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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 177 KB, 637x399, ultima7serpentTrial.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2176080 No.2176080 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.2176091

That perspective really makes me angry.

>> No.2176098
File: 15 KB, 256x224, 20140614171120!Ultima_FFVI.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2176101

same... i want to like the game so much it hurts, but i just can't get into the game because it makes me nauseous.

>> No.2176102

I beat Kefka by having every party member use ultima on him repeatedly.

>> No.2176104

Is Ultima V: Lazarus good?

>> No.2176107

Only Kefka? I plow through the whole rest of the game that way once I get that magecite.

>> No.2176110

I beat Kefka by throwing him Imp Halbers and then making Gogo mimic the action for 9999 damage a pop.

>> No.2176148

Looks like GTA

>> No.2176154

Genji Glove + Gem Box + Whatever the strongest weapon was + Gogo's mimic

>> No.2176158


Fuck yes, I'm mad.

>> No.2176180

Why? Celes and Sabin are two of the top 4. Shadow is decent. Relm is the only weak link there.

>> No.2176196
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>> No.2176205
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Aww yis

>> No.2176220


>> No.2176242


>> No.2176249

You get used to it. It's pretty good once you get your head around it.
The combat though, nothing can fix the combat.

>> No.2176268

The only Ultima I've ever played was Ultima Online, and my friends and I played the shit out of it, occasionally making gaming news. I still stand by my statement that it's one of the best open world environments in any MMO.

>> No.2176384

Serpent Isle/BG is the best Ultima game. After 6 of course.

>> No.2176432

Serpent isle Is terrible because EA rushed for a release. The story is cut and far too linear and the shoddy gameplay of Black Gate was made even worse.

>> No.2176434


I disagree. There's a lot of content in SI, whereas the Black Gate has only a few (albeit memorable) quests.

What is your favorite Ultima?

>> No.2176453

Black Gate wasn't completely finished either.
It's not that SI is short, it's that it feels more like watching one cutscene after another. There's very little content outside of the linear path.
A lot of stuff people rightfully criticise in Pagan was already present.

>> No.2176464
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Ultima was my first and last MMO. Everything else is just fucking shit. UO just had that magical perfect combination and balance of all of the right features. I don't know how WoW players can live with themselves.

>> No.2176472


Not too long ago I played through 4, 5, and started on 6, and couldn't deal with how much of a step back it took in playability. Most of all, I hate the new inventory. I miss just being able to read a list and know I had 6 daggers and 55 food. Most of my time spent playing Ultima 6 was spent shuffling shit around in bags.

>> No.2176492

At least 6 still had slots for inventory instead of the complete mess in 7 and 8.
nuvie helps with the playability since you can drag and drop stuff and open multiple inventories at once.
My main problem with 6 is how ridiculously huge the world is. There's no point in exploring the world because you'll never get anywhere without the orb of the moons.

>> No.2176515

Nostalgia. First MMO I played, and the first 2 years of the game were magical.

>> No.2176526

I feel a lot of nostalgia just looking at screens of the game, but in all honesty it's just a fucking awesome game. Modern MMOs are Hello Kitty Island Adventure bullshit by comparison. Kids today don't understand what an MMO is even supposed to be.
>asking nephew what happens when you die in WoW
>"well, you have to walk all the way back"
>that's it?
>"sometimes your items lose durability" or something to that effect
I think we're going to have another gaming crash like in the early 80's pretty soon

>> No.2176532

To be fair, that's all ultima online is now too.
Insurance basically lets you bless all your items for a measly 7,000 gold per death and you never lose anything anymore.

But yes, PRE-Age of shadows exapansion was awesome times.

>> No.2176534

>To be fair, that's all ultima online is now too.
yeah but I'm talking about 10+ years ago here
I really miss the sort of quality gameplay that I got out of uo

>> No.2176537
File: 93 KB, 640x400, 621777-1032025548_00_1_.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just googled some screenshots of Ultima 7 (I'm mostly going in blind to this series), the inventory doesn't have a grid and you just drag and drop freely? This just looks horrible. Adventure/RPG games got so goddamn clunky when mouse support became the new standard.

On that note, this font is giving me eye strain just looking at these screenshots. For one thing, the lowercase "v" and "b" are almost identical. I might sound like I'm being an autist, but I can't imagine playing a whole game like this.

Is Ultima 7 worth playing?

>> No.2176548

>this font is giving me eye strain
You shut your whore mouth

>> No.2176550

so is there a private uo server for noobs?

