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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2257108 No.2257108 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys ever worry that in 30-40 years' time, you'll be some old man waxing nostalgic about your favorite old games, but with no way to actually play them?

Is there such a thing as a video games preservation society?

>> No.2257123

emulation's a thing you know

>> No.2257127

The consoles will last for a lot longer than that. There's a community of CRT collectors with TVs that are over 70s years old and still working. You have the old computer collectors too and those are getting 50+ years old.

>> No.2257135

Well duh. But there's no telling whether or not they will be available on future hardware, with rapidly changing memory and storage types/standards/etc.

I'm more interested in seeing the old classics readily available to young children even 100 years in to the future.

>> No.2257140
File: 34 KB, 400x240, 3d-classics-twinbee-20110922102120328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeah, TwinBee.

I've been playing the 3D classic version on the 3DS lately.

>> No.2257158
File: 14 KB, 224x280, blswhstl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ewww, they remade the fucking NES port in 3D, not the original arcade?

>> No.2257165

>Is there such a thing as a video games preservation society
The Game Preservation Society in Tokyo has been dumping Japanese PC games (in their original uncracked form, all physical materials scanned/preserved) for a while now: Is there such a thing as a video games preservation society

As for cartridge games, efforts are more scattered, probably the same with arcade PCBs/ROMs. So far piracy has been the reliable, cheap way to keep old games in circulation, but it often means playing slightly-modified versions of games that have been cracked. The difficult part is extracting the old data and migrating it across new storage and data formats.

Easier to remake by-eye the Famicom port than do what M2 employees practice in their sleep. 3D Fantasy Zone eats 3D Twinbee for breakfast!

>> No.2257167

>Well duh. But there's no telling whether or not they will be available on future hardware, with rapidly changing memory and storage types/standards/etc.
That's also bullshit because most emulators are open sourced these days.

Children don't want to play your games, old man. They have to look for that shit and build interest themselves.

>> No.2257172

Forgot the link: www.gamepres.org

Also, I think Nintendo's 3D Classics ain't bad, it's just a difficult concept in practice, which is why M2 even has trouble.

>> No.2257175

There's the no intro roms. They still need to do Saturn and PS1 but that is a huge amount of space.

Really it's only when you get the emulators that you have to alter stuff.
I've read and acknowledged your opinion, champ.

>> No.2257192
File: 7 KB, 224x256, 1181242184113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The one in your picture isn't the original arcade TwinBee, it's Dettana! Twinbee. Get your facts straight, anon.
The original arcade Twinbee isn't all that different than the Famicom port. In fact, I prefer the Famicom version's music better.

And I fucking love the Faimcom TwinBee, it was one of my favorite childhood games, so having an enhaced 3D version of it is great.

>> No.2257203

whoa, I fucked up!

>> No.2257212


I worry about a few games, but we live in an era where porting Doom is like outputting Hello World. Even ignoring your computer, you have a device within 15 feet of you that can play Doom.

>> No.2257272

Soon people will be porting it to their TV's operating system. And their fridge control touch screen. And their car's dashboard touch screen.
fuck where technology is going

>> No.2257280

Everything is going to offsite processing. It's not your fridge or car. I wouldn't be surprised if in 15 years computers for the average consumer will be obsolete and viewed as only something for terrorists and child porno.

>> No.2257283

I'm more interested in what happens to the CRT scene. Nobody makes CRTs anymore and there are a finite amount out there, with most probably getting thrown out or ripped apart for scrap. And CRTs eventually burn in, burn out, whatever. Eventually we'll reach a point where CRTs are legitimately hard to find.

>> No.2257285


Not really.

I'm a real hardware guy, and /vr/ hardware is tough as nails, so I'm really just worried about future CRT availability (both TV and PC monitors). Shit ain't right on anything else.

Well, maybe I'm a little worried about my Vectrex...

>> No.2257291


I think we're at that point where CRT PC monitors are scarce.

I rarely see them in thrift store anymore, and the ones I do see are really trashy. I have a new-ish Dell CRT i really like that's perfect size for DOS-early 3D, but I'd really like to have a spare.

>> No.2257294

A lot of the hardcore retro gamers have already given up on CRTs. The technology of TVs is at a point where there's no lag and you can make 240p look beautiful on a LCD. And you have LCDs that are better than old CRTs for colors and sometimes even blacks. But there will always be those diehard CRT fanatics that ignore everything and claim CRT or nothing.

If modern e sports had a need for CRTs you might actually have a chance at maybe a small production run of video game focused CRTs.

>> No.2257295

I just realized that recently... Kind of scary.
Hopefully obsolete in-home hardware will still be able to connect to the net.

>> No.2257303

>no lag
Keep telling yourself that buddy. Even if every bit of input lag is gone the screen is still only 60hz. Plus there is response time from your tv wanting to throw 100 filters down on the image before displaying.

>> No.2257315

I know smash bros melee organizations hoard collections of CRTs as backups since IIRC its the only competitive game that still uses them.

As for tech improving, most of the modern TVs I see now don't even have composite, much less s-video. And even if they can they handle 240p so terribly that you wish it didn't at all. And improved compatibility with old standard def stuff isn't going to happen because it's such a niche concern and no TV maker cares enough to implement proper scaling.

It'd be nice if someone made something on par with the framemeister at a reasonable price though.

>> No.2257316

>Plus there is response time from your tv wanting to throw 100 filters down on the image before displaying.
Wasnt game mode supposed to disable that?

