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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 71 KB, 426x310, Picoschoolcyclops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2226758 No.2226758 [Reply] [Original]

Retro online gaming is a thing, righg? I don't mean MMOs but normal web-browser stuff.

I think some of the Nick Clickamajigs are 1999 or under.

>> No.2226910 [DELETED] 

these games were terrible
why someone would want to still play them if youve played other games is beyond me

>> No.2226917

holy shit i've been trying to remember this shit for years, you're the fucking man

/vr/ never ceases to amaze me

>> No.2228490

I miss the true Pico 2 that never happened.

>> No.2228494

I don't think he realizes how many people desperately wanted that to be a thing

>> No.2228502

NG will probably go under before that happens.

>> No.2228560

I'm looking for a first-person shooter flash game, it had an intro where you land on a building in a helicopter (some swat type of deal?), and the gameplay is just shooting a bunch of bad guys by clicking on them. You can shoot a hole in their body or shoot their heads off. You can also shoot exploding barrels. The game is divided into rooms, and I think the last door makes you enter an entrance code on a keypad.

It's pretty easy and short, and I think the only version that exists is the demo/beta version or whatever the creator calls it.

>> No.2228589


>> No.2228607


>> No.2228609

What's Pico? Not the Sega system right?

>> No.2228613 [SPOILER] 
File: 29 KB, 624x480, 1423661360389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that was Duke Nukem 3D.

>> No.2228739
File: 19 KB, 505x338, madnessinteractive_big[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2228772

See OP.

>> No.2228857

I used to mod this hardcore

>> No.2229965

Newgrounds reporting in.
All I really remember is the madness, and dating sims.

>> No.2230571

I played some games on Nick Jr, Nick, PBS, and CN from the 90s

>> No.2230579

I never understood this game. I thought it would be a more interesting game but you just stood around killing people, as far as I recall.

I could play any game out there if I just wanted to kill something. Robotron would be higher on my list for sure.

>> No.2231016
File: 291 KB, 740x476, 351632-frank-s-adventure-3-browser-screenshot-the-herbalislands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any1 else played the shit out of this crap?

>> No.2231021

shit, just now realized these were released 2003 and onwards

>> No.2231029

are flash games still a big thing? were they really ever a big thing?

they felt huge to me when i was younger but now that i've been away from them they seem an obscure corner of the internet.

>> No.2231110

Pretty much every hugely popular indie game is just a glorified flash game, so yeah id say they are pretty hot shit.

>> No.2231119
File: 105 KB, 1920x1076, pimpsquest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, flash cartoons and games from the 2000s were something magical. They were amazing with how basic they were, and with stock art and sounds too. The sheer rawness and lack of polish made these things so amusing to experience.

Pimp's Quest, yo.

>> No.2231325
File: 1022 KB, 900x692, cartoonnetwork_summer_resort_map_ep_1_by_nasha_yakushi-d5bs646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have played the living shit out of the Cartoon Network Summer Resort games. I wonder if they are still available somewhere...

>> No.2231331

shiit, i remember this, gonna try to find it

>> No.2231364


>> No.2231420


Aren't all browser games Flash and Shockwave?

>> No.2231607

Apparently they still exist on CN's website, some anon created a thread with a link to it yesterday but it 404'd before any replies were made to my knowledge.

Flash, Unity, and HTML5

I don't know if any new browser games still use Shockwave.

>> No.2231616

Found the thread, here's the link
Just change the number to play the others.

>> No.2231627

Anyone used to play OGame?

>> No.2231629

This thread is giving me a huge nostalgia boner for 90s-2005ish newgrounds in general. Can this become a retro newgrounds in general thread? The only other board I could see this working on would be /b/ but fuck /b/.

>> No.2231928

I loved those games, they were so much fun.

>> No.2231974

Any of you played Captain Planet and the Robots of Zarm? It was a really cool CN tactical board game like FFTactics. I can't get it to run for very long due to glitches from running old code on new shockwave. Anyone have tips for playing old shit like this?

