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2241751 No.2241751 [Reply] [Original]

As someone who hasn't played this game until recently, or any Final Fantasy titles at all until recently, I think it's actually a damn good game. I think the story is considered trite by now but as someone who had no idea what to expect I thought it was very engaging. I also feel like the amount of exploration and optional content, as well as the Materia system are RPG mechanics that still hold up to this day.

It seems like when they get Final Fantasy right, they really get it it right.

Anyone want to discuss?

>> No.2241767

FFVII has become cliched now because it influenced so many 32bit era RPGs. But yes, it was a phenomenal game in it's day and became as insanely popular as it is for good reason.

Cloud's personality is also sort of cliche now, to have the brooding hero, but at the time those were nigh unknown in RPGs in the west especially. Also, even looking at it now Cloud is a lot more complex than most people give him credit for. He's an unreliable narrator which makes for some very interesting story beats and when you really get down to it, he's genuinely psychotic. Sure he saves the world at the end, but it's as a byproduct of his quest for revenge not the goal itself.

>> No.2241808

It's good but I feel its one of the most overrated games of all time. Dont get me wrong I enjoyed it but it wasn't groundbreaking. The thing the irks me is that it overshadowed some good RPG's at the time. I read a review for Legend of Dragoon that came out around the same time and they gave it a 6/10, spelled the character's names wrong in the review, and basically called it a FFVII ripoff. I felt Legend of Dragoon had a better battle system, great art work, and WAY more interesting characters. FFVII story is pretty damn complex I almost needed a notebook to keep up with everything. I'd say the best quality of FFVII was the setting. The steampunk feel was a lot better than most FF games had to offer as far as setting goes.

>> No.2241860


Cloud wasn't broody till Advent Children where they for some reason pasted Squall's personality over his.

Cloud was insane and delusional but was by and large a massive dweeb that the game delighted in taking the piss out off. You wouldn't catch Squall running around in ladies clothes.

>> No.2241904

By the end of the game he gives a massive speech about how the party was on a mission to save the world so I think his reasoning went a little beyond just revenge over time.

>> No.2241916

I just finished this with the Spirit Patch yesterday. This game's fun. I thought that the blocky models would annoy me having come right off of Legend of Dragoon but they really blend in pretty well with the damn good art. I normally hate the "everyone's a red mage" type of game, but you're more than able to give everyone a role with certain Materia.

Also the best waifu is Cloud in a dress.

>> No.2241965

If you ask me, FF VII's story was almost identical to VI. From the steampunk setting to the "group of rebels against an all powerful entity", to the final boss of the game betraying the leader of said entity and killing him. There are so many similarities between the 2 story lines that I think Square just copied and pasted, which makes sense considering Square's jump to Playstation was relatively last minute. (Square had always been loyal to Nintendo for the longest time. )

>> No.2242167

I still can't into gold chocobo. They say its a long tedius process. Any gameshaerk codes to make it avalable from the chocofarm? Halp?

Gold chocobo in FF9 is easier to acquire.

>> No.2242181

7 is a fantastic game if you go into it not knowing anything.

>> No.2242278

I don't see it that way anon.

Squall is a product of his life: He never knew his bio family (his mom died anyway), he gets separated from Edea and Ellone, who were his surrogate family, he ends up being raised as a soldier in a very competitive environment where it's eat or be eaten and is sent out on life and death missions by the time he's a teenager.
He starts FFVIII out as an emotional shut-in who's good at his job, but through meeting, working with, getting to know and leading his team, he becomes more of a human being. He even makes the choice to save the world, even though he may well (and briefly does) die.
The Rinoa romance that so many people claim is shallow and unbelievable actually fits both of their characters pretty well. But I'm not getting THAT into details.

Cloud lost his mom and his home town, but then his personality gets fucked up BAD. He forgets himself and plays a lot into who he always wished he was. And honestly, I think he lets his dick think for him a lot of times (that being how Aeris/Aerith talked him into cross dressing). But he frequently acts selfishly. Even before he forgot himself.
He starts FFVII off admittedly looking out for himself, spends the game running around and observing a dying world, interacts with lots of people and his life is touched by their troubles, All that said, he really only helps those who's troubles' solutions serve him and he only incidentally saves the world during his obsessive quest for revenge.

In FFVIIAC, he's dying, so he keeps to himself and barely acts like himself anymore. This is understandable. But by the end of the movie, he becomes re-obsessed with Sephiroth, then incidentally saves the world via revenge again...

If anything, Squall is just a realistic 17 year old and Cloud is just self obsessed.

But I don't want to get into an argument over this (God knows I got enough of that in the RE2 thread...) I just see the characters differently than a lot of people, I guess.

>> No.2242284

You know, I never thought about the "everyone is a red mage" thing, but you're on to something there.

personally, I always play with each character effectively being a specific class with specific material. But I occasionally mix it up.

And though I am TOTALLY not gay. At all. I have to agree with your waifu choice...

But that's just because I find Tifa to be too timid, and Aeris is to much of a mothering personality to be attractive to me. At least Cloud in a dress has the kinky factor going for it. And I think he's honestly make a better woman than a man.

But yeah...

>> No.2242289

It's a really good game.

FFVII is only game I can think of that's simultaneously overhated and overappreciated.

>> No.2242292 [DELETED] 

>willing to use gameshark codes
>not willing to just look up a guide

It's so easy. master a materia like all, sell it for 999,,999,9999 gil,

buy all the weeds and shit you need while breeding different colors

>> No.2242297 [DELETED] 

>willing to use gameshark codes
>not willing to just look up a guide

All you do is catch different tier chocobos from tracks and breed them.It's so easy.

and if you want a racing tier chocobo
master a materia like -All-, sell it for 999,,999,9999 gil,
>buy all the weeds and shit you need while breeding different colors

>> No.2242298

I agree with you entirely. You should go into more detail about why you think Rinoa and Squall's relationship fits their character

>> No.2242335

It was my first FF game (since Square sadly ignored Europe for the longest time) and still my favorite. Maybe it would have been FF6, but I only got to know that game through emulation.

I guess most of the hate stems from the borderline retarded fanbase which really makes you doubt humanity, but the game is still fun even today.

