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2258992 No.2258992 [Reply] [Original]

Post some of the hardest retro games out there. There are a lot that come to mind for me but this is definitely near the top. No way in hell I ever beat this game without an emulator.

>> No.2258995

I did it when I was a kid. I don't think it's that I was good at Nintendo, just that little kids have a certain kind of tenacity that, as an adult, I apply towards organizing my porn collection.

>> No.2258998

I was better at games when I was a kid too. This game kicked my ass though it was so hard being able to jump on walls just right and dodge all those attacks. I guess it takes practice.

>> No.2259267
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I don't know about being the hardest, but this game is pretty damn hard. Especially when trying to get the true ending.

>> No.2259303

Somewhat recently I gave a Strike game from the Genesis series a go, I think it was Urban Strike. The controls made so little sense to me, you wouldn't believe. It took me an hour or so to reacquiant myself with how the game plays, and the ordeal proved too much in the end.
As a kid I adapted much more quickly to novel virtual environs and the associated controls. Figuring out how to play a given title was somehow much more accessible of an activity.
So I couldn't tell you honestly. Would have to replay the whole lot of them.

I also recently played through the original Megaman, probably a decade after having played it last. Got through it with much less hassle than back in the day. Figuring out how to beat a given title nowadays seems to have taken precedence over the raw reflex that'd see you attempting rapid adaptation. It's like there's a check in the background of your head calculating how engrossing of an effort would be required to master the experience at hand. If there's a capacity to support such a venture, alongside any interest to attempt doing so. It's no longer unchecked, haphazard, instinctual. Unless you unhinge the stops yourself that is.

>> No.2259350

eh, besides the last level its not that hard., I'd rank it at the bottom of the top 5 NES platformers that are known for their difficulty -

-most difficult-
Ninja Gaiden
-least difficult-

>> No.2259378
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>constantly respawning enemies
>many enemies randomly respawn preventing any kind of memorization
>very limited health
>bosses can kill you in 8-4 hits
>all but 1 boss level requires you to run through a level with tons of enemies first
>most enemies in the game including bosses have momentary invincibility after taking damage
>very precise jumping required to progress in every level
>very precise jumps are often instant death for failure
>shared time limit for levels, take too long in any of the three stages and you will have to start over from the begining

the only thing you get are infinite lives and potions but if you need potions to beat stages the levels you farmed them in become unavailable after beating them.

>> No.2259379

Ninja Gaiden's tight controls make it bearable to beat, unlike many other games of the time. The BS getting sent back a few stages does make it very hard to get Jaquio's pattern down, but if you stick to the ground when he shoots the fireballs they are much easier to dodge.

I just attempted Alien Soldier for the first time and got my ass soundly thrashed by the first boss. I feel like I'm doing something wrong. Is there a way to damage the boss more quickly? Time keeps running out.

>> No.2259383

Really? I'd say Ninja Gaiden is far harder than Mega Man, even if you don't use the select glitch.

>> No.2259385

use your phoenix dash thing at full health
if you can ram the boss against a wall with the phoenix thing it's pretty much a single hit kill
you can punch some projectiles for health items

>> No.2259435

Holy shit that dash is insane. Thanks, I'm actually making progress now.

>> No.2259443

No one posted Silver Surfer, really? It's pretty much impossible. Also, I don't think Rocket Knight Adventures is amongst the hardest, BUT when you put it on hard mode, you are given one hit to beat the entire game! Next to impossible without playing it literally 100s of times.

>> No.2259450

Ninja gaiden is not hard, I beat it on my first playthrough. Just because AVGN whines about how a game is impossible, does not make it true.

>> No.2259460

LJN games don't count, they're difficult because they're terrible.

>> No.2259467

Didn't take me longer than modern character action game, have you tried to stick with it without going to something else after several tries? You know there's really only one hard stage and game has unlimited continues, I believe anyone can brute force it with enough time.

>> No.2259469

Swap Battletoads with GnG. Battletoads is just practice. GnG's level and enemy design is so ludicrous it becomes more a puzzle game than a platformer.

>> No.2259536

I honestly think Silver Surfer would have been a pretty fun game if you could take like 5 hits instead of 0.

>> No.2259541
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>Is there a way to damage the boss more quickly?

I think some (all?) bosses are weaker to certain weapons.

>> No.2259548

No, that's pretty standard for shooters, what needs changing is his fuck huge hitbox that takes up like 10% of the screen.

>> No.2259618

I didnt even know AVGN reviewed it. I just got my ass kicked after like level 3

>> No.2259623

Im sure if I spent some time on it I could beat it without an emulator. I just found it pretty tough dodging all those attacks and jumping on walls. Also never played it with a controller had to use a laptop.

>> No.2259627
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Now this game wasnt impossible but I found it a little ridiculous. If youre playing 1 player its really hard dodging all the bullets especially during boss fights.

>> No.2260019

yeah they're pretty close, I still think NG is slightly easier, although the last stage is probaby harder than anything in MM

I know what you're saying. I gave the edge to Battletoads because of limited continues. if Battletoads had infinite like GnG, I'd say GnG is the hardest hands down.

>> No.2260874

It's pretty funny that the SNES version was actually harder than the Arcade, i still managed to beat it though.

>> No.2260879

Bio-Metal for SNES. I could never get past level 3.

>> No.2260975
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Yes, Ninja Gaiden was a tough platformer.

But it has nothing on the difficulty of Solstice. That game was absolutely brutal. Probably beatable now with the help of the internet and a walkthrough, but back then it was a massacre.