>> No.2176553

>Kids today don't understand what an MMO is even supposed to be

Try www.aberoth.com. It is a simple java MMO with open pvp and item loss, and has a healthy community of young players. Not quite on the level of UO (only one developer) but it is still encouraging that it exists.

>> No.2176557

i tried playing uo after everquest and was totally lost with character creation compared to using classes. Then once i made a character i had no idea what to do

>> No.2176560
File: 229 KB, 1600x2509, 1208774216354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everquest a shit

>> No.2176561

You too!

>> No.2176567

UO doesn't hold your hand in the slightest.
There are no real quests either.

You're free to do whatever you want and learn along the way. You get 700 skill points to put into any skills you want. You gain in the skill by using the skill. (example. punching an orc may give you a wrestling gain)

In general though you want to choose skills that complement eachtoher. Like a mage would want:


-Evaluate intelligence (this is what your magic damage is based off)

-Meditation (this brings your mana back up)

-Resisting spells (this helps reduce damage and increase invasion of enemy magic spells)

>> No.2176568

hm, didn't people use macros to max out all their skills in a day?

>> No.2176569

Well, it's an MMO. MMO games are like Horror movies--the whole genre is fucking shit for 12-year-olds. There's no avoiding cheating in online games.

>> No.2176572

Yeah you can run scripts/UOhelper programs to max out your entire template in a few days if you know what you're doing. I imagine that would be sort of complicated for a newb though, and not very helpful in learning.

>> No.2176573

well it's not even really cheating

>> No.2176574

>well it's not even really cheating
case in point, this guy

>> No.2176576

Evasion** not invasion.

>> No.2176580
File: 19 KB, 340x304, Listerine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>well it's not even really cheating

>> No.2176582

running commands sequentially isn't cheating. ffxii's whole combat system is based on it.

>> No.2176583

it's just not worth even debating you man
agree to disagree

>> No.2176589


I like how it doesn't have a language filter

>> No.2176603

He's just being a Contrarian so he can feel like he's right about something. Unless he's dumb, he knows exactly what you mean.

I think a better world would be "exploit" instead of "cheat".

>> No.2176615

>Relm is the only weak link there.
Relm actually is the best magic user in the game.

>> No.2176916

I hate how in FF7, Ultima just fills the screen up with green clouds. It looks more like a poison spell. It was so disappointing to young me that I never used Ultima again, I just went back to using Comet.

FF6's Ultima spell actually fits the name; it looks like you're unleashing some kind of ancient cosmic power.

>> No.2176953

Ultima 5 could have used mouse support for combat and the first games had a clunky interface as well.

>Is Ultima 7 worth playing?
A lot of people seem to love it. It's mainly carried by the world and story. Gameplay got dumbed down in various regards.
You can get alternate fonts for Exult and there's even builds that rotate the view.

>> No.2177042

>start Ultima thread
>Final Fantasy and MMO discussion follows

I'm sorry OP

>> No.2177073
File: 316 KB, 728x1000, ultima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ultima I-VI is like the ultimate casual filter. It's not something you can just pick up and play, and beat over a weekend for the hipster "retro gamer" cred; The games are ugly, crunchy, and require actual effort to be good at.

There are no awesome-looking graphics, no long-haired goth swordsmen with tragic backstories, no moe waifu dating simulator elements. Just low-res monsters and wireframe dungeons.

>> No.2177086

Ultima 1 can. There's not a whole lot to do and you should quickly figure out how to max your stats.
If you have some old school RPG experience you should be able to complete Exodus in two days.
With 2 the problem is that it's extremely cryptic and random so it could take months without a guide.

>> No.2177102

any stories to share?

>> No.2177424
File: 2.91 MB, 640x397, ultima7serpentturtle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2177449

If any of you guys liked Ultima and have never played the MMO Tibia, I highly recommend it. I've been playing it since I was a little kid.

>> No.2177450
File: 405 KB, 640x397, ultima7serpentHead.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love making this motherfucker come to life

>> No.2177512

We were one of the early guilds to jump to Siege Perilous. SP was the hardmode server with new rule sets: 1 char per account, everything costs 3 times as much, no Recall, some items aren't sold by vendors, etc... During the beta, developers stated that unless some major game-breaking issue occurred, there would be no server reset for the launch, so our guild busted ass. Within days, we were the first guild to setup a house a guildstone.

For the next few days, the community was on fire. We were accused of cheating, macroing, hacking, etc... But none of that was true. We just had an incredibly successful gold-making strategy that we explained right out. There was a huge debate on whether the server should be reset or not.

In the end, the developers reset the server for launch for unspecified reasons, wiping out our efforts. It made no difference, though. Despite everyone now knowing our strategy, we stuck to it and still was the first guild to setup a house and guildstone on SP (again).