>> No.2242439
File: 273 KB, 1368x1824, 1238277888355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reason behind its success is that they kept most of the tried and true mechanics from the older games, but brought it into a more relatable setting (class struggles, corporate abuse, genetic experiments, etc.). They got rid of some of the more obtuse, stringent (yet respected) rules of the old-school titles, and it helped a lot more people get into the game. They focused on the characters themselves rather than the archetypes. FF V and VI had begun this trend very successfully, and they got more or less the best type of balance on this one.

It was a fantastic game and I'm still impressed by the sheer scale of it. Thinking back to the credits, I'm dizzy thinking of the hours put on by that scary number of people toiling away on it for so long.

Still, it's also a good example of how a muddled translation can really hurt the overall perceived quality of the game. Had it been through a bit more polish, I think the 'hardcore' crowd wouldn't have been so keen on dismissing it.

>> No.2242489


FFVII is underrated nowadays since it became passe to hate it. I doesn't help that pretty much all of the characterization of the game has been overwritten by Advent Children and Kingdom Hearts.

>> No.2242519

I just wish some of the more interesting materia should have been implemented sooner. Materia was a great customization concept that it feels like they held back way too much. Stuff like Counter isn't even available until there's literally nothing left to do with it, for example, and it's not like that would have been a very OP thing to start the game with. Lots of others are like this. For the first several hours of play (for a new player), the party options are stuck at Bonk, Bonk Slightly Harder and Flashier Using MP, and Heal.

>> No.2242573

The only thing I can say is that their personalities compliment each other and that they fulfill each other's emotional needs better than anyone else in that world could.

Squall needs an emotional caregiver and someone who grounds him. HeHAD that in Edea and Ellone when he was a child, then they were all separated. Years later Rinoa fills both of these roles. Aside from that, I feel like he didn't know what his life was about or who he was until he met her, and she helped him by giving him a cause and helping him come out of his shell. It's kind of a first love thing for him, but he's very loyal, so I think that one is "it" for him.

Rinoa hates the system, her family life was somewhat loveless (in her eyes) and she feels like every major male in her life has a big and overbearing personality and I think that she feels smothered by that (thus why Seipher got friend zoned).
Squall is a "victim" of the system in some way in Rinoa's eyes, but the fact that he works FOR the system makes him more "useful" in a fight against it, and allows him to be more of a partner to her. Also his personality is somewhat... Let's just say "muted", witch allows her to be herself around him. He also regularly goes out of his way to help her. Not to mention the biggest show of love ever (jumping out of a space ship to save her). He is the total opposite to shat she sees as wrong with the world.

I could take a lot of time to word it better than that (and I know someone will disagree), but that's it in a nutshell. They are perfect for each other.

And the way the game presents the romance seems like a bunch of events that just happen. But that's how it works. People don't meet and instantly start hitting on each other like horny teenagers. They meet, experience events together and if it's right it's right. They fall for each other and take the next step.

That's what I love about FFVIII's romance. It feels more natural than most fictional ones usually do.

>> No.2242602

"Let's Mosey"

>> No.2242924


Since FF VII is fresh in your mind, I want to see your reaction to how badly Cloud's actual personality is misremembered and misrepresented on the internet OP. This is the guy who's rallying cry for saving the world is "Let's mosey."

>> No.2242928

>>"Let's mosey."
I forgot about that.
Makes me like Cloud even more. It's cool to think of him as a normal dude.

>> No.2242930


that's retarded.

>> No.2242943

You said it in a really retarded way, not to offend you or whatever, but I kinda agree.
I mean, in that Squall and Rinoa's felt a LITTLE more realistic than some games that attempt it.

>> No.2242945

I can't think of anything in the game that would point out that Squall needs someone who ground him, and that Edea filled that role.

Apart from that, I agree.

Rinoa having a loveless family isn't just "in her eyes" in my opinion. I don't believe Julia love Major Caraway.
The game shows that Julia and Laguna loved each other, and that it was an impossible love (due to Major Caraway), but a love so strong that it carried on to their respective children (Laguna->Squall ; Julia->Rinoa).
Julia was lost when Laguna left for war, Caraway wanted to be with Julia, and she took him as a stand-in.

This however, gives another aspect to Squall and Rinoa's love, one that is not as realistic as the one you are picturing, and that corresponds ot the kind of love stories you find in fiction a lot more. It comes from Laguna and Julia's love, a "love at first sight" of two people that barely knew each other and that only spent one night together; but the love was so strong it carried on their respective children. It's like fate (a notion very important in FF8) was to bring the two families together.

Seen through this angle it's a lot less realistic than the way you describe it, but I think both are correct.

>> No.2242975


I think for that to be possible at all we would have had to see both Julia and the Major for more than a combined minute. The moombas got more screen time

>> No.2242991

What do you mean?

Here is what we know about Julia and the Major
- Julia noticed Laguna coming to see her play
- she invits him in her room
- they talk all night as if they knew each others forever

- there were two army soldier at the bar too, one is jalous of the situation, jalous of Laguna getting to with Julia in her room
- suddenly the morning after the night Laguna spends the night with Julia, he and his friends are sent away to war with a surprise, unexpected, notice [we learn all that at the bar scene in deiling]
- later on we learn that Caraway had just gotten promoted, just before he met Julia [you learn that if you go talk to Caraway when he's in charge of Deiling later on in the game]
- we also learn that Julia was sad, and wrote a sad love song about a guy and his beautiful she'll never get to see again
- we learn also that Caraway reconforted her and they had a baby together [we learn these two at the bar scene in the village at the start of disc2]

it's not hard to put 2 and 2 together. That jalous soldier at the bar IS Caraway and used his connections to send Laguna away so he can go have and reconfort Julia. In her song, Julia talk about her and her love for Laguna. Nothing points out that she loves Caraway.

>> No.2242993 [DELETED] 

Also, why else would they bother to show a love story between Squall's father and Rinoa's mother?

In a work of fiction, every scene is important. They don't throw in random stuff just like that, it costs too much production money.

The sole purpose of that scene in Deiling with Laguna, and the other things we learn later on about Caraway, Julia and her relations with Laguna and Caraway characters; is exactly to show a love story between Squall and Rinoa's parents, as if fate wanted to bring the two families together, couldn't through Laguna&Julia (due to Caraway), but could with Squall&Rinoa.
I don't see any other purpose for the bar scene in Deiling.

