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File: 23 KB, 555x552, genesis_system.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2203753 No.2203753 [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk Genesis. And I don't mean just games. I mean everything. NES and SNES have a much stronger following, so it seems more...'cultural'. You hear a lot more stories and interesting things about Nintendo systems. I wanna hear everything you can say that's interesting about the Genesis.

>Unique things that happened surrounding the Genesis

Give me the whole thing. Most I can think about is being able to reset in order to get all of the Chaos Emeralds more easily in Sonic or how Joe Musashi MIGHT be canon to the Marvel universe.

>> No.2203820

I can't really find a game I want to stick with until the end in the Genesis library, but I've been playing a few stages of a lot of games in the past week and I noticed one thing about the thing. The cutscenes in a lot of games are just stunning, there were even some SMS with good looking cutscenes and character art.

>> No.2203839

The sound processing is fascinating.

>> No.2203856

How hard is it to put in a region switch and frequency switch? Because I'm planning to get one and I don't want to order one from the US (those also have the wrong name).

>> No.2204086
File: 518 KB, 640x480, Phantasy Star II_Mother Brain.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You got that right.

>> No.2204087
File: 247 KB, 802x551, v2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like more Animu games got localized for the Genesis than other systems from the time.

If you like cutscenes, check out the Sega CD. Not the FMV shit, but the games that have full screen rendered cutscenes. They look awesome.

>> No.2204103

That's the exact same party I used.
Wonder if there's some good artwork out there of Anna.

>> No.2204109

One of the easiest mods you can do. You only need one on/off/on switch.

>> No.2204110

Am I odd for preferring the 3-button controller most of the time? I think it feels more comfy. Nice and bulky, but not cumbersome.

I only use the 6-button for things like fighting games.

>> No.2204116

Putting a 50/60hz switch in a MD1 is really piss easy. I don`t know if the region switch is needed to run the game. I remember some games like Streets of Rage 2 would display the Bare Knuckle title if set to japanese like NeoGeo games.

>> No.2204120
File: 604 KB, 724x1000, ratryu - アーシャ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was honestly stunned at how good the opening cutscene for Zillion was. Like, I couldn't believe it was from an SMS game.

Sadly, no Sega CD.

I've got a small six button MD controller and a legit three button boomeran genesis controller. I prefer the MD one because it's smaller though.

>> No.2204123

3 Button Genesis controller is god tier, I use it with my actual Genesis. I use the 6 button one for emulation, since other systems often need more buttons.

>> No.2204134

and you have to file off the edges in the cart slot so that jap. carts fit.

>> No.2204148


I want a webm of this.

>> No.2204153


The hell?

>> No.2204167

Revenge of Shinobi had a lot of problems with using characters that strongly resembled copyrighted ones. There were bosses in the game that strongly resembled Spider-Man, Batman, the Terminator, and Godzilla. However, at one point they actually acquired a temporary license to use the actual Spider-Man in the game. I think most releases of the game (at least in North America) were this version with the official licensed Spider-Man as a boss.

The game underwent several software revisions. Here's the list of them.

>Software revision 1.00 (1989): Enemy characters resembling Rambo, The Terminator, Spider-Man, Batman, and Godzilla are present. Both Spider-Man and Batman are actually fake representations of the characters conducted by a shapeshifter who alters his appearance after sustaining a certain amount of damage. Additionally, Joe Musashi's face on the title sequence resembled that of actor Sonny Chiba dressed as his character Hattori Hanzō from the Japanese TV series Shadow Warriors (Kage no Gundan).
>Software revision 1.01 (1989): Batman is replaced by a winged Devilman-like creature. Godzilla and Spider-Man remain unmodified, the latter now morphs into the Devil when defeated. The "Gunner" enemy soldiers with flamethrowers are also changed to bald men with headbands, altering their original likeness to Rambo (although Sega had the license to the character for their Rambo III console games, they did not use it for this game).
>Software revision 1.02 (1990): The fake Spider-Man is now redesigned into the licensed character from Marvel Comics, acknowledged by a copyright notice (Sega already had the license to the character for their game The Amazing Spider-Man vs. The Kingpin). Since he is now the real Spider-Man, he does not morph into the Devil and actually leaves the battle when enough damage is inflicted, with the winged Devil entering to replace him. Godzilla still remains intact.

