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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.04 MB, 1192x816, 2342772-dragon_quest_iii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2269854 No.2269854 [Reply] [Original]

Thinking about how popular this game was, and still is, is this the definite JRPG? To the japanese?

>> No.2269857

I wouldn't say definite as the snes and gbc version greatly improved on it.
Most nostalgic maybe.

>> No.2269861

Doesn't Togashi, the HxH guy, draw heavy inspiration from this?

>> No.2269864

I can totally see the resemblance in the main characters.

>> No.2269869

Ten years ago Famitsu did a poll of the top 100 Famicom games, and DQ3 was number one ahead of even Super Mario Bros.

So yeah, I'd say it's probably the one. Although DQ5 would probably win in an overall top DQ games, I'd bet.

>> No.2269872
File: 1.08 MB, 1183x817, dragon_quest_iiib.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dragon Quest in general es THE JRPG series.

III introduced a customizable party and a bigass world to explore that resembled the actual real world, geographically, and is chronologically the first DQ game, as it tells the story of the legendary hero mentioned on DQ 1.

It's a great classic game that never gets old. I'd say it deserves to be called the "quinessential JRPG".

>> No.2269873

I dunno man. DQ4 is up there as well.

>> No.2269885

didnt 3 only do the job thing because they were ripping off final fantasy 1?
all classes in dq3 are just run of the mill ff1/d&d cliched stuff with the exception of the jester whose only use was to unlock a slightly stronger sage anyway

>> No.2269895


Yeah man, if we really want to be cynic, DQ is just Wizardry with an Ultima-esque top view overworld.

And if we really want to be cynic, all RPGs are just ripoffs of D&D so why even bother?

Doesn't change the fact that the DQIII was nicely done and has a lot of charm.

As for the class change, you can change whoever into a Sage, not just the goof, but you need a certain item to do so with non-goof characters

>> No.2269918

sorry, didnt mean to trigger you
yeah you need a book item to turn someone into a sage

>> No.2269940

The Job system wasn't that good. Your hero can't change jobs and you are pretty much forced to have a pure Pilgrim because you need the Barrier spell for Baramos and even with a pure Pilgrim you have to grind a bit to be level 32 there. Then you are also forced to either have a level 21+ Wizard or Sage for the Bikill spell...

>> No.2270115

I'd love to play a HxH romhack for DQ3

I bet that would be fun.

>> No.2270152
File: 259 KB, 640x1156, Dragon Quest 06 cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese people love Dragon Ques III, but gotta admit though i fucking love Dragon Quest, the third one for me is by far the worst because of the class system, Final Fantasy III did it better.
About the definitive JRPG, that would be Dragon Quest VI for the Super Famicom (not the NintendoDS version), great class system, cool story and you can caught any monster, it have everything that made Dragon Quest great, all i hope is that Dragon Quest XI have all that shit.

>> No.2270159

God, I love Toriyama's monster designs.

>> No.2270169

Too bad he doesn't design anymore.

Or so I think.

>> No.2270178

well, his studio does it for him

>> No.2270215


DQ III came out around the same time as FF1 (like, one month before).

>> No.2270237


It's hard to imagine DQ as bigger than FF and especially Pokemon but supposedly it is.

>> No.2270246

It is also more fun.

>> No.2270265

>didnt 3 only do the job thing because they were ripping off final fantasy 1?
No. If anything, we should thank Wizardry for that.
DQ3 basically took the class idea from Wizardry and put it in a simpler form.

>> No.2270364

Inquiry time:

which DQ had your favorite...





>Final boss

>> No.2270373

It's DEFINITIVE. That's different from "the best".

>> No.2270384 [DELETED] 


>> No.2270386


i think most people who make shonen manga look up to akira toriyama and see him as a living legend honestly. that's the case for the dudes who do one piece and naruto at least

>> No.2270407

I have a question

In older threads, during the high time of JRPG vs WRPG threads, people often wanted to shit on DQ, calling it a grindfest.

This was then countered with


Before they explained that set up is more important than levels.

Is this true? And if it is, doesn't that require knowing what lies ahead? So it's invalid for first playthroughs?
And doesn't equipment set up rely on money as well? So you need to fight?

>> No.2270418

they were full of shit

>> No.2270427

The latter Dragon Quest games (all except I and II) have infinitly usable items that heal as much as best heal spells. If you use them every turn then it just a matter of time until you have won.

