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2174420 No.2174420 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any way to finish Xenogears without playing on an actual PS1? Did the freeze during the final boss ever get fixed?

>> No.2174437

As far i know is fixed in the current emulators, there is also an interesting patch that restores some of the features:

>> No.2174484

Worth it for the undub alone, thanks broseph.

>> No.2174509

Is that just an emulator error or does it fuck up on PS3 and PS2?

I know Legend of Legaia has a glitch on PS3. But I think Xenogears is on PSN.

>> No.2174748

It is/was on anything but actual PS1 hardware. The final boss has an attack that crashes the game.

>> No.2174771

Good thing I have my stupid Psone mini with the LCD screen and my ps3 to ps1 memory card converter.

>> No.2174796

weird shit, i beat it and never even knew about this stuff

>> No.2175084

I played it on my fat PS3 without any problems.

>> No.2175090


Fags who used a shit emulator and/or shit plugins and had their game (rightfully) crash on them and spreading misinformation their fuck-ups.


played and finished Xenogears using ePSXe (read: non-shit emu) whatever version they had in 2008, no patches or fixes necessary nor did the fan-community ever mention anything lose to what has been stated here.


today OP was a faggot.

>> No.2175093

Same here, I never knew of that glitch. I finished with epsxe about 6 years ago.
This game is beautiful in HD resolution and shaders

>> No.2175206

IIRC, didn't the PSN version have that fixed?

>> No.2175207
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>ePSXe (read: non-shit emu)

>> No.2175221

For the purposes of this topic, a non-shit emulator is any emulator/configuration that allows one to play and finish Xenogears (the main topic here)

Conversely, any emulator that doesn't allow for this, is a "shit emu."

But hey, we all love posting reaction images even when we miss the point completely and can't articulate a thought in actual words, right?

>> No.2175235

Not OP, but even stupider question because I haven't tried them yet: what of Front Mission 3 or Silent Bomber? I hear FM3 has a crash bug and SB shouldn't be even attempted on some emus.

>> No.2175236

>a non-shit emulator is any emulator/configuration that allows one to play and finish Xenogears (the main topic here)
Except older versions of ePSXe are notorious for the crash. It was that emulator in particular that has the issue. Considering it can happen at random, though, even on the PS2 or PS3 with official discs, makes it hard for me to believe that you either weren't really lucky or lying. Saying the community didn't mention it in 2008 is also bullshit since it was a very common and well known complaint regarding how crash happy the game may be on anything that wasn't a PS1.

>when we miss the point completely and can't articulate a thought in actual words, right?
>it didn't happen to me, therefore everyone is either retarded or a faggot
Is quite the articulated thought and addresses OPs point completely? Rather than being a asshole, why not list off what version or plugins you used?

>> No.2175241

Both have been long fixed.

I'm guessing you got that from /v/'s rec wiki. In that case, don't follow their cues for emulators. They're rather outdated in general.

>> No.2175251

>Except older versions of ePSXe are notorious for the crash.

Oh I remember how they were, and all I ever needed at any one time was at most 2 versions and a couple of different video/audio plugins and I was set. A game doesn't work properly, switch plugin, if it doesn't work use the other ePSXe and happy gaming resumes. Took like 2 minutes whenever it happened.

>Considering it can happen at random, though, even on the PS2 or PS3 with official discs, makes it hard for me to believe that you either weren't really lucky or lying.

I don't need to lie on an anonymous board, and apparently I'm not the only one who was "lucky."

>Saying the community didn't mention it in 2008 is also bullshit since it was a very common and well known complaint regarding how crash happy the game may be on anything that wasn't a PS1.

I never saw anything hinting to this problem before, during or even after 2008, frequenting 4chan, XG boards and emulation forums. Whatever, it never happened to me anyway.

>>it didn't happen to me, therefore everyone is either retarded or a faggot
Is quite the articulated thought and addresses OPs point completely?

Oh but you are a faggot (the dumber kind) for not even knowing how to properly set-up an emulator like ePSXe. You should probably stick to "user-friendly" emulators like pSX and the like.

>Rather than being a asshole, why not list off what version or plugins you used?

Go do your own research. It's not rocket-science, for crying out loud.

>> No.2175443

>>Oh I remember how they were, and all I ever needed at any one time was at most 2 versions and a couple of different video/audio plugins and I was set. A game doesn't work properly, switch plugin, if it doesn't work use the other ePSXe and happy gaming resumes. Took like 2 minutes whenever it happened.
The point I was making was that it happened in both 1.5 and 1.6 with commonly used plugins. It wasn't something that wouldn't happen with one but not the other.

>I never saw anything hinting to this problem before, during or even after 2008, frequenting 4chan, XG boards and emulation forums.
I saw it frequently on NGemu and a few other boards, with the issue being well known even after that.

>Oh but you are a faggot (the dumber kind) for not even knowing how to properly set-up an emulator like ePSXe.
I know how to set up an emulator just fine. Stop making assumptions about me. I've never tried Xenogears in an emulator. The point I'm making is that OPs question is valid because it is a well known problem in various places on the internet. There doesn't seem to be a consensus on what fixes it other than trying again and hoping the freeze doesn't occur.

That's even shittier than ePSXe. If you're going the route of plugin-less emulators, you might as well throw out Xebra or mednafen.

>Go do your own research.
I did do my research. It's a well known problem. While I do not know the solution, apparently you do. As a result, answering the OP with your miracle fix would obviously be quite the breakthrough.

>> No.2175461

Also to answer the OP, apparently the problem was fixed in ePSXe 1.7 and hasn't appeared in other emulators for years, aside from the official Sony ones because I guess Sony sucks. So, yeah, play away unless you're using your own discs on a PS2 or PS3.

Apparently 1.7.0 was released in 2008 (it really doesn't feel like that long ago), so I was retarded in my last post and the other guy probably did play it just fine in 2008. I thought 1.7 was a lot more recent. It was notoriously known from as early as 2002 (with the solution being literally to use another emulator), but it seems newer ePSXe versions get around that.

sorry about that m80 i was arguing with

>> No.2175471

Then again, from what I just read, somebody else still has the crash happening.

So I guess just play it and find out. If you're emulating, it's not like you can't just use a savestate before the boss in case of the game freezing.

>> No.2175487


Oh well, what an anti-climax to our argument... Goddammit

>> No.2175853

No need to hate on someone for asking an innocuous question, broseph. I haven't played Xenogears yet, and I was just wondering if the notorious game-breaking glitch had been fixed on current emulators.

Thanks to everyone who helped answer that question, looks like I'll be good to go on the latest ePSXe.

>> No.2175983

it works fine in mednafen right

>> No.2176039

I'd still make a savestate before said boss just to be on the safe side, but, yeah, everything should be good.

>> No.2176708

My psx died the other day playing this game.

Just brought the game on PSN but i don't want to start again....

Anyone have a PSV save state around The Orphanage?

Or am i fucked?

>> No.2176725

Fucking love
Mitsuda is a god

>> No.2176757

Really great. Thanks for the share.

>> No.2178887



>> No.2179104


Did some search on some forums but most saves are either beginning of disk 2 or at the end with everybody lv99 and shit.

>> No.2179203



Might be your best bet