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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 41 KB, 385x352, Xenogears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2219802 No.2219802 [Reply] [Original]

How does this game hold up today? I've never played it but I've heard good things about the first disc.

>> No.2219803

Didn't it ship with a fatal bug?

>> No.2219805

It's an awesome story that came with a mediocre game.

>> No.2219818

It's an interesting story with average gameplay and a really rushed second disk.

It's worth playing though IMO.

>> No.2219875

A must play for sure

>> No.2219882

It's a 90s b-anime about robots with random biblical words. It's pretty awesome if you're 12, yeah. Otherwise, laughable. And it's built on top of a third-rate jrpg.

>> No.2219910

It did?
I know it has problems in emulation to some degree (depending on the emulator), as well as problems on the PS2 and PS3 if played by disc.

>> No.2219913

Don't try so hard, you'll hurt yourself.

>> No.2219952

I played it for the first time last year and loved every minute of it, was comfy on my Vita

>> No.2219980

I played it on a PS2 and there's one boss fight near the end that can hang the game if you don't win fast enough. I got by it with a few tries, though.

>> No.2220107

Yeah, that's what I meant. IIRC, that doesn't occur on the original PS1. It only happens when run on other Sony systems or emulated. I don't think the PSN version has that bug either, but I can't be certain.

>> No.2220125

This has been fixed long ago on any emulation method outside of PS2. FYI, outside of there it was only on an old specific version of ePSXe.

PS1 works perfectly fine.

>> No.2220142

Do you like the original EVA TV run? Then you'll like this.

It's not the same thing, but it ends up sharing a whole lot more than you'd think at first.

>> No.2220147

I've heard it's based on a couple short novels out of Japan? Can anyone confirm this? I think specifically what I heard was that the novels were backstory for the game.

>> No.2220148

Ok, thank god, I can deal with that. I have the game itself, but only a ps2 to play it on. Had me worried there.

>> No.2220150

Uh, no. There is a an encyclopedia-like book called Perfect Works that details the Xenogears universe. There's also a manga about Citan, Ramsus, Sigurd, and Jesiah in their youth.

>> No.2220176

>here's also a manga about Citan, Ramsus, Sigurd, and Jesiah in their youth.

can you elaborate or,giving us info where to read it?

>> No.2220243

There's also Xenosaga

>> No.2220262


>> No.2220576

>Uh, no.

So is it an impulse for you to be a snooty cunt or did you just have a bad day

>> No.2220579

Do you have anything of value to say, though?

>> No.2220592

Yeah, stop trying to derail the thread.

>> No.2220595

Is there a way to inject Gameshark codes into the iso? I know there's a code to improve text speed, and I wanted to play on my PS3.

>> No.2220598

Sorry, kind of a reflex when someone says something so out there it activates the dickhole area of my brain.

>> No.2220605

The story was very derivative and lousily told. The second disc was worse than FFXIII, but even the first one was crappe 90s anime melodrama with robots thrown in for no fucking reason whatsoever. The only good thing about the whole affair is the soundtrack. Sorry if this opinion "derails" your thread from its clean circlejerk track.

>> No.2220625

>Nietzsche-an, Freudian, Jungian themes
>nature of human identity


I agree it wasn't well told due to the localization and rushed disc 2, but the story itself touched upon things that very few games have ever touched. With more time it could have been truly incredible but we have to accept it for what it is.

>> No.2220626

>it wasn't well told due to the localization
It wasn't well told due to not having a real writer on staff.

>> No.2220628

>With more time it could have been truly incredible
A robot anime show with biblical references and JRPG gameplay could not have been truly great. It could have been much worse, but ended up being tolerable with the right mindset - that's the pinnacle for such a silly fucking construct.

>the story itself touched upon things that very few games have ever touched.
In 1998? That's so hilariously wrong.

>> No.2220629

Okay, now I'm positive you're just a shit-posting contrarian trying to make yourself seem cool. This will be the last of my responses to you. Good day.

