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2188220 No.2188220 [Reply] [Original]

Hi there. I have a really simply question about my Playstation 1. How can I get rid of this yellow look to the front of my console? It's not THAT bad, but it's very distracting and differs from the control port color (see picture).
Anyway, I was thinking of taking apart the console and soaking the top plastic part in bleach. Would that help it at all? I'm a poorfag and I don't want to go out and buy hydrogen peroxide, magic erasers, etc...All I really have is bleach. Would it be effective?

>> No.2188225

Windex and if that doesn't work then your only other options are retrobright or paint.

>> No.2188228

Also to add magic erases are abrasive. While they're great for some things the front of a console is not one of those things.

>> No.2188298

Oh snap, are PS1 consoles old enough now that they're starting to yellow? Where does the time go. . .

>> No.2188351

My unscientific opinion is it's due to smoke and not aging. It's not like the Nintendo consoles.

>> No.2188362

>Not like the Nintendo consoles
My SNES would like to disagree with you there.

>> No.2188367

SNES yellow because of age and smoke. It's why they're yellow on the inside and out. If it was just smoke it would only yellow on the outside. Like you see on certain SEGA console like the jap Saturns and Dreamcast.

>> No.2189205

Lemon juice and sunlight

>> No.2189217

>and soaking the top plastic part in bleach
N-no one is going to tell him not to?
Pretttty sure bleach will ruin how it looks. Bleach usually just stains things white, and kills germs, rather than actually "cleaning" things. Disinfects, sure, but it mostly just stains things.

>> No.2189224

>people saying its because of smoke

Really? It's actually due to the oxidation of plastic combined with UV light.

>> No.2189227

no it's from oxidation in the fire retardant plastic caused by UV light. It has nothing to do with smoking retard.

>> No.2189253

Actually its 99% from oxidation. UV just kinda speeds up the reaction between the plastic and the air.
You can prove this by looking at the bottom of old laptops and computer towers that used that kind of plastic. They still turn yellow, but not as much as the exposed areas.

>> No.2189257

Oh and don't do anything to it OP.
Its just a sign of age. Its like forcing your wife to get plastic surgery when she get wrinkles. Sure she'll look young, but its just fake in the end.
You aged, and your PlayStation aged along side you. And even when you're all wrinkly and the PlayStation is all yellow, you can still pop in your favorite game and enjoy it together. if the laser still works. Probably not ;.;

>> No.2189315
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I can't wait for the next autistic neckbeard advancement in reselling, where 'whitening' your console devalues it.

>oh? you stripped off the original patina...
>I could have given you 5 bucks for that
>now it's only worth 50 cents

>> No.2189357

I think autistic neckbeards are the collectors. Resellers I tend to in vision more as either white trailer trash or young investor type duchess who throw around buzzwords they learned in management and finance classes.

>> No.2189364

Smoke causes plastic to yellow. Maybe re read my post because I didn't just say it was from smoke.
Like one guy said you don't need that much UV light. Hence why SNES yellow so much on the inside.

Why you don't make smoking pipes out of certain material because they yellow. Also teeth.

Hole bunch of angsty people coming from you know where lately.

>> No.2189369
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>> No.2189379

I don't know where you are but Hydrogen peroxide is really cheap. In the UK you can get a bottle of 9% that's enough for a console from any proper chemist for under £1.

>> No.2189382

I hope you mean 90%.
In the US, same idea, any convenience store or larger store has it for under $5 easy.

I have heard though in other countries it's much harder to find.

>> No.2189390

That's because the heat is also a prime factor of yellowing.

>> No.2189392

its like 99 cents at walmart

>> No.2189415

>Smoke causes plastic to yellow
smoke causes everything to yellow.

this isn't new, but unless some guy played snes while he smoked 10 packs a day in a little 5x5 room with no ventilation for twenty years... smoke isn't going to yellow your snes to the same degree as the shitty fire retardant plastics 'age' to.

it's too small of surface area.

on the other hand, my grandmother's curtains, that were fifty years old and originally white, were damn near black when she passed.
from lung cancer

>> No.2189421

I never debated that. Even confirming that.
If the yellow is just outside the console it's smoke. If the yellow is all over and inside the console it's the plastic aging.

