw puppies.

>> No.2282375

You know what's funny? I always thought that dogs laid eggs, and I learned something today.

>> No.2282382

This sounds about right ,nothing good lasts forever.

>> No.2282437
File: 5 KB, 221x94, Exact.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of reasons, OP.

Sometimes it's because of management decisions by the company superiors.

I wish the Exact guys could have gone freelance like Treasure instead of being cannibalized and torn apart by SCEJ.

>> No.2282454

Are you retarded?

>> No.2282575

Because game quality is never a guarantee for profitability. If you think game developers make games because they feel like it, then you're sorely mistaken. If something doesn't make money, why keep it around? There's a reason why Nintendo has axed F-Zero, Metroid, Custom Robo, Advance Wars, etc. Those didn't make nearly enough money to justify the R&D and development costs. It's ALL about money, no matter what excuses they may throw.

>> No.2282681

Funny how Zoom's been a thing for much longer, but Jumping Flash is better remembered than Zero Divide (a series that plays better per sequel, whereas Robbit Mon Dieu seems to disappoint).

>> No.2282691

i think it's supposed to be taking care of them. it's cute.

>> No.2282734

>Nintendo axed Metroid

But they didn't.

>> No.2282740

I dunno, the last Metroid game came out in 2007. That's quite a long time.

>> No.2282743

It depends on the breed, a mastiff like the one in the logo certainly wouldn't lay eggs that look like that

>> No.2282754

there's other m but i can see why you wouldnt include it

>> No.2283118
File: 2.93 MB, 1282x540, Sand Mandala.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2283124

Good thing someone filmed the painting before they destroyed it, huh.

>> No.2283125


>> No.2283126

It too will eventually be lost forever into the void.

>> No.2283127

You're all mixed up.

>> No.2283135
File: 3.51 MB, 1613x2337, Politeia_beginning._Codex_Parisinus_graecus_1807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Buddhism emphasizes impermanence. but imo, if you're going to create value, it should be preserved as best as possible. that's also why I support the emulator scene.

>> No.2283139

well, sand painting

>> No.2283146

While I'm no expert I think the purpose of such things is to prepare you for the inevitable, better to be ready to lose things you care for than be unable to cope with loss, with that in mind you won't be bothered if it lasts forever or leaves tomorrow, you'd be content with either scenario. At least that's how a stoic would probably see it, maybe not Buddhists.

>> No.2283162


you've got the right idea. Buddhism isn't nihilist, it's about being liberated from attachments and cravings. it's a subtle body of thought.

>> No.2283172

Japanese folklore. A classic tale of a dog that laid eggs or something.

>> No.2283203

How come they didn't destroy the camera though?

>> No.2283214
File: 384 KB, 250x188, 1423852875062.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're an irredeemable retardfor referencing Family Guy

>> No.2283356
File: 88 KB, 500x714, ynWinb7ARflevBZN5EFJnfudeBe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty good documentary on the topic.

>> No.2283838

I just realized that their logo is a dog laying on eggs. I thought it was a deformed crab with three eyes.

>> No.2284146

This phenomenon's one reason why getting new interviews with former developers helps to provide material for analysis.

>> No.2284156



>> No.2284165

Actually it's a half-finished bagel with donut holes attached + malformations the shift manager didn't notice.

>> No.2285460

Never thought about it before but a dog on some eggs is a little odd. I bet there is some kind of story behind it.. I'll try and find some details

But anyway, back on topic.
I'm not sure if it was the same way in most of the /vr/ era but it seems that excellent high end titles cost more to create than they will make on a "full price" tag. On top of that (and /vr/ knows this best) a lot of really great innovative ideas aren't even fully realized or appreciated until long after their "prime". Sales don't keep a company afloat if they happened 10 years after the game came out.

>> No.2285515

> people not recognizing a 15 year old Family Guy quote and insulting you because of it.

>> No.2285519

>Never thought about it before but a dog on some eggs is a little odd. I bet there is some kind of story behind it.. I'll try and find some details

Found it.

>The corporate logo depicts a dog similar to a dachshund incubating several eggs. According to a 2003 Nintendo Power interview about Kirby Air Ride, producer Masayoshi Tanimura notes that the dog is a fictional creation and that the team do not think of the dog as a dachshund. Tanimura explains that the logo represents deep thought into "incubating completely new ideas that eventually hatch into incredibly fun games".

I always assumed it was just some weird thing from Japanese folklore.

>> No.2285526

>>I always assumed it was just some weird thing from Japanese folklore.
wtf japan so weird amirite

>> No.2285527
File: 644 B, 256x224, ApeInc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hay guise check out this weird logo it's probably from japanese folklore because apparently that's how japanese people make logos

>> No.2285542

There's monsters that carry water in their heads and rape girls, raccoon dogs with giant balls, and foxes with nine tails, so why not a dog that lays eggs?

>> No.2285624

Let us not forgot about the dog that impregnated a the daughter of his master who then gave birth to eight green crystal balls with Confucius principles on them.

>> No.2285646

And you know why? Because 95% of these people were born literally 14 years ago. God damn neo-/v/.

>> No.2285652

>Watching Family Guy enough to recognize jokes from fifteen years ago.
You were the pleb all along.

>> No.2285769

I swear I've seen in some game a joke on this logo, where a chicken is looking after three puppies.

>> No.2285773

I always thought it was recently born pups nursing from their mother. I thought that they didn't have much color because they don't have much hair and that they were curled up like balls. As it turns out they were eggs all along and the meaning behind it is just eggs representing ideas being incubated.

>> No.2285774

15 years ago Family Guy wasn't shit like it is now.

>> No.2285797

All mammals have live births, except for the duck-billed platypus who lays eggs.

>> No.2285808
File: 232 KB, 900x506, knuckles_the_echidna_wallpaper_by_triplexero-d37vki4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget the echidna.

>> No.2285812

The ape from APE's logo is hugging his enormous cock or what?

>> No.2286329


Muh niggas, I just watched the episode of House of Cards that had one of these on it and I've been super curious about it.

>> No.2286337

> Nintendo has axed F-Zero
It's not "axed" more like... "We have NO idea what direction this should go."

They don't know if they should go all out racer F-Zero X or Story Mode GX.

>> No.2286338

I thought it was Donkey Kong doing that "We can do it!" feminism poster pose.

>> No.2287112

Because they get sold out to faggots and move on to fresher shit. All these suckers wanna feel like big dogs and then their people turn franchises into disappointments.

Uninspired participants is what makes development teams fall apart.

>> No.2287115

Remember pokemon? Yeah, GenII is pukeworthy and after that is hang yourself worthy.

>> No.2287167

because you touch yourself at night

>> No.2287474


It's not fallen appart so much as scattered; the only person they can't access anymore is Shiminoua, if I'm not mistaken, with Sakurai and that other fellow a couple phone calls away.

>> No.2289521

The consist of nerds with big egos and poor social skills.

>> No.2290463

What the fuck happened to Shimomura anyway? It seems like he fell off the face of the planet after Kirby 64.
Also, while they could probably get Sakurai to work with them again with enough begging Iwata is too busy as the CEO of Nintendo and Itoi has no intention of returning to the gaming industry.

>> No.2290470


>...Itoi has no intention of returning to the gaming industry.

Can you really blame him?

>> No.2290795

He got his own business designing gardens or parks or something.

>> No.2290806


I dont consider FG to be relevant at all, I dont know any quote from it

>> No.2290812

That's because of The Dawn Of Man from 2001 a space odyssey.
HAL labs also got the name from it.

>> No.2290826

They have good taste in film