>> No.2204169

Genesis DUZ
What NintenDONT

>> No.2204174


>Software revision 1.03 (1990): Godzilla is replaced by a skeletal dinosaur. Everything else remains intact from the previous revision, including the licensed use of Spider-Man. This version was used in the Genesis 6-Pak cartridge along with the "Sega Classics" edition of the game.

>Software revision 1.04 (2009/2012): Since the licensed use of the boss Spider-Man was for a limited period of time, the game was subsequently prevented from being re-released years later. The 2009 release for the Virtual Console as well as the Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network 2012 releases features a new specific software revision (1.04) that omits the Marvel copyright notice and replaces Spider-Man with a pink palette swap of the character that still behaves the same as the licensed Spider-Man. Joe Musashi's design in the title screen was also altered to remove his likeness to Sonny Chiba.

I THINK most people in the west played the 1.02 or 1.03 version. I just remember the version I knew was the 1.03 version because I played it on the 6Pak.

>> No.2204192
File: 9 KB, 301x310, 1344154675597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genesis games are presented in a very dynamic way and the console is lightning fast. I imagine if each individual game had even an extra month of dev time some of the less fortunate titles would have stood a better chance.
>Sonic The Hedgehog
>was such a powerful system that it managed to nurture 2 thriving add-ons of dubious quality
>The accessibility of the Motorola 68k made the system attractive to devs coming from all sorts of platforms leading to outstanding one-shots (Treasure) and impressive ports (Capcom, Namco, etc.)
>battled Nintendo and in doing so forced both companies to innovate
>had the better version of Earthworm Jim and Mortal Kombat
>YM2612 still turns manages to turn my dick to diamonds in 2015
I always emulated, but didn't own one until '06 and I've been collecting stuff I like ever since.

My only experience with Sega in the mid- 90 was through PC ports of S3&K, Sonic CD, and Sega Smash Pack, so I think it left a good impression on me and influenced me to see more. Sorta only had Nintendo consoles, but shit wasn't all bad.
>There's a part of me that wants me to quit my job so I can focus on making my dream game for the Genesis. Got all the tools, docs, and reliable people to ask if I run into problems but I haven't started yet. It's my last semester of uni and don't want to get stressed out.

>> No.2204352
File: 82 KB, 960x720, soniccd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2204359

Why Sanic is wearing a Guy Fawkes mask?

>> No.2204489

I doubt that this is supposed to be a Guy Fawkes mask, but if is, Kazuyuki Hoshino might just be a V For Vendetta fan (comic's publication was March 1982 – May 1989) or been to England or one of her colonies while Guy Fawkes Night was going on.

>> No.2204529


>> No.2204531


In the third world it is

>> No.2204536

Mega Genedrive

>> No.2204539


Mama called it Genesis. I'mma call it Genesis.

Also, Genesis is a way cooler name. NA got it right when they named it that.

>> No.2204545


I believe it was only named that way because something else already had the name "Mega Drive" copyrighted

>> No.2204549

The earliest model genesis consoles had better sound circuitry than the later models.

Also, the very first revisions of the motherboard did not have the TMSS lockout chip in it. Some very early accolade games will not work on the later consoles as the chip was introduced to combat games being sold without the sega seal of approval (and license fees going to sega)

>> No.2204554


What kinda fucking asshole?

What was it even for?

>> No.2204556

Is there any neat things that most dedicated Genesis people just naturally pick up on?

Like, NES fans had things like the Konami Code and the Mike Tyson Code. What do Genesis fans got?