>> No.2189427

I just bought this thing, I have no idea what it is, but BUY IT ANYWAY based on my random theorizing!

>> No.2189489

>If the yellow is just outside the console it's smoke
The front of my game boy is yellow on the outside, only on the front half not the back. I've never smoked, neither did anyone in my family while I was growing up. You can't explain that.

>> No.2189490

Nasty greasy hands.

>> No.2189496

the inside doesn't age as fast so it won't be yellow because it's not exposed to UV light idjut

>> No.2189505

UV light is oxidation?
You really need to go back to your containment board.

>> No.2189527

no UV light speeds up the process you, did you not read what I said retard?

>> No.2189534

And the consoles that are 20-30+ years old with no yellow on the inside but yellow on the outside?

>> No.2189541

Yellowing due to light exposure, you really are thick kid. Light speeds up the process thousands of times. Why are you so convinced it is smoking? Where is your proof of that. Smoke would penetrate the consoles because they aren't airtight and sticky tobacco smoke would still find its way in there too. Stop being retarded.

>> No.2189542

There are boxed snes that are yellow. Just stop.

>> No.2189551

I remember reading up about retrobrite it was created by a bunch of chemists and they went into detail explaining why plastic yellowed and it was because of UV light exposure and some ingredient added to fire retardant plastic.

>> No.2189553

Try this experiment leave a nice white system in a window where it will get lots of sunlight and watch it get a sun tan ,you ever seen a shop window that's had plastic toys or systems in the window for like 2 years?

>> No.2189556

I blow my cigarette drags into the box, you're dumb it all depends on the batch of plastic. You can have two different halves from two batches and one will stay like new while the other is yellow as shit. It's rare because most come from the same batches but it happens.

>> No.2189558

Smoke cigarettes for awhile. See how yellow your teeth get.
See I can do that too.

>> No.2189560

I'm not the other guy ,if it's in a smoky room all the time then yeah I think it might go yellow but UV light and the Fire retardant plastic is the main cause,like you said some systems that are boxed are yellowed so how did smoke get to it ?

>> No.2189567

I never said smoke was the only cause. I said if it's only yellow on the outside it was probably smoke that caused it. Where as, with the plastic just turning yellow with time that tends to affect both the inside and outside.

>> No.2189583

and were telling you smoke would stick to the inside too.

>> No.2189591

The people that collect jap Saturns disagree. While there is smoke getting inside it's not enough to do anything.
I've yet to ever see a jap Saturn that was yellowed on the inside. Same with dreamcast. The bottoms are usually white still too.

>> No.2189605

sounds like sun exposure then we really are going in circles with you.

>> No.2189607

How does it get to the back of the console then?

>> No.2189613

how does it not get on the bottom? those things don't sit flush

>> No.2189615

the oils in your hands can also turn plastic a yellow tinge. It is all chemical reactions that happen with the plastic meets things like light, oils and etc.

>> No.2189618
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They're pretty damn low. I guess low enough to not always be effect by smoke. Good redirect though.

>> No.2191650

I believe the yellow appearance is a chemical reaction caused by heat from the console plus any electronics nearby (like the TV), which is worsened by not having enough air circulation. If it's caused by the oils and salts in your hands, then the areas where you touch the most should be affected (i.e., the disc drive).

I never had this problem with any of my consoles before though but I had it with my Gameboy cartridges in near areas of electrical contact between the system and cartridge.

You need some abrasive material like fine grit sandpaper or fine steel wool to make it come off. The plastic is burned,sort of like sugar carameralizing, giving it its yellowy appearance.

>> No.2191869

> How can I get rid of this yellow look to the front of my console?
NeoGAF trigger warning

>> No.2191896

I believe you're talking nonsense and suggest you read the thread thoroughly and adjust your beliefs accordingly.