>> No.2220632

>your arguments are shit I wille not respond anymore tip of the hat and good-bye
Sure, feel free to sod off.

>> No.2220651



>> No.2223410

Just saved Margie and got Chu-Chu.
Day 1.

>> No.2223442

Xenosaga was meant to be a sequel, but they couldn't do that due to rights.

>> No.2223641


Its not based on any novels but some of the characters in the story are inspired by some from a few different novels.

>> No.2223663

>See /vr/ circlejerk this game in the recent past
>now everyones hating
>tfw I hate it too and think EVA was a massive piece of shit

I own it, so I'm committed to beating it at least once, but so far its low tier imo.

>> No.2223707

Some of Xenogears high reputation comes from it being somewhat rare to find, you know.

Also EVA is a pile of shit but only because they kept changing the ending from the original one that buttblasted otakus everywhere.

>> No.2224292

I'll agree on this, before I played it all I'd heard about it was that it was "super amazing 2 deep 4 u bro".

Then I played it and found a mediocre jrpg that looked like the devs had done an evangelion binge before writing the script.

>> No.2224364

it's awesome at 30. Try replaying it.

>> No.2224373

I was a n64 kid growing up. So when I finally got old enough to buy a PS2 with my own money and try all the PS1 "classics," gotta say. very disappointed.

This one included. Though I didn't try this one out until a couple years ago. I don't get the hype. I can still go back and play SNES rpg's, but this shit? boring gameplay, ugly graphics, and a story that could have only come from that era (not a compliment).

Sorry guys. I don't like it.

>> No.2224376

This thread is full of foolish surface dwelling -Lambs-.

>> No.2224418

The plot basically boils down to this: The Abrahamic-like God worshiped by the humans of the planet the game takes place on is just a cybernetic weapon created by humans from Earth to invade other planets. It crashed landed on the Xenogears planet 10000 years earlier (which is 14000 years in our future) after it tried to take over the starship that was transporting it. Heavily damaged, it created a human-like race of people as spare parts to repair it and a group of rulers to govern them from its bio plant. The rulers used the myth of a creator god to better control the population, but the only survivor of the starship's crash had, during the ship's descent, come into contact with an upper dimensional entity that was "imprisoned" in a large monolith that was the power source of the weapon and had given him superpowers. With a "mother" lifeform that the entity created from the weapon's bio plant, the survivor attempted to free humanity from the rulers but failed and was killed along with the mother lifeform. Because of his contact with the entity the survivor's "soul", along with the mother lifeform's, would reincarnate three times throughout history to battle the rulers and the false god until they were finally destroyed and the entity was free to return to the higher domain.

>> No.2224420

And this isn't even taking the numerous sub-plots into account.

>> No.2224424
File: 41 KB, 320x240, tumblr_lpa7dpCKvf1qzozwgo1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like Chu Chu dying for your sins

>> No.2224427

I should have known somebody was going to post that.

>> No.2224429

Can someone explain the EVA comparison? I don't get it.

>> No.2224431 [DELETED] 

Christian sybolism + mecha

That's about it.

>> No.2224432

Christian symbolism + mecha

That's about it.

>> No.2224516

Like the anon above said, it uses a lot of pointless Christian Symbolism, has a lot of mecha, a convoluted plot where almost every character is part of some conspiracy or other, and the main character spends 90% of the story suffering from some severe mental problems.

In short it feels very similar to Evangelion.

>> No.2224525

At least the main character actually gets laid, not masturbate over a comatose girl.

>> No.2224530


There is peace now, in this thread.

>> No.2224541 [SPOILER] 
File: 44 KB, 600x482, 1423490087736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2224757

Nice shit post.

>> No.2224759

Hear not what the trolls say, peace is within you.


>> No.2224778

Play it
This is from the tail end of an era when games were still very good.

>> No.2226271
File: 12 KB, 473x356, PatrickBrainShortCircuit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2226296

Why is it that when I see a post that looks like legitimate criticism, one or two people call it bait in a childish manner?
Are people really so afraid of opinions?