>> No.2270489

I didn't even know he had a studio.

Thought he was a freelancer.

>> No.2270521

6 was fun but the last portion of the game was pretty lame because of how fillery it felt.

>> No.2271096

No, FF1 predates DQ3 by two months. . It's safe to assume the class systems for both games were solely Wizardry/D&D inspired.

>> No.2271106

Its a shame the western releases of the old DQ games didn't keep Toriyama's art. Despite his serious same-face issue I've always loved his artstyle.

>> No.2271169
File: 299 KB, 800x600, daisy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind me, just posting best DQ waifu.

>> No.2271234
File: 451 KB, 600x600, dragon_quest_v__bianca_by_wadamen-d7aw86f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, no.

>> No.2271451
File: 529 KB, 900x900, 49103453_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


wow, so much bad taste

>> No.2271465

Bird Studio.

>> No.2271471

>wow, so much bad taste

... He says while posting a horrendous drawing.

>> No.2271486

I don't see you disagreeing though!

>> No.2271551
File: 28 KB, 483x377, 111562-6730157-houkuki-img483x377-1051741120a-dq-daisy-hanaya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Overrated whores.

>> No.2271563
File: 68 KB, 520x689, soldier__dragon_quest_iii__by_yukiyanagi1111-d4s56ea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daisy doesn't beat the original

>> No.2271592

Was Dragon Quest III less about grinding your ass off to get anywhere? Been playing through 1 recently and it's a chore in that aspect, and I hear II is worse for it.

>> No.2271632

I would answer 1,2 and 3.


Video related.

>> No.2271636

Also, this video.
Epic video is epic.


>> No.2271640


As long as you are willing to explore the map (you will need to in order to advance, anyway) and don't skip battles, you won't need to grind. Keep buying armor and weapons and you're fine.

The only time I actually grinded on DQIII was when I was training my female goof until she reached lvl. 20 and be able to turn her into a sage.
You may need to grind for gold in order to buy equipment, but again, as long as you don't skip battles when you're out adventuring, you won't need to stay on a specific spot in order to grind for it. Be sure to get dem metal slimes.

but if you mean grind as in fighting a lot of random encounter battles, well yeah, DQ has a lot of them. But the good thing about DQ is that battles are quick and the comman menu is as simple as it gets, so once you know an enemy's weakness, you kind of breeze through the menu and the battle is over in seconds.
One of the key factors as to why DQ was such a success, at least in Japan (but it also translated to a lot of other RPGs later on, FF included) is how they got the turn based combat from Wizardry, and made it as "arcade-y" as it could get, if that makes any sense. Yuji Horii loves gambling and pachinko a lot, so he added that kind of quick, random factor (you can't select how the stats are distributed, it's done automatically). That changes the pacing significantly compared to Wizardry or other CRPGs.
A lot of enemies are complete dicks though, so you will need strategies in order to beat certain groups of enemies. But character build is not as deep or as important.

Class/party management, equipment and strategy is more important than building, which means grinding is not really required on DQ.

>> No.2271680

Ah okay, that sounds more like what I'm used to from JRPGs, and I pretty much never skip battles so I should be fine.

Nearly done with DQ1 now anyway, at lvl19 which is apparently the lowest you can really hope to beat the last boss if you're lucky, but I might get to 20 or 21 to give me a small buffer on that.

>> No.2271693

You could have played one of the remakes for faster leveling and hidden stat boosters. In the remakes you can easily finish the game as soon as you get the Healmore spell (the only spell that isn't useless for the final boss). Also use your herbs on the way to the boss to reach him with full HP and MP.

>> No.2271709

>You could have played one of the remakes for faster leveling
Yeah I know, but since I was doing it more for historical value than anything else decided to go with the NES version.

>> No.2271729

>it's hard to imagine that a balanced game that isn't a complete grindfest is more popular than an unbalanced game that is a grindfest and a collectathon game
yes, I can totally see where you are coming from

>> No.2271735

I understand that he is influential, but I'm glad neither of those copy his style outright, because I really find his art of human characters extremely ugly, he IS good at doing monsters though.

>> No.2271745
File: 65 KB, 550x386, dq4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


His old, rounder style is very appealing and charming, I think. I also like the way he uses colors.

His newer, more angular style that started somewhere in the 90s isn't exactly bad, and it's a lot more carefully detailed... less comical, in a way. But that's what made his old designs stand out in the first place, the comical aspect.
He also became lazy and only uses digital painting since DQ VIII.

