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2248402 No.2248402 [Reply] [Original]

Heard a lot of good stuff about this one. Not a big fan of old games, but i love martial arts and martial arts movies. Should i give it a try? Why?

>> No.2248416

>Not a big fan of old games
Leather club is back a couple of doors.

>> No.2248424

Just because i dont mainly play old games, it doesn't mean i dont wanna know about them. I like pixel stuff, but when it comes to old 3d i can hardly bear it.

>> No.2248485
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>Should i give it a try?
You love martial arts movies.
Both Shenmue games are essentially the marital arts movie simulators where you "live" trough the events. It's less flash, more slice of life than, say, the Yakuza games, more "classic cinema" than "anime" exaggeration. Go check it out, odds are you'll like it.

>> No.2248496

Do you enjoy forklifts

>> No.2248632
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>> No.2248636

>Forgetting to post the link

>> No.2248640


>> No.2248991

Sure, give it a try, because nobody's made anything significantly like it before or since.

It's my all-time favorite but not for everyone.

Good description. Shenmue is like a martial arts film where the cameras never stop rolling

>> No.2249230

I can understand the excitement for Shenmue fans to want other people to play it, I know I'm one of them, but be very honest at least. Shenmue is not a game for everyone, it's very, and I do mean very slow paced. For the most part of the game is just walking around, talking to people and waiting, that's basically what you'll be doing. There are fighting segments but they are very few and too far apart between them. Even the QTE sequences that everyone assumes is what the game is all about aren't that many. Shenmue is like a Point and Click adventure game, except you don't Point and Click. The dialogue is kinda cheesy and the English voice acting is really bad, but somehow it feels fitting, assuming you're old enough to remember those old English anime dubs from the 80's and early 90s, that's pretty much the level of quality you'll be enduring. But again, because the game sets place in 1986, it feels kinda fitting to have that sort of voice acting, or at least tolerable.
Now with that said, I don't want to put you off the game completely, Shenmue really is a good and one of a kind game, easily one of my top 5 games, but please keep in mind that if you want to play this game you have to do it with the right mindset, if you somehow find yourself to have a week off, that's the right time to play the game.

>> No.2249236

It's a great game but as >>2249230 says, it's not for everyone. You really have to get into it, it's very slow paced and 90% of the appeal is the atmosphere. There's some martial arts action but I think people love it because they love being in 80's Japan and exploring.

>> No.2249246

Shenmue is an adventure game first and foremost. It's not very action packed. Closer to Kings Quest than Enter the Dragon

>implying anyone actually plays Shenmue past the first week

>> No.2249259

If you play it you have to take your time and absorb the world interacting with everything and talking to everyone,if you rush through it you will be very disappointed.

>> No.2249264

Do it, i didn't like it, but you need to form your own opinion on the game.

>> No.2249364
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>Want to play Shenmue
>Don't have a dreamcast
>Get Shenmue II for Xbox from the one source online that has Japanese voice + English subs
>Download takes forever because http through throttled free option on rapidshare-like site
>Finally get it on Xbox
>play the first hour
>game freezes, Dirty disc error
>Dirty Disc Error on startup


>> No.2249370

Don't. You may get so invested in the story that your soul will be crushed when you remember there will never be a third game.

>> No.2249387

Just download nullDC and run it on your PC. Or buy a Dreamcast, they're not expensive and you can run burned games on most of the models/use a boot disc if you can't.

>> No.2249404

It happens to all of us she me fans. ;_;

One of the best stories in gaming history.

>> No.2249481

With nullDC you can't play space harrier. Try demul instead.

>> No.2249514

There's always the second game. There's a lot of fighting there and it's in China. It's practically a kung-fu movie. It still has its share of detective work and minigames, but it's much more action packed than the first one.

>> No.2249516

These two posts should guide your expectations fairly well.

>> No.2249517

I started playing it around 2004 or 2005 but I reached a part I didn't know what to do.

>> No.2250561

Perhaps you were bitten by the Disc 3 Bug. Thing is, you can always recover from that bug.

>> No.2250573
File: 430 KB, 1920x1080, shenmue_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you play it make sure you download and burn the unbud version. It's Japanese voices with English text. It's the best way to play it.

>> No.2250582

*undub version

I blew it.

>> No.2250593

Jesus lord... I wish I had known this existed when I played it. OP, do not take this advice lightly the localized voice acting fucking blows super hard.

>> No.2250603

It's not perfect, sometimes the text disappears way too fast, but it's definitely the way to play it. It's the same reason why the Dreamcast version of 2 is better than the Xbox one.

