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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2178249 No.2178249 [Reply] [Original]

Anybody out there only play retro and completely dislike current? I wanted to know if this is common.

>> No.2178259

No you're just a faggot.

Enthusiasts appreciate all aspects, and want to play all the good games regardless of console or PC.

If you're a guy who just plays NES games you're not better then anyone, you're just limiting your potential enjoyment because you've decided that retro is superior for some arbitrary reason.

>> No.2178265

I mostly play retro but that's only because I particularly appreciate dead genres (JRPG and RTS) but I also equally enjoy modern games when I'm in the mood for the genres not gone with the time and don't actually believe pre-2000 games are a priori better for an arbitrary chronological reason. When you grow up and forget your reddit account you'll also learn to enjoy newer games.

>> No.2178272

Pretty much this. But the majority of new games are AAA garbage.

>> No.2178276

Games have not been good since 2009ish, its just call of duty year in year out and dark souls anymore.

>> No.2178281

nail on the head

majority of games are garbage, period. No matter the generation.

>> No.2178283

The majority of AAA games was always garbage.

>> No.2178285

>in b4 some faggot brings up one good game
One good game does not save an entire year. I agree though I don't hate modern gaming either it's just most modern games are boring time sinks with shallow gameplay. 20 minutes of fun in contra will always beat hours of some boring ass bioware shit.

>> No.2178286


>> No.2178287

I'd argue soon as 6th gen hit console gaming went to shit.
There are still good new games. Just not the AAA ones.

>> No.2178304

>majority of games are garbage, period. No matter the generation.
If you go by title. Going by the games sold the current generations are horrifyingly bad.
False. Up until about 6thgen a AAA game meant it would at least be fun and playable. Now it means broke on day 1 wait a week to iron out the bugs and maybe it'll be fun.

You can probably count the number of shitty AAA games from 5thgen and prior on your hands. I mean truly shit and unplayable.

>> No.2178305

Indeed. Pump hours into mediocre games to get bs achievements or trophies. Thats really what gaming has become.

>> No.2178307

>majority of games are garbage
Holy shit this. Out of the thousands of games on modern and retro systems, how many are worth a damn? Theres shovelware galore, shitty games, games taht tried to be good and failed, etc. I would say that probably 40% of the games are decent and playable, where as 5% are considered amazing. Thats a failing grade no matter how you slice it.
>people hating on Dark Souls//Demon's Souls
Demon's Souls single handedly renewed my faith and interest in gaming. I preordered it, hyped myself up on it for months and I told myself if it was shit I was going to stop playing. Its easily in my top 10 GOAT games. There are great games out this Generation, Shadow of Mordor was amazing, but I agree a lot of shit in modern games needs to go. QTE's should've died with shenmue.

>> No.2178308

Ratio of Good to shit used to be 7:1. I am using genesis as an example of roughly 700 games there will be 7 shit games and 1 game worth playing. Today the shit ratio is something like 50:1 sure yeah games were always mostly shit and we only remember the good ones, yeah whatever. The fact is the market is just flooded with absolute crap right now that sifting through the shit to find a couple of gems isn't even worth it.

>> No.2178315

>Out of the thousands of games on modern and retro systems, how many are worth a damn?
Again you guys are going by titles. Go by the games sold and tell me modern generation aren't filled with shit.
>Demon's Souls single handedly renewed my faith and interest in gaming
I had the opposite reaction. Just confirmed to me that even today developers take the easy route of corridor hell and load screens instead of making an interesting world.

>> No.2178316


> There are great games out this Generation, Shadow of Mordor was amazing, but I agree a lot of shit in modern games needs to go. QTE's should've died with shenmue.

The fuck are you smoking.

>> No.2178320

nothing. Shadow of Mordor was a great experience and did everything right, and even better than the many other games it derived its stuff from (AC, Batman). I'm not even that big of a LotR fan but it was a great game.

>> No.2178329

Which system has the best shit ratio? 7:1 sounds pimp.

>> No.2178332

probably N64, just because its library was so small and the first party nintendo games made up a larger fraction.

also, it would be 1:7 if we're talking about good to shit, not the other way around.

>> No.2178336

>I had the opposite reaction. Just confirmed to me that even today developers take the easy route of corridor hell and load screens instead of making an interesting world.

>because we're on modern consoles developers aren't allowed to make a level based game anymore, open world or bust.

I have not played an open world game where I was compelled to explore past a little above the minimum.

>> No.2178340

Well I have like 150 genesis games I think are worth playing. SNES is around the same too, NES has a pretty good shit to worth playing ratio too (not the famicom though). I think once games moved to cds and they got cheaper to produce the ratios of shit sky rocketed. I can find enjoyment in a lot of games though. A game like Dahna Megamia Tanjo for the mega drive is a 6.5 but I still think its worth playing, then there is a 30 minute burner like Shadow blasters which i also think is worth playing. It's not great or anything but it's not one of those 7 shit games. When I say shit I mean something that isn't even worth playing so Jerry Glanville's pigskin footbrawl is not shit even if you don't like it haha. Mega Drive actually has a ton of stuff for cheap thats worth playing at least once and most people have probably forgot about those games too.