>> No.2271747

Conversely I love how his humans look (though I love his monsters and mecha too), but I'm also glad they don't copy his style, but mostly because I like artists to have their own distinctive identities in their art style.

>> No.2271753

Well just finished Dragon Quest 1, how much more grinding should I expect to have to do in 2?

>> No.2271758

I thought IV and V were more popular. But still from what I've heard III is the entry where it went from being popular to being generation defining, so probably.

I've always found it weird that the DQ games were *the* JRPG because they feel so much more western than most other games in genre. I mean I tend to think of JRPG's as having an emphasis on character based narrative, but that's almost completely absent DQ, in favour of exploration and dungeon crawling. I know there are other JRPGS that have a similar focus, but to my perception they seem to be less prominent than the narrative driven ones.

>> No.2271789

He will occasionally stop writing HxH to play the latest DQ...

>> No.2271826

DQ is so damn insipid.
Like every other series of its time like Megaten, Mother, Phantasy Star and even Final Fantasy is much more interesting.

>> No.2271925
File: 337 KB, 750x1100, vol34_poster1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can see where you're coming from, but honestly I think his most recent style is great. It looks like a great combination of his early style and 90s style.

Basically for me it's
New>Old>>>>>>Mid/90s style

The Greed Island arc is the closest I can think of relating to DQ, and even then, he didn't draw much inspiration from the series outside of a couple nods.

>> No.2271962
File: 73 KB, 520x482, DBSatan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah but the picture you posted has that digital painting, I prefer his mid-90s style since at least the colors look much better.

overall I'd say my favorite Toriyama is earl 90s though, around the time DQ IV was released or early DBZ. Had the perfect balance between his old style and the evolving new one, plus nice coloring and overall I think he was at his creative peak back then.

>> No.2271989

A decade later and I'm still not over Videl cutting her pigtails off.

>> No.2271996

Ruining hot girls he created is what he does.

Sill looks better than modern Toei DBZ coloring.

>> No.2272150
File: 152 KB, 750x470, ct-misc08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really liked his CT art.

>> No.2272159

Most of the recent promotional art, movie-based manga (Battle of the Gods, Revival of F, etc) and original game designs (DB Heroes, Xenoverse, etc) are not made by Toriyama, but by his apprentices, Naho Ooishi and Toyotaro.
I think the last work Toriyama did by himself was that Jaco manga.

>> No.2272160

Fucking RIGHT?

>> No.2272232

It's called character development.

>> No.2272249

If cutting hair counts for character development then it's no wonder most writing is utter shit.

>> No.2273086

>Toei anything
Them arbitrarily renaming the anime halfway through convoluted DVD and manga releases and split the fanbase in an unbelievable way. Their modern shittiness in animation and coloring is just one of their many fuckups.

>> No.2273671

Eh that name change only really split the English side of the world, and to be fair manga v1-16 content is too wacky Japanese kids humour for US audience mass appeal anyway.
Plus at least the Z shift coincided with Toriyama getting a new editor that pushed him to focus more on action and Goku was now a dad, so it didn't feel completely arbitrary,

>> No.2273752

>the last
You mean the middle. It's literally wandering around aimlessly.

>> No.2273885
File: 119 KB, 750x675, Corvus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dragon Quest V, is very touching.
Dragon Quest VIII, the cell shading makes it like watching a Dragon Ball episode.
Dragon Quest IV, i want to fuck Maya and Meena.
Dragon Quest V, just mecause you can add them to your party.
>>Final boss
Psaro or Corvus, both of them have great reason to destroy the world.

>> No.2274035

I agree,with Psaro and Corvus. Most bosses are simply "I want to take over the world because I am evil"

>> No.2274158

>v1-16 content is too wacky Japanese kids humour for US audience mass appeal anyway.

I'll never understand statements like this. Dragon Ball stops being gag-heavy pretty much around the 22nd Budokai, and that's volume 10.

>> No.2274427

The 'comedy and adventure in DB' vs 'fights and action in Z' is extraordinarily exaggerated, mostly by hipsters who pretend to like the less popular thing, or by people who never actually watched DB.

That said, I'd place the tonal shift even earlier -- when Tao Pai Pai appears. As goofy as some of his mannerisms are, his killing of General Blue and Bora are essentially the first actual deaths of the series. It's especially jarring since it happens just after the Dr. Slump throwback chapters.