>> No.2250612

Do you miss anything in burning it to a disk? I've heard that DC burns onto CDRs are sometimes missing data due to the reduced disk size.

>> No.2250619 [DELETED] 

Usually they compress movies in lower quality or remove them altogether.

>> No.2250627

I think the music quality might be a bit lower, but I'm not sure.

>> No.2250636

This video goes into it a bit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Qpzhgxu7_0#t=548

>> No.2250639

I will not watch either movies or tv shows unless they're in the original language with subs but even I have to concede the shitty english dub was a major part of the first game's charm.

>> No.2250647

Actually, if you're of a certain generation that grew up on badly dubbed Martial Arts movies, chances are the English dub only adds to the charm.

>> No.2250685

I used to prefer the nip voices with English text in the PAL DC Shenmue II, but after playing through it on Xbox I reconsidered. Moonspeak isn't exactly easy on the ears.

In any case, avoid the Shenmue Undub. It's too janky to be worth playing.

>It's the same reason why the Dreamcast version of 2 is better than the Xbox one
Nah, the chief reason is the Xbox version is a blurry mess thanks to quincunx antialiasing.

>> No.2250903

If you know what you're getting into totally. It's a fantastic sim about being an autistic boy in Japan trying to collect all the Sonic figures, reaching the highscore on every arcade game, and living your dream of being the best fork lift operator like your dad.

>> No.2250909

what about revenging you're dad's... OH WAIT that's right you can't
Your right, this guy gets it.

>> No.2250913

There is a very minor side quest about enacting revenge, but as I said it's pretty minor. Mostly you need to work on your Outrun scores.

>> No.2251686

Can we actually live out the rest of our days in the game just fucking around or does the game reach a GAME OVER screen once we pass a specific date?

>> No.2251692

Both games have fascinating bad endings at particular dates.

>> No.2253038

Um, excuse me.

>> No.2253274

I've wanted to play this game and the second one for a long time, but I think my PC is too old to emulate this game. Or just the DC in general. Or can a toaster run nullDC?

>> No.2253293

I ran nullDC fine on a laptop from 2004. I doubt yours is worse than that.

>> No.2253337
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Did ya beat him in the arcade, /vr/?

>> No.2253389

The first Shenmue is pretty awful. Shenmue was supposed to be a single game and the first one is merely the intro. The game is unique but the gameplay and game design in general is extremely bad. The story is worse than any martial arts movie out there and the characters couldn't be less interesting with the most boring character being the main character.

You won't find a game with worse pacing. But still, the game is a cult classic. There is nothing in the world anywhere close to it.

>> No.2253394

If I remember correctly, the English dub was one the reasons why Shenmue was so expensive back then. And the silly conditions Yu Suzuki asked to the voice actors the reason it's why it's so corny, to put in on good terms.

>> No.2253401


The dub is part of what made it so memorable.

>Um, excuse me

>> No.2253414

Nah, I actually enjoy the cheesiness of the English dub. Even played the 2nd one on the Xbox.

>> No.2253436

Fuck Gollum. He raped my Jap Ass in the arcade.

>> No.2253445
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I drew this for /v/ but the requester never seemed to show up, so maybe it belongs here.

Also, don't give up hope, guys.
I don't think we'll have more games, but maybe Suzuki releases the other chapters in a book, or a comic, who knows?

>> No.2253449

What silly conditions?

>> No.2253450

Or what if 3 is made but it's localized by NISA

>> No.2253454

The problem is that game developers in japan, specially the old ones, are treated like master artists, and some of them tend to believe that crap and get cocky.
Don't you remember that shenmue was supposed to be composed of 14 (or so) chapters? And Yokosuka was just chapter one?
Then he squeezed two or three chapters in the second one, but I honestly believe he wanted to have 10 or more shenmue games.

Then again, he probably gave an ok to Shenmue online.

>> No.2253462

That's honestly my fear if Shenmue 3 is a thing. Either it's going to be too ambitious again leaving us hanging forever or Sega will force a tight budget making it feel like a shadow of its former self.

>> No.2253535

Long story short: Suzuki wanted voice actors to record their lines in Japan, probably to assure quality (how he could manage to do it since he's Japanese, who knows). Which meant that only second-rate VA, the ones that could afford traveling between Japan and America, applied to the job. Also, Ryo's VA was required to have some martial arts background, before being actually good at his job.

>> No.2253542

He said in an interview that if he stuck to his original plan it would end with Shenmue 5.

>> No.2253546


Suzuki is fucking crazy.

>> No.2253553

You'll be surprised how good looking Shenmue is then.
This is a comfy game too. Get ready to be sucked in and enjoy you little home-town in 80s Japan.