>> No.2257323

>They still need to do Saturn and PS1 but that is a huge amount of space.


>> No.2257325

Try finding a TV that supports anything less than component. Please. Because I need one. Everything is 2x HDMI, 1x component, if you're that lucky.

>> No.2257327

LCDs are to the point where you have TVs with sub 1 frame of lag. It is not possible to tell the difference between a sub 1 frame set and a CRT.

Yes it's not going to be faster then the refresh permits but neither is a CRT.

Not sure from the filter comment if you mean image processing or emulation. There's scalers for old games and with them you're still looking at sub 1 frame of lag. If you mean the image processing you're pretty ignorant.

The smash tournament are the most unorganized and unprofessional e sports out there.
They are for sake of me not wanting to type much more, fucking retarded idiots.

I wasn't talking about the set handling the 240p signal from the console. All LCDs TVs will look terrible. There are scalers for that.

>It'd be nice if someone made something on par with the framemeister at a reasonable price though.
The price of the XRGBs is dirt cheap. You're looking at just $300-$400+ (depends on if you need to add extra devices) to get something to a TV. Any similar device is usually $1000+. And now most of those only support 480p.

>> No.2257332

What is that? I'm not seeing where to download the actual roms.

>> No.2257334


>given up on CRTs

then they're not hardcore.

Seriously though, it's not just about the lag. It's the whole experience. You can add all the filters you want, it will never look like a real CRT.

>> No.2257335

Excuse my ignorance, how the hell do I use this?

>> No.2257342

Why do you instantly assume they're using filters? I don't use filters. All real hardware.

A CRT is experience of being a fucking hassle.

>> No.2257350


I didn't assume they're using filters, just that even if you use filters, it won't look as good as on a CRT. S-video mods a shit.

>A CRT is experience of being a fucking hassle.


>> No.2257351

You get it looking better than a CRT

CRTs are old. If you don't have options for screen position you're pretty fucked. Filled with all sorts of problems from age. And you got the weight.

>> No.2257369

>You get it looking better than a CRT


>CRTs are old

So are the games and systems. They were made in a time where CRTs were the norm. The devs who made these games made them so that they would be displayed on CRT screens.

>If you don't have options for screen position you're pretty fucked.

? you mean being able to adjust the screen angle a bit? PC CRT monitors have that. There's even CRTs you can turn on vertical to play shmups.

>Filled with all sorts of problems from age

I'm sure CRTs are built way stronger than newer screens. Planned obsolesence, yadda yadda. but yeah you already said they're old. Welcome to /vr/.

>And you got the weight.

Not a problem if you're a strong man.

Really though, half my post is tongue-in-cheek, and I'm fine if people just prefer to go the easier route and just use modern TVs, but no, they're not better than CRTs when it comes to pre-HD games.

>> No.2257373
File: 499 KB, 745x1701, framemeister_pgmmvs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Micomsoft knows what they're doing.

You're really dreaming if you think CRTs are finicky. Ya after you get them dialed in they're alright as long as you keep the source the same.

>> No.2257375

>has clearly never used a PVM/BVM

>> No.2257385

I'd love to try one but finding one is a huge hassle and not easy. Unless you just want a garbage one.
Plenty of comparison shots online though.

>> No.2257396

It won't take15 years I promise. Plenty of businesses, large and small, have converted to client based cloud access terminals. Shit, I'm currently overseeing that transition with the company I'm with. We don't even have a server stack anymore, just switches, and by this time next year the only hardware in house will be the switch relay bank and interfacing (monitors/mice/keyboards).

The trickle down of tech from biz to private sector is very rapid and 15 years is a damn lifetime in this era

>> No.2257405

I don't know man. We just got windows 10. That gives us at least another 5 years.
I have hope that there will be a large enough group of users that want PC gaming and computers in house to sustain a market. There will definitely be a group of us but how large idk.

>> No.2257420

They will be playable, probably with the aid of a ridiculously expensive converter to allow the signals to be displayed.

As a note, resolution and input lag aren't the only benefits of using a tube. Not even color. But also motion. Poor motion is inherent in the way LCD screens display images. Tube TVs will die off, and its unfortunate, because CRT is just a flat out better tech than LCD is. But convenience always wins out.

>> No.2257424

>Near Threatened
All CD based games
Games that use a "enter these random words from the manual" DRM

1-game consoles (ie Pong-Consoles)
Mac OS 7-9 games
Unlicensed/Bootleg console games

>Critically Endangered
Games that require unique peripherals
Games that have a Fail-Dangerous DRM that requires connecting to a server

>Extinct in the Wild
Tennis for Two

>> No.2257427

A good LCD will handle blur pretty well. And you have the strobing backlight option.

>> No.2257432

>Games that have a Fail-Dangerous DRM that requires connecting to a server
What games need that?

You can add a lot of DOS games and early server games to the extinct list.

>> No.2257437

>What games need that?
Off the top of my head, I don't know of any. But I imagine there must be some out there.

>> No.2257440

That's why I was curious. I'd imagine or at least hope the games that need that have been hacked to bypass it.

>> No.2257862

>We don't even have a server stack anymore

That's very normal, with severs being so expensive to power/cool/maintain ans shit like AWS out there. It just makes sense.

Desktops aren't going anywhere though.

>> No.2258491


I think you're wrong simply because I see CRT TVs and monitors everywhere where I am. I can't not run into them constantly.

Do you see how that works? It's called anecdotal evidence.