>that name change only really split the English side of the world
Yeah, US here, other than the Dragon Boxes and Kai, we've got the shittiest handling of the DB franchise of any non-Japan country.

>Z shift coincided with Toriyama getting a new editor
I learned something new today.

>> No.2274461




DQ5, mostly because they were a big feature.

>Final Boss
Character-wise, DQ4 has the only really developed and sympathetic final boss. Fight-wise I enjoyed DQ6's Deathmore the most.

>> No.2274897

>The 'comedy and adventure in DB' vs 'fights and action in Z' is extraordinarily exaggerated
Oh I totally agree, but Dragon Ball has a slow curve to more action so it's easy for someone to start early DB and turn off before it ever gets there, and by the time of Z the actions become very noticeable (plus as I said new editor with more action focus come v17). I do often find it weird how much people overlook the comedy in volumes 17-35/Z to the point people seem to pretend it's gone even though you have stuff like the Ginyu Force and Mr. Satan among other things, but it is true it's more action focused and makes it easier for idiots to somehow ignore the comedy there. Also why when Toriyama ended up with a 3rd editor for v36-42 who wanted more old school DB comedy in it all those same idiots hated on Boo for being too silly, where-as I find it the perfect ballance of DB style comedy and action.

>> No.2274940

DQ3 beats the hell out of DQ1&2

>> No.2274978
File: 297 KB, 576x432, VidelattheWorldMartialArtsTournament.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Short hair is better anyways. She actually looks decent and it's a nice change to not have a massive shining forehead ruining the girls

>> No.2275051

I haven't played FFI through but unless you need to grind in that, there is no need to grind in any FFs. And you do need to grind in at least the earlier DQs, don't you?

Or don't people just know what grinding means?

>> No.2275064

videl a shit. Fuck anything after cell saga belongs in the trash kids.

>> No.2275070

I feel like I, IV and V are the most iconic DQ games.

>> No.2275090

>tfw the original NES DQ games don't have proper translations
>tfw the remakes and newer games are unreadable


>> No.2275134


bitch Ill cut you

>> No.2275135

I'm convinced the folks that keep up that stereotype only watched the first 13 episodes of DB and the Cell arc, then bitch about how radically different in tone they are. And the 'Z has no adventuring' is bullshit too -- how the hell is going to goddamn space not an adventure? Not to mention DB's 'adventuring' tapered off in the RRA arc.

Boo arc is a phenomenal return to form. I'll never get why people don't like it.

>It's silly and stupid!
>Makes no sense!

Like, dude it's fucking Dragon Ball.

>> No.2275417


Hey, I'm playing Dragon Quest III right now. SFC version. For my party I decided on Priest, Thief, and Warrior. Priest was an easy choice. I had a bit of trouble deciding between Thief and Mage but a lot of people say that the Thief is pretty good because of their agility and boomerangs/whips, so I decided to pick that and see how things go. I had a lot of trouble deciding between Warrior and Martial Artist though. I figured Warriors, they can soak up damage and make things hurt, even if they may not hurt things as bad as a Martial Artist.

What say you /vr/? Thief or Mage? Warrior or Martial Artist? I'm still wondering (especially after realizing how damn much outfitting the Hero and Warrior all the time will be, not to mention the others). I haven't done much yet, just leveled up to level 5-7 around the first second town (Reeve, I think it's called. レーべ is the Japanese name) so starting over won't set me back much.

>> No.2275423


>Dragon Quest VI for the Super Famicom (not the NintendoDS version)

Anything wrong with the DS version? I'm on my way through the series for the first time. Playing the SFC versions of I-III, the PSX version of IV, the PS2 version of V, the DS version of VI, and the 3DS version of VII (and the only versions there are of VIII and IX).

>> No.2275793

>Dragon Quest IV, i want to fuck Maya and Meena.
Haha, thankfully Japanese Doujin artists agree.

>> No.2276198

I have a nasty habit of playing each DQ game to about 50% and then getting bored.
I dislike long stretches of nothing happening and tiresome exploration interrupted by random encounters. My favs are DQ1 for being short but memorable as fuck, and DQ8 which is just the most amazing experience and I'm determined to complete it this time (got stuck on Dhoulmagus and quit)

>> No.2277663

>Playing Dragon Quest III
>Get Sexy Gal personality for Hero
>Get to Romaria
>Realize that her personality is ちからじまん

I must have read a book that change her personality and not realized it until later. My team's level 8-10 right now and I just reached Romaria. Is it worth it to restart (only choice as I don't have a save before I changed her personality) or should I just press on? Can I change her personality back to Sexy Gal somewhat soon?