>> No.2232401 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 597x509, 1421235515632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> go on Newgrounds frontpage nowadays
> featured movies are all "high quality", "lol so random" "HE MADE A FUNNY FACE AND SAID ASS XD" Egoraptor-style skits
> featured games are artsy indie crap or basically demos for crap you can find on mobiles or steam

I miss old Newgrounds so much. Turds of the week, all those stupid crappy amateurish movies and troll flashes from the likes of the Clock Crew, those simple dating sims we all spent days playing, early Madness and stick combat movies, video game sprite animations...it's all never coming back, right? It seems like it's been turned into another repository for hipster indie developers like the bowels of Steam, but it used to have so much charm. Fuck I just had the strongest nostalgia hit me.

>> No.2232402


this is an 18+ board

>> No.2232572

Stickdeath.com find it here: http://mastersp.homeip.net/FreeVideo/Flash/StickDeath/www.stickdeath.com/shoklist.htm

I highly recomment Escape from Greenville and SWAT. (box in bottom right side)

>> No.2232575
File: 4 KB, 165x127, stick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2232850

I love you Anon, now to spoof my location so I wont get redirected to a Dutch 404 page...

>> No.2232865

I just nostalgiad all over.

Do you remember those programs where you could make your own stick animations?

>> No.2232869

Pivot? Hell yeah. Spent so many hours trying to learn the thing

>> No.2232878

Divine intervention. Awesome flash game.

>> No.2232905

YES, that game was the fucking bomb, it was just pattern memorization but the awesome artwork really made it great. That last boss was such a bitch.

>> No.2234047

I remember back then there was some sort of subscription service to Adobe Shockwave games. One of the games contained a tall almost Rayman-looking man wearing a green shirt (I believe his name was Lenny?)
I think it might've just been a hubworld connecting a series of minigames, I'm not quite sure though. I think I remember some sort of cyberpunk taxi.

>> No.2237003
File: 40 KB, 500x285, Which-Way Adventure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this qualify?

A Triangle Morning consistently makes everything I look for in a browser-based game.

>> No.2237282
File: 39 KB, 800x420, combatinstinct.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda miss the days of Newgrounds and Miniclip.
There was that one snowball-war game on Miniclip that me and my brother played quite a bit.
Plus I loved this one on Newgrounds...

>> No.2237321
File: 85 KB, 548x394, GenericZombieShootup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone remember this?

>> No.2237351

Flash games have been replaced by mobile phone games.

>> No.2237357

>Skip and begin

Modern game devs should take lessons from this guy.

>> No.2237360

>all those shitty gradients

>> No.2237409

Monkey snowfight?

>> No.2237443

Part of the charm, brah. They were raw, yet felt so fresh.

>> No.2237478
File: 164 KB, 800x600, johnny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only oldfags will remember

>> No.2239329
File: 89 KB, 549x400, sluttymcslut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those and these. I loved their music.
Not only do they have that nostalgia/magic of flash but also that of watching and discovering anime back in the day
also, I've never been able to find sauce on this girl

>> No.2239351
File: 258 KB, 497x337, HjECH2W.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only cool old fags will remember this gem

>> No.2239354

the text of that image would make a great copypasta

>> No.2239356

the toy line started in 2000 so there is no way this game existed before then.

>> No.2239361

You should note that on /vr/, oldfags are over 40.

>> No.2239363 [DELETED] 

Fucking loved that non-retro game. Looked so good.

>> No.2239372

I wonder if steve benway goes here

>> No.2239995
File: 46 KB, 550x393, gorillaz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2240220

>Some day, flash will dissapear
>Some day, all that beautiful porn animations will be imposible to play without setting up a virtualised machine on emulated software

>> No.2240231

Oh wow.

>> No.2240254

I think Flash is way too popular to eventually disappear, unless a vastly superior program is made.

Plus Zone could into WEBM in that case. They're all glorified loops anyway.

>> No.2240263

/a/ might be able to, assuming the thread won't devolve into >spoonfeeding.

