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File: 6 KB, 356x192, BreathofFire[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2193383 No.2193383 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me about the Breath of Fire series, please.

>> No.2193412

They touch on some religious themes and some pretty fucked-up shit without sounding like preachers.

Also people will always be stupid.

>> No.2193418
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It's a solid series of RPGs that you would probably enjoy if you played them.

4 is the best

>> No.2193421

Breath of Fire 1 was nothing special. It has some pretty antiquated battle system and suffers from a very dry translation, but can be enjoyable if you can look past that. Also... almost every party member is useless. You get like 10 people, but only 4 are ever useful.

Breath of Fire 2 is a mixed bag. Although it expands on almost everything from BoF1, the translated is WORSE, and the pacing can be really erratic from time to time. Still, it presents a refreshing theme (religions, cult-like behavior) and has a very likeable cast.

Breath of Fire 3 was one of the "faces" of the PSX, and with good reason. It had quite a few interesting battle system additions, and the translation was miles better than 1 or 2. It has one of the most frustrating minigames ever (desert).

Breath of Fire 4 went into a different direction. Things are more rooted in reality and even the color and pallette scheme reflect that. They're dull compared to the anime-like colors from 3, but this gives some characters a new dimension. At least to me, it has the most likable cast of all the games, with no stragglers (like 70% of the characters in BoF1 and Jean in BoF2). Also tells the story by two different perspectives, and you end up liking both.

>> No.2193430

>Things are more rooted in reality
>Elina being turned into an eldritch horror is realistic
How about no.

>> No.2193438

>Breath of Fire 3 was one of the "faces" of the PSX, and with good reason. It had quite a few interesting battle system additions, and the translation was miles better than 1 or 2. It has one of the most frustrating minigames ever (desert).
Desert is a fucking joke. You literally point yourself in a direction and walk. If you wanna talk frustrating minigames BoF3 has them in fucking spades.

>Training Beyd
>Getting the vinegar out of the well

Oh, and by the way both are mandatory.
I managed to get super fucking lucky on my last playthrough and get the Vinegar on the second try, but as a kid that shit took me no joke 3 fucking hours.Training beyd is also a major pain in the ass even if you try and cheese it by having Ryu use that move from Bunyan that does about 8 hits with a QTE sequence its still a major pain in the ass.

Theres probably even more I'm forgetting, BoF3 is full of shitty minigames. As much shit as FF7 gets for being too mainstream, its minigames were atleast enjoyable and playable.

>> No.2193441

I meant about people being killed by the dozens, now you can finally see the influence of the empire and stuff. In the games before you saw the Windya and others kingdoms but they did jack shit.

Just in the first 5 hours into BoF 4, you get:
- Tsundere spy that wants to capture you
- Drunken samurai that was paid to look after you

I was going to mention Ershin, but I guess you're right. Deis is a slut

>> No.2193445

>- Tsundere spy that wants to capture you- Drunken samurai that was paid to look after you

wait that wasn't that the same guy

>> No.2193451

4 > 3 > 2 > 5 = 1

>> No.2193453
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nah 5 is great one of the best easy

>> No.2193475

Ursula was the spy and Scias was the coolest samurai ever.

>> No.2193483
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>Ursula was the spy

Ursula joins much later than 5 hours and is not a spy by any stretch of the definition and is defiantly not tsundere

she's a pro as fuck military captain who is tasked with bringing the party to the empire. That they want to go just makes her job easier.

>> No.2193487
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she is also the coolest character. ever.

>> No.2193501
File: 122 KB, 1024x745, ershin_kun_by_xxxultimateotakuxxx-d4ef5u6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An insatiable slut

Anyway. 4 > 3 > 1 > 2 > 5. Fuck dragon quarter.

>> No.2193512

I fucking hate that robot and what they did to Deis. Awful design.

>> No.2193516

Dragon Quarter is the only truly good game in the series

>> No.2193543
File: 41 KB, 465x500, Ershi-Deis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck you.


You do realize that 4 is the first point in the series right? Deis wasn't always a snake person, that comes later.

>> No.2193559

No, I didn't know that. The character is still terrible.

>> No.2193561
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>> No.2193569

Even if BoF has some of the worst minigames ever, I wasted more time on fishing than I did playing a lot of games.

>fishing in hex
>fishing a whale with a pole

>> No.2193571
File: 305 KB, 867x721, ershin best.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Having this shit of taste


I like Fishing in 4

>> No.2193584

no, seriously, it's a giant garbage bin

>> No.2193593
File: 4 KB, 160x190, ershin port.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Suit of armor thank you.