>> No.2204558


>> No.2204559


The fact that the Genesis soundchip is fucking amazing.


>> No.2204560

I grew up with the 3 button controller and never got used to the 6 button controller ,never ever use the 6 button one

>> No.2204564

I don't know I always wondered that but it's true it would have been called MD in usa if it wasn't for that asshole,MD sounds boss

>> No.2204568

The genesis/MD was limited to 64 colors on screen because they used the same VDP chip as the master system to ensure backwards compatibility. That's also why the Z80 processor was used in the console.

>> No.2204576


In comparison, what was the max number of colors for the SNES?

Also, wasn't the only way to be backwards compatible was if you got that power converter?

>> No.2204578

>I don`t know if the region switch is needed to run the game.
Some do, there's no region locking on the console itself, but some games won't run if they don't detect the correct frequency or language settings.

>> No.2204589

Infinite shurikens.

>> No.2204592

That's just a pass through for the carts.

You can stick master system roms on a flash cart and play them as well.

>> No.2204593

SNES has 256 on screen max, however most games are around 100 colors on screen.

>> No.2204605

>had the better version of Earthworm Jim and Mortal Kombat

I can't speak for EJ but the SNES version of Mortal Kombat was better in every way than the Genesis port........ except it didn't include "red" blood and the "gory" fatalities. If Nintendo didn't decide to go full retard and leave that stuff out then much like MK2, there would have never of been a debate on which was better.

>> No.2204606


Genesis had a pallette of 512 colors, 64 on screen at a time.

SNES had like 32768 to choose from, and could display 256 at a time.

>> No.2204609
File: 95 KB, 740x1080, Starflight_-_1991_-_Electronic_Arts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2204612


I am with you on MKI

Genesis did have the better version of Mickey Mania though.

>> No.2204613
File: 16 KB, 215x300, herzog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2204618 [DELETED] 

cheated on this game. But I dont remember anything now so iIm replaying it.

played this over and over for days till I won it.

>> No.2204627 [DELETED] 


sixteen whole bits. says so right on the cartridge.

>> No.2204632
File: 9 KB, 320x224, Labyrinth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was at least one clever workaround for this: Switching pallets during drawing. This was used in the Sonic games for the water effect.

>> No.2204635

Some no name car parts manufacturer IIRC.

>> No.2204636
File: 24 KB, 640x480, sonic_md_final5[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit I just replayed and beat Sonic 1 for the first time in 18 years (I'm 26) and relearning this game nearly killed me. I guess I've just become much more impatient at games but still I was playing and fighting against everything with my whole body.

Another thing though, I got the good ending with all Chaos Emeralds, but at the last special stage, the game said "Sonic has all emeralds" or whatever, but I'm pretty sure I only had 6 of them. My girlfriend also counted 6, is this a normal bug or do we just not know how to count anymore?

>> No.2204641

Sonic 1 has only 6 emeralds.

>> No.2204647

there are 6 in the first Sanic if I am not mistaken

>> No.2204649

Yeah I had the 6pak as well. Really cool reading all of that, had no idea it underwent so many changes.

>> No.2204652

AWWW YIS. I remember that game. I used to think the only way to get money was to find habitable planets to flag. After I found out how to mine for minerals in my ATV the whole dynamic of the game changed.

>> No.2204658

ha, really?

So you didn't have the big ass manual with the story and the map?

>> No.2204662

No I rented it a lot. It came with no manual. Funny thing was that red planet right next to your starting space station was a super rich mineral planet.

>> No.2204720

I cheated. But now I forgot so playing it again.
Played this days straight till I won it.

>> No.2204734

I had it for PC, but yeah, the manual recommends mining that planet for cash to buy upgrades before exploring other star systems.

>> No.2204740

I liked SF2 over the first one though.

>> No.2205474

I think the last time I read, it was a bike company of some sort.

>> No.2205476

Stage Select.

Up, Down, Left, Right, hold A, start.