>> No.2177516

dude that's awesome! Got more? God I love these stories!

>> No.2177552
File: 201 KB, 640x397, ultima7serpentvision.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2177573

Tibia used to be good, now it's so shit

>> No.2177645

Tibia was good but is hardly worth it nowadays.
Some would argue that premium ruined it but the nail in the coffin for me was the skull system. I kept playing after it and even went on Inferna for a while but overall my enjoyment had just diminished at that point.

>> No.2177653
File: 2.50 MB, 640x397, ultima7serpentlesb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serpent isle is worth it for these hilarious sex scenes alone

>> No.2177656


>> No.2177663

I am rock hard right now

>> No.2177667

One time, one of our guild members slayed some guy in town. Their guild was furious and demanded that everyone on the server kill us on sight for the PK scum we are. Our board warriors went to work on the forums and at the end of the discussion, not only did we get them to apologize to us for forcing us to kill them, but we also got permission to kill them whenever we saw them in town. I wish I remembered the details better because that was the best act of spin doctoring I'd ever seen.

Another time, one of the guild factions we were at war with wanted to declare peace with us because we were whipping them so hard. So in a documented ceremony for the community, their guild leader made a an in-game speech that ended with him bowing down before ours. But our writer was a goofball, so he kept asking their guild leader bow again repeatedly, claiming that the screencap wasn't working. Immature fun, I can't help laughing every time I think of it.

>> No.2177684
File: 25 KB, 640x399, ultima7serpentbaby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2177718
File: 570 KB, 920x681, 1419108018029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Wouldst thou kiss me, Hype Train?"
>Jumps into bed naked but still wielding a Magic Axe

im dying

>> No.2177720

After Ultima 5 who would want to miss their magic axe?

>> No.2177783

aaaaw man that is some prideshattering shit man, cruel as hell!
great story though!

>> No.2177829

How's the Akalabeth?

>> No.2177835

where's lord british

that's not ultima


>> No.2177967
File: 80 KB, 250x250, iolo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2178045

OP here, need some help I think my game glitched.

I just finished mountains of freedom in Moonshade, except when I step on the exit teleporter it sends me back to the start. I've tried running through it again and reloading a save before the sex scene but same result.
Stefano won't talk to me when we step through the teleporter like he's suppose to.

I know its a long shot but halp

>> No.2178056


This is an actual scene from the game? Is there a video of this?

>> No.2178072
File: 1.77 MB, 320x180, 1419359213142.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I decided to play through all the Ultima games last year. Played the first three and they were some of the most confusing things I have ever seen on my computer screen, and I do electrical engineering.

>mfw everything in the first ultima games

>> No.2178185

who the fuck was in charge of the art in these games? that shit looks so fucked up

>> No.2178203
File: 40 KB, 641x397, screenshot.51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sad to say I'm with you on the font anon, I love how it looks but my young eyes just couldn't deal with reading it in yellow for hours at a time.

Luckily you can find an alternative (extremely ugly but readable) font to replace it with.

>> No.2178220

Worse case scenario just activate the cheas and teleport/hackmove yourself out of there.

>> No.2178359
File: 210 KB, 1600x1200, runicComparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you Ultima fans think of the Return of Lord British?



>> No.2178423

Ive tried this lol, Stefano wont initiate the conversation to leave the party.

>> No.2178472

Another old standby is to kill/resurrect Stefano and see if he gets his shit together after being "rebooted" (you'll probably have to use the cheat menu for this).

Also, Dosbox or Exult? If you're using the orginal version you might be able to tweak with his/your own quest flags to fix him. Exult's cheat menu was a bit weaker if I recall. Also, Show Eggs and drop him or yourself on any eggs around the area he's supposed to leave you and see if that makes him initiate dialog.

Barring that load an earlier save or teleport out and see if you can continue the main quest while dragging his brain dead ass around.

>> No.2178559

They're RPGs from a time before official strategy guides and FAQ/walkthroughs. Best you could do was word of mouth with other nerds you disk swapped with and BBS.

There was a reason Richard Garriot sent signed certificates of completion to people that could prove they beat his games.

>> No.2178570

Someone who can't into art. A very common occurrence in PC games well into the 90s.

>> No.2178580

ok but at least get something basic right like the fucking perspective holy shit

>> No.2178604

What is wrong with the perspective?

>> No.2178605

its fucked up

>> No.2178608

I think that was probably lack of game-graphics design knowledge. I know very little about the topic, but I imagine that it can be hard to balance correct perspective with what will actually work and look appealing in a 2D game where the characters move around and interact with things that you want to be identifiable. That turtle thing was kinda jarring, for sure.