>> No.2253560

The whole project was something out of control. And mind you, it was originally supposed to be nothing more of a glorified Virtua Fighter storymode. Personally, I suspect that Suzuki went to a field (console games) where he didn't have much expertise. That, and he was used to get money thrown at him since his arcade games, while expensive, were also good and lucrative. The whole game, to put it bluntly, is padding to some VF-style fights, expensive padding, that required an awful lot of work.

>> No.2253568


He has probably been the first game designer to be spoiled like that.
He went out of control.

>> No.2253725

He's the Orson Welles of video games.

>> No.2253740

John Romero might have reached that peculiar state of mind somewhat earlier. He was acting like Zeus almighty shortly after Doom 1.

>> No.2253748

I remember reading, when Shenmue came out, that at the time, it was the game with the highest budget ever, which is insane because Sega didn't make that money back for sure.

But that's what you get when people keep saying "Oh, space harrier is incredible, hang on? It's made from the tears of god! Virtua fighter then, it was crafted from developers who trained under waterfalls, oh Suzuki, you are a god of games!"

>> No.2253862

>Missing out on Corey Marshall

Get out.

>> No.2253894

>very serious, important shit going on
>but it takes forever to solve anything
>get bored
>blow it all off and play Space Harrier instead

Now that's realism

>> No.2253936
File: 7 KB, 259x194, images-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to buy soooooo many bags of chips to win that Space Harrier game so I could just play it on the Saturn instead of blowing all my money at yu's

>> No.2253947

>I suspect that Suzuki went to a field (console games) where he didn't have much expertise.

Shenmue was a game that no one had any expertise making, since it was the first game of that magnitude. It had over 100 people working on it, and there were no comparable open world games at the time, where NPCs lived their own life as well. They had to work on bugs that no one really seen before. Just managing the project alone required new tools (such as modern bug tracking or managing who-works-on-what). These all seem like little problems nowadays, but remember that Shenmue was made in the late 90s, and no tools existed for such problems at the time.

And the game could've gotten its money back if Sega had half a clue about what to do with their own IP, which they honestly never did in their entire lifetime.

>> No.2254208

lel nice pic

>I don't think we'll have more games, but maybe Suzuki releases the other chapters in a book, or a comic, who knows?
Yeah he's hinted at that before, but I don't see why anybody would be roused by such a limp-wristed way of pinching off the story. It's not exactly the plot that makes Shenmue sublime. Plus, Suzuki already spoiled the general plot as part of the postmortem.

>> No.2255675

Well, it's certainly true that it was a daring experiment and a very important experience for the industry, especially in the project managing department. But Sega really wasn't in the condition to support these kind of experiments. Beside that, they kinda went into feature creep. Scrapping the project to continue it on a new console is costly after all.

>> No.2255681

It's a fantastic game, but you'll need some relaxed time to enjoy it. Shenmue 1 has quite a slow pace, while Shenmue 2 has a lot more action and scenery (that third disc!).

If you can, play the Japanese dub. The voices are much, much better. The English dub feels robotic. The European DC version of Shenmue 2 was released with the Japanese dub and English subs; as for Shemnue 1, you'll need to find an "undubed" version (fan made).


>> No.2255697

I gotta disagree with you. The English dub gives Shenmue way more charm.


>> No.2255720

I remember how Yu Suzuki and company were boasting about how amazing Shenmue was going to be, how the world was totally alive, fuckin' a we made a whole new genre called FREE, hold onto your nuts. It was the most hype I remember for a game since FF7 and OoT. Then the actual game arrived and was met with resounding shrugs.

Don't get me wrong, it was ahead of its time and blazed a trail but had some glaring flaws. Most of all it's made of uncompelling gameplay bits which don't really form a cohesive whole or tell much of a story.

What I wouldn't give for a modern game like it, though. I guess the closest we've got is the Yakuza series, in terms of open world games with Japanese sensibilities.

>> No.2255762

All these posts, and no mention of Shenmue's fantastic OST? Just about every track is good.


>> No.2255890


>> No.2255945


Watch ten minutes of actual gameplay (you'll have to skip the shitty 20 minute intro cutscene) and then decide if running around looking for sailors and doing QTEs is right for you.

>> No.2256108

So the thing I love about Shenmue is it was never going to make a profit, the project was over-budget before it moved to a Dreamcast project, where it was supposed to be a launch title no less!