>> No.2260987

When I first got Ninja Gaiden I was 14 years old and knew nothing about the game. I played that fucker for hours straight, eventually I got so mad that I pulled it out of my NES, and stomped on it until it broke. It's actually pretty hard to stomp an NES game to pieces, those things are tough.

Awhile later I kinda felt like trying to beat it again, so I had to buy the game again. I felt kinda dumb.

I did end up beating the game, man that fucking game was hard. No cheats, no save states, no nothing. I beat it on a regular NES.

That's one of the few NES games to actually make me mad enough to kick or hit something.

>> No.2260994

Haha, what? Solstice was literally my first NES game. I was 6 years old and beating it was trivial. There is absolutely nothing brutal about it.

>> No.2261021

That was an awesome game, I wouldn't call it super difficult though. Yeah it was long and had a lot of puzzles and some hard parts, but it was manageable. Not worse than Ninja Gaiden though, or especially the NG sequels.

I wouldn't call Megaman that difficult, although the first one is a bit more because it's clunkier in controls and whatnot. Good list otherwise though.

Yeah GnG was brutal. First time I stayed up all night was at my cousin's house, we spent the whole night playing GnG on his NES (felt good finishing it).

>> No.2262163

Ninja Gaiden isn't really as difficult as people make it out to be. You get unlimited continues and the game becomes manageable when you stop trying to rush through it and realize the game is about patience and thoughtful movements.

It really only gets brutal in the last few levels where you'll get sent back to 6-1 if you lose all your lives.

>> No.2262171



>> No.2264013

Are we talking the series of games or just individual titles?

>> No.2264015

Pick 2x Fire and 2x Lancer
Also Phoenix dash

>> No.2264041
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Is this difficult?

>> No.2264043

I was referring to individual titles..

now that I think about it I should have added Contra too, I'd rank that as about as hard or slightly higher than Ninja Gaiden.

>> No.2264046

This game only really ramps up at Chief Wigwam.

>dat fucking asshole jumping around throwing a million knives

>> No.2264051

I'd say more obtuse than difficult.

>> No.2264053

*slightly harder

>> No.2264056

>I was referring to individual titles..
So you think Castlevania and Megaman are harder than Ninja Gaiden? That's some crazy shit, man.

>> No.2264057
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This cunt right here.

>> No.2264074


I do. I mean all three are pretty close in difficulty. there are so many ways to rate a game's difficulty, I was trying to go by if you stuck a gamer with no experience with any of those games, which one would take him the longest/shortest time and effort to beat.

but to be honest though I''m probably underrating NG's difficulty just because I've played through it more than the others.

>> No.2264093
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Go on, tell me what a fag i am...

>> No.2264174
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I still have nightmares about the eagles.

>> No.2264530

You are a super fag.
Gotta agree the first one is quite difficult, V and VI were easier.
Still pissed the VI Vader fight was fucking bullshit and too easy.

>> No.2264541
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>a certain kind of tenacity that, as an adult, I apply towards organizing my porn collection

>> No.2265154

Ghosts n Ghouls is fucking IMPOSSIBLE. I couldn't make it past stage 2. I got stuck with the fire weapon which is a piece of shit. Is there any more game more rage inducing?

>> No.2265165

Silver surfer isn't an LJN game though and the difficulty isn't as hard if you played other shoot em ups

>> No.2265167

>Nobody has mentioned Sinistar

>> No.2265172
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IV harder than V???

Super Empire is neverending cold brutal Hoth stages that fuck you like a rapegang of sandpeople in single file to hide their numbers. Jedi is a cakewalk and Star Wars has some unfair spots of moderate difficulty but that Super Empire man...
Fuck that Hoth. And fuck that Imperial boss where you're Han Solo and if you have the heat seeker blaster power up you can't hit shit.

>> No.2265520
File: 10 KB, 480x254, logo-battletoades.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever since it came out when I was a kid, I am now 30 and still can't beat this fucker. To mW it is still the hardest NES game for me.

>> No.2265530
File: 146 KB, 1280x1024, Sega_Classic_Diary_2_Ecco_the_Dolphin_05large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey this looks like a nice relaxing game about being a dolphin!

>> No.2266882

Does anyone have any tips for the litte devils in Ghosts n Ghouls? Im telling you Im really determined to beat this game without using save slots during the level but the little devils make it fucking IMPOSSIBLE. If I go against one Im guaranteed to get hit at least once.

>> No.2266906

use the knife and face them head on instead of trying to dodge. if they get behind you just run past them and ignore.

>> No.2266921
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>> No.2266924

Will try it out. I've been using the lance cause I haven't ran into the knife yet, I knew it was faster but I wasn't sure how much easier it made it compared to the lance. Fuck that fireball weapon though that things sucks.

>> No.2266964

Once they swoop at you the first time, don't throw anything or jump and they'll calm down. They'll slowly come down to your height, then when they start moving towards you spam B, and they'll die. Just make sure you're not too close or they'll run into you before they die. And whatever you do, don't attack before they start moving towards you or they'll go up into the air again. The hard part is dodging the first swoop, but if you have a lot of flat ground, just keep walking away from them and they'll usually miss.

>> No.2266985

That actually helped a lot thank you! Game is still hard as fuck but at least it got a little easier.

>> No.2266989

Sir Richard Fucking Rose

>> No.2267020

Silver Surfer isn't terrible. It's just designed with entirely the wrong audience in mind. People don't go into a licensed game based on a semi-obscure comic book character expecting a shmup for shmup experts.

Besides, the music is amazing.