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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 340 KB, 800x838, diddy_and_dixie_as_pirates_by_lazyashell-d5dwnw2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2267516 No.2267516 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Common misconceptions about old games

>Dixie and Diddy are not siblings

>> No.2267520

I kept hearing jokes through the mid to late 80s about how hard Super Mario's head must be to smash all those bricks.

>> No.2267527

he punches them, dammit!

>> No.2267529

I'm glad I wasn't the only kid that thought that.

>> No.2267536
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I guess these are relevant

>> No.2267538
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>> No.2267540


wait, those aren't fists?

>> No.2267541
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>> No.2267542


>> No.2267545
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>> No.2267549
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>> No.2267550
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>> No.2267568


Still better than Pixiv Red

>> No.2267639
File: 531 KB, 1080x554, TDBComic175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>people think Mario beats Yoshi

He's obviously pointing

>> No.2267660

Yeah, I know. Because I actually looked at the screen when I played - all those jokes were from adults passing through the room not paying close enough attention.

See I was one of those kids that would read the manuals before playing and it was pretty clear from the artwork he was punching those bricks.

>> No.2267662

Miyamoto never said he the infamous "“Donkey Kong Country proves that players will put up with mediocre gameplay as long as the art is good.” quote.


>> No.2267674

it's true though.

>> No.2267679

But then he has super short arms

>> No.2267690

>Miyamoto: (makes a torpedo noise and laughs) Swwwwwwwwiiiiiihhhhh!!!

It matches his stubby legs.

>> No.2267703

i remember it looking like he pulled back his arm at the beginning of the animation though

>> No.2267912

inb4 shadow wars

>> No.2267936

How is this a misconception? It's just something that some people didn't notice.

>> No.2267948

>you kill satan in doom 2

thankfully we've been getting less of those these days

>> No.2267967

He gotta dick growing out of his bellybutton.

>> No.2267976

>it's diddy's kong quest, not diddy kong's quest

>> No.2268005
File: 984 B, 72x72, Castlevania_Fleaman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For years I thought the hunchback in Castlevania was some kind of bald headed, bearded, bouncing monkey creature.

>> No.2268015
File: 32 KB, 225x182, iago.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait a minute, that sprite...

>> No.2268052

Is that a troll post?

I'm pretty sure I read in a manual that dixie is diddy's girlfriend.

>> No.2268065

Wait, fuck... IT ISN'T!? That's literally EXACTLY what I've thought it was since I first played the games!

>> No.2268068


>> No.2268070

>Dixie and Diddy are not siblings

They're not. The instruction manual to DKC2 calls them friends.

>> No.2268187

Holy shit, I just checked. My mind = blown. And it is a pun on "conquest". All these years I have been lead to believe....

>> No.2268738
File: 48 KB, 1114x865, hadoken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2268836

When I was a kid, I thought he was saying HIGH BURN. HIGH BURN UPPERCOT. Not sure why. Maybe it was because he's so tall.

>> No.2268842


it was HYPER to me

>> No.2269209
File: 76 KB, 1473x521, mustachioed cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2269223


>> No.2269227

well it wouldnt be the first case of animal abuse by mario

>> No.2269238

I want Cyber Sagat for SFV.

He'd have a glowing scar and an artificial eye instead of an eyepatch. He should do tiger teleports and have a mean mix-up game. Oh wait.

>> No.2269491

That article does not address the quote at all. Steven Kent is the source of the quote, and has said multiple times that it was from an interview he did with Tim Stamper and Miyamoto. It's published in The Ultimate History of Video Games, and G4 also included the anecdote in a video retrospective about Donkey Kong.

Miyamoto may feel bad about it now and maybe does like DKC. But if it was a bullshit story that Kent made up, someone would have called him on directly.

>> No.2269501
File: 51 KB, 426x459, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The goyim know, shut it down

Apparently pic related is flea man concept art but I don't know from when

>> No.2270238
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>> No.2270239
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Likewise, it's "Adventure of Link" not "Adventures of Link". Link only did one adventure in Zelda 2

>> No.2270240

She is. Hell they're not even the same species. Diddy has a tail and Dixie doesn't. OP thinks he some epic troll or something.

>> No.2270247 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 430x320, Donkey_Kong_Country_2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kong quest.

>> No.2270248


That's what I said. They're a couple, not siblings. I would prefer them as siblings but they're still a couple

>> No.2270251
File: 39 KB, 430x320, Donkey_Kong_Country_2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Diddy's Kong Quest. Not Diddy Kong's quest.