I believe there was a quote that something like if everyone bought a dreamcast and two copies of shenmue it might break even. Of course that wasn't going to happen. So they planned all sorts of tie-ins, merchandise, even orchestra tours, none of which happened because the game --whilst selling great for the Dreamcast-- catered to a tiny market because Dreamcast itself was so poorly marketed. If Sega had got their shit together marketing the Dreamcast they might have actually struggled through therest of that generation and eventually turned a profit.

Instead we live in this shitty universe where Shenmue merchandise only makes very small appaearances at press events, and now goes for insanely high prices. I remember the official replica watch turning up on ebay years ago and the shenmuedojo community had a fucking anneurysm. That said, I do have the actual model he has in the game somewhere, it doesn't work and I have no idea where it is, but I have one.

>> No.2256148

It's a great game, but you have to appreciate its scope and ambition to really enjoy it. Just imagine how goddamn mind-blowing it was back in 1999-2000 and then realize that many games today lack the level of detail this game has.

>> No.2257309
File: 27 KB, 263x330, Hiroshi_Fujioka-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hiroshi Fujioka voiced Ryo's father

I really should have noticed the resemblance.

>> No.2257331

Shitty intro? The whole reason you're searching for sailors and doing QTEs is because of the intro. Removing that makes everything pointless.

>> No.2257352

>Sega Saturn in 1986

Why not put in a Master System? Is it because Shenmue was originally a Saturn game and they wanted to put one in as a reference?

>> No.2257358

prolly because the sms version of space harrier sucked dongs

>> No.2257431

this, the Saturn one was something worth owning.

>> No.2257435

the verison here isnt any better it has the worst sound emulation imo. The music isnt even on point

>> No.2257438

I seriously plan to get a Shenmue based tattoo at some point, just never settled on what to get exactly.

>> No.2257560

>desecrating the flesh with vidja gayme references

don't do it anon

>> No.2257601
File: 151 KB, 1141x800, rPNYAzI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That said, I do have the actual model he has in the game somewhere, it doesn't work and I have no idea where it is, but I have one.

If you're not that picky, you could get a Timex Expedition (iirc) which is virtually identical safe for a busier display (more numbers, no shenmue logos). I bought one for 70$ just because I liked how it looked and it wasn't until a friend of mine pointed it out that I realized it's nearly the same watch. I broked it tho.

>> No.2257737

>Both Fujioka and Matsukaze were Sentai actors
>The VA for Ryo was supposed to have some martial arts background
Things start to have sense now.

>> No.2257845

The shenmue ryo jacket that I've seen sold in places is pretty lackluster, I'm sad to see. It just looks like a leather jacket with decals painted on, where ryo's looks like the things are stitched on patches of fabric or something.

Maybe if my Kamen Rider #1 cosplay falls through I can apply my slowly growing sewing talents to making a proper Ryo garb.

I'd definitely look for one of those two watches as a result.

>> No.2257847

I could only hope to look half as good as Fujioka does when I'm pushing 70.

That's from when he was 50-something, but still.

>> No.2257848

That meaning >>2257309, wrong post reply.

>> No.2257996


The game is so pointless that you spend all of your time having cringe worthy conversations with NPC's and fucking around with forklifts.

After hours of walking and talking to people who can't help you, the game ends and you're no closer to resolving that shitty intro scene. If the intro were 20 minutes of a guy looking for sailors and learning how to operate a forklift, it would make more sense for the game.

>> No.2258003

Then the game clearly wasn't for you.

>> No.2258078

How does it end, anyway?

>> No.2258082

First one you go to china
Second one you go to guilin

>> No.2258096

It doesn't. There's a cliffhanger that will never be solved.

>> No.2258179

Shenmue II is the best game ever made

>> No.2258192

Yeah probably.

>> No.2258454

So whats the consensus on this undub version? Should I do it? I started it up in US and god its so bad sounding but funny. What do fans?

>> No.2258469

I don't think you'll find a consensus.

>> No.2258475


Shenmue 1 undub is a mess with unspoken lines and fast subtitles.
Don't do it anon, i had to restart the game in english.

>> No.2258483

Not a problem with Shenmue 2, since you don't need an undub with it having jap voices for the official PAL dreamcast release.

>> No.2258507

Does Shenmue 2 on the DC have PAL60 ?

>> No.2258510

Yeah, the game asks you right when you start for 50hz or 60hz selection.

>> No.2258523


Yeah thats the one I have, its actually a very hard to find model of the Expedition. Mine broke too.

>> No.2258550


>> No.2258558


>> No.2258563


Anon, at least use katakana.

>> No.2258567

pretty laughable for a weeaboo

>> No.2258568

Let me guess, did the crown jump out? I lost mine like that. It still worked perfectly well after that but the bracelet snapped and I never found a replacement.