>> No.2277707
File: 47 KB, 640x480, gohan shades.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll never get why people don't like it.

It's fine until they threw out all of Gohan's development and had him get punked like a bitch so Goku could come back. And from there it was worse than 5 minutes on Namek in terms of shitty pacing.

So yeah if they just had Gohan ice Buu like they should have and ended it there it would have been fine. Silly but fine

>> No.2277713

in my experience mages kinda suck early on, but really kick in halfway through the game. like once you have enough mp to blast everyone in every battle.

>> No.2277719


I just can't stand all the plot holes. No, I don't read Dragon Ball for the plot, but that doesn't make plot holes forgivable. There's some plot holes/stupidities earlier on but the majority of them exist in the Buu saga. I just don't know how Akira Toriyama made so many in one arc. One that bothers me the most is:

>Everyone thinks Gohan is dead
>Dragon Balls are used to bring everyone that died that day (except the bad ones) back to life
>Goku tells everyone that Gohan is dead, they all mourn.

We all know that he wasn't dead but they didn't know so it's understandable for them to believe that he was. However, he had never died before. Even if he was dead the Dragon Balls would have brought him back to life, so why the fuck is everyone mourning? Out of all the people there SOMEONE (like Piccolo, who uses his brain occasionally) would should have pointed out that they were all being retarded.

>> No.2277748


well I imagine they still didn't like the idea of their friend dying and getting hurt. Still you'd think they'd have told Videl and Chich so they'd calm down. I mean say something comforting to them. Krillan died like twice

>> No.2277757

The Garter belt from the Medal King will give you Sexy personality, but only while it's equipped. If you want your sexy gal back you're going to have to start over. And there's some random elements in the personality test so even then you may not get it.

>> No.2277758


>I mean say something comforting to them. Krillan died like twice

Yeah I understand that no one WANTS it to happen, it's just that they all had a lapse of sanity. Every one of them thought that he was gone forever despite everyone but Videl knowing better.

>> No.2277760


what does personality do again?

>> No.2277762


I read about the Garter Belts a few moments ago. If I can equip them and leave them on for the rest of the game without having to sacrifice better armor then I'll just do that, I can get one after I find one more medal anyway.

>> No.2277764


Affect stats on level up.

>> No.2277797



>> No.2277801

remember that time we went ghost bustin? it reminded me of that time we went ghost bustin.

>> No.2278253

Nah, that's not why people hate it. I love Gohan, but the majority of people that shit on it just outright hate adult Gohan in general. Great Saiyaman is too Japanese for them and they want all the edge of teen Gohan back.

Wow, first time I've seen someone claim a plot hole in Dragon Ball then follow through with something that's arguably fair, though I'd need to go back to it to be sure. Usually I see people claim plotholes or stuff that was actually explained and they just didn't notice.

Dragon Quest III has some weird/cool character personality system that's affected by your interactions with objects?

>> No.2278303

Does Square still not allow DQ games to be released on school nights in Japan? That was a thing. DQ was so popular they felt they had a moral responsibility not to ruin education.

>> No.2278309

>plot hole in Dragon Ball
DB doesn't have plot holes as much as it has excessive use of asspulls and retcons.
Most plotholes can be written down the rug under the "it's comedy" excuse but after the Piccolo Jr tournament fight the tone shifts a little too far into dramatic for that to actually work.

And again, it's mostly a plothole caused by the author making shit up as he goes instead of actually sticking to some basic rules. Enma Daioh claims Raditz was a bit of a bother to deal with... but Raditz ended up being incredibly weak in comparison to every single enemy that came later. How did Enma force them into Hell, then?
And then there's the inconsistency of Namek not saving itself from a world-wide "weather-related cataclysm" by using the Dragon Balls. Specially when the only one who survived it was indeed the one able to create and mantain them.
Or in the Cell arc the fact that either 17 and 18 or 19 and 20 shouldn't exist at all. Trunks in theory only knows 17 and 18, so how does it make sense that 19 and 20 were activated first? Why did they go on a mindless rampage on the one irrelevant city? Gero clearly states that he stopped tracking Goku and friends after everybody died fighting Nappa and Vegeta, so nothing Trunks changed by time traveling should have had any effect on his plans.
It's even more obvious when you know that the actual reason for the quick retcon is that Toriyama's editor throught 19 and 20 looked too stupid and had him create different enemies.
Then there's the little things like sensu beans suddenly being uncommon because they were far too convenient, the "only one resurrection rule", Namek Dragon's "only one person per resurrection", power levels meaning jack shit considering the escalation in numbers making them irrelevant (even until Babidi making up an unit of measurement just to avoid saying numbers up to billions).
Toriyama is a comedy writer. Plots are not his thing.