>> No.2178348

Well yeah goes with out saying. Not looking for a system with the shittiest games ya know ha.
I agree with your n64 theory. Smaller library. More AAA. Third party pimps like RARE and Midway. Probably looking at a 5:1 good to shit ratio, n64 still had its fair share of shit

>> No.2178349

Oh sorry I said good to shit in my first sentence then went shit to good when I actually explained it. That was my fuck up.

>> No.2178351

>I have not played an open world game where I was compelled to explore past a little above the minimum.
Well that's you.
Story on why I dislike the PS2. Played the shit out of it since launch. Pretty neat games but not a whole lot great. GT 3 was great though. Then Shadow of the Colossus... Holy shit this is what PS2 is capable of? That was pure creativity right there and an amazing game. To me every game just became a lazy pile of shit compared to that game. Basically forced me to realize I wasted my time with a bunch of throw it on the shelf as fast as possible shit games.

Fuck corridor hell.

>> No.2178354

I think SotC is a massive piece of shit.

And at least getting a game out is better then nearly 10 years in development like whatever that other game is... The Last Guardian?

>> No.2178356

Have you actually played the game?

>> No.2178360

>probably N64, just because its library was so small and the first party nintendo games made up a larger fraction.

It definitely is not. I can only assume people who say this just say it on account of the fact that the N64 simply did not have that many games -- which is true -- but, man, once you start collecting N64 games you realize just how bad most of the library was. To this day I'm constantly picking up great PlayStation and Saturn games I had never heard of before, but N64, not at all. I wrung that system dry in the early 2000s.

>> No.2178361

Well at least we know to disgard your opinions from now on

>> No.2178365

With cd sure the graphics were better but the content was usually shit. Racing games, platformers, and rpgs are the only games that didnt fully suffer from this.

>> No.2178367

Of course I have. I just think its not that fun or interesting. Its a puzzle game disguised as an action/adventure. Combine that its just an empty world with the definition of setpeice battles its way way way over rated.

>> No.2178369

Okay now go make a stack of all the shitty games then a stack of all the games you think are worth playing then tell us the ratio. Don't disregard inferior ports if they have their merits either. Like I think Rainbow 6 on n64 is still worth playing cause its a really good coop game with a friend, or quake even if the n64 version is shit its still good cause it has 2 player and it's still quake. We aren't saying that most of the games aren't shit we are just saying the ratio of shit and good wasn't so skewed for that console.

>> No.2178370

It's more common than you think. The number of newer games I like isn't very many. Same goes for my friends.

>> No.2178372

Ya it had an empty world which is what made the bosses that more greater. And if you actually beat it you find out the world isn't that empty.

Pretty much anything made by Nintendo on N64 is at least good. That's like half the library right there.

>> No.2178373

playing only retro games is just as retarded as playing only modern games.

>> No.2178376

>I'm not even that big of a LotR fan
That's why you liked it.

>> No.2178382

I like new games, but most require a lot of commitment to play. I'm a busy guy so it's nice to pickup a game I can beat in under an hour or one where I can play a level quickly and put it down. Even JRPG's I feel like I cam dick around without doing much. Plus retro gaming is cheaper and has a lot of dead genres I love.

People who say old games are better than new ones usually give stupid reasons as to why.

>> No.2178384

>retro gaming is cheaper
Uh... not unless you're emulating or using a flash cart. Last gen is dirt cheap atm, 5-30 a game, compared to the pretty much 30+ for anything worth a damn on older consoles.

>> No.2178391

>Pretty much anything made by Nintendo on N64 is at least good. That's like half the library right there.

The N64 had about 250 games. Assuming every game Nintendo and Rare developed was good (Which I don't think is the case at all as there were some major stinkers across both companies but for the sake of argument I'll lowball it) that's about 25 games -- I'll bump it up to 30 since games like Kirby 64 and Smash Bros., while technically Nintendo were developed by second party companies like HAL -- right there. Not a whole lot in the grand scheme of things. Granted, there're some great third party games like Mischief Makers, Bomberman 64, Doom 64, Ogre Battle, and Harvest Moon 64, but on the whole, it's really slim pickings as far as the N64's library is concerned. People can shit on the PlayStation for having a lot of lousy sports games but the N64, relative to how many games are on the system, has A LOT.

>> No.2178394

you're thinking Nintendo retro
other consoles are easier to get a lot of the better games

>> No.2178396

Such as? PS1 is getting up there. Genesis games that are worth a damn are getting up there, I don't know much about MD or master.

Turbo-grafix, forget about it. Unless you're talking like Atari 2600 I think slightly out of date games are cheaper.

>> No.2178402

there are plenty of genesis games worth owning for under 10 dollars. Mystic Defender and Decap Attack both awesome games and both cheap as dirt.