>> No.2258819

Wow, all this time I thought Shenmue 2 was an Xbox exclusive; I never realized the DC version was released in JP and PAL. I haven't felt this fucked over for being an American vidja gamer since they cancelled the US release of Doshin the Giant!

>> No.2258836

I do believe microsoft actually payed for dubbing Shenmue 2. So those weird people that prefer the dub have something to play.

>> No.2258847

Shenmue 2 is also one of the few games supported by 360's backwards compatibility, which may bit a bit easier to obtain then an xbox.

>> No.2258860

The sheer amount of pointless crap that Shenmue lets you do is staggering. When I played it I found myself saying "oh shit the game will let me do that?" constantly. It makes me sad at the lack of effort that is put into modern games (especially modern sandbox games) that could have improved them.

>> No.2258868

You weren't fucked over that bad. Shenmue 2 came out like right when the Dreamcast died anyway so they released on a console more people were likely to own here so they could actually play it.

>> No.2258875


Sega generally supported Europe more

Conversely Nintendo supported USA more

>> No.2258906

>Nintendo supported USA more

I think they still do.
But it's also true that Reggie helps a lot.

>> No.2258938

I mean, I ended up playing it on the Xbox anyway so it wasn't a huge loss. But I am so amazed that I never realized it wasn't originally an Xbox game until now.

>> No.2258965

it's not the worst port I've played, but hot damn, it's ugly
it's kind of impressive in its own ugly way

a couple of my friends look at me oddly when I play it (and it doesn't help that I have the 3DS port of the arcade version anyway)

this is the most magical version of Space Harrier though:

(I don't think the music is in-game, it's too nice for a system with literally no actual graphics ability)

>> No.2258982

I can't believe that's real.

It's actually really impressive

>> No.2259108

Yeah everything has a messed up pitch.

>> No.2259315

You'd be surprised just how many people can't stand reading subtitles.

>> No.2259358


Yeah really, it's like "you wanna wander into a barber shop, open a drawer, and play with a can of shaving foam? Well you can!" and none of those things have any reason for being in the game plotwise, theyre just part of the world. Dobuita remains the most engrossing game location I've ever visited.

>> No.2259458

It's janky, don't play it.

As for the language thing, I can swing either way in Shenmue II, but in Shenmue the English voices reinforce the domestic feel of the game if you're a native speaker.

>> No.2259760

>get hyped for Shenmue
>buyers remorse from the garbage intro movie
>force myself to like it as the "game" unfolds
>becoming depressed every time i play it
>have to keep playing to the end to justify money spent
>game ends, nothing fucking happened, colossal waste of time

Years later, at friend's house:

>he pops in Shenmue 2, never played the first one
>same shitty production value
>Rocku Musicu, motorcycle, Joy
>listen man, I need to get going, bye

>> No.2259761

>Not a big fan of old games

then the answer is no, skip it

the graphics are very "late 90s arcade" looking and the controls are a bit stiff. The voice acting is... well, very 90s as well. I love games from my childhood but going back to play some of my 90s classics is a bit hard. This is one of them.

>> No.2259771

Man, I was so excited for Shenmue and loved the first disc, but for some reason every time I tried to make a save for the disc transition it would corrupt.

>> No.2259786

Being a Sega fan back in the 90s-early '00s was like being in an abusive relationship. You keep telling yourself that things were going to get better and that Sega has changed but they really never did. Everytime they would hit me(32x, giving up genesis support too early, no rpgs, bernie fucking stolar, no shining force 3 scenario 2&3, giving up Saturn support too early, etc etc) I would just yell 'thank you sir, may I have another!".

Not bringing over Shenmue 2 on the DC however when everyone else got it was the last straw for me ever being a Sega fan again. If I had a time machine I would go back to christmas '92 and replace the Genesis under my tree with an SNES so I wouldn't have to put up with years of bullshit and fucking over fans.

>> No.2259969


Im just learning hiragana.

>> No.2260250

Is 2 better than one?
1 is honest to God one of the worst games I've ever played.

>> No.2260519

You're mistaking the mid 90's with the late 90's early 2000's. Mid 90's Sega was shit; 99 onwards until the demise of the DC, Sega was probably the best 1st party producer in the history of console gaming, thanks to the Naomi and the re-arrangement of their AM studios into the independent-ish Amusement Vision, Obaworks, etc.

Also, Shenmue 2 did come to the DC, to the blue one at any rate.

>> No.2260538

No, fakkuyu. I don't know if he meant fuck you, but is FUatsuKUYU. The small "a" after "fu" makes it "fa", the small "tsu" means a pause.