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File: 49 KB, 640x447, winback-covert-operations-n64-cover-front-31952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2259045 No.2259045 [Reply] [Original]

This is a fantastic game slightly marred by excessive padding and level design that has you covering the game ground over and over.

>> No.2259090

I've never saw this game mentioned, but it seems pretty damn cool.

I'm getting some light MGS vibes from this, which is a good thing. Shame there's no (or limited?) voice acting but I get why.

>> No.2259126
File: 26 KB, 256x328, Kill.switch_Coverart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drives me crazy that this game gets credited for starting a ton of the mechanics that were already in Winback.

The PS2 port does have voice acting and it's hilariously bad.

>> No.2259167

Neither Kill Switch nor WinBack should receive 100% of the dubious credit of introducing cover shooting when it's a three stage process.

MGS introduces the concept of cover. Winback adds offensive popouts. Kill Switch...well, Kill Switch shamelessly steals all the credit for the modern iteration of cover-based shooting from The Getaway.

>> No.2259168

>I'm getting some light MGS vibes from this, which is a good thing.

Everyone shit on Winback when it came out because it wasn't an MGS clone. Winback is a tactical shooter.

>The PS2 port does have voice acting and it's hilariously bad.

I can't play it without turning on the Japanese voices.

>> No.2259208
File: 168 KB, 1200x900, Glide64_WIN_BACK_06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2259212

How well does this emulate today? I remember trying it years ago and there was a big grey box wherever you aimed.

>> No.2259294

I had the same problem a year ago, couldn't figure out the problem or find an actual copy

>> No.2259296

are you using glide mk2? I don't know if it works well, but you should always use glide

>> No.2259307
File: 92 KB, 640x480, Glide64_WIN_BACK_04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The grey box(es) affect all HLE plugins except for Jabo 1.5, which is ancient. It's a side-effect of scrolling textures such as the sky and water, I believe. They pop up semi-randomly, travel across the screen, then disappear. There's a vague chance GLideN64 will fix them in HLE, but even if it doesn't, the plugin's LLE mode will probably fix them anyway.

This is what Winback looks like with the fog disabled. The sky and horizon don't blend properly, and there's z-fighting on distant objects, but it's a strange reminder that some N64 games used grey fog for for artistic reasons, not technical ones.

>> No.2259308
File: 83 KB, 640x480, Glide64_WIN_BACK_03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To compare.

>> No.2259320

one hit kill mode is the only way to play, game woulda been 10/10 if that was the default and the game was built around it.

>> No.2259369

Really wanted to get this game when it came out (98?) but the overabundance of great games back then exhausted my teenage money supply. Finally got a copy for like $2 last summer. It made me wish I had bought it when it was new. I would've been pretty damn amazed. As it is, the game is impressive and fun as hell but just a little too tedious for modern sensibilities.

>> No.2259482


>> No.2259625

Might have to buy this off PSN, for convenience sake (along with some Syphon Filter games)

>> No.2260226

I don't know what the hell happened with Winback. I was cruising along playing this in 99', having fun. About 3/4 through the game, I assum, the level design just comes to a dead end. I explored for hours and hours to no avail. Went on gamefaqs and got some suggestions, is their a switch to open a door?, ect. Nothing. Had to give up after few weeks.

Damns shame, and so strange because the rest of the game was just linear.

>> No.2260306

Never had that happen. There's like one or two places where you hit a dead end and have to backtrack, but none of them are too tough to figure out.

>> No.2261150

winback is an awesome game. i remember they ported it to the ps2 to hold people off before mgs2 came out. i fell in love.

this game has an awesome story mode, and the multiplayer is great too especially the ps2's version

>> No.2261153



>> No.2261157

We did get a second Winback, but it wasn't so good, also isn't retro.

>> No.2261159

>reading comprehension


>> No.2262314

I'm confused, what do you mean?

>> No.2263142

Amazing game... fun as fuck to get headshots and put enemies down with skill. Also, the PS2 winback is a literally perfected version of the game. I bought it from a store for cheap even though my ps2 laser burn out and tried it at a buddies and I couldn't believe how good it was, more control, more fun, same aesthetics etc.

>> No.2263148

>reload by accident
>lose all your ammo
I loved it. I still recall how satisfying it was to sink headshots with the shotgun and see that red sprite