>> No.2178403

There's like over 50 Nintendo published games for N64.
It's pretty easy to come up with a 100 games out of the library that are at least good. They may not be great but they're good. that's 1:3 ratio there.

>> No.2178407

Lets name names for the sake of argument...
>Mario 64
>Starfox 64
>Kirby 64
>Golden Eye
>Perfect Dark
>Smash Bros
>Ocarina of Time
>Majora's Mask
>Pilot Wings (arguable)
>Mario Party
>Mario Party 2
>Mario Party 3
Just get the one you like that has the most mini-games and you're fine.
>Banjo Kazooie
>Banjo Tooie
>Jet Force Gemini
I personally think the above 4 are garbage fyi.

I'm at 16 off the top of my head. I think theres some other games that are kinda fun, like Blast Corps and Shadows of the Empire, and then the other genuinely good games, like Ogre battle 64, Gauntlet Legends and Doom 64 (but you've played it before) So we're nearing 25 and I'm running out of stuff.

>> No.2178408
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I dislike the majority but there are a lot of great games out right now. I've been on a massive TowerFall kick. My wife loves it.

>> No.2178412

>I personally think the above 4 are garbage fyi.
You can just stop then. If you don't like rare games then N64 obviously isn't system you like. That's fine and I doubt anyone here will change your mind. For those that like the N64 there are plenty of good games for us.

>> No.2178417

>If you don't like rare games then N64 obviously isn't system you like.
we got a real refined motherfucker here

>> No.2178421

>It's pretty easy to come up with a 100 games out of the library that are at least good.

Trust me, it's not. Start collecting N64 games -- and more importantly, actually playing the games you buy -- and you'll know why. Once you reach the 50 mark you'll want to stop because by that point you've got every single "decent" game on the system and then some.

>> No.2178424


>I mostly play retro but that's only because I particularly appreciate dead genres

Fucking, this, in my case arcade style games though (beat em ups, run n guns etc)

>> No.2178425

They're still fun. Just because I don't want to play them doesn't mean they're not fun.
You don't have to think they're amazing but if you say they're garbage then N64 is not for you. The Rare games basically represents everything on N64. You got platformers, shooters, kart racer, and fighting games. Some of the best made on N64 are made by Rare. So if you don't like Rare then yes you probably dislike N64.

>> No.2178428

>fighting games
are you serious?.. you aren't kidding? N64 is not the console to own if you want to play fighters.

PS1 has Darkstalkers, Street Fighter, Tekken, King of Fighters, Guilty Gear, Marvel vs. Capcom, ehrgeiz, rival schools and a bunch of other fighters and spinoff fighter series.

The N64 does not even come close to other consoles in terms of fighting games. I can't even think of any besides Killer Instinct Gold, Clayfighter (2? I think), smash bros (arguable as a "fighter") and a slew of WWF games (which aren't fighters),

>> No.2178435

>The N64 does not even come close to other consoles in terms of fighting games.
I didn't say it did. N64 still has Smash and Killer Instinct. Not terrible games...

Why does it ALWAYS have to be Playstation vs N64 with you people?

>> No.2178439

>Why does it ALWAYS have to be Playstation vs N64 with you people?

Because you can't just be like "N64 had some decent fighters" when you can say that PS1 had some -incredible- fighters.

>> No.2178447 [DELETED] 

>Because you can't just be like "N64 had some decent fighters" when you can say that PS1 had some -incredible- fighters.
They both had good games. You go from shitting on Rare to starting consoles wars. Who fucking cares? You're getting close to 6th gen level of shit posting.

Play both.

>> No.2178467

I don't play anything newer than Dreamcast. Don't get me wrong, I could enjoy some of today's games, it's just that I don't think their worth the money. Most games today are short, movie-like experiences that lack replay value. They make for nice rentals, but I'm not about to dish out hundreds of dollars so that I can rent some decent interactive movies. I'd rather pay $30 for a DC and play some real video games.

>> No.2178479

very few good games made nowadays, but there are still some great ones worth playing

>> No.2178798

>PS1 had Star wars: Masters of Teras Kasi

For every good fighting game on PS1, there's 2 bad ones. N64 has it's own problems, but it has a smaller library which means less crapgames.

Both are great systems with some excellent AAA fare though.

>> No.2178819

Im not interested in modern gaming anymore,if i won a PS4 id just sell it on ebay straight away because i just havent got time to play it,id honestly much rather play on my ps1.

I did get the ps3 and 360 at launch and really liked them but i just couldn't keep up with all the games coming out and all the systems i had so i just went back to playing the systems im most interested in,my ps3 is used exclusively for netflix havent played a game on the ps3 or my 360 for about 3 years.

>> No.2178830
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I just play games i enjoy, without some arbitrary rule for how old a game has to be for it to be enjoyable.

Any "good to bad" ratios between retro and non-retro feel irrelevant as long as i keep finding fun/good stuff to play.

>> No.2178837

OP, you sound like a tryhard cunt, I'm pretty fucking jaded myself but there are some very good games even now.

