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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 275 KB, 605x560, microgenius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2224736 No.2224736 [Reply] [Original]

Did anyone here have a Famiclone as a kid? I didn't but I've seen some Europeans who did. It makes me curious what it's like. Did they think it was the actual console?

>> No.2224752
File: 189 KB, 1200x900, dynavision 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All BRs probably, the NES was released officially here only in 1993. This big guy is my favourite, RIP Dynacom.

>> No.2224764 [DELETED] 

I'm white so no.

>> No.2224767

>eastern europeans aren't white

>> No.2224769
File: 192 KB, 1200x900, Songa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did, in Argentina (and probably all of South America, including Brazil) they were popular since poorfags.

The one I had looked like a Genesis, pic related.

Later a friend gave me one that was exactly like the Famicom but all black, with hardwired controllers and everything.

>> No.2224775

Sorry who?

>> No.2224798
File: 13 KB, 500x332, top kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mine had 72 and 60 pin slots, it was called TOP SYSTEM or something generic like this

>> No.2224893

>eastern europeans
Was the famicom available in Eastern Europe?

>> No.2224903
File: 105 KB, 1000x663, Pegasus_console+pad+game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The famiclone, pegasus was very popular in Poland in the 90s. It used japanese cartridges.

>> No.2224927

>Did they think it was the actual console?
I did.
Also isn't the NES also a famiclone?

>> No.2224929

NES has a real Ricoh CPU and Nintendo PPU.

>> No.2224930

man that's an awful controlller

>> No.2224948

dendy is technically a famiclone no?

>> No.2224967

Better than sharp edged NES controller. to be honest.

>> No.2224969

look hella big, mang. dont know if my kiddie hands would grasp that shit properly.

>> No.2224971 [DELETED] 

Man I love these 3rd world threads. Only a matter of time before one of "them" posts about how their clone shit is better than original hardware.

Such an ass backwards way of thinking.

>> No.2224974

Yes, I had several as a kid, they were poor quality and broke often. Played a lot of "999 in 1" famicom pirate carts, good times.

>> No.2225000


No. The NES is a revision of the Famicom

>> No.2225014
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>> No.2225042

Yes if they were white they certainly couldn't dance like that...

>> No.2225180
File: 33 KB, 500x452, HiTex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had one of these bad boys.
Lasted me three or four years until the controllers started acting funny on me. Pirate charts were cheep and we used to barter them between us if we wanted to play something new.
I think we lucked out honestly, had the best of what the PAL, the Japanese and the US market had to offer.
All time favorite game still is Wai Wai World 2, the first game I ever bought with my own pocket money based on cover art alone.

>> No.2225210

I must have had at least 3. Shit had a horrible build quality (as expected).
>Did they think it was the actual console
I didn't even know what a "NES" was.

>> No.2225597
File: 63 KB, 600x450, DC520F893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my father forbade me to have a family game because they told him he could break the TV

>> No.2225734

Oh hell yeah. I had one that was shaped like a playstation, except it had sega saturn controllers.
I played it a lot when I was like 7.
>tfw some of those pirate games were decent but people only pick out the shitty ones usually

>> No.2228941
File: 43 KB, 601x341, family game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a Family Game, it came with 24 "installed" games like Popeye, Arabian, Ice Climber and Artic Adventure.

I had to sold it as a kid to buy a SNES.

>> No.2228981

I had one and I actually thought it was better as it had built-in games and multicarts which my cousins' nes hadnt. "plus, whats with those huge cartridges that have only a single game?" i asked myself.

i only enjoyed playing wheres wally with them cause none of the ulticart i owned had it.

>> No.2229025

Check out "The Grey Elephant's Curse" as it's a nice show of how it was felt back in the day.

>> No.2229057
File: 220 KB, 592x439, FamilyGame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another argentinian here, my first console was a generic "Family Game", pretty much like the one in the pic.
At first I didn't know it wasn't legit, and I didn't care either. I was 5 and all I wanted was to play.
I later found out it wasn't the real deal, but honestly the console itself felt like good quality. I remember the pads being good, better than the NES one since the original Famicom pad has rounder edges.
I believe the problem with many famiclones is that they don't display at proper NTSC speed so it's like playing on a PAL system. Although I don't really remember this myself, but then again I didn't have the original console to compare, so it was normal to me back then, I guess.

>> No.2229134
File: 33 KB, 450x253, polystation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Special mention for one of the most iconic famiclones and childhood destroyers around here, the Polystation.

>> No.2229157

aguante songa y Nivel X

>> No.2229164

que negro villero tu padre.
ignorant nigger dad.

>> No.2229190

Italian here, famiclones still exist like they always been, but they were and still are confined in that area of crappy toy distribution and local shopping TV channels, here's an example
Basically they hope that some old grandma who knows nothing about videogames buy blindly the thing for the grandson, it doesn't come cheap at all.

>> No.2230031

De Faq is this Shiat!?

>> No.2230070

I was one of the only ones in my neighbourhood who had an official NES. Damn thing wasn't even worth it, getting games for it was a fucking torture, I'd say they were about what 150U$S are nowadays. Fucking '80s and '90s Uruguay.

>> No.2230076

Que negro de mierda, a veces me pregunto si soy el único que tiene un padre que sabe de electrónica y PCs.

>> No.2230286


si boludo, sos el unico

>> No.2230302

That's definitely not a famiclone, if they're showing actual footage of it. Looks like a MAME box.

>> No.2230770

We had that "Polystation" around here too. Almost everyone had one stashed somewhere even during the PS2 years.
The best part was that every single one was different so I'm sure even a Polystation had fake Polystations.

>> No.2230809

>Los mejores video games

>> No.2230818

I had that model of Micro Genius. Finest console I've ever owned.
Most people over 30 in my country (Turkey) had played almost entire NES library thanks to famiclones. Except the ones which have batteries in them to allow saved games. I guess that was too expensive of a feature to pirate. That's why almost everyone played Mario, Contra, etc but doesn't even know anything about Metroid or Zelda.

>> No.2232579

Any Russians own a Dendy?

>> No.2232597

i can swear i had one of those when i was a kid, but i don't have it anymore, i have a black famiclone. So i dunno if i faked that memory or what

>> No.2232602
File: 58 KB, 800x600, family game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one
argentinian here as well. Are we like the champions of fake-clone-hacked /vr/ or what?

>> No.2232608

some own a 90s dendy from their childhood and there are new famiclones widely sold today in russia, costs 800 - 2000 roubles which is about 10 - 25 us dollars