>> No.2193605

>4 is the first point in the series
Confirmed by absolutely nothing at all.

>> No.2193613


well noting beyond common sense and the ability to put 2+2

>> No.2193624


>> No.2193627

4 >= 3 > 5 >= 2 > 1

>> No.2193631


Same reason Momo is, it's just a cameo

>> No.2193652

Ok, it's not really confirmed. But from conjecture, it's pretty blatant it's the first.

Let's start: 1, 2 and 3 take in chronological order, as stated by the games themselves. In BoF 2, they allude to the Dark Dragon War (events of BoF 1). The biggest proof comes from BoF 3, in that pyramid/temple (I forgot), where you see a big mural on a wall. There's, it's pretty clearly stated that BoF 1 takes place 500 years before BoF 2, and since you're reading it now, BoF 3 takes place after BoF 2.

Now for BoF 4. There are at least 3 links to say this is the first one:
- Deis
- Dragons
- Yuna

Deis, as you may know, appears in all 4 games. In BoF 2 she was named Bleu, I believe (but chalk that up to the horrible translation). In those, she's a "snake-woman", although she never says clearly what she is, she states that she has a link to Ryu in BoF 3. Meaning, she's a Dragon (like in BoF4). Since Deis still has human form in 4, and the snake form in all other games, it only makes sense that 4 comes before 1.

Now, Dragons. This is the most obvious. In 4, the Dragons themselves exist in the world, and there is no mention of the Dragon Clan at all. Since the Dragons depart the world in the ending (minus Ryu/Fou-lu), it's pretty safe to say the Dragon Clan are their descendants. Let's not forget Deis.

The most interesting is Yuna. As you may know, Yuna tried to create a god by amalgamation of countless species of animals (in short, a chimera) and all sorts of magic. In the end, he creates something that has a god essence (other gods recognize it as a god), but that is not a god itself, since it can do nothing at this point. This is Nina's sister.. Now the interesting part. Everyone knows Yuna escapes to never be seen again, but you probably don't remember him saying "I'll create a god again" (something of the sort). Well, go forwards to BoF 1, and you have Myria, which is... an amalgamation of various animals! Meaning, she is the god Yuna created.

>> No.2193659

Then why is it also the cheapest and easiest to acquire these days? Shit sucks, bro.

>> No.2193661

Disregarding information because it doesn't fit with your theories doesn't sound like "common sense".

Also Myria apparently just got summoned later on. Deis' sister, out of all possible things to summon. With a spell that's supposed to be lost.

Not to mention Deis' is familiar with Ryu from the get go.

There's simply not enough information to say wether 4 happens in a different world after 1, 2 and 3 or if it happens before.

>> No.2193670


if Ryu and Fou-lu and Deis are summoned from outside the dimension I think it's safe to say that BoF IV has every possibility of taking place in a different, parallel universe to BoF I-III

I'm not even sure II is related to I and III actually

>> No.2193676

It's stated pretty clearly in 3 that 1 and 2 happen one after the other. 2 also mentions the events of 1, barely.

>> No.2193681

>Since Deis still has human form in 4, and the snake form in all other games
Deis has her human form when she first wakes up in BoF3. And she's never stated to be a dragon in 4.

>there is no mention of the Dragon Clan at all
Because the world of 4 is not the same world as 1-2-3. It's part of the plot. The dragons were summoned into that world to seed change in it. Deis and all the dragons, Ryu included, came from a different world.

>Yuna creating Myria
Except it turns out that Myria was actually Deis sister and not artificially created.

>> No.2193689

Deathevan is the spawn of Myria.
When you fight Nina's shade, she's the same as Nina from BoF1, and she says she got married with someone who was not Windyan.

>> No.2193695

Interbreeding destroyed the windyan race.
Too bad, we could have had some sort of hybrid dragon angels.

>> No.2193702

I think the fact that that can't happen is exactly why the wyndians lose their powers

>> No.2193703

BoF 1 is... Dragon Quest clone, only you're the dragon and the bosses are a bit more tedious. Worth noting that the GBA version doubles the EXP and Gold rates.

Do not forget that BoF 2 has a fan translation. Some here don't like it, but either way it's leagues better than what we got. This is when things got unique, and the Shaman system is pretty fun to fool around with.

3 is easily the high point of the series. Best or not according to opinion, this is when BoF got really good for most players. I'll always miss the shaman system of 2, but genes were still fun.

4 is great and as some neat designs (dem dragons) but I didn't have nearly as much fun as 3.

