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File: 370 KB, 1920x1080, Contra_-_Logo_-_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2274150 No.2274150 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best Contra game?

>> No.2274153

i really think its 4 :C

>> No.2274161

1 If you like blowing blood vessels
2 if you like timing fire balls
3 if you like rng killing you
HC if you like sliding
4 if you like two screens
Force if you have downs syndrome.

>> No.2274162

Super C

>> No.2274163

Metal Slug 3

>> No.2274165

Operation C for the homing spread gun.

>> No.2274167 [DELETED] 

shattered soldier NOT RETRO OMG

>> No.2274189

Contra hard corps


>> No.2274195
File: 236 KB, 752x1063, sdaqwerqrd1321113221501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arc Hound.

>> No.2274213


>> No.2274220


>> No.2274224

The SNES version is pretty much the best "Contra" game. From then on they all started having a different feel to them, probably because they quit being 2D.

I really liked the PS2 game Shattered Soldier, but it didn't have the Contra feel. Was a fun game though.

>> No.2274232

>fast-paced action game on the Super Nintendo
That's just asking for trouble.

>tfw the arcade versions are awesome, but no one plays them

>> No.2274247

The arcade games are cool, but they have weird controls, i don't like the "emulated analog" feel of the stick.

>> No.2274258
File: 89 KB, 399x516, gorilla jimmy mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Contra Hard Corps, hands down. Shame konami forgot about it because it's never ever been ported to anything like VC or XBLA.

>mfw people pronounce it has "hard corpse"

>> No.2274302

>mfw people pronounce it has "hard corpse"

It just feel so natural to say that for a contra game.

>> No.2274315

the gba version is alright, they removed the secondary weapon and shitted up the sound but at least they replaced the overhead levels with ported levels from hard corps

>> No.2274316

They made a prequel though.

Well, Arc System Works did, at least.

>> No.2274332

Being able to shoot in any direction is worth the 5 minutes it takes to adapt to the controls, IMO.

>> No.2274347


Contra (NES)
Contra Spirits (Super Famicom)
Contra III: The Alien Wars (SNES)
Super Contra (Famicom)
Super C (NES)
Contra: Hard Corps (Japanese)
Contra: Hard Corps (American)
Operation C (Gameboy)

>> No.2274407

>preferring japanese version with superflous changes in most contra games
>nor preferring the Japanese famicom version of the original Contra with impoved graphics and presentation

>> No.2274415

why is contra spirits above contra 3?

>> No.2274442

Japanese C3 has a 30 lives cheat that makes level 6 beatable. The 10 lives cheat in SC is still there, but gives you 30 lives instead like in the original. THAT and that ALONE are why the jap versions of those are ranked above the American releases. With HC it's because of the health bar thing.

>> No.2274447

underated post

>> No.2274459

Best Contra INTRO is Super Contra (and arguably soundtrack too). Too bad about the game though.

>> No.2274487

My favorites are Super Probotector (PAL version of Contra 3, it seems to have less slowdown than the US version) & Contra SS on the PS2. Contra 4 was kind of disappointing to me.

>> No.2274510

Probably Super C. The top down stages are actually fun compared to the utter abominations of 3 and the boring pseudo 3D stages of 1 and 4.

>> No.2274569
File: 43 KB, 401x398, Shincontra_ost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shattered Soldier > Hard Corps > Contra > Super C > Contra 4 > Contra III: The Alien Wars > ReBirth > Uprising > Neo Contra > Operation C > Contra Force > Shit > Contra Adventure and Legacy of War

Always gets me pumped.

>> No.2274642



>> No.2274649

Aren't the Japanese versions the originals? The American versions are the modified versions.

So, Contra: The Hard Corps was originally designed with 3 health bars in mind.

>> No.2274812

The early Contra titles were released in America first due to the series being vastly more popular there than in japan, but they were designed with both markets in mind. American would usually get the "normal" version and japan would get a "modified" version with nerfed difficulty (Super C, Contra 3, Hard Corps) or enhanced graphics via GFX chips (Contra 1).

>> No.2274869

Shattered Soldier, so fucking good man.

>> No.2274882

I can beat the first two games but I've never seen more than one and a half levels of HC

>> No.2274891

Hard Corps was first released in USA. The Jap version aside from being Casualized weren't much different from the USA version, except as i said, the first Contra which has improved graphics/presentation on the Famicom version.

>> No.2275306

God tier
Shattered Soldier
Hard Corps

High tier
Super C

Medium tier
The Alien Wars
Operation C
Neo Contra

Low tier

Shit tier
The C adventures
Legacy of War

>> No.2275383

>God tier
>Shattered Soldier
>High tier
>Medium tier
>The Alien Wars

This list is just awful.