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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2196389 No.2196389 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best beat'em ups on the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis?

Pick related, it's Comix Zone.

>Hard mode: No Streets of Rage or Golden Axe series

>> No.2196408
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Elvis returns from outer space to destroy shapeshifting trash cans

>> No.2196428

The Punisher is great, one player though.

Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: The Movie is okay, the first two stages are just waves of the same enemy but if you can get through that shit the game opens up with zord fights and diversifies the enemy types.

>> No.2196439

>Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: The Movie
What about the non-movie related game?

>> No.2196465


Never played it.

>> No.2196482


But now That I took a quick glance at my collection:

Two Crude Dudes - haven't gotten to it yet but I hear nothing but good things.

X-Men 2 - very good. Expensive now.

>> No.2196723

>Two Crude Dudes
Never heard of that game, had to look it up and jesus christ, it's one of the the ugliest games I've ever seen

>> No.2196740
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Splatterhouse 2 and 3.

>> No.2196754

No TMNT: Hyperstone Heist? C'mon guys.

>> No.2196769


I can never find a copy of this game not fucked up. 2 of the 3 copies I've had have cart labels ripped to fucking shreds, my latest one just has a giant piece of the bottom label ripped off where a home video sticker used to be.

Now boxed copies are going for like 80 bucks, it was 50 max less than a year ago. Fuck.

>> No.2196771

>I've had have cart labels ripped to fucking shreds
Hypothetical question: Do you have a printer?

>> No.2196776
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Right. Those labels.

>> No.2196782

yeah youre so awesome, look how awesome you are right no labels check out my high res macbook screen look no labels no investment yo look no one thinks im weird cuz of retro gaems yo just got it on my macbook mom bought me for artschool yeah right labels RIGHT RIGHT RIGHTTTTT!!!!!????

>> No.2196785

Tell me about it. I've sought after Streets of Rage 3 or Bare Knuckle III for a little over 3 years by now and even on its own the cartridge is always idiotically priced.

Listen, if it's just the cart, and (the label) is damaged, why the fuck would you still put a price tag anywhere over $10? Why. Pieces of shit. I don't care how rare the game is, the cart on its own should be enough to plummet its value.

>> No.2196789

What are you implying with this post? That everyone should enjoy games only the way you do? Some of us like owning the games, i'm sorry that concept escapes you.

>> No.2196806


Lol, chill man. I'm sorry you can't handle that some people actually prefer a Mac.

And uh, did I say that? Nope. Y'all some weird hotheaded dudes on here. I just merely took a screen cap because the other dude was talking about ripped up labels and paying $80 bucks and I thought it was funny.


>> No.2196809


Desperately wanted to post a screen shot so you can show off your mac "computer".

Want to hear a joke?

How do you tell if someone is a macfag?

You don't have to say anything, they'll tell you.

>> No.2196817


Wow, haha. This has actually turned really entertaining that the conversation has completely derailed just because I have a Mac.

Hate us cause they anus. ;)

>> No.2196825


>implying people that spend 50 dollars plus for 25 year old games can't afford a mac "computer"

It just goes to show you that even people like us who are dumb enough to blow that much money on old games are still not dumb enough to blow that much money on an overpriced facebook/tumblr machine.

>> No.2196836


Never said that people who buy old video games couldn't afford a Mac. In fact, if you have almost $100 bucks to throw away on a 20+ year old game, I would think that you would be more likely to afford a Mac.

I just want everyone to notice that I never once mentioned my Mac until everyone else jumped on it. Haha. All I did was post a screen cap.

I could've taken the same screenshot on a Windows computer and no one would've batted an eyelash...well, it is the internet, so I'm sure someone would've picked out something to comment on, but nevertheless.

>> No.2196860


>I could've taken the same screenshot on a Windows computer and no one would have batted an eyelash...

Perhaps there's a reason for that....

Posting a pointless screenshot just so you can let us know you have a mac is like showing us a picture of a game you're holding while wearing a fedora, skinny jeans, thick black glasses while riding on your pennfarthing with an e-cig hanging out of your mouth.

>> No.2196869

>everyone else jumped on it

No that was one person, i called you out for being contrarian about someone being concerned about the quality of their game, and then you continued to be contrarian after the fact.

>> No.2196875
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Back to the subject at hand:

Cyborg Justice.

>> No.2196939
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Nah, I'm not a fan of printing labels unless it's for cool hack games.

Here's a pick of my loose carts, TMNT should be in here.

>> No.2197046

You motherfucker. Want.

>> No.2197053

Hell yeah cyborg justice I just came here to post it.
Splatter house 3 is great also

>> No.2197663


I got Castlevania for 30 and I think SoR3 ran me 45. This was back when I was just getting into Genesis games again like 2 years ago. I'm sure the prices are even more artificially inflated by now.

>> No.2197665

It's a shitty one-on-one fighter.

>> No.2197669


shit sux

>> No.2197675


SoR3 ran me 35 actually now That I think about it.

>> No.2197696

Don't worry anon, I know you just wanted to show everyone you emulate. Not the mac thing.

>> No.2197697

I still can't beat Streets of Rage 1. I run out of continues right before the fucking twin bitches and the last boss.

So fucking infuriating, im just going to cheat. Fuck it. The bosses are too cheap in this game.

>> No.2197698

I've beaten the game without losing a life. It's not that hard anon. Bosses are beaten by exploiting their pattern. It was based on arcade game for god's sake, it's meant to steal quarters unless you knew what to do.
Go to the bottom of the screen and let them front flip over you, do this until they jump kick at you, back away until they land and miss, then get a 3 hit combo off on them. It's okay if you die a couple times, you have continues and lives. You only ever have to fight them one more time.

>> No.2197701

You know, it's funny. I had no problem with SoR1 when I was a kid, I beat it a lot of times.
Tried playing it again recently and i'm in the same boat as you.

>> No.2197762

Pro-tip: use the b+c attack a lot with the bosses, especially freddy krueger, twin bitches, and andore clone. Also, infinite combo with the fat fuck will help (b, wait, b, wait, repeat)

>> No.2197763

Oh i forgot, freddy is easy to grab, just be sure to be in his vertical.

>> No.2197856

Loved it as a kid, but really it's only good for the multiplier.

>> No.2197972

Naw I figured out you can just cheese the bosses by linking jabs if you know what corner they are coming from

the twins and final boss are a different story but I was able to figure them out.

I still used the warp to the final stage though, I just didn't want to play through the whole game for a third time, I got other shit to beat. I could probably get close to beating with the normal amount of lives, but that final boss just steals so many lives.

>> No.2200327

Why not just take a screenshot of just the program or why not just make a post saying you emulate?