>For every good fighting game on PS1, there's 2 bad ones. N64 has it's own problems, but it has a smaller library which means less crapgames.

Not the guy you're replying to but you do realize that the ratio of good games is still like 8 against 2 regarding PS and N64? and if you really want to play the ratio/percentage game PS could still have more games in the long run.

Now, don't misunderstand and think I'm here to say that the N64 is shit or anything, it did have some nice games but its library inferiority is really undefendable, same thing when the SNES was at its peak, there were so many games that SEGA just couldn't compete due to the sheer abundance of titles, for every 2 games out of 5 on the Megadrive there were 9 games out of 20 on the SNES.

If you want some more quality consistence in a console's library on its time you should look up to the Saturn, there's really very little shovelware compared to both PS and N64, it has an amazing library of underrated gems with beautiful 2d graphics, sure, there weren't many games of the caliber of most PS masterpieces like Vagrant Story but they're still very solid games.

>> No.2178858

I enjoy all games up to about 2008. Post-2008, I can probably count the number of genuinely good game releases on my hand.

>> No.2178925

Yeah most places havent caught on to jacking up sega genesis games yet so you can still pick up games on the cheap.
The ones you do have to pay for are atleast worth it (ie psiv and shiningforce2)

>> No.2178979

Hardly any modern games give me any interest. Only game I'm really looking forward to is Bloodborne, which I am fairly hyped about. I like playing Fifa with my normie friends as well but that's pretty much it. Wolf TNO surprised me recently but it still doesn't give me the same amount of fun I used to get out of the interactive arts.

I could simply just be growing out of video games though. I mean if I was 12 years old today, I would probably love COD just as much as every other kid does. I would probably be really hyped for something like Alien: Isolation but eh, the novelty of video games is completely gone for me now.

Also there's zero challenge left to them. Beating video games used to feel like an accomplishment, now it feels like a jerk off. I think that games have both gotten easier AND my power level has gotten significantly higher. I often read posts on /vr/ from people complaining about how hard a certain segment of a game is and I think to myself, fucking really? I returned to games I couldn't beat when I was a kid since /vr/ was made and destroyed them all. You reach a stage where you can immediately break down a game to its mechanics and nothing can touch or phase you, nothing mystifies you about the game, everything is way too easy and elementary. Feels so pointless on top of video games actually being pointless.

And hell, I'm hardly even interested in challenging retro games anymore either tbh. People say Battletoads is challenging so I decided to try it out. Yeah it was hard but that didn't mean I could be bothered to play it. Because I know innately that I can beat the game anyway; it will just take practice and eventually I'd get the required experience to overcome it. I inherently know this about myself. So even that is pointless.

>> No.2178983

>>2178979 continued

Meh. It's mainly the fact that the novelty is dead for me now that I don't care anymore. As a kid, I didn't know whether or not I'd be able to beat something like Lion King so when I did it felt really good. Of course challenge isn't the only thing you find interesting in a game. You have to like the game itself in many ways; the mechanics, the graphics, the sounds, music etc. It has to be alluring to you. Very few games are alluring to me anymore because the novelty of my most of my interests has worn off since I've played all the corresponding games.

Now I'll talk about why Bloodborne is the one game I'm looking forward to. Dark Souls was a game that surprised the living fuck out of me. I loved every step of the way of that game. It gave me the same feeling Ocarina of Time gave me when I was 12, maybe even better, and I played it as a 25 year old adult man. I thought the game was incredible and I really enjoyed many of the innovative features it had, as taken from Demon's Souls, like the ability to invade people's worlds, to be invaded and to be able to help or summon people. I loved its leveling system and being able to mould your character in whatever you wanted him to be. I also really enjoyed the challenge of the game and best of all I was ridiculously immersed and allured by its beautiful world. If the game had good netcode (goddamn shame it's so broken) I would have played its PVP much, much longer than I did - and I still played it an absolute fuckload.

>> No.2178985

>>2178983 continued

I had played Demon's Souls right before it, but I didn't think Demon's Souls was quite as good as Dark Souls. I liked Dark Souls' interconnected world much, much more. And best of all, I loved Dark/Demon's Souls gameplay, of which I had played nothing like it before. So it had all the features of what I want in video games: novelty, good challenge, good gameplay, an alluring world that I really hadn't seen anything like before that I wanted to explore. Demon's/Dark Souls were two games that felt brand new to me and were also refreshing in a time where all video games had become handholding cakewalkfests. Sadly I played Dark Souls 2 and was utterly disappointed by it due to its laggy gameplay and bad hitbox and comparatively boring world.

Now Bloodborne is coming and it's obviously a Souls game, but a different kind of Souls game with the new mechanics and lack of shield. I've seen the gameplay videos and it looks killer to me. In particular, the world looks absolutely fucking fantastic and I'm really looking forward to exploring it. Again it will bring me novelty and something I haven't seen before, the challenge will be right and having really enjoyed Dark Souls 1 and my appetite still now satiated with Souls, I'm really looking forward to this game.