>> No.2242996

Also, why else would they bother to show a love story between Squall's father and Rinoa's mother?

In a work of fiction, every scene is important. They don't throw in random stuff just like that, it costs too much production money.

The sole purpose of that scene in Deiling with Laguna, and the other things we learn later on about Caraway, Julia and her relations with Laguna and Caraway characters; is exactly to show a love story between Squall and Rinoa's parents, as if fate wanted to bring the two families together, couldn't through Laguna&Julia (due to Caraway), but could with Squall&Rinoa.
I don't see any other purpose for the bar scene in Deiling.

Play the game again and pay attention to:
-everything going on at the bar scene in Deiling (including the 2 soldiers)
-the dialogue between Laguna, Raine and Kiros at the start of disc2. Though IIRC some of the important stuff told in that scene only triggers if Kiros is present in that scene, and he may not be.
-what Caraway says when he's in charge of Deiling later in the game (disc 3 iirc). You need to go see him in his castle.

>> No.2242997

FF7 had a lot going for it. Mostly good cast, interesting mechanics like Materia and Chocobo breeding, Limit Breaks looked awesome and so did the summons.

It also had a lot of flaws like gaps in the story, inconsistent art style, and the fact that the most overhyped villain of all time is fucking dead the entire game except for a flashback sequence, a point which 99% of the people who play the game seem to miss.

Still, FF7 is a great game and it's actually a damn shame they ruined the lore by trying to fix it with Crisis Core and DoC.

>> No.2243036
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>Also, even looking at it now Cloud is a lot more complex than most people give him credit for. He's an unreliable narrator which makes for some very interesting story beats and when you really get down to it, he's genuinely psychotic.

I played through the game again lately with the updated Steam release and was surprised by how tightly written it is at times and how well developed Cloud's psychosis and divided personality are.

For example, in the first flashback to his past he chats with a nameless soldier who complains of motion sickness. Of course later on we realize it was not him but Zack who was fighting alongside Sephiroth and that he suffers from motion sickness... it's easy to guess what is really going on here when you know these few things. Yet there is no callback to this scene and it is up to the player to pick up on this fine detail! For JRPGs in particular this level of subtlety is unheard of.

>> No.2243040
File: 7 KB, 256x240, Final Fantasy III (J) [T-Eng1.0_FF3jTransTeam]_005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just beat FF3 (NES) for the first time. I was enthralled by its improvements from the first (I skipped FF2 because fuck that leveling system), loved the Job system and am looking forward to V because of how much I loved said Job system, the whole thing felt like FF1 (which I already liked) but polished and more well-done in general. Except the glitch in pic related, I ended up having to save scum at the end because I would enter battles with this and it'd be impossible to do anything.

Best moment in the game had to be when you get off the Floating Continent for the first time and there's just nothing around you and you have to scour for land.

Going to start FFIV for the first time likely tomorrow. Considering its praise as the first "real" FF game by some, I'm a mix of excited for it and nervous that something's going to change for the worse compared to FF1 and FF3.

>> No.2243045

Did you copy-paste this from Gamefaqs or something? That's really poorly written.

Also it's Deling, not Deiling.

>> No.2243061

This is all my personal expertise after playing the game a lot and English isn't my mother tongue. But if you play the game and pay attention, talk to NPCs, try every dialogue box, you will find all of this. Then if you put 2 and 2 together you'll have the same conclusion.

That's how FF8 works, NPCs dialogues are very important for a full understanding of the story, unlike other FF games. Some parts of the story are also not mouthfed to the player and he has to put 2 and 2 together.
For instance it is never outright told that Laguna is Squall's father. You have to put 2 and 2 together, between Laguna that keeps saying that Squall that they should have a discussion when everything is over, and if you talk to Kiros he will tell to Squall something about his mother.

It's the same logic here.

>> No.2243103

I was more commenting on the style of your writing more than its actual content. You seem to write quite well but those bullet points are almost YouTube tier, I genuinely don't even understand some of them.

>> No.2244315

So what's everybody's favorite team in FFVII? My last run through it was Cloud, Yuffie, and Red XIII

>> No.2244489
File: 2.82 MB, 1280x720, ff8.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, replaying that flashback knowing who everyone was is pretty interesting. Sephiroth tells you that you have permission to visit your mother, but the reality is that he's just speaking to a grunt rather than another SOLDIER. Not to mention that the other grunt guy falls off a bridge and Sephiroth abandons him. You forget about this faceless guy immediately because you've been fighting them throughout the game, but the reality is that you yourself are / were one of these ordinary guys.


>The Rinoa romance that so many people claim is shallow and unbelievable actually fits both of their characters pretty well.

I'm just going to link what I posted here (>>2243153). As soon as Rinoa takes on the powers from Edea, Squall changes his attitude completely. Even when she was being attacked by those Lizards before the Edea assassination he couldn't really stand her, but as soon as Edea is freed he starts behaving just like Seifer did. Even when he flips his lid and tries walking to Esthar he's asking himself just what the fuck he's doing, because by that point I don't think he's really acting independently. He's just doing whatever Rinoa wants, even if it's all happening on the subconscious level, just like Seifer was doing whatever Ultimecia wanted.

>> No.2244607

Don't be retarded. If you genuinely remember the story of FF8 you can at least get a general idea of what this guy is talking about>>2243061

>> No.2244615

My last run through was with Cloud, Red XIII and Tifa. Almost took Vincent but his limit break is too terrible.

>> No.2244703


come back when you actually play the game.

>> No.2244859

I don't remember the details of the story, but I liked how Sephiroth was deified throughout the game; made the confrontation at the end epic.

The story is much darker than other Final Fantasies and other RPGs even to this day - the main character is a genetic clone of the deified antagonist.

I loved how when you finally reached Nifelheim no one knew who you are / were.

>> No.2244862



I haven't played the game in 15 years. so excuse me

>> No.2244870


Cloud's memories, flashbacks, were false memories to fill in the blank that existed before his creation.

I think that this is what it was, can't remember exact details

>> No.2244873

I've actually never played it because I was bothered by its fanboys back in the day.

Fuck my contrarian nature, should I give it a go?
Are there annoying loading times like when you go into a battle, or long ass animations that make the battles a chore?

