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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 34 KB, 384x224, armoredwarriors-9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2237794 No.2237794 [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit

This game in three player mode. It's fucking awesome.

Let's talk beat'em ups. Which ones are your favorites?

>> No.2238236
File: 17 KB, 384x224, avsp-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just gonna start as a list of Capcom games and then turn into another Streets of Rage debate thread

>> No.2238683
File: 890 KB, 1280x800, Cadillacs and Dinosaurs Wall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2238894


Capcom used to make some really good licensed titles.

>> No.2238907

Yea, props to Capcom for having finished and released AvP Arcade before the actual movie even entered production.

Not only did we get one of the best entries in the franchise, it's so wild that it makes me wonder how the movie would have turned out.

>> No.2238923

Cadillacs and Dinosaurs was one of my favorite arcade games growing up, and I knew nothing about the comic or the cartoon.
The moves, the weapons, the music... It's one of Capcom's best from the era.

>> No.2239075

AvP Arcade also features one of the best Arnold parodies you can find anywhere.

>> No.2239084


>> No.2239089

Rarely was a heavy type this fun in a beat'em up.

That mechanic arm was awesome as fuck.

>> No.2239097
File: 105 KB, 600x999, 1680542-guardian_heroes_box_front2_super.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guardian Heroes is best of all time in my opinion. Me and my buddies would waste whole days playing just that game. The main game is fantastic with so many branching paths and endings, we could play through it 2-3 times in a day easily. Then being able to set up custom arenas with every sprite from the game from a skeleton to a villager to a god to a bee all being playable was just too damn fun.

>> No.2239126

After 1cc'ing various capcom brawlers lately, i have been trying to get into D&D Tower of Doom, but the combat is pretty hard, enemies are very agressive and they block often, any tip?

>> No.2239207

i will never understand why it get named armored warriors here
Powered Gear S.V.A.E. sounds way better

>> No.2239218
File: 609 KB, 1339x409, guardian heroes before guardian heroes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never play this

>> No.2239221

Well they're warrior... and they're armored...

>> No.2240809

They obviously scrapped a 3rd Predator. Still appears at cutscenes.
Just imagine how the game could be if they were given just 3 more weeks.

>> No.2240817

lol so true

>> No.2240818

Growl is seriously underrated. Shit goes off the rails if you get 4 players at the same time. It's awesome!

>> No.2241015


fantastic game

>> No.2241589

Uh wot? Schaeffer (from AvsP) is one of the weakest heavy-characters ever in a beat'em up...

Some 'good/strong' heavy characters in beat'em ups

Haggar (FF1/2/3)
Ninja (ninja warriors again SNES)
Max (SoR2)

>> No.2241613

>Ninja (ninja warriors again SNES)
that guy can't jump

fuck him

>> No.2242083

Easiest arcade beat 'em up to 1cc and hardest one? my vote for easiest so far: Golden Axe and D&D SoM with the cleric.

>> No.2242482

Get fuckin' gud, kiddo

He doesn't need no lousy jump

add D&D2 magic-user for easiest. he's actually easier than cleric if u have things planned out