>> No.2178986

>>2178985 continued

You can say, if you want challenge, just play multiplayer. Multiplayer feels pointless to me now, too. After years of playing multiplayer FPS I've realised all I've ever be is just an above average FPS player. A 'decent' or 'good' player that occasionally rapes a public server and has a 'good' kdr. To transcend this, I would have to practice more, and there will always be someone who enjoys the game more than me and so spends more time on it, and/or simply has a greater natural capacity for video game skill than you do. At this stage I'm pretty damn bored of multiplayer FPS and just don't feel like playing it much anymore. I remember being 15 and my friend taking me to a LAN cafe for the first time during summer and playing Quake, UT and CS there all summer with friends. THAT was fun. Years of playing online was fun. Now? It's been there, done that, same old shit, I'm bored of it and know where I'll lie as a player; a good public server player.

So yeah. Novelty of video games is pretty much dead for me. It's over bros. Hope you enjoyed this blog post.

tldr I don't find most video games very fun anymore because I've played them too much and am getting old, but I do find older games far more interesting than modern ones, which I think are utterly boring and trivial for the most part.

>> No.2178987

The Evil Within is stupidly hard. But for all the wrong reasons unfortunately.

>> No.2179004

I never could afford a decent computer when I was a kid and only had a NES. Now that I can afford it I really enjoy feeling like a kid again and playing through games that I really wanted back then.

I enjoy modern 3D games too but it's a totally different experience.

>> No.2179012

I can rank only 4 or 5 current games I really like, but usually I don't like them so much as old games. One thing I really like about old games is see really ancient titles with something really out of common (graphical effects, high quality musics or voices or giant maps) and think "Damn, how could someone put all of this in a so small cartridge?", I believe we won't see this kind of thing in an era with 60gb+ games. I'm playing now One Way Heroics, small and fun 2D roguelite.

>> No.2179016

>It's pretty easy to come up with a 100 games out of the library that are at least good
Do it. Name 100 n64 games that are at least good. Not mediocre, not bad, just plainly good. I would struggle to do this with any console lower than 2000 games.

>> No.2179030

I say that console gaming went to shit with the 5th gen.

>> No.2179043


What the fuck am I reading?
I beat the entire game without upgrading my health, it was so easy I didn't get hit.
Infact it was so easy you can beat a large group of enemies with one hand. (dead serious, I didn't even touch the stick to move around during combat)

>did everything right.

Yeah, if you enjoy easy dumbed down games that don't require any thinking.

fuck I'm mad.

>> No.2179045 [DELETED] 
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My post saying playstation and n64 both had good games and to just play both got deleted?
Guess console wars are supported now.

>> No.2179048
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I love new games.

A new version of Angband just dropped!

>> No.2179050


Only if you're an autistic fucking retard, which you are. I don't give a shit about achievements and I play a lot of retro and current games.

You don't seem like you've even tried to play anything new, there aren't achievements on the 3DS you god damn fucking worthless shit

>> No.2179051

I don't completely dislike current. There are some games out there that provide what I want to play. They're just rare is all, and most don't do it as well.

But that's just like, my opinion man. Play whatever you want and have fun with it.

>> No.2179052

Why's that? Just don't like the 3d graphics of that time?

>> No.2179054

>Demon's Souls single handedly renewed my faith and interest in gaming.
Exactly the same for me, along with Dark Souls.

Honestly if Souls games didn't come out that would have been it.

>> No.2179056

Not him, but I think we're pretty much looking at the point where really shitty shovelware and ad games started coming as a big force. It started with PS1.

It's the only thing I can think of.

>> No.2179057

I still think the worst system for that was the 2600. But ya Playstation had a lot. Was nothing compared to PS2 which is only rivaled by Wii.

And if you guy by games sold nothing comes close to the current gens. CoD still top seller.

>> No.2179061

Nope. Strategy games are better now than ever. Paradox Interactive makes the best games I've ever played. As far as I know, they started making them in the early 2000s.

>> No.2179063

Pity about Dark Souls 2 being painfully mediocre with rampant DLC whoring.

>> No.2179064

Even so DS2 was still decent enough. I held off on all the dlc and Im just going to get the ps4 rerelease.

>> No.2179065

Indeed. Huge disappointment.

It's great that From are now working on an entirely new setting again with Bloodborne. Goddamn that game is looking good.

>> No.2179068

I just wish the RTS genre wasn't dead.

But yes, Paradox is a very convincing case for modern gaming, especially the success of their games!

>Millions of young people are playing Paradox grand strategies while you were playing mindless platformers in their age, retro gamers sure were dumb and with such short attention spans!

GBA is by far the worst console when it comes to shovelware volume, it was "spongebob shovelware" the console whose library entirely consisted of ports and licensed shovelware aside from maybe 3-4 worthy native games.