>> No.2244881

>cloud is a clone

That was just a lie Sephiroth said to fuck with Cloud. Remember, Cloud was injected with Jenova cells like the other "clones" which made him easier for Sephiroth to control by suggestion.

>> No.2244895


Can't remember much about Jenova; wasn't she Sephiroth's mother or was that Lucretia?

I read recently, on Wikipedia, that Jenova was a space alien that came to Earth for some unknown reason - I really can't remember that being mentioned in the game.

>> No.2244896


Sephiroth was injected with Jenova cells in the womb of Lucretia.

That's what Vincent keeps going on about doing penance for.

>> No.2244905


Vinnie is also someone who was later retconned to be way WAY more emo than he was in 7.

>in 7
>hahah you all think Im cold, that's hilarious
>sulk sulk lucretia sulk creepy romance sub plot with a way way too young girl

>> No.2244907


I never played or watched anything but 7.

It was the defining game of my childhood. I refuse to sully it.

>> No.2244909

Lucrecia was Sephiroth's mother, Jenova cells were injected into him as a fetus by his father Dr. Hojo.

When Professor Gast discovered Jenova's remains in a two-thousand year old stratum, he thought he found a Ancient but in reality Jenova was an alien parasite that wiped the Ancients out. Shinra, or rather Hojo, experimented with Jenova's genetic structure in live test subjects (Sephiroth being the first) to create an Ancient so they could find the so-called Promised Land, a land of abundant Mako energy (though it's really becoming one with planet).

>> No.2244910


Ok, yes, you're right. The cells created superior humans to be used a soldiers, part of an experiment by Shinra.

Going through the Wiki now

>> No.2244930

>I read recently, on Wikipedia, that Jenova was a space alien that came to Earth for some unknown reason - I really can't remember that being mentioned in the game.

It is.

Basically, when you're introduced to Jenova, you are told that Gast dug it up out of the ground and believed it to be an Ancient. At this time, Shinra began experimenting with cells from Jenova. They injected them into SOLDIER members, and into Sephiroth while he was still in the womb.

Over the course of the game you learn that eventually Gast discovered that it was not an Ancient and was actually something the Ancients called "Calamity from the Sky". A shape-shifting, infectious alien organism(if you've ever seen the movie The Thing, very similar). It created the Northern Crater on arrival, and then killed most of the Ancients but was eventually defeated by the survivors and imprisoned in the ground(from where it was dug up).

A lot of this stuff is in optional scenes. Most importantly the books in the Nibelheim Mansion and the video tapes in Dr. Gast's house in Icicle Inn.

>> No.2245025

It's an extremely overrated title for a lot of reasons, like most FF games.

First of all, it didn't really introduce or inspire anything as the game doesn't really have nothing new the genre didn't do before.
Steampunk? FFV and FFVI alreay had that.
Sci-Fi? Wizardry introduced that to the RPG genre, FFIV already had that in the series
Clone shenanigans? So many games did that I won't even bother making a list.
Sex jokes? The genre is chock full of those
Regarding the mechanics, Slot skill systems were already very common at least since the SNES era, Materia only added grinding those single abilities, in that regard FFVIII was way more groundbreaking.
The growth system is really, really standard JRPG with literally nothing new about it.
The game's also painfully linear and having optional characters is nothing exceptional either.
And to those who'll say that it started the new mentality or trend of more "cinematic" titles, that's false too as FFVI already had much more cutscenes than the average JRPG.

The truth behind the game's popularity is that it had MASSIVE advertisement campaigns, it was a huge and ambitious project in terms of length, contents and visual quality at the time, at least for consoles, it had many talented people behind it such as Uematsu and the cream of the crop of Squaresoft's developers and coding slaves, it was on the Playstation, it was a Final Fantasy, one of the most mainstream JRPGs series ever.

That said I won't deny that the game had it's qualities, the OST is excellent, the graphics were outrageously good for its time in terms of console graphics, it was long and the storyline, with all its problems was engaging enough, it had LOTS of content compared to most other games of its time.

TL;DR, it was a decent game, but not the revolutionary title people claim it to be, if you want truly different and groundbreaking JRPGs you should look at SaGa.

>> No.2245036

Figured I'd ask, but is the retranslation on PC worth running through? I know the main guy behind the project is kind of cunt, but that doesn't really indicate the quality of his project.

>> No.2245096

"there's a train in it" doesn't make it steampunk, you know

>Clone shenanigans?
The things they call clones are not actually clones, there are no actual clones in the game

Regarding the mechanics, Slot skill systems were already very common at least since the SNES era, Materia only added grinding those single abilities,

Also linking them, having them change stats, etc. And FFVIII didn't exactly break ground considering that every new thing it did was a terrible idea that was abandoned.

>the graphics were outrageously good for its time in terms of console graphic

the graphics were garbage even for the time they came out. Look at other games released the same year.

>> No.2245116

>First of all, it didn't really introduce or inspire anything as the game doesn't really have nothing new the genre didn't do before.
>Steampunk? FFV and FFVI alreay had that.
>Sci-Fi? Wizardry introduced that to the RPG genre, FFIV already had that in the series
>Clone shenanigans? So many games did that I won't even bother making a list.
>Sex jokes? The genre is chock full of those

Hey I just want to point out that no where in OPs post did he claim that FFVII introduced or inspired any of those themes.
That those themes have been done before doesn't really matter, either.

>> No.2245119

Can anyone recommend me some other RPGs with linking slot mechanics? I really like the mechanic and would probably play a mediocre RPG just for them. Thanks.

>> No.2245198

Yes, there is definitely a gold chocobo game shark code.

>> No.2245210


dude. legend of dragoon was total garbage. 6/10 is generous at best.

if you're going to give some examples of 'better' RPGs that FF7 'overshadowed' at least choose something semi-decent.

>> No.2245215


its most explicitly mentioned in one of two places (cant remember which, might be both), both of which are optional:

one up north in the city AFTER the shitty ice dungeon, you can go into Gast's house and listen to a couple recordings that feature aeris' mom and such.

the other is in nibelheim mansion basement, i think.

either way they mention that jenova 'crashed into the earth' hence the crater on the northern continent.

always reminded me of lavos from CT since its practically the same concept.