>> No.2278341

>Enma Daioh claims Raditz was a bit of a bother to deal with... but Raditz ended up being incredibly weak in comparison to every single enemy that came later. How did Enma force them into Hell, then?
Eh just took it that he was rowdy, not necessarily strong.
>And then there's the inconsistency of Namek not saving itself from a world-wide "weather-related cataclysm" by using the Dragon Balls. Didn't it explain that the rest of Namek were against him using them? Though maybe I imagined that. Could have been one of those things outwith his power though.
>Or in the Cell arc the fact that either 17 and 18 or 19 and 20 shouldn't exist at all.It works if you take that butterfly effect theory of the most insignificant actions cause dynamically different and seemingly unconnected outcomes.
>Then there's the little things like sensu beans suddenly being uncommon because they were far too convenient, the "only one resurrection rule", Namek Dragon's "only one person per resurrection", power levels meaning jack shit considering the escalation in numbers making them irrelevant
Eh, they never seemed to get rarer, just always seemed like Goku & co had too much pride as fighters to rely on them. Which is maybe not the best plan when the world is at stake not just your pride but eh, they weren't the brightest bunch.
Plus power levels were introduced on the idea they were already irrelevant for how Earth fighters fight anyway.
>Toriyama is a comedy writer. Plots are not his thing.
Granted, but I always got my fill of fun characters, adventure and comedy across it, even if the comedy was less for a time. Plus always felt like he toed the line just enough to keep things working.

>> No.2278443

Why are you guys discussing Dragon Ball in a Dragon Quest thread?

>> No.2278790

>Dragon Quest III has some weird/cool character personality system that's affected by your interactions with objects?

Every playable character in DQ3 has a personality type assigned to them that modifies their stats growth when they level (it's very similar to the personalities in Pokemon gen3 or later if you've played those). For the Hero you're personality is chosen based on a bunch of questions and a little minigame you have to do when you start a new game. The other characters on your team get a personality when they're created, those personalities are partially random and partially determined by the characters' class and the stat seeds they're given. Throughout the game you can find books that can be used as items to permanently change a character's personality, and there are also accessories that will temporarily change the character's personality while they're equipped.

>> No.2278795


Was this the same for all versions of DQIII? I played the NES one, but I don't remember any questions or mini games at the beginning of the game. Maybe I just have bad memory.

>> No.2278815

No, it was something new put in the SNES and GB remakes.

>> No.2278842

Buu arc is fucking awful you faggot and is nothing like dragon ball. Dragon Ball is an awesome adventure and Majin Buu era DBZ is /r9k/ peepeepoopoo level shitposting. Dragonball has its silly moments but majin buu was just straight up fucking retarded. It belongs in the trash right beside GT.

>> No.2278848
File: 9 KB, 220x206, DQBag_o_laughs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Gotcha, I knew all these sort of new mechanics were added on the remakes.
I'm gonna play the SNES remake the next time I feel like playing through DQ3 again.

>> No.2278870

Were similar elements added to the remakes of 1 and 2? Or did only 3 get that treatment?

I know DQ 1 and 2 reduce the grind by making monsters give out more exp, and some new chests added to get some better items early, but those are the only changes I know of.

>> No.2278872


Goten and Trunks felt like Song Goku and Krilins as kids all over again. I love the 25th tenkaichi budokai part, but I hate that it gets interrupted in the middle. (Although to be honest, M. Vegeta wipping away a big portion of the tournament public in one second was bad ass, albeit edgy as hell).

I don't know, I think it's still better than GT.

>> No.2278908

I really didn't like the Buu saga as a kid and I remember I stopped watching the show after that saga started airing.

Later on I went back and watched the entire show again and realized the only good characters introduced in that timeline is videl and goten.