>> No.2178642
File: 105 KB, 582x800, Ultima-III-clue-book-Secrets-of-Sosaria-hint-book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>from a time before official strategy guides
Only the first 2. 2 is definitely confusing and 1 had elements you wouldn't expect nowadays.

It's a remnant of the tile graphics. Ultima 6 used the oblique projection to show depth while having everything limited to a single square tile.

>> No.2178645

Are the GameBoy Ultima games any good?

>> No.2178683

Apparently they play a bit like Zelda. Sounds interesting.

>> No.2178752

Did Exult fix the NPC glitches? and the disappearing items glitches?

>> No.2179062

why not just play Ultima Online? 12 years and going here :)

>> No.2179070

Or Shroud of the Avatar.

>> No.2179080

Figured it out thank god! Using Dosbox btw, I grew up playing U7 and Exult is missing little quirks and the AI is weird. I hit the ` key, click on Stefano then [A]ction then [N]o and it triggered his leaving dialog! Hopefully i'll be good.

>> No.2179083

Any good free shards? I'd play UO if /vr/ had a guild.

>> No.2179086
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>> No.2179108
File: 145 KB, 700x500, 746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're biased because it was your first, obviously.

The first MMO you play always seems magical and immersive compared to everything else.

>> No.2179147

>waaaaaaaah stop liking what I don't like
How about you just fuck off back to /v/, kid?

>> No.2179249

>You're biased because it was your first, obviously.
>The first MMO you play always seems magical and immersive compared to everything else.
People constantly say things like this as if they are meaningful statements, but the truth is that there are major objective differences in old MMOs and new MMOs. Permadeath, carrying capcity, XP loss, and item loss are largely a thing of the past. The only games that feature these now are off of the deep end in terms of commitment requirement and they're mostly obscure niche games. UO had some of this and it was not obscure or impossible to get into.

>childish post straight off of /v/
>calling people "kid"
oh, to be 16 again...

>> No.2179409

This guy gets it. Original UO had a lot of qualities that don't appear in modern MMOs anymore because they're not popular. Even UO changed to appeal those players with the addition of Renaissance, which they admitted boosted them to the highest subscriptions they've ever had despite it not being how they envisioned the game. A lot of the people I knew back then stopped playing shortly thereafter because for a game that UO had become, there were much better MMOs out there like AC, DAoC, SB, etc... Others who wanted to stick to UO went to private shards that featured 2nd Age rule sets or earlier.

>> No.2179506

there was an mmo version of ultima vi. maybe still online

I like ultima 8 and uo music(especially moonglow track). sad they ruined sound in 9 and in late uo.

So far only game came close to uo - haven and hearth( game ruined by absence of singleplayer content)

>> No.2181020

i feel the same, damnit.

>> No.2181029

I hopped on that Ultima 6 MMO once or twice, it was very lowly populated years ago and didn't find much to do. It's cool you get to pick your sprite though

>> No.2181052

is there any reason why they chose to use such a peculiar perspective? I know It probably looks strange to me since my first ultima game was Pagan, but still!

>> No.2181061

It's from the point of view of The Guardian

>> No.2181123
File: 14 KB, 320x200, Ultima 6 - The False Prophet_9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They first used it in 6 before Guardian was introduced. It made more sense there since the game was still tile based

>> No.2181154

I was just Joshin' but they call that view "Gods eye view" or something similar

>> No.2181159

Bird's eye view

>> No.2181256
File: 310 KB, 1024x768, Peyna, MicroMagic and Cione has found a treasure chest..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But bigger screen

Even bigger than in SNES version

>> No.2181298
File: 674 KB, 1920x1200, ultima 6 nuvie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Even bigger than in SNES version
Of 6? You can play it in high resolutions via nuvie. Though beyond 2/3 times the normal size it's not very practical.

>> No.2181430

Thoughts on Shroud of the Avatar?

>> No.2182417

THIS. Almost brings a tear to my eye to see someone else who actually shares my opinions on this

>> No.2184838
File: 31 KB, 503x347, 67026875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Something something silver serpent.

>> No.2184891

Excuse me, but the first house on SP (Siege Perilous) was placed by the team of Thunderlips and Zodiac (me). You can still see it TO THIS DAY at the Moonglow moongate (house closest to town). The sign when clicked still says "Historic first house on SP, placed by Zodiac and Thunderlips"

>> No.2184893

Will you be the first to place a house in Shroud of the Avatar?