>> No.2245219


except saga isnt a great game, at all.

i cant help but laugh after reading a long critique and then you throw out some shitty excuse for a JRPG that you happened to like at the end.

>> No.2245576


>It's cool to think of him as a normal dude.

Wasn't Cloud being a normal dude the point of FF VII? I mean, he's mostly a normal insecure dweeb just like the rest of us, not this brooding badass.

>> No.2245824
File: 94 KB, 1280x720, ChronoCloud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Final Fantasy VII and Chrono Trigger are the two best RPG's ever.

>> No.2245857

Yes. He was a loser who became great through the power of positive thinking.

Then AC undid all of his character development.

>> No.2245983

>I think the story is considered trite by now but as someone who had no idea what to expect I thought it was very engaging.
Mh, you've been playing this with almost two decades of heated discussion and fan reactions in mind. I try to avoid that. It generally sucks the fun out of things because vidya gaming people try to one-up each other with cynicism and jadedness, inevitably so.

>> No.2246432

Am I alone in not wanting FFVII to be remade? You just know they'll toss in all the stupid shit from the spinoff games into it.

>> No.2246437

I've played FFVII, watched the movie, loved both

I too do not want a remake.

>> No.2246450

While FFVII is a very good game, I don't think it's on par with Chrono Trigger. The only other game I can think of that is almost as good is not retro.

>> No.2246451

This is true.

People bash ff7 but whenever I replay it, I am reminded how surprisingly good the script is.

the way the game reveals cloud was just a typical soldier was very well done

>> No.2246461


as someone mentioned, the materia system is great but poorly utilized. the game shoulsve thrown you 1-2 counter and other chainable materias early on to let you be creative. instead you only discover the beauty of the system at the very late game

>> No.2246468

the game is also brilliant in how it executed the date scene. the fact that you can go on the date (a significant scene)with one of 4 diferent characters is amazing.

the integration of the cgi in the gondola ride is still very impressive as well.

>> No.2246481

Yuffie and Barret are the best dates by far.

>> No.2246483

Everyone in this thread is wrong.

>> No.2246487

This poster is a nigger.

>> No.2246803

I don't want, like, a re-make in the sense of the word, but I WOULD like updated graphics and FMV's. Also, I would like bug-fixes like the damage overflow and underflow being fixed, and the spirit bug fixed (I know it's been fixed in CERTAIN versions, but I'd like it fixed). Maybe voice-acting added to the FMV's... if it were well done. Also, in my ideal world, they wouldn't be allowed to TOUCH it, unless most of the people who worked on it originally, especially the ones SUPER important to the development, were on it. I know this is all impossible, but those are my conditions.
What do they call FMV's now, when they're modern?

I mean, I understand the concerns with it being touched. I have played this game at least once a year since 1997; this is one of my favorite games. If they did NOT touch the story or game play (besides bug-fixes) AT ALL, I would enjoy it. If they fucked with either of those, Squeenix can go to hell.

>> No.2246821

They would've had to greatly ramp up the difficulty of the game. I mean, once you have a combo of Counter Magic and regular Counter, and/or Counter Command, you can wreck shit pretty hard. By the time you got to disc two, you'd probably have two of the counters mastered. I mean, think about it, end-game you can counter like 12 times consecutively if you're hit with an all-target spell.

It's really fun with Emerald Weapon. I'd wait like 3 minutes sometimes to have a turn again, just hitting him, healing him, and reviving all without inputting commands because he'd hit my team with AireTam Storm, then counter one of the counters, which would counter into a counter to counter a counter. Or something.

>> No.2246856

Legend of Dragoon came out like, 3 years after FF7.

>> No.2246870

Not much to discuss about FF7 that hasn't been said before. As far as I'm concerned its the swan song of the FF series. Some people like 9, but I"m not one of them. FF had a great run from 4-7, but at some point people got put in charge of the series that wanted to make 50 hour anime movies starring male models. Its like the lunatics who came up with Spirits Within said "didn't like our movie? Fuck you, now all our games are going to be like this".

>> No.2246879

Legend of Dragoon was not garbage. The plot and characters were interesting, it had the perfect difficulty, and the combo system made it way more interesting than just picking and choosing. People always bitch about the combo system and think it's too hard but if you play the game you'll get better and better to the point where it won't matter. It was a good game and I'm not saying it was technically better than FFVII but it was looked at like a FFVII ripoff when I felt it definitely moved in it's own direction.

>> No.2247076

Yeah there definitely is, but I prefer to just get Quadra Magic right after getting the Highwind:


If you want a fairly legit easy way to get all 3 Master Materia you can kill Emerald Weapon right after getting the sub by getting Lucky 7777 status on one/all party members. You just use Manipulate on any monster you can Mini, bring HP to xx77 and heal to 7777 with Hi/Potions on map.

You could also kill Ruby Weapon for Gold Chocobo, but Emerald is easier (IMO) with a much better reward.

>> No.2247081

Yeah, I think you'd be pretty happy getting into the PC modding, if you haven't already. Lots of fun stuff you can do, people have done amazing things.

>> No.2247125

See, the only thing I dislike about PC modding as opposed to emulation, which is what I play FF7 on now, is that I can't speed it up. I don't care if it's considered cheating or whatever; I've played this game and beaten it probably over 20 times in different challenge modes. I really, REALLY hate waiting on grinding and long summon animations, so I usually use ePSXe's frame speed up thing and skip through stuff. This is the ONLY reason I have not tinkered with modding.
I have patched my ROM with a Spirit bug fix, though.

>> No.2247792

Ahh yep. I'm pretty much the same way. I had my fun with modding the PC version for a few runs, but the last couple times have been emulated for that reason (as well as simplicity). The thing is, my daughter is turning 2 in a couple weeks, and it won't be much longer until she might want to play it with me. In that case, I'd likely go back to modding up the PC version and also bust out the PS1 to see which way she likes more.

Since I'm blogging, I might as well add that I remember buying the old-ass Eidos-release of FF7 PC when it came out. Turns out the PC met all the requirement except RAM, which needed to be doubled. A trip back to Media Play and I was in business. I quickly figured out that because the music was played through MIDI, I could pick different MIDI devices and effectively change the entire feel of the soundtrack.

>> No.2247802

>spirit bug

>> No.2248924


I really liked 10. X-2 also had a really fun battle system as long as you could tolerate the Charlie's Angels vibe.

