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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 528 KB, 1600x1586, pokemon_blue_cover_art_by_comunello76-d4xvjro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2187268 No.2187268 [Reply] [Original]

Alright /vr/ I dun fucked up.

A bit of backstory, I grew up in a crazy religious vidya gaem hating house. Pokemon was the prime offender so I was never allowed to play them, recently, knowing that I love gameboy games a friend gave me a copy of Blue.

Long story short: I'm a dumbshit who made it to the elite four with only a lvl 56 Raticate and a lvl 52 Blastoise, everything else is < lvl 32
Should I just restart and play properly or grind a team to a realisticl level?

>> No.2187269

Use the rare candy cheat and bump the rest up to your desired level.

>> No.2187271

Knowing things, most /vr/ people probably played their game with a 70-something starter.

You really should play it balanced though. When playing Gen 2, get Crystal Emu Edition.

>> No.2187273

I don't wanna have to say
"I had to cheat to beat fucking pokemon blue"
I don't wanna be that guy.
the worst part is I did that to get dragonair evolved and leveled up and I still got facerolled ;-;

>> No.2187280

Just go and catch articuno. You'll be fine with those three

>> No.2187281

what's so wrong about grinding for a while?
also, mind the types, you won't go too far with a team of water/normal.
Get some fire, some electric, catch fucking articuno.

Btw i feel sorry about your childhood.

>> No.2187284

Thats not a bad idea actually, I reloaded my save the first time I found him because I didnt have any ultra balls and the super balls didnt work at all, I tried the elite four with moltres and he got fucked
Two votes for articuno, is he that good?

>> No.2187302

All the birds are, but it's the best ice-type in this one. About the one game where these were the shit though.

Ice is something you're really going to be happy about having.

>> No.2187564

Well, Pokemon levelled up by rare candies, do they have lower stats than grown by the usual way?

After I had beat blue the first time, I levelled my favourite Pokemon to 100 by giving them rare candies one after another, in order to use them in Pokemon Stadium. I remember having a hard time beating the LV100 tournament with my own Pokemon; I'd rather use the Pokemon given by default on the cartridge.

Whenever I replay Pokemon now, I always grind them to level 70 or so, until I beat the rival at the Pokemon League. Easy when using an emulator with a speed button.

>> No.2187567

Word on crystal version. I got a Crystal+Lime green Gameboy Color bundle from toys r us back in the day and that game encapsulates Gen 1+2 pokemon from back in the day perfectly. It was right around when I stopped giving a shit about the cartoon too, pokemon johto journeys.

>> No.2187573

In Generation 3 and onwards, Rare Candies leveled up your Pokemon but with no EV gains from battling.

I'm not sure how exactly it works in the earlier games, but there was some way that made it worse than grinding. It wasn't directly "worse" though.

>> No.2187620

Articuno can easily fuck all of these types

rock, grass, fighting, dragon, fire, ground
and can hurt a lot any other pokemon without much special defense.
it'll make the elite 4 much easier

>encapsulates gen 1+2
nope. gen 1 was a lifeless shell of what it used to be. Still nice to revisit, as a sequel, see the changes... but it surely doesn't feel like playing gen 1

>> No.2187628

Never use legendary pokemon or ubers - they make battles even lesser challenging than they are. Pokemon lacks of difficult enemies, unfortunately.

Collect them just for Pokedex compilitation.

>> No.2187646


Gen 1 was broken shit thanks to psychic. Gen 2 is the most balanced. Crystal is fun.

>> No.2187656

I do this on everything except Articuno in the originals. The only other choice for Ice is Lapras, and it wasn't exactly great in that one.

The remakes gave you some more choices though.

I like how Emu Edition brought back the Safari Zone, but I wish it was bigger and Kanto had more to do. This is more of a thing about cart space than anything else.

>> No.2187669

Someone needs to take Emu Edition and make all Kanto trainers about 10 levels or so higher. It's at least something.

Why the fuck is everyone 30-ish outside of Leaders when the original E4 was ten more?

>> No.2187680

Not Retro, but Gen IV is the most balanced because the special/physical split improved previously weak Pokemon, some very weak Pokemon like Aipom and Lickitung got evolutions, and very few new Pokemon were introduced (the more new Pokemon are introduced the less balanced the game gets due to power creep)
The game got less balanced after that because they introduced 150 new Pokemon in gen V, and Mega Evolutions in Gen 6.

I would recommend the fourth generation gold silver remakes, Pokemon Soul Silver and Heart Gold, I think they are the best Pokemon games.

After the retro age, with regards to Pokemon, only play the games that are remakes of older games, and the definitive version of new gens (Emmerald instead of Ruby Sapphire, Platinum instead of Diamon Pearl, and Black White 2 instead of Black White)

>> No.2187685

You can beat it with three or four overleveled guys, trying to balance your team is more trouble than its worth and means tons of grinding for nothing.

>> No.2187904

Black/White 2 are Sequels to Black/White 1 technically

But for OP just get another Mon in Victory Road or something and grind it up or use one of the Birds if you want an easy win.

>> No.2187914

Yeah. I don't remember my team as a kid, but I have a strong feeling that whatever I used was 90% my high level Charizard + items items items.

>> No.2187923

Heh my very first playthough was just Charizard and his HM slaves.

>> No.2188057

destroy the entire elite four with just those two pokemon

just keep fucking them up until you get overleveled

>> No.2188059

I'm surprised you got a level 50 Raticate

Most of us just solo the game with our starters
The more experienced of us just solo the game with a psychic pokemon.