>> No.2240267
File: 1.10 MB, 300x230, orson lyl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Might as well shove a fork down your urethra and salt the wound.

>> No.2240273


She came from something called "Gal's Frontier", if my search is right.

>> No.2240291

I hope Adobe will make Flash open source one day, it's dying and they're not going to profit off it anymore.

>> No.2240302 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 344x347, tfw life is too ruff and everything is impawsible.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Fulp began focusing on "family friendly" things for NG
>tfw he's an utter cunt now
>tfw the userbase has degenerated into a bunch of hipster faggots

Why did this have to happen?

>> No.2240305

>use of the word hipster in 2015
>/v/ leakage

Why did this have to happen?

>> No.2240313 [DELETED] 

The modern NG userbase is literally hipsters, and getting mad at me won't change that at all.
Have you even been there recently?
It's pretty much 100% shit instead of being somewhat okay in its prime.

>> No.2240318

Thing Thing games were far superior to any Madness games that were shit out, though the Madness series itself is bretty gud.

>> No.2240326

>were they really ever a big thing
Holy hot fuck yes they were.
They were the only known easily accessible source of porn for the more pleb of us at the time.

>> No.2240331
File: 63 KB, 693x479, Screen shot 2015-02-17 at 7.45.14 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost forgot about this one.
Had a password saved from a decade ago, but I'd rather play it from the start.

I'm gonna see if any more chapters were made.


>> No.2240382
File: 94 KB, 770x569, December_6,_2003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I wish it was an option to have NG's format look like it used to years ago. I really liked that pixel art they used for the general layout, and how the art direction back had that style to it.

I fucking hate modern flash cartoons, they're all the same shit.

>> No.2240404

>FBI Paris hilton sextape.

That was from the guy that did the "you are a fucking moron" series, wasn't it?
He always rubbed me the wrong way. Like every single thing he produced was formulated for clickbait.

>> No.2240406

I wish the website was still up. I never did beat it.

>> No.2240409
File: 142 KB, 587x767, New_Ground.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is how newgrounds began

>> No.2240412

But who remembers albinoblacksheep?

>> No.2240437

zeeky boogy doog

>> No.2240571

Now that you mention it, that guy was pretty much Yahtzee before Yahtzee was Yahtzee.

>both are condescending about a given topic
>both have a funny accent
>both have a mute minion who's there for a small gag

One thing I remember, clear as crystal, though, is that one of his first animations was about "getting his ass kicked by the strongest man in the world", referring to the first UFC champion.

>> No.2240581
File: 405 KB, 263x199, SurprisedDK.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>December 6th, 2003

>> No.2240585


Loved it. It was also my second involvement in public forums, after gamefaqs.

>> No.2240591
File: 74 KB, 960x540, workit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no work it


C'mon, /vr/.

>> No.2240601

could never run ;_;

>> No.2240604

Once, I mentioned that I don't like Kill la Kill because it's a sexualised but stronk ghirls festival with a red and black main character and horrible, horrible designs.
The thread had to be deleted.

>> No.2240607

I remember watching this animation on I believe Ebaumsworld (remember them?) that consisted of Beavis and Butthead going around...some place. The cartoon ended with Beavis transforming into Strider Hiryu, and I believe it ended with "to be continued". Does anyone know the animation?

>> No.2240629

I played it at my grandma's in front of the family because the description on the site I played it on said it was similar to Final Fanatsy while leaving out any mention of the hentai.

>> No.2240630 [DELETED] 

Oh fuck off. People have been using the word hipster on this board since day one.

>> No.2240967

Thanks dude, you know, these games have plenty of sauce because they tend to feature anime and games that either only the creator knew of or were forgotten in time, or both.
For example half of this game is recognizing where the music and characters were from, some very easy, some not that much.(not that I'm asking you for the sauce)


>> No.2241008


I used Shockwave 5 or 6 years ago. Has the internet changed that much?

>> No.2241010


>> No.2242070

Nice one man, didn't expect anyone to recognize it from that description

yes, it is awesome