>> No.2226313 [DELETED] 

Im not falling for that bait.

>> No.2226327

Because most "critics" are just trolls/shitposters/tryhards/edgefags/contrarians trying to shit on something loved by the majority.

The only criticisms I have of the game are the iffy localization, truncated second disc, crappy English voice acting, and dated graphics.

>> No.2226329

So it's literally the perfect game and anyone who disagrees is only doing so to make you angry?

>> No.2226339

I didn't say that.

There's no such thing as a perfect game.

Even people who love it, like me, thinks it has problems.

>> No.2226352

In this very thread I see a few posts with decent examples of the game's flaws, mostly revolving around story. And yet every one of them has been called out as a shitpost simply for answering the question asked by the OP with something other than "it's great".

>> No.2226376

The story is the most revered aspect of the game and trolls know this. Compared to the plots of other games past and present, Xenogears is War and Peace, so trolls love to shit it on it to rustle the jimmies of its fans.

>> No.2226470

Wow... The plot wasn't horrible but to compare it to great literature is reaching.

>> No.2226474

I loved this game when I was younger and I still think it holds up. Does it have it's fair share of problems? Yes. The translation was odd(not as bad as Wild Arms 2, but was iffy at parts), the second disc is an inexcusable catastrophe, some characters were useless(once you have Citan in your main party, along with Fei, it really doesn't matter who the other characters are, those two are all you will ever need). The fact that they cut out the last character to join(you have one blank space in the party roster that was clearly meant to have a party member join you, but it was cut from the last version)

Still, the music is fantastic, the story gripped me, the characterisation was really good, I cared about the characters and the story and what will happen, the sequences were epic, some very tragic.

If I were young, I'd give the game a very, very high 9 out of ten. At my age now, however, the fact that the second game was so botched is inexcusable. I don't care about your deadline. You do not invest so much effort into a title and then release it like that. It's just text, followed by a battle, followed by more text and it's awful. So, I'd give it a high six now and I think that's a fair mark. Translation, and poor localisation can be excused. Releasing a half finished product can not.

>> No.2226478

The last spot was supposed to be for Margie iirc. Cause we couldn't have had a cool character like Ramsus instead.

>> No.2226480

Pretty sure it's actually Ramsus. Hell, you even have a talk with him and he "joins" with you at some part of the game when he's done feeling sorry for himself, but you can never have him in your roster.

>> No.2226535

Compared to other games, not War and Peace itself.

But yeah, a romantic/philosophical sci-fi epic appeals more to me than a romantic/philosophical epic about Russian aristocrats.

>> No.2228684

It's rather innovative and fun for a jRPG, the problem with disc 2 is that it goes back to jRPG conventions and leaves all those gameplay quirks that made it interesting in the first place, behind. It bombs you with cutcenes and textwalls and drones on and on.
Overall great, and this coming from a person who condemns jRPGs for becoming stale and complacent.

>> No.2228732

Good game but I hate plot about kabbalistic and nietzsche shitte

>> No.2230084
File: 48 KB, 540x405, gfs_28106_2_43_mid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How does this game hold up today? I've never played it but I've heard good things about the first disc.

Not at all.

And trust me the opposite is true. Second Disk >>>>> First disk

The games sense of dungeon/area design is so awful and boring that it legitimately improves the game upon losing it. The story detail getting cut down is a real plus too since it's largely worthless drama. It is beyond me how anyone can get attatched to these bumbling imbeciles. The MC legit does not want to do shit because he is scared of himself like it's a fucking Tween novel. The combat and art direction,even with it being 3D is nice though but god damn it does not save the rest.

>> No.2230102

Fei doesn't like violence man

what about that is hard to understand

>> No.2230119

Not him but honestly, all he has to do is -not fight-.

He is constantly given outs. I'm seriously like 6-8 hours in and he's had opportunities to fuck off like a dozen times. The worst part is its always half-guilt ridden and you know they're just saying it to make him feel bad about not fighting.