>> No.2193705

It really shows, too.
BoF 1 - They can fly and transform into birds
BoF 2 - Have wings, but can't fly
BoF 3 - Have no wings anymore

>> No.2193707

The Worens being nomadic probably kept their bloodlines from getting tainted after BoF2.

>> No.2193710

BoF's got a neat thing going on really, unintentional or not.

>Everyone is the least anthro at 4, the prequel.
>Most anthro at 1
>Gradually gets lesser 2 and 3
>All gone except for a couple scant things at Dragon Quarter

Of course at VI this gets thrown out the window if you even want to count that pile.

>> No.2193712

>Deis has her human form when she first wakes up in BoF3. And she's never stated to be a dragon in 4.

She IS stated to be and Endless though. And all the dragons in 4 are, you guessed it, Endless.

>> No.2193720
File: 133 KB, 640x480, 12-Breath_of_Fire_IV_02547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the battle system in 4. Easily one of the best turn based ones Ive seen. Love games that let you use your whole party and top it off you got that bitching combo system.

Shame it doesn't get more recognition. A lot of people overlooked it because it came out very late int he PS1s life

>> No.2193721


Not all Endless are dragons.
Yuna made an artificial Endless. It was not a dragon.
And if dragons are Endless then the Dragon Clan members should be immortal. But they simply age slowly.

>> No.2193723

Damn it, an rpg with a plot like that these days would cause so much hilarious SJW butthurt.
Yeah I know, I should go back to /v/. But it's true.

>> No.2193730

I'm pretty sure Dragon Clan members are descendants of Ladon (Dragon God), not gods per se.

See: Ryu II was the son of a human and a Dragon Clan member, and he had powers of a Dragon Clan member.

>> No.2193736

>Not all Endless are dragons.

you're being too literal. Dragon is just what people who didn't know better called all the giant scary god things.

>> No.2193742

Don't they call themselves siblings?

>> No.2193749

Actually, Deis says this:

>OK, Ryu, that's where we're going. We have to call the other dragons.
>Dragons were once gods, just like us. You could say we're distant cousins. We'll call them, and ask them to help you out.

>> No.2193750


That goddamn submarine minigame.

>> No.2193753

I used to love the Beyd minigame. I'd sit there and train him till my strongest attacks rolled off a 0 and he was one-shotting all my characters.

>> No.2193764

Isn't it 4 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 5 after the desert spread and everyone is forced to live underground?

And I figure the reason why Deis and Myria call each other sisters are because they're both Endless.

>> No.2193771

>tfw you sit there and watch as Beyd one-hit KOs that big fucker and everyone treats him like an alpha from then on

>> No.2193780

4 is a completely different world. 1-2-3 are more western sword and sorcery themed, while 4 has oriental themes.
Since there isn't enough evidence to push one way or the other it can work as both a prequel or a sequel. It's irrelevant. The Breath of Fire series does nothing with its continuity anyway.

>> No.2193816
File: 143 KB, 906x845, Symbolism!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>, while 4 has oriental themes.

Only as far as the empire is concerned. The woren clan is decidedly native american and the kingdom has the whole Medieval Europe thing going. The game just spends the bulk of it's time in the Imperial territories so we see the Oriental stuff.

Which I for one, LOVE. The chinese korean setting is a much welcome change of pace.


interesting read

>> No.2194312
File: 51 KB, 512x398, DQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if BoF:DQ was simply called Dragon Quarter? Try to look at it that way and you'll see that is arguably one of most unique and fun jrpgs ever. Here's an interesting review:


>> No.2194313

Because PS2 games are dirt cheap right now.

>> No.2194332

BoF or not, that's just a lie.

>> No.2194349


Wtf that guys logo looks exactly like the /vr/ guy

>> No.2194532 [DELETED] 
File: 657 KB, 800x600, big bad demon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we eating our very words yet, huh?


>> No.2194762

PS2 isn't "in" right now.

>> No.2194793

It's nice to dream but the reality is it's still going to be a BoF Game in the same way Donte's game is Devil May Cry and Sonic 06 is really named "Sonic The Hedgehog"

>> No.2194802


Except for the part about it being good.

>> No.2194805

If you want to fuck yourself off with it, go right ahead.

Point is, one way or another (Besides that shitty Mobile game and that's probably more New Capcom than anything else) it's the last game in the BoF Series.

And it's a Poor laast game

>> No.2194820

>And it's a Poor laast game

more like a fantastic swan song

>> No.2195861



>> No.2195864 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2197694 [DELETED] 
File: 657 KB, 800x600, big bad demon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thread, go on front page.