I feel the same about 9 though, and will never understand the hipster boner some people have for it. The story was completely forgettable.

I only played the older games with the PS1 re-releases and thought that they were complete and utter shite. Just really shallow SNES-era storylines and fucking awful battle systems with random battles happening every few seconds.

>> No.2249046

I had a similar impression as well. The stories are similar and so are some of the characters. Cloud is a Terra clone. Yuffi is derived from Shadow. Barret is Locke. Cait Sith and Cid are derived from Setzer. Tifa is a clone of Sabin. Red XIII is Gau. Aerith is Rachel. Vincent Valentine is Celes. Sephiroth is Kefka. Shinra Corp is the Gesthalian Empire. President Shinra is Emperor Gestahl. Jenovah, the Ancients, and the Weapons are the Warring Triad. Materia is Magitek. Avalanche is the Returners. Both plots are about global catastrophe, evil organizations that want to take over the world, and nutjob villains.

But, my gripe is that FFVII was the FF game that started deviating significantly from the fantasy setting. Magic was nearly useless in that game except for healing and summoning. Fantasy was minimal. The game was mostly scifi.

>> No.2249295

>Cloud was never SOLDIER
Got into FF7 late and still think it's a great game, the fact that Zack was just another member of SOLDIER who wasn't some immortal was an excellent part of the story. You're placed into the shoes of some legendary fighter who finds out he isn't so legendary but by the time he realizes such he is ready and willing to become his own man regardless of which scale you want to put him on like a true legendary.
Kind of like TTGL when I think about it.

>> No.2249339

Last run I used Cloud/Vincent/Tifa. Vincent with Deathblow on that weapon with max accuracy, Tifa with that glove that gives her added damage during status ailments + Curse Ring (death) and Destruct + Added Effect in her armor to keep it from killing her. Berserk her when it wears off

>> No.2249378

I either go Cloud, Cid, Barrett or AVALANCHE strike team Cloud, Tifa, Barrett.

>> No.2251779
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It's my favorite game of all time and right now I'm doing a completionist run which means exploiting a bunch of glitches and stuff. You find out tons of things you'd never know before. like how the battles are only semi-random or you can duplicate Alexander and Added cut materia.

>> No.2251838
File: 2.58 MB, 1282x959, ffvii overhaul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They would've had to greatly ramp up the difficulty of the game.

This wouldn't have been a problem imo. As someone who has loved the game for years, I think a large contributor to its explosive success at the time was the fact that it was the most accessible (read: easiest) FF to date. The mechanics it adds and emphasizes aren't really counter-balanced adequately in combat, leading to a lot of exploitable tactics that are awful tempting for the player to use as a crutch (summons, enemy skill, you name it). You can auto-pilot every fight in the game except maybe a handful, and even then, just having the right limit breaks will save you.

I've been playing gjoerulv's hardcore mode on the PC version and outside of the fact that enemy HP values are a little too bloated just for the sake of it, I'd call it an improvement. Great way to revisit the game if you had fun finding optimal loadouts for different characters and materia varieties--mostly because it becomes a necessity rather than a luxury.

>> No.2251843

Just bought it on PSN. Hopefully the game seems better than when I was 9. It just seemed so damn long with lots of running around and a story that is hard to keep up with when I was a kid.

>> No.2251865

hey look, it's one of those texture mods that only cover 30% of the game

>> No.2251869
File: 11 KB, 250x260, 1423001794893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that screenshot

I will never understand people who go on such trouble to ruin their own experiences.

I hope you're at least not one of these people who use the high poly models outside of fights because they think the low poly models are the way they are due to technical restrictions. it wasn't. It's always been a tradition in FF games to have less detailed characters outside of battles, and if the high poly models can exist within a 3D battles environment with plenty of other models and effects with no slow down, they surely could exist where there are just 2D pre-rendered backgrounds too

>> No.2251878

Somehow I knew posting that on this board would result in at least one person being a little snobby

I have fun messing with this kind of stuff, it's neat discovering what's changed and I admire just how much work was put into it by a mere group of fans in their spare time. The first forum posts I found about this mod were from like 2010; the newest ones were as recent as late last year--this is something still being worked on, by a group of people who met over the internet who decided to share a cause in their spare time for no monetary value. I think that shows a remarkable amount of devotion for a fandom.

All well and good that you're all about "the original experience as the creators intended" or whatever, no need to piss in other people's corn flakes for wanting to change things up after 15 years

>> No.2251886

I'm not one of those "AS THE DEVS INTENDED" faggot, but goddamn, there is a limit that you have crossed there. Nothing seems to fit together in that screenshot, how can you not see that.

>> No.2251897
File: 2.29 MB, 1441x1008, ffvii dungeon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two things:

1. I am one of those people
2. (on Playstation) Battles in FFVII actually run at 15 FPS while the fields run at 30, so yeah, there *were* technical restraints that kept them from doing that.

>> No.2251936

It's not like you'd actually need a better framerate outside of battle than in, I'd say it's even the contrary.

Honestly if what you're saying is true, I'd say they went with 30 FPS because the art direction they went with allowed it. If 15 FPS bothered them they wouldn't have used those models in battles, which if you ask me demand for good framerate more than walking around talking to people in towns.

I mean just look at most FF games made prior to 7, it's always been a tradition to have more detailed characters in battles and a more "cute/cartoony" art direction in the world.

>> No.2251971
File: 120 KB, 400x400, protobar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started playing FF4 for the first time. Played FF1 and FF3 before it, very little JRPG experience before those two.

Why... why is the combat so BAD?

It's real-time but it's not?

I feel like I'm being punished for wanting to do anything but mash Fight, and you can't choose your classes so I'm forced to go through the magic menus with the caster classes, and I'm being hit more for having to do it.

But it's not real-time so even if I can go fast enough, I still have to wait for the next turn. I can't just use the fast-forward key for long fights or grinding like I could with FF1 or FF3.

Just, why would they do this to me? It's so unfun, it simultaneously forces you to rush through battles without thinking while also being tedious and making you wait.

Is there a patch that makes the combat like the old Final Fantasies? I don't know how I'm supposed to play this fucking game, I'm three hours into it and I'm just taking damage I shouldn't be taking and making stupid decisions because the game's strangling me to hurry.