Also modern gaming is in a way better state when it comes to shovelware than retro gaming. Sure there's a lot of indie shit on Steam and elsewhere, but unlike Action 52 or Bubsy 3D those aren't actually being sold in stores and advertised on TV. Mainstream gaming, even if most of it is mindless spunk gargle wee wee, has high production values and games like Bubsy 3D (adjusted for modern technology) just wouldn't appear on the modern market.

>> No.2179076

I separate consoles, PC, and handhelds. They're different markets.
>Mainstream gaming, even if most of it is mindless spunk gargle wee wee, has high production values
I haven't seen a single game like CoD for example release in a state that was playable day 1 on PC. Since MW2 it's been a tradition for them to out due themselves by releasing and even more broken day 1 version.
They're not alone. Seems all the AAA titles released broken at least in 2014.
Modern gaming as for as AAA is concerned is as bad as it's ever been. It's never been lower.

>> No.2179078

You're not the only one

Current-gen games are made out of recycled everything, are largely uninspired and fresh out of good new ideas, and just focus on new ways to charge you more through shit like DLC.

It's boring as shit.

There are a few gems in there, but overall the current state of gaming is stale as fuck.

>> No.2179082


I mostly agree with this. I worked at Gamestop this year, and having to parrot shitty games as good made me want to kill myself more than selling credit cards.

The only AAA release that happened that was anywhere close to good this year was maybe Super Smash and the only actual good game was Bayonetta 2.
trust me i got to take them all home and play them for free, they all fucking sucked major asshole.

>> No.2179084

>and just focus on new ways to charge you more through shit like DLC.
And to think... once upon a time developers used to give us the ENTIRE FIRST EPISODE of a game FREE as shareware. If you then liked the shareware enough, you could buy the full version.

>> No.2179095

Ditto for 3D platformers. Dead like the dodo.

Closest thing we have now are Mario, and fucking Assassin's Creed; and you can't even climb up high in the latter because UniSoft went full retard and started setting the games in locales which are, shall we say, vertically challenged.

>> No.2179097

I imagine you'll be waiting until your flesh has long rotted.

>> No.2179098

You can google...

>> No.2179105

kek try 5. n64 doesn't even make 3rd place for 5th gen

>> No.2179110


>> No.2179112

Not that guy, but there is more to a game than difficulty, anon. I do agree however that the combat is cocks.

>> No.2179113

I could google top 1000 lists for the ps1 and it wouldn't change that half of that is mediocre or garbage.

>> No.2179114

would you rather lol ? Don't be such a faggot

>> No.2179115

Ya there are only 5 N64 games published by Nintendo... Leave

>> No.2179117

What is your point? Thought we were talking about N64.

>> No.2179125

My point is that there is no point searching for top 100 hundred lists for the N64 because tons of games will be garbage or mediocre. That guy who stated the thing with the 100 games pulled that number out of his ass. He probably didn't even play 30 N64 games.

>> No.2179126
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>make ridiculous comment
>get called out on it
>i-i'm not doing your research for you, you can just google it!

Every time.

>> No.2179129

Except that's true. You can make a list of 100 games. May not be amazing but they'll be decent.
Most the games on N64 were pretty decent.

>> No.2179131

You could you know play them for yourself. I know you kids these days rather watch someone else play them though. Maybe browse youtube then?

>> No.2179136

Except for the facts that you pulled everything you said out of your ass, don't have any proof. didn't play anywhere 100 N64 games and probably didn't even beat 20.

As far as we are now I can claim that the original Xbox had a ratio of 1:2 of good to bad or mediocre games. There were only few and there were much more decent games on the original Xbox than on the N64. Still doesn't change that I pulled that out of my ass because I didn't play anywhere all Xbox games.

>> No.2179140

I played a lot of 5th gen games. Beat most.

>> No.2179142

Ah, throwing the word kid around. You sir are a living, breathing shitposting stereotype.

Now remember, the 3rd step is to claim you were only pretending to be retarded.

>> No.2179145

Did you have an argument or you just here to bitch?

>> No.2179148

Can't find 30 good games on that list. There are even some games on there that I remember buying full price and returning them next day.

Funny how there are tons of shitty FPS, sport games, mediocre racers and tons of inferior ports on there but for some reason Pokemon Snap or the Stadium games are nowhere to be found on that list. Says a lot about the makers of this list. Probably some dudebro seeing how Conker is 1, a game with great fecal humor but mediocre gameplay.

>> No.2179151

There's like 5 lists of 100 games to choose from...

Just because you don't like the games doesn't mean it's bad.

>> No.2179158

I stopped playing console and PC games after about 2000, but I still buy handhelds mainly due to Pokémon.
It's mostly because I'm extremely poor.

>> No.2179162

I went trough 4 more and they start to crumble 30 games in. The giant bomb one had even Superman 64 on 50.

Show me one you're satisfied with. Surely there will be one when you even linked me directly to the google search.

>> No.2179180

Dunno, I think you'll have to search Google to find out.