>> No.2197704 [DELETED] 


Or lord this faggot's back. Everyone abandon thread.

>> No.2197705 [DELETED] 

I missed you, mr shitposting katt guy

>> No.2197708

hey why did you make one video for the snes and one for gba? is there any difference between them besides the extra gold and exp from encounters?

>> No.2197714 [DELETED] 


there's a dash button on GBA, which is nice but the color pallet is more ...awful

also don't give him attention. We haven't been able to talk about BOF2 for months because of this guy

>> No.2197725 [DELETED] 

Oh I know the guy, he mostly just posts some webms and text pastas though.
It's easy to ignore.

>> No.2197727

I was one of the weirdos that liked III the best.


>Myria is not even evil.

She wants to do what's best for humans by more or less placing them into controlled environments.

Long ago Myria and Deis watched over the humans together. Myria intervened and saved the last groups of humans when they came close to obliterating each other in a nuclear war. Deis and her dragons didn't seem to give a shit and were content to let the humans have at each other. If they lived, they lived. It was their opinion men should be in control of their own destiny even if they became extinct from the choices they made.

Myria was enraged at this 'betrayal' and after she took the humans under her wing she waged a campaign to wipe out the dragons. The dragons might have actually been ATTACKING the humans at this point because they saw this interventionalism as unnatural. Kind of like Ragnar Danneskjöld in Atlas Shrugged.

>> No.2197730 [DELETED] 

You weren't able to talk because you simply got nothing to tell or show. Then you started to drag everything down, exactly to your level of low. It didn't work. It never works with me.

I liked Katt but instead of crying I went to the game, beat it with her, figured things never known to the present. Now I am thinking about pushing her with my knowledge further and you can't do anything about it. Anything. Cry me more.

She is the best character in the game and together with "MC" they make a group of mechanically best characters. There is a power gap between her and MC as well as a huge power gap between them and the others. Yes, Bleu is overrated and people who like her are mostly parrots who never bothered to dig further in the game.

There are differences, like that beak in hunting spots doesn't respawn anymore (while maintaining a higher dash speed), etc.

>> No.2197736 [DELETED] 


yeah see this is exactly the kind of shit Im talking about when I said the BOF threads where ruined forever

>> No.2197745 [DELETED] 

If you want rights, you fight for them, no? You provide something of value to benefit yourself and things you like. Not drag down everyone to your level with bitching. Bitching is not rewarding.

My last reply to you.

>> No.2197775
File: 135 KB, 500x500, 1344292359062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 is pretty bad
2 is full of random encounters
3 is excellent
4 is a step forward story-wise but a step backward gameplay-wise

>> No.2197849

So I shouldn't get 1 or 2 on Wii U?

Fuck man, why do they only release the same shit or utter shit?

>> No.2197885

VC is a direct port, there's no surprise there.

Capcom never really managed their properties very well, and probably just saw it as "if it ain't broke don't fix it."

>> No.2198204

1 is also full of random encounters.
2 is a little worse because it's full of random encounters that cast Death on you.

>> No.2198207

I've been playing 1 this week, and maaaan... someone said above that the translation was very dry, but I didn't think it was this bad. I just saved Ox, and I couldn't make heads or tails of what happened in that scene.

>> No.2198219

>1 is pretty bad
I don't think so, just more basic than the others. But yeah, if you want to play 1 & 2, turn on 10x exp and disable random encounters via cheat device to plow through it faster since they're both worth seeing.

>> No.2198246

Dq was a prequel to one. Post apocalypse, society underground

Bof 1 had ancient high tech dhit in wells that went deep into the earth and super Ai boss fights in 1 and 3

>> No.2198253 [DELETED] 
File: 657 KB, 800x600, big bad demon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JRPG Sick Plays:

>> No.2198263

Devs already said DQ was in a continuity all it's own, so it really doesn't have anything to do with the timeline. IV was already stated to be the prequel.

If anything, DQ's at the end.

>> No.2198302 [DELETED] 

Barubary Solo [GBA]:

Barubary Solo [SNES]:

>> No.2198378

>I just saved Ox, and I couldn't make heads or tails of what happened in that scene.

you saved Ox. The end. No move forward to the next town and crisis never to hear from anyone in your party again

>> No.2198389

GBA has a B-Button dash, but it was also put into the retranslation.

>> No.2198453 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 324x299, 1368308634825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope 3 is the best

>> No.2198467

>IV was already stated to be the prequel.
Only by fans, with no evidence to back it up