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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 17 KB, 384x224, violent_storm_08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2193968 No.2193968 [Reply] [Original]

Whatcha playing /vr/? i'm currently playing Violent Storm and it's really good, the combat is pretty solid and reminds me of Final Fight. It's day and night compared to the others cheap licensed beat 'em ups by Konami.

>> No.2193972

I got a Genesis for my little brother for his 13th birthday, me and him played some Streets of Rage and he loved it. There's hope for the future, gents.

>> No.2193982

I've been trying to get AvP and Night Slashers X to run on MAME, but I cannot do so. Its like impossible, a divine fucking intervention to stop me from playing these two.

>> No.2193984

That's great anon, try buying SoR2 as well while it's still is cheap.

>> No.2194012
File: 175 KB, 500x500, Do You Know Gaming 52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just downloaded a lot of SNES beat em' ups that were recommended to me. Such as Sonic Blast Man 2, Legend, Spawn, Battletoads feat Double Dragon, Death of Superman, ect.

So far, I personally find some of them to be very meh... However, I've really been enjoying Sonic Blast Man 2 and Ninja Warriors.

Those two are so damn fun!

>> No.2194017

SNES has some good beat em ups, but i find myself playing Arcade beat em ups more often. I agree with Ninja Warriors though, pretty damn cool game.

As for Battletoads/Double Dragon, the SNES version is kinda buggy, better play the NES or Genesis version.

>> No.2195170

Anyone play on Fightcade here? it would be fun to play some Cadillacs/CapCom/Final Fight with /vr/ bros.

>> No.2195183
File: 20 KB, 384x224, ddtod_shot001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tower of Doom and Shadows Over Mystara

>Dat Elf

>> No.2195295

Stage 1 BGM is pretty bizarre

>> No.2195301
File: 13 KB, 320x224, GENESIS--Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon_Apr16 23_36_29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nostalgia waifu game

>> No.2195331

All the OST is bizarre to be honest.


>> No.2195336


>> No.2195385
File: 13 KB, 320x240, 0000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All three sets of night slashers work on the ancient ass MAMEUI32 0.143 I have here.

>> No.2195416

The past couple weeks I sort of sorted my roms and played with my sister any genesis/snes/arcade Beat'em Up I could find.
Cadillacs and Dinosaurs is still my favourite even though it's not that amazing in a technical way.

>that elevator part
How long was it ? I almost gave up at the game at that point.

>> No.2195434

I could never deal with those controls.

>> No.2195446
File: 89 KB, 640x480, streetsofrage1s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Final Fight is the only one I've ever enjoyed, mostly because of the aesthetics rather than the gameplay. I just downloaded SoR 2 and 3, how are they? Also what are the very best the genre has to offer on arcade? I love how the game in OP looks

>> No.2195452
File: 91 KB, 1000x583, Final Fight 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2195461

What beat 'em up is the closest to cuh-razey gameplay?

>> No.2195542

The SoR series is phenomenal. The consensus I've seen is that SoR 2 is the best in the series, but I'm sure that opinion isn't universal.

My favorite game related (but not actually in the canon) is Streets of Rage Remake, which is essentially the three games combined with mechanics mostly resembling SoR 3.

>> No.2195545

SoR2 is pretty good, SoR3 is good but i recommend you the japanese version because the american one is butchered with higher difficulty and changed story/outfits.

My favorite so far is Final Fight, other great games i've played are:

Dungeons and Dragons Shadow over Mystara
Cadillacs and Dinosaurs
Night Slashers
Denjin Makai 2
Battle Circuit
Violent Storm
Undercover Cops
Ninja Baseball Batman
King of Dragons
Alien vs Predator
Warriors of Fate
Golden Axe Revenge of Death adder
Sengoku 3
The Punisher
Captain Commando

Probably Denjin Makai 2, Sengoku 3 or Shadow over Mystara since they have juggling mechanics and long combos.

>> No.2195549


SoR2 is great, though I much prefer the asthetics of SoR1. Never played 3.

>> No.2198127

I love Final Fight 3 on SNES. Wish it was in Arcade

>> No.2198383

Battle Circuit. Cant believe this hasnt been mentioned yet, unless im blind.

you can have juggling combos.

>> No.2198568

I like it, but it's not even close to Final Fight arcade imo.

>> No.2198606

AH! My niece is playing that game right now.

>> No.2198607

Wait, no. It's actually the arcade game with those big-ass anime cutscenes.