>> No.2179181

My list would stop at around 50. Not because there's no more good games but because the rest of the games I have no interest in playing or playing again. I still wouldn't call the the almost 250 other games trash. many of those are still fun.
It's the same with PS1. I have about 50 or 100 games that I want to play or love playing. Don't care much about the rest. I don't say the PS1 only has 50 good games though.

>> No.2179187

Then it was wrong of you to ever claim that the N64 possesses 100 decent games. I must say that this ratio thing was retarded to begin with. It's completely meaningless. We never looked that way at game libraries, not now and certainly not in the past. No one counted 7 bad games for every good game, such or a similar fantasy didn't exist.

But I must say, if we look back now to all those game libraries. Now with our heightened video game standards, that we gained after experiencing the generations before and after thoroughly. I think we would and should be more careful when judging those games. It would be moronic to disregard our experience. It would be moronic to look at those games with an innocent mind.

Wouldn't you agree?

>> No.2179204

I've been saying that going by good titles is shitty way to do it for awhile so ya I do agree.
You should go by the games sold if you want to judge what a system has to offer. There's exceptions of course but the top selling games are what most people saw as a representation of the console. Like my example way back with PS2 and Shadow of the Colossus. That game didn't sell very well. It's by far one of the best games on the console if not the best. But few played it. So how can it really represent the console?

Or a more retro example could be Dreamland 3. That game has some of best visuals and music that the snes could offer with very fun gameplay. Not a lot sold though.

It's just opinions on what games you like but I really don't agree on judging consoles by games that barely sold.

>> No.2179208

Not to mention, some are still going strong.

Take roguelikes for example. Or hacks/patches for existing games.

>> No.2179214

Independent developers are becoming more and more trite like AAA publishers. I fear the craving for money will consume Indie devs too.

>> No.2179215


That's retarded. Tons of good games are made today, just stop buying AAA shit and get a handheld.

For fuck's sake Shovel Knight came out last year.

>> No.2179219

Indie games may have the worst good to bad games ratio. For 100 shit games there is one that is decent. Well, they are the most numerous force of game developers nowadays. It's not fair to put them all under a single banner.

>> No.2179242

n64 has less "good" games than fm towns or 3dO. do some research nintenbabbys

>> No.2179259

And it seems like 80-90 of those shit indie games are "retro-style platformer." The only indie game I've bought in the last year was Rollers of the Realm.

>> No.2179274
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>getting involved in a console war
>on /vr/

>> No.2179291 [DELETED] 

I agree, there really is no point arguing with a Nintendrone. They'd eat elephant shit if it was made by Nintendo.

>> No.2180491

No, there are many modern games that are absolute masterpieces, such as Call Of Duty and Battlefield 4.

>> No.2180563

I only just realized those are separate franchises.

>> No.2180564

I don't completely dislike it, but I don't tend to play anything past 6th gen. Current gen Pc gaming is alright for me but, the most 7th gen i've ever played is fallout 3/NV and infamous. But halo is alright for me.

>> No.2180714

Halo was good until Halo 4. I didn't hate it, but it felt arcady at parts.

>> No.2180717

Moonjump simulator is trash. Just dumbed down Quake/Unreal fps gameplay.

>> No.2180779

nothing has ever surpassed quake3 engine for me. Still plays better than any modern fps.

>> No.2180786

>that great feel when Quake and Doom are still so active
Then I realize years down the road, Doom multiplayer will be the equal of two old guys playing chess in the park.

Or at least HOMM3/Master of Magic/whatever.

>> No.2180798

Nah, I play all the games. I just have a strong interest in the classics right now.

Just last night I was playing Smash 4 and setting up Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles for some 4-player action later this week. I'm also busy jizzing myself over how well Lost Planet 2 looks and plays on my new gaming PC while I try and debug OutRun 2006 not working properly on it.

All the while I'm playing 7th Guest on my laptop and after that, going to play either Dune or Might and Magic 3 because my knowledge of the "thinking man's games" on PC is weak. Also going to finish my run of Air Fortress and try and pick up a new GB game since I just beat Belmont's Revenge yesterday.

Case in point, you can like games from all time periods at any time.

>> No.2180803

I dunno, Doom is still getting new people. I know of mods made by 12 year-olds that are somewhat popular, and not just totally stupid shit either like you'd expect.

>> No.2180848
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>> No.2180851

I have very little interest in current games, but I don't completely dislike them. I've been enjoying Prison Architect lately.

>> No.2180958

Dreamcast had the best fighting games.

>> No.2181275


This is my case. For one thing, I never liked FPS and MMORPGs, and I feel that this is the majority of gaming nowadays. So the games I play today are similar to older games like Shovel Knight or New Super Mario Bros. But it feels bland for some reason.