>> No.2188065

what about nuzlocke?

>> No.2188068

that challenge was only made because that was the case.

>> No.2188069

>/vr/ plays an jrpg
>mashes a through the whole thing and heals afterwards
>doesnt even bother being efficient, just mash the fuck outta a, son
>complains about lack of challenge
every fucking time
you fags should just give up the genre altogether

>> No.2188072


>> No.2188075

If the game doesn't punish me for my mashing how can I call it challenging?

>> No.2188080

ionno man maybe the game is punishing you by making you grind twice as much with only one pokemon and waste a bunch of items and money healing

i heard you guys say you only need to mash attack to win at ff5 but there are plenty of enemies or entire dungeons that are vulnerable to magic
you fast forward thru weak encounters mashing A and get overleveled then complain about being too easy
im just saying

>> No.2188094

there wasn't much grinding at all, almost none if you solo the game with a psychic.
money is essentially useless save items you take to elite 4 and buying Porygon.

I mean you can think and make the unstoppable phallanx team, but there's no point save for competitive play and stadium.

>> No.2188096

Sounds to me like shitty game design.

>> No.2188107

jrpgs in a nutshell

>> No.2188112

im not disputing that strategy works, im saying it doesnt have to be that way
but whatever, its your game have fun

>> No.2188117

>half the Pokemon have shit defense when it comes to magic
>all three starter pokemon's main attacks are magic based

that's a problem

>> No.2188119

you can self-impose a challenge like nuzlocke

but by itself it basically has no challenge, at all
doesn't matter since it was all about catching them all anyway.

>> No.2188125

lack of special stat split, right?
anyway i was watching the lufia 2 world record on twitch the other day and I thought it was really cool how the guy used pretty much every trick available to win, even shit like sleep
just a random thought

>> No.2188267

I did that my first pay through as well, except I didn't even have a decent second Pokemon. I restarted.

You'll have to do plenty of grinding throughout the game to get a whole team at a decent level though, so you're not getting out of that.

Just do what others have said and get Artacuno, train up an Abra as well and you;ll have a decent little team.

>> No.2188372

Pokemon Red/Blue werent even hard. I mean, the final boss has Pokemon with Ember for fucks sake. Yellow rebalanced movesets and waa tougher.

Not /vr/ but they stepped up the difficulty in later Pokemon games a lot, it peaked at Gen 4 and then it became easy again. An example :

>Gen 1 first gym leader
>signature Pokemon is Onix
>Onix has 45 base attack
>less than that of a Ratatta
> its signature move is Bind
>15 base power, as strong as fucking Poison Sting
>and Bide but that's like a "please kill me" move
The only thing was that constricting moves were really annoying in Gen 1.

>Gen 4 first gym leader
>signature Pokemon is Cranidos
>120 base attack, higher than Mewtwo's (not even power creep, no that happened in Gen 6)
>signature move is Headbutt, a 70 BP move

>> No.2188450

I get the feeling that the devs fucked up big time on the endgame movesets. Like they forgot to fix them or something.

At least the remakes tried on this one. They aren't up to Emerald's standard (looking at you Blaine), but they do a hell of a lot better.

>> No.2188452

>yellow was better
Yes, but unfortunately it suffers from bad choices in other areas. Whoever's idea it was to give Koga all Venonats/Venomoths instead of just replacing a Koffing with a Venomoth should be shot for example.

>> No.2188465

>Pokemon Red/Blue werent even hard.
This. On my most recent run I beat all gyms with a Blastoise, an Onix, an HM slave and no grinding whatsoever.

>> No.2189141

Idunno I just grew attached to the little guy once he learned hyper fang.

>> No.2189183

Raticate isn't horrible, it gets Super Fang which is really handy for one or two endgame Pokemon.

>> No.2189189

Red/Blue is basically unfinished though. It's one of the buggiest good /vr/ games and they obviously ran out of time at the end trainers.

If it wasn't for GF striking a deal with Nintendo and getting a based ASM wizard, GSC would've been about as bad.

>> No.2189381


I checked this one out because it was always said that Pokémon levelled by rare candies won't be as stronk.

In the original game, with no other variables there is no difference between XP levelled and Candy levelled.

>> No.2190690
File: 11 KB, 208x287, reggiedorf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can easily steamroll E4 with a level 50ish Snorlax

Amnesia, Rest (using pokeflute to heal), ice beam, and body slam

my most recent playthrough i did it with a lvl 42 Snorlax with a little item abuse.

pic related: snorlax with 3 amnesias

>> No.2193181

But didn't Koga only use Venonat & Venomoth in the cartoon? Makes more sense since that's what Yellow's based on and all...

>> No.2193285

Dude, fucking everybody exploited that shit back in the day. You're actually missing out more if you DON'T use it.

>> No.2193294

>played their game with a 70-something starter.
My Venasaur long lost

>I grew up in a crazy religious vidya gaem hating house
Same, except it wasn't all games and the Pokemon is demonic thing didn't happen until much later in my house, as in I already beat Red, had magazines and the Burger King toys etc etc

Had to trade it in and throw away anything not electronic

But Raticate? Seriously?
First Pokemon on my long term team, Abra. Every single time since that faggot teleported away from the 1st encounter. I knew there had to be something there and that force of nature never failed to dissapoint