>> No.2198918

battle circuit's juggling is tame compared to the likes of >>2195545 (the games listed on the bottom). battle circuit is only "kuh-razy" because of the whacky artwork and silly character designs

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

after 15+ years of never using the knife in SoR2, i recently found out that Skate's knife is absolutely worth using. I mean, I always knew that he has the fastest knife stab (everyone knows that from playing the game for the first time), but i didn't know just HOW fucking fast it is until i tested it frame-by-frame on kega fusion. Skate's knife stab is FASTER than blaze's jab, and just 1 frame slower than Axel's jab (which is the fastest attack in the game). the damage isn't impressive, but it's fucking nuts for crowd control (esp. on the higher difficulties with mass enemies). Oh, and blaze's knife attack is garbage for anything above hard difficulty (slow, vulnerable, long recovery, it's just ass).

>> No.2199032

The Pirates of Dark Water was one of my favorites.


>> No.2199354

That looks neat for a SNES beat em up.

By the way, what beat em up have you 1cc /vr? i can 1cc Golden Axe and Final Fight so far, any semi-easy recommendation?

>> No.2199403

what is 1cc?

>> No.2199415

One credit clear.

>> No.2199447

Which version of Final FIght?

Arcade? SNES? Sega CD?

>> No.2199450

Arcade, in co-op with a skilled guy it's not very hard, alone it's pretty hard but i managed to do it with Cody.

>> No.2199457

Oh also i almost 1cc'ed Captain Commando, but the last boss is tough.

>> No.2199462

I'm impressed. Did you use autofire or anything like that? Played on default settings? Final Fight (arcade) is one of the harder beat'em ups to 1cc. if you can 1cc that, then you can 1cc practically any beat'em up out there w/ some practice.

>> No.2199467

I don't use autofire, and yeah default setting, i have just played Final Fight A LOT lately. I guess i will try to 1cc Punisher or Cadillacs now, but i have some problem with the faster pace in those game.

>> No.2199469

It's the opposie for me. For me, final fight (arcade) is harder to 1cc because the controls are clunkier than the later-released CPS1/2 beat'em ups (obviously due to its earlier release). Games like Punisher & Cadillacs (and especially CPS2 beat'em ups) feel smooth and responsive like i'm driving a sports car, while Final Fight feels like I'm driving a used pick up truck

>> No.2199496

Final Fight is about memorizing the entire game and learning the essential tricks and enemy patterns, and of course practicing a lot. If you do that you shouldn't have many problem with it.

And yeah those games feel "smooth", but for me the greater amount of "freedom" (bigger moveset, faster pace), makes the game less "focused" than something like Final Fight. Sure, Final Fight has relatively few movements, but they feel very precise and more than enough if you master them. I think this is the same reason of why i don't have many problems with games like Captain Commando, i guess i like to take my time and have problems with games that require with very high reflexes.

>> No.2200637

As it should be

>> No.2200714

Based on your history of posts (starting from a few weeks/months back), it sounds like you have a self-imposed mental block when it comes to faster-paced beat'em ups due to your unfamiliarity or discomfort with them. Just try to relax and enjoy them and become naturally good at them, don't try to force it - thinking that way will defeat you before you even start, because honestly the "faster-paced" beat'em ups we're discussing do not require higher or faster reflexes than Final Fight (arcade), and I can guarantee you that you are probably one of a very few on 4chan that can 1cc Final Fight (arcade) so you should not be having problems with any beat'em up in existence. Kinda sounds like the only thing holding you back are your preconceived notions of imagined difficulty/speed or unwillingness to step outside your comfort zone. Let it go, because those "faster-paced" beat'em ups are very enjoyable and you'd be missing out if you don't give them a proper chance.

>> No.2201070

Forget it, i almost 1cc'ed Punisher in my second try (Kingpin killed me), the game's crowd control is much easier than Final Fight.

I still have some problems with Cadillacs though, some bosses are pretty uncontrolable, like the Knife guys.

>> No.2201095

I want to run this on my original modded xbox so bad. I've played the King of Dragons countless times.

>> No.2201103

so why dont you?

>> No.2201105

Skate and Axel are clunky as all fuck in SoR3. Zan (even though he's good) and Ru are stupid characters. Rage 2 just has a better feel and isn't invested in unnecessary difficulty and multiple underdeveloped storyline endings.

>> No.2201113

The time investment in getting mame to run on whatever OS that box is using.

Would be worth it for co op play on that and Aliens vs Pred.

>> No.2201123

SoR1 is basic (I mean this in a good way) and just solid all around. 9/10 for me.

SoR2 is the best in the series for me. But it's mandatory to raise the difficulty to at least "hard". Some people think SoR2 is easy, but honestly they're only thinking of the first 4 stages, because the game really picks up starting on stage 5 and it becomes one of the most frenetic beat'em ups out there. Easily a 10/10

SoR3 just feels off. If they had just made this a different game with completely different characters then I would have liked it a lot more and given it an 8.5/10. But as a SoR game it just feels so... OFF. 7/10

Remember friends, these ratings are just muh opinion, so let's remain civil please.