>tfw you'll never experience wonder again

>> No.2181505

I literally have no time for anything current just by DS and PS2 titles, let alone all the retro like Dreamcast, Saturn and PC Engine and Turbografix I've completely missed out on

I don't even comprehend how people get a 360 and PS4 and just get one game after another these days. Are games literally 2 hours long or something because they most certainly are not on other systems and that's not even counting multiplayer games

There's going to be a day where Gears of War is considered ancient and I'd still not have played more than 3 hours total of it and still be on my to do lis

>> No.2181510

I most definitely will put them all under the same banner

I can't even remember the last indie game I've enjoyed

>> No.2181534

I was falling out of newer games for a few years after 2008-2009 or so but then Dark Souls came out and blew my dick off. I played it 14 hours a day for a month when it came out.

>> No.2183032

I mostly play retro games because they are easier to pirate than modern games, and modern gaming is really expensive, and I don't feel very guilty of pirating old games that aren't on sale anymore compared to modern games.

>> No.2183062

How's like being a jew?
Jesus, everything is easy to pirate on pc, don't you know how to set up bit torrent?

>> No.2183084

Well, retro games are also smaller in size, the whole SNES library is a couple of gigs in size, plus ROMhacks and translations, and a single modern game can take a lot of space, like, did you know GTA 5 for the PC is 65 gb long?

>> No.2183091

I play a select few modern franchises. So many games are like 60 hours long these days, I don't have time for that. I'm looking forward to Yakuza 5, RE Revelations, Persona 5 and the Majora's Mask remake. Those will probably by my only game purchases for the year.

>> No.2183212

>Just dumbed down Quake/Unreal fps gameplay
Not really. It's a cross between old skool mobility FPS and a lite tacticool shooter

If you don't hate Halo 2 and 4 you need a lobotomy

>> No.2183215

I really WANT to like current videogames. But they are mostly so bad i cant bring myself to do it. Ever since this industry switched its focus from fun to marketing/sold units i am greatly disgusted. My xbox died the other month and i bought a japanese mega drive. Totally enjoying the many great games on that.

>> No.2183250

>Not really. It's a cross between old skool mobility FPS and a lite tacticool shooter
I'm not sure what a skool mobility shooter is.

Movement wise Halo is literally Unreal/Quake with the gravity turned way low and the speed slowed way down. Maps are basically dumbed down arena maps with few ways to flank.
By tacticool I assume you mean like CoD2 or CS? Halo plays nothing like those games. The maps are far too open, there's regen, and the biggest difference of them all is Halo has vehicles.

>> No.2183312

I have not really loved a game since Super Monkey Ball and Melee. Fuck all new games, they're not fun.

>> No.2183313

I just play old games, mostly DOS games, and some recent indie games.

The big commercial modern games dont appeal to me and they just cost a bunch.

To this day Ultima Underworld 1 and 2 are among my favorite games, I still play them. They really have everything that modern games like skyrim and dark souls have, in terms of game mechanics. It came out before wolfenstein 3D.
If that isnt an indictment of where the video game industry is headed I dont know.

>> No.2183371

No console has an attach rate of more than 12 games.

In the retro age the attach rate was even smaller, around 7 or 8 games sold per console, because most console owners were kids who would get a game for birthday and another for xmas (nowadays there are more adult console owners), and games (cartridges) were more expensive, and also rentals were very popular back then.

Only 1/3 of Nintendo 64 owners had Mario 64, and less than 1/4 of the Nintendo 64 owners had Ocarina of time.

I don't understand the complaints about a console having only 50 decent games, People in general have narrow tastes, and buy consoles for some kind of game, not every single good game that console has. I find it hard to believe that someone cares for every single good game the Playstation has.

>> No.2183402

Inb4 this thread gets deleted for not being in a self contained vacuum from 1992.

>> No.2183441

Is that a young David Lynch?

>> No.2183735

its your mums puss m8

>> No.2183739

thats a lot of stats pulled out your ass, m8

>> No.2184097

>I'm not sure what a skool mobility shooter is.
I said "old skool", cuz

>By tacticool I assume you mean like CoD2 or CS? Halo plays nothing like those games. The maps are far too open, there's regen, and the biggest difference of them all is Halo has vehicles.
No, I mean it retains aspects of its real-time tactics origins. A comparable game is Delta Force: BHD, which is somewhere between a run-n-gun FPS and military simulation, thanks to being built on a vehicular simulation engine. Openness has nothing to do with it- Operation Flashpoint's environment is far more open than Halo's, it includes vehicles, yet it's obviously a tactical shooter.

It sounds like you're talking about multiplayer, which (except for coop) is the least compelling part of Halo, although responsible for the series' continuing success.

>> No.2184812

i'm pretty sure that's mark price

i'm also pretty sure the picture is from nba jam

>> No.2184828

I agree with this statement. This is when the game industry abandoned classic gaming for the graphically intensive interactive movie experience.

>> No.2184834

I never got this statement. The only games that really did that were RPGs and Metal Gear.

>> No.2185169

Plus, the ole'

canard is tired as hell. Developers have always squeezed what they could out of their hardware, and consumers always took notice. There was no time when graphics suddenly became crucial. For better or worse, they're a steady fixture of the game industry.