>> No.2270257
File: 1.15 MB, 1807x1512, Bonanza_Bros._2[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the american version, they are actually investigators, and not thieves, and you're just testing security systems for the whole game.

>> No.2270261
File: 112 KB, 563x791, castlevania-2-simons-quest-f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One common on this board is that the translation for Simon's Quest was accurate and the absolutely nonsensical things said by villagers was just "the villagers lie to you".

Yes, some villagers lie to you, but plenty of hints are completely garbled and useless (translator using "holy water" and "magic potion" interchangeably, mixing up whether hints mention Death or Dracula, etc).

>> No.2270268
File: 19 KB, 320x240, Contra_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of youtube whores keep saying that (R) is useless or doesn't do anything or whatever.

(R)apid increases the speed of your bullets (non-stacking) and is the most powerful thing you can get save for (S)pread.

>> No.2270280

Best thing about this forum, I swaer to god
...its a tower

>> No.2270284

It's a weird black SimCity2k Darco christmas tree thing.

Not a star destroyer.

>> No.2270286
File: 222 KB, 803x617, 1398689806711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His name is not "Jack", it's "Pete". Natsume used it in GBC3, in screenshots, and in the DS puzzle game. The nickname "Jack" comes from the SNES game, where you can get a beanstalk. I assume people never caught onto "Jack" because it's a better sounding name then "Pete", but I always use the official names (except for Pony).

>> No.2270287

I forgot about the simcity tower! Excellent point, sir. Excellent.

>> No.2270315


He smacks him on the head making him stick his tongue out.

>> No.2270323

>For years I thought the hunchback in Castlevania was some kind of bald headed, bearded, bouncing monkey creature.

The hunchbacks are in fact bald headed, bearded, bouncing monkey-like creatures. They're flea-men after all.

Strangely, the original Japanese games feature a more generic gremlin creature. Western version includes hunchback/fleamen.

>> No.2270326


I've always thought R works only with the original gun, and does nothing with special weapons. Right?

So they get a special gun, then get R, it does nothing, then declare R is useless.

>> No.2270393

(R) works with all weapons.

>> No.2270424

you still have to drop him off a cliff to get to that one secret exit

>> No.2270432

his name isnt red either you weeb. it's w/e you want it to be

>> No.2270438

i'd say M's the strongest, it doesnt hurt your thumb after a while

>> No.2270439


No, it's Red. That is his canon name. Have you played anything besides RBY?

>> No.2270448

i remember finding him in a cave in gold version. i don't recall his name being red.

>> No.2270457

then again i cant recall his name at all so youre prob right

>> No.2270475

It is. At the time I thought that was just to make it blatantly obvious who the character was. Took me forever to warm up to Red being his real name.

Still think it would've been more cool if the game were programmed to have his name be your own character's name to complete the circle.

>> No.2270492
File: 55 KB, 420x343, Red.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2270508

It straight up says in-game that Dixie is Diddy's girlfriend. One of Swanky's quizzes.

>> No.2270695

Red is sometimes short for Reginald, if that helps you process.

>> No.2271312

can't unsee

>> No.2271868


You're literally an idiot.

He's called Red in almost every adaptation, in his figurines, and in every NpC appearance

>> No.2272058

wtf why would i know that? like jesus, sorry i'm not a figurine-collecting turbonerd. i already admitted i was probably wrong

>> No.2272112

Fuck you you pommy cunt.

>> No.2272156

fuck your british-ass insults

>> No.2274884


If you played any game past RGBY you'd know his name is Red. /vp/ would be disappointed with you

>> No.2274907

>sorry i'm not a figurine-collecting turbonerd

>> No.2274952

there was one someone drew where wily was a little dog, anyone have that?

>> No.2274954

This isn't the behavior I got used to in the early days of this young board. What happened?

>> No.2275026

ok can we stop pretending vr isn't just v but with doom threads

>> No.2275168

No one is pretending

>> No.2275298

Playing through this now a lot of it isn't as bad as you would think. Really the greatest sin is the complete lack of a map or any way to tell what the fuck an area is called besides any two areas directly next to a town.
"Holy Water" and "Magic Potion" work though- there's no other "magic potion" in the game.
Though what is bullshit is the fact that nothing tells you hints in the towns are inside buildings and not just what the villagers tell you.
And the hint for the blue crystal being in an incredibly obtuse place.

>> No.2275828
File: 2 KB, 235x185, 2uhxyx5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


monkeys fuck their siblings all the time


donkey punching the princess

>> No.2275848

Fucking horrible.