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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 315 KB, 1202x677, metallica-table-lineup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2216913 No.2216913 [Reply] [Original]

first time poster in /vr/, i've always loved pinball tables and i consider them a very fond memory from arcades, but i also though they were retro, i mean it's not necessarily vidya per se, probably been discussed before, any light /vr/others could shed on me in this subject?

>> No.2216915

Yeah, we used to even have pinball generals.

I don't really play pinball myself though.

>> No.2216916

>This board is for the discussion of classic, or "retro" games. Retro gaming means consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball)

Why does nobody read the sticky?

>> No.2216917
File: 55 KB, 441x700, 2152_x-files-pinball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the sticky. They're allowed.

If they weren't so damn big and expensive I'd love to own one.

>> No.2216924

my bad, the pic and title of the sticky are deceiving

>> No.2216943

>if they weren't so damn big an expensive
This is why I do not mind giving Pinball Arcade every cent they ask for when it comes to buying tables.

>> No.2216956

There's a bar in my town that filled their former smoking room with tables. They even have tournaments.

>> No.2216984

that sounds awesome, theres no places like that anymore, where i live at least

>> No.2217036
File: 788 KB, 1840x3264, IMG_20141203_162412_152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own one pin. Would absolutely love a couple more but yeah shits expensive. Someday I suppose.

Pic related, my table

>> No.2217061

I'm hoping to start my career next year and purchase a pinball machine sometime after that.

Thinking about getting one of the Elvira machines if I could.

I'm still having a lot of trouble getting VisualPinMAME to work

>> No.2217063

I own one of these.

I used to own an Elvira and the Party Monsters, but I got rid of it because I got tired of it. It's not bad the first couple of months you own it, but it just didn't have the lasting appeal.

>> No.2217069


Best table. I really hate how Sega tables are never given a fair shake. Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and X-Files are some of my all-time favorites, and some other tables from Sega are very solid.


>I'm still having a lot of trouble getting VisualPinMAME to work

What's the problem? I've been mucking about with VP for quite some time and have been helping idiots getting it to run for about the same time, so as long as you aren't functionally retarded (and I don't get that impression) I should be able to figure out what your problem is, because there's only so many when it comes to VPM.

>> No.2217076

Hell yeah, they're allowed, OP! My dad used to fix them as a side job in the 80s and 90s and we always had one or two new machines in the garage every month. He often had the glass plates off the top and I would rack up huge illegitimate scores. Good times. I seem to remember an Aliens or Predator machine with little plastic figures on the inside that I was quite fond of.

>> No.2217078

That's a good looking table you got there.

>> No.2217082

My dad and uncle used to hang out at this bar and the owner would unlock the pinball machine for me and I'd play it for hours, it was alien or something like that. Now a pinball arcade opened up in town and I play one game and get bored. Pokemon pinball was the shit though

>> No.2217089

>never given a fair shake
i see what you did there

>> No.2217164

I had some shitty cheap Dragon Ball Z machine a long time ago and after like 2 years it broke.

never fixed it and sold it to some spic.

wonder where it is now.

>> No.2217170


Thanks! The F-14 Tomcat table is a head turner thats for sure. It has some scratches/playing field wear but overall for a pin that's close to 30 years old I bought it in good shape.

>> No.2217207
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I knew they would never make this for the original Kickstarter deadline, but the wait is really killing me.
Also, I'm kind of mad they made the iOS versions first instead of honoring the PC roots.

>> No.2217208

Would love a real arcade pinball table.

Never got playing pinball games on console, surely it's not even rmotely the same.

>> No.2217236
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aww sweet, a pinball thread

>> No.2217238

Is it as good as they say?

>> No.2217253
File: 211 KB, 640x780, strech.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I'd be annoyed if they released android next too
>capitalize on mobile apps cuz pc piracy boogyman
>piracy is just as rampant or worse on mobile

>> No.2217259

I stopped making them since nothing new was really happening, not enough traffic to warrant a thread

Unit3d pinball might go into beta soon, two tables of it going are here...

>> No.2217274

>watches the black knight video
dang that sheen on the playfield is some nice eye-candy.. hope that is glass off mode.

>> No.2217794

They just recently came out with a Big Lebowski pinball table. The thing looks tits.

>> No.2217812

Have they implemented the PS4 lighting in Pinball Arcade on the PC yet? Because that would be the incentive for me to buy it.

>> No.2217836

I would love to get one of those new Medieval Madness machines. Only $8000!!

>> No.2217969

Lebowski is never coming out get your preorder back death to the Dutch

>> No.2217970


well that's just like your opinion man

>> No.2217997

I was really excited about a Dragonball Z pinball machine and then I looked it up and...

>> No.2218008

And the opinion of Real Men...have you taken THEIR side?

>> No.2218012


If it's EVER coming out, then why did EVERYONE who paid money for it up front get theirs FORCIBLY returned? Face it, game is never coming out.


>> No.2218014

My refund email noted the merchant's email address as being phil.ip.weinberg@gmail.com

friend of mine got one as well out of the blue. It's signed by "Phil".... there is obviously something going on behind the scenes and it ain't good.

>> No.2218017

6 weeks later...

3 days, 6 hours ago
Post #3121 ¶

I just can't believe you guys/gals have still not received any communication from these idiots. I would be furious, but that's just me.

>> No.2218023


This is a very complicated case. You know, a lotta ins, lotta outs, lotta what-have-you's.

>> No.2218025

Case of /pol/ being right again, Phil Weinberg is controlling their money

>> No.2218026


Nihilists! Fuck me. I mean, say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos.

>> No.2218029

Why does anyone preorder a pinball machine when this shit always happens? You should have heard people mocking Wizard of Oz preorders who haven't received theirs yet...HAW HAW HAW they said, we preordered Big Lebowski so no problems for us.

Problems for everyone. Where's the damn Hobbit, no sign for months. Walking Dead pinball is Austin Powers.

>> No.2218071

You want lebowski pinball? I can get you lebowski pinball, believe me. There are ways, Dude. You don't wanna know about it, believe me. Hell I can get you that table by 3 o'clock this afternoon... with playing field polish. These fucking amateurs.

>> No.2218289
File: 63 KB, 370x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never been more hyped to play a pinball game before. As a huge Judge Dredd fan, I would love to own this.


>> No.2218324


I always find these promo videos really depressing when they promote things that never caught on, like Super Game, Pinball 2000 or Token-Pin. They were so proud of this stuff, and the general public just went "nah".

>> No.2218545
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Starship Troopers owner here. Don't play as much as I used to, only about once-twice a week.

>> No.2218594

What about Judge Dredd is alleged to make me go "nah" have you even built your chain? How many extra ball can you claim on one playthrough? How many billions? How much honor have you earned on JD?

>> No.2218623

My mom and dad used to take me to a bar with them when I was young that had an Addams Family machine. Had a lot of fun playing it with my dad. If I could own any machine it'd be that. Damn I wish I could afford these

>> No.2218631


i got to play it, dutch was playtesting it at the pinball arcade in NYC i frequent

it's a great game

>> No.2219859
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this one and terminator 2

>> No.2219876

>tfw some dumbass with an old pin looks up prices, sees Medieval Madness going for $7500 so assumes his old ass 1967 pin should be worth the same

sometimes craigslist sucks

>> No.2219895
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I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars.

>> No.2222336
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>> No.2222353

>tfw Blues Brothers pinball table would be the best thing ever but it'll never happen due to all the music licencing making it unprofitable