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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1 KB, 58x56, 00502149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2275479 No.2275479 [Reply] [Original]

You guys remember Nesticle?

>> No.2275483

Oh yeah, that piece of crap. I ditched it the moment I learned about FCE Ultra.

>> No.2275487

>FCE Ultra

And then you ditched that for nestopia undead.

>> No.2275496

>ditched zsnes for snes9x
>ditched snes9x for bsnes

>> No.2275498

Hey, that was like 15 years ago. Today I use FCE Ultra

>> No.2275505

Never heard of it. First NES emulator I used was JNES, which was awful, then I switched to Nestopia, and haven't used anything else since.

>> No.2275506
File: 7 KB, 320x224, Genecyst.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genecyst was a sega emulator made by the same group.

They also made homebrew games. They have a unique style.

>> No.2275507

nesticle would let you overclock the nes and remove all lag in megaman 3, rivercity ramsom, contra force.
I don't know of any other emulator that let you do that.

>> No.2275510

genecyst gave you the option to fuck with the instrument amplification, you could make everything sound metal as fuck

I used to fuck around adding guitars in hardcorps

>> No.2275512

Yeah I liked the sound output from this emulator.
Wasn't accurate, but it was cool.

>> No.2275514
File: 266 KB, 636x397, 1517158-noginknockers_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2275516

I just tried it out
hold alt + [ ] to fuck with sound modulaiton
i like the way hardcorps sounds in genecyst than it does in actual hardware

>> No.2275521

Don't feel like downloading any roms + the emulator on my laptop or I'd be messing with it too right now.

Sometimes its fun to go back to the early programs of the past and see how far we've progressed

>> No.2275523


>> No.2275527

man is it bad if I kinda dig the kirby one

>> No.2275529


>> No.2275531

I think you could pass it up as a style choice these days

>> No.2275565 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>> No.2275575 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>> No.2275591 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>> No.2275615 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.2275620
File: 77 KB, 708x642, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop posting weird imagines bro.

>> No.2275661

Sorry dude, I'm the Amazing Atheist

>> No.2275664

Oh, better hide my bananas. ;^)

>> No.2275671

First emulator I ever used WAY back in the day. Ditched it pretty quick though because it was borderline useless.

>> No.2275678

> it was borderline useless.

i kept it around for a while because I really like the quirky interface and cursor. it's amazing what a little charm can do for a pile of rubbish.

>> No.2275686

I always played as the abortion.

Yes. It was my go-to NES emulator for years, from about 1997 to about 2010 or so until I got my DS, though I occasionally used Rew because fuck you, that's why.
NESDS is the best NES emulator I've ever used, ever, though.
>dat rewind feature
Turns everything into Braid.

Anyway, back to Nesticle: I still have a collection of midis that I converted from impulse tracker files that I converted from NSF files that I ripped from ROMS using Nesticle in the first place. I have several more impulse tracker files converted from SPC files I ripped using ZSNES. I'm a nerd, yes. I know.

>> No.2275704

>he actually played their games

were they good?

>> No.2275723

No. They were not. Not at all.
Noggin Knockers was a pong clone wherein the paddles were characters and the game itself played out almost like a cross between standard pong and a fighting game. One of the paddles/characters was an abortion. A literal abortion. His name, IIRC, was Foetus.

>> No.2275736

I wonder what those guys ended up working on later in life.

>> No.2275757

Ethan works for Ubisoft now. I dunno about the other guys. I only keep in touch with Brad, who was only tangentially related to Bloodlust, every now and again and that's only because he lives 35 minutes away from me.

>> No.2275767


>> No.2275779

Nesticle made all those nazi boner mario bros hacks happen
so i salute it

>> No.2275789

I do. And I call an NES or SNES a nesticle or snesticle every time someone calls them a nes or snes

>> No.2275836

That's what needs to come back more than anything else in gaming. Obscene rom hacks.

>> No.2275862

>That's what needs to come back more than anything else in gaming.

What about.
Good games ?

>> No.2275867

My friend introduced me to Nesticle. I guess it was the first time I ever saw emulation happening so I was amazed.

Never did I install it on my own computer though. I didn't enjoy NES games so much because in late 90's / early 00's there was enough processing power to play objectively better SNES games with ZSNES.

>> No.2275869

Yup. I remember that logo. I was always scared I'd have to explain it to my parents.

>> No.2275886

>bloody GUI
why are the devs so edgy?

>> No.2275892

TimeSlaughter was playable

>> No.2275904

It was the 90's bro

>> No.2275910
File: 7 KB, 139x135, 1379990298492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seeing that Nintendo logo pop up the first time on your shitty family computer

>> No.2275932

my first reaction to learning about emulation was very much like this, though I went for a commodore 64 emulator first. After that, it was on to NO$GB to try out that new "Pocket Monsters" game that hadn't hit the USA yet.

>> No.2278403


I told a programmer friend of mine to name is NES emulator PNES. He was not amused.

>> No.2278653

I remember all the fun I had with it on Windows 3.1 back in the 90s. I loved the look and feel it had compared to the more bland emulators of today.

Congrats, OP, since seeing this thread put a smile on my face this day.