>> No.2252149

>it wasn't. It's always been a tradition in FF games to have less detailed characters outside of battles,


>> No.2252171

I think that model came with the PC version of it right? As an Easter egg in the last fight

>> No.2252202

Options menu, turn off active battle

>> No.2252210

Oh wow it's that easy? God bless, anon.

>> No.2252225

>I will never understand people who go on such trouble to ruin their own experiences.
If it helps them to enjoy the game more and they have fun with modding and comparing different fan-made projects, wouldn't that just enhance their experience moreso than ruin it?

>> No.2252227

Wait, I'm not seeing that option. I can change the battle speed to something slower which helps, though, so thanks for getting me to go to the customization menu.

>> No.2252232

The complaint with only covering 30% of the game is pretty much true, though. Most of those mods only do very specific things, so you have to install different mods to cover the other shit. But none of them have the same styling or appearance. So then you have about 20 half-finished mods with no direct similar styling clashing with each other, along with shit where some people are pushing more-so for hi-res textures where others are pushing for higher poly'd characters, etc.

That does look worse overall. I'm not the kind of guy who doesn't like graphical mods, but I want a complete or consistent tone with this shit.

>> No.2252473

There should be a selection in the menu that has the options "Active" and "Wait" under it(and maybe a third one).

Set it to wait. This option existed by the time FF7 rolled around, but if you're playing 4(and especially the original version of 4) I don't know if they had it in, yet. You might be out of luck.

>> No.2252484
File: 3 KB, 256x224, Final Fantasy IV (U) (V1.0) [!]000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I think it's only in later titles since I just have this.

>> No.2252503

That picture is really cute and sums up my feelings for Aerith. You can tell they added her in late to the game. I remember early screen shots were all Cloud, Barrett (everyone thought he was Bullet at the time), and Tifa.

>> No.2252528

This is wrong though. The first three characters conceptualized were Cloud, Barret and Aeris, which is why they were the party in the demo included with Tobal No. 2. Fun fact, they started writing the game around killing off one of those three. They didn't use Cloud because Chrono Trigger did it already; Barret would have been "too obvious" (I'm not kidding)

>> No.2252935

Can anyone remember how many hours they had on their first play through?

>> No.2253017

About 50. It's a little longer than most JRPGs but not much.

>> No.2253053

Son, you can duplicate ALL the summons. It's not just Alexander.

>> No.2253073

The advance version of 4 has a wait option. Play that one, since you're emulating anyway. It kind of trivializes the game, since 4 is already really easy and the only tricky thing is the amount of damage you take from random encounters, necessitating MP/gil usage.

>> No.2253250

around 75 but then again I spent at least 15 figuring out all that chocobo shit without the internet

>> No.2253261

Fun fact: Speed runs have people beating the game in about 8 hours.

>> No.2253268


>> No.2253269

>people bitch about the combo system
I hate the combo system in LoD mainly because it tries to make auto-attack spamming interesting and engaging, but instead what it does is simply make it even more of a chore.

Its slow.
Everything about it is slow. Sure, I will agree that the characters are interesting and the story is pretty interesting, but when you compare it with a game that just did everything well (except graphics (specifically, character models, since most of the backgrounds and shit were really good), but who gives a shit) and you have this cumbersome combo-system which really makes it pointless since as you unlock new combos you need to level them to increase their effectiveness, only for them to be trivialized by the next one in the chain.

I think LoD is highly over rated. 6/10 is very fair. I also think Xenogears is incredibly over rated for your reference. Xenogears has been commonly accepted as having an amazing story and great gameplay for a JRPG but its just a snore. Its literally trying to be evangelion and it is so fucking boring.

>> No.2253272

This is one of those games where I love most of the characters except the protagonist. Cloud is just such a bitch. Could never grow on him

>> No.2253281

Well I just felt it was being creative instead of "press X to attack" As far as leveling up combos it really wasn't too necessary to grind them unless you want to unlock the final combo. I liked the whole Dragoon aspect because every character was different. Wind Dragoon was more of a healer/damage reducer, fire dragoon was more physical, and dark dragoon had good magic attacks. The game wasnt groundbreaking but 6/10? I think it at least deserves a 7.5 or 8. The artwork, characters, and plot were all great and I guess the combo system/gameplay is a matter of preference because I loved the combo system.

>> No.2253452

Really? I thought he was pretty badass. He didn't turn into a whiny bitch until the spinoffs.

>> No.2253525

Did we even play the same game?

>> No.2253572
File: 48 KB, 512x361, Lets-mosey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Cloud is the absolute best pep talker in the history of rpgs

>> No.2253625 [DELETED] 

Final Fantasy should be destroyed now! It is a disgrace to all RPGs and video games in general!

>> No.2253637

Where is my post?!

>> No.2253754

You can't prove that.

>> No.2253929

It was (and in many respects still is) a great game.

First, it has a ridiculous amount of content. There was so much content that even after dozens of guides and gameshark codes being published people were still speculating on unknown easter eggs. The level of customization, decision-result association, and non-essential world interaction FF7 brought was unheard of at the time. It had several mini games that were about as elaborate as the entirety of stand-alone games that were recently released. Last I checked, a speed run, using glitch hacks to skip a HUGE amount of content and power level, clocks in around 3 hours.

It actually had a decently constructed story and character development, for multiple characters. Most other games during and prior had practically no story or had the player fill in huge gaps (not that there's anything wrong with promoting imagination, but many developers were definitely lazy/limited/bad in that area), or were from an existing IP where the players knew the story/characters before going in.

The gameplay is surpassing friendly and kind to new/casual gamers and very rewarding to more hardcore gamers. You weren't punished for not min-maxing and you were rewarded if you did. The people that say they completed 100% without using some kind of guide were the same type of people that swore their dad worked at Nintendo.

The marketing around FF7 was groundbreaking for the gaming industry. People that had no idea what the game was were talking about getting it. The tv commercials alone used game footage to create a cinematic trailer. Those are common now, but they didn't exist before FF7 (which I realize is partly due to a marketing plan, but most games prior didn't have the ability to make a viable ad like that).

I see people fault the graphics and translation a lot, but fuck, the graphics were god-tier at the time and the translation was decent considering the amount of text in the game and the state of game translations at the time.