Seriously, babidi sucks, debura sucks, the kai's just suck, and most of all, Majin Buu fucking sucks. The saiyans, freiza, garlic jr, the androids, and cell all seem to be sinister villains who you just know are evil by their dialogue and wits. Then you have the pink autistic man-child majin-buu who never seemed sinister, just autistic and childish.

On top of that, it feels like majin-buu was a fucked up design anyway because he is basically superman without the kryptonite. He has no weaknesses, he can't be destroyed, he never runs out of energy except when its convenient to the plot and to top it off, no matter how many huge explosions he goes through, he reforms, except he is conveniently destroyed by a spirit bomb. Which has never worked before, but now does. Just seems like a cop out to me to kill off a villain who was written too powerful in the first place. Buu saga just isn't as well thought out as previous DBZ.

My favorite parts of the Buu saga are the character development of existing characters and flashbacks with dialogue about what has happened before. Majin Vegeta and Goku's fight stands out as does the dialogue at the world's martial arts tournament. Vegeta's respect for goku also stands out. I can't think of much else good in that saga though.

I would have been happier I think with a villain who was more powerful than Cell, but less "featured". Cell didn't really need to be outdone as far as ability, but someone more powerful than Cell that requires the fighters to overcome the challenge of beating him. Think like a Broly type character, insanely powerful, but not invincible like majin buu.

>> No.2278913

No, DQ1&2 got a bit of rebalancing to reduce grind, and they added stat increasing seeds to the game, but those are pretty much the only gameplay changes. Out of all the remakes 1&2 got the least amount of changes and new content.

>> No.2280125

I never, ever, played a DQ game.
Which one should I start with? Which one is considered the best/most fun?

>> No.2280237

>Which one should I start with?
The first one.
>Which one is considered the best/most fun?

>> No.2280247

i know its not /vr/ but internally upscaling VIII in pcsx2 is absolutely gorgeous

>> No.2280597

The first, preferably the remake.
III, V, VII, and VIII, are usually considered the best.

>> No.2280648

Why do all of Toriyama's characters look exactly the same? Seriously, how do you go 30 years and never progress even slightly.

>> No.2280656
File: 135 KB, 491x359, TurboS7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


look at this faggot and laugh

>> No.2280658
File: 14 KB, 147x124, eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So... what DB character have this eyes?

I really want to know because of reasons.

is that Uranai Baba when she was young?

>> No.2280669

It only has 12 monsters to add to your party, meanwhile the Super Famicom has more than 60 monsters.

>> No.2280679

There's nothing wrong with the GBC and DS remakes.
The Mobile remakes of 1, 2, and 3 are trash, though.

>> No.2280692

>Starting with a Priest
The Hero can handle all the healing until Dharma.
Mages don't become useful until around that time as well, and Warriors just eat up money early on.
A Dealer, a Thief, and a Martial Artist is all you need. Dealers will find extra money after battle, Thieves will steal shit, and everyone's a hard hitter.
By the time you reach Dharma, you'll have the extra money to be able to equip both a Hero and a Warrior, you'll start needing a dedicated healer, and enemies will start appearing that go down faster to magic.

My most recent run had the above starting classes, and I ended the game with a Warrior, MA, and Sage. The party works great.

>> No.2280720

And yet I love his style.

>> No.2280810
File: 6 KB, 204x226, is-this-sexy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2283302

Gonna give this dying thread a bump. Does anyone know a good place to look for 3DS ROMs? I normally just torrent or use a DDL if necessary but I haven't had much luck in finding the 3DS version of Dragon Quest VII anywhere.

>> No.2283328

Poor Witch, she never gets any love compared to Warrior, Cleric, and that fucking whore Sage.

>> No.2283329

Is the 3DS emulatable already?

>> No.2283336


No, but you can play pirated games on your 3DS with a Gateway.

>> No.2283339


Not that I know of. I hear one Emu name being passed around ("Citra") as legit and its reputation is plagued by endless malware packages masquerading as it.

As far as I know the legit emu is not in the wild yet because the authors themselves are not satisfied with its performance even from a preliminary stance; an emu that always fails to break the 10FPS barrier doesn't really have a use to anyone but devs.

>> No.2284791

How are the mobile remakes trash? I am playing through 1 on my phone and haven't noticed any problems, and none of the reviews I read mentioned any either.

>> No.2284980


>tfw the remakes and newer games are unreadable

What? Also, what's wrong with the NES games translations? I've never played the English versions though I heard that they changed names and made the speech try to seem like old English. Is that what you mean by "don't have proper translations"?