>> No.2253951

Maybe 50 just to beat the game, but I ended up with closer to 75 because I just had to grind my party to level 99--I would go back to old games and just grind when I was having a rocky family life back in the early 2000s. Did the same thing with Symphony of the Night.

>> No.2253968

I would love a version with improved graphics and refined gameplay (outside of combat, the game could be clunky).

Sadly, it'll never happen. We all know they would ruin it.

>> No.2253971

I thought I read somewhere that FFVII is so big that it'd be almost impossible to recreate it with HD graphics.

>> No.2253981

It wouldn't be impossible at all. It would simply be a project the same size as making a brand new FF game. I don't know why you'd want this, as new FF games are really bad.

I guarantee it wouldn't be half as good as the original, either. FF7's goofy ass graphics are half the charm.

>> No.2254529

Replayed it a month ago for the 4-5th time. It's still very fresh when you let a few years pass between each play. There definitely is something special about this game. Also made you wish you had a girl like Tifa in your life.

>> No.2254563

Can't remember the time exactly.
I bought it at a jumble sale (like a yard sale for you yanks), I'd never played any rpg before.
I got to demon wall and got destroyed over and over. Left the game for weeks and finally came back and killed it. Got to Schizo and kept getting my ass handed to me (Didn't get the whole elemental thing). Eventually passed that.
I finally got to North cave and used the save crystal right before the Jenova fight.
Got destroyed by Bizaro Sephiroth and reloaded.
Never managed to beat the game on that save or even get back out of the North cave.
Started the game again a year or two later and done it.
Played it a few times in the last couple of years and did everything (Stat maxed, kill midgar zolom on first go, etc)

>> No.2254590


>> No.2254618

Just ignore all that bullshit. Advent Children never happened.

>> No.2254628
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Being fair, the game, gameplay and overall design was really good.

But I HATED the way they took the story. Instead of keeping the focus on Shinra and all the mako plant rebelions, they shifted it to Cloud/sephiroth banter every other scene, and completely killed the story by making Sephiroth a complete mama's boy about Jenova. It only picked up again when the weapons began to rise, and all the lore about the weapons was told, but then they decided to throw that out too and just make sephiroth a fucking god instead.

I dunno. it had so much potential, but I feel they fucked it up by even introducing Sephiroth. They could have still had Jenova and meteor, but it didn't have to be the out of place bad boy with a 9 foot sword.

>> No.2254667

It was around 60 or so since I didn't do a lot of the sidequests. My second playthrough where I did Chocobo breeding and stuff was over 100 hours.

>> No.2254694

Loved it, defining game of my childhood next to MGS. That being said, and I'm in a real minority here, I like VIII more.

I bashed the fuck of it it, like many did over the junction system back in the day, but replaying it recently made me appreciate it more. I enjoy the story and the atmosphere of it's world more than VII. I think it's because it's the most fleshed out 'real' classic FF world.

Plus the world designs are beautiful

>that deling city

>> No.2254729


I really don't get why Sephiroth is hated so much as a villain. I mean, rebels vs corrupt empire was overdone before FF even existed and aliens are pretty cliche too. (As much as I love them) Maybe the scale of his and Cloud's rivalry was a bit much, but he serves his role in the story quite well despite fairly minimal involvement.

>> No.2254730

>Advent Children never happened.

The action and music did man, those WERE happening. Maybe not the story or characters, but the other two? Definitely happening.

Shame we're never gonna get an FF (7 remake or otherwise) with a battle system like that.

>> No.2254772

>I really don't get why Sephiroth is hated so much
It was the fan base that caused the backlash.

>> No.2254778

>Cries and complains about how unfair the world is to mother
>Sends his half dead mother out to battle cloud and the others

>> No.2254793


All of Sephiroth's dialog after the Nibelheim flashback is just taunting Cloud in demented ways with a brief bit of bragging about his big plan to become god by dropping meteor. After a certain point in the game he doesn't even speak anymore. So thanks for confirming you haven't played FFVII for me.

>> No.2256307

I can listen to Blue Fields forever.


>> No.2256384

>complete mama's boy
Confirmed for only having experienced the spin-offs. In the original, Sephiroth only talks about his "mother"/Jenova (besides of one exception) in the Nibelheim flashback. It is barely a big detail to his character, just the one people remember the most.

>> No.2257582
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Guy playing FF4 again. I've gotten used to the battle system (though I still find it more annoying than just being turn-based like the earlier titles), and the game's been really good, but I really want to know how they thought the Asura battle was a good idea.

I went there, started the battle, seemed I couldn't defeat it, eventually looked up the fight out of frustration, you need to cast Wall on her.

The problem is I don't have Wall and I don't get it for another five levels.

The game had been good about not needing to grind but suddenly the next hour of my life is going to be spent mindlessly killing enemies because there's no other way to power through this boss fight because it seems to be the only way to win.

Why can't I just buy spells like in the earlier titles? Why did they make a (I at least assume since I have no other leads) mandatory boss have to be defeated by a non-plot-given spell that you can only get by grinding? This design aspect is just killing me, it feels like a step backward, in FF3 you were given any spells that were mandatory to use.

I'm just ranting because I'm wondering if this is a common sentiment or if I'm doing something wrong and being retarded.

>> No.2257590

If I remember correctly, you can do that fight any time, so you don't need to grind for it. Just don't do it as soon as it becomes available and do something else first.

I usually run through that game really fast, without stopping anywhere to grind (except before the final boss, I usually get to him at such a low level that his attack kills 3/5s of my party in one hit) and I don't remember having that problem.

>> No.2257593

Asura is not a plot-mandatory boss. She's an optional boss.

I don't remember where it is you're supposed to go at this moment, but I think the entire Land of Summons is optional. The game never requires you step foot in there for even a moment.

>> No.2257596

Oh, if it's optional then I was right for worrying I was retarded. I'll just get a full walkthrough to figure out where I'm actually supposed to go. Sorry for the rant then.

>> No.2257610

FF4 is just goofy like that. The original releases of FF4 is the one with the absolute least amount of customization and freedom as far as party builds and character progression goes.

As far as I know, Wall/Reflect is the *only* strategy to that. There's as video of someone beating Asura without it, but had to rely on glitches to dupe a certain kind of sword to spam Throw with.