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File: 127 KB, 800x600, 92671-Blood_(1997)(Monolith)-5..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2171475 No.2171475 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best way to play Blood? It feels old on DOS.

>> No.2171478

use a build egine source code.

>> No.2171479

No wonder it feels old. It's an old game.
If you don't like that; perhaps you should play something else.

>> No.2171485

install bmouse
graphics are fine you just need to get used to it

>> No.2171523
File: 33 KB, 1128x943, wait a sec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait a sec...

>> No.2171657

>graphics are fine you just need to get used to it
Am I the only one that thinks Blood looks awesome? I love its art-style, its subtle uses of lighting, its particle effects and explosions, the sprites and overall look of the world etc. I think it looks great at the higher resolutions. Is it just nostalgia goggles? Hmmm.

>> No.2171660
File: 9 KB, 63x106, 1407957390960.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With a good processor you can play Blood in DOSbox at 800*600 and 60fps. Try fucking around with the different video output of dosbox to see which one fits your computer better. If your computer is crap you're stuck at a low resolution though.

Some people use a specific version of DOSbox and that would let them use a higher resolution with no framerate issues, but for me (and some other people) using that version made no difference, but you could always try it.

Use bMouse if you think the mouselook sucks.
Make sure to use midi music rather than CD music, everyone will tell you it's better. To do that, make sure it says
>imgmount D game.gog -t iso
in both the files dosboxBlood_single.conf and dosboxBlood_addon.conf

DOS isn't just the best way to play Blood, it's the only possible way.

Have fun and stop trying to play it like you'd play Doom, it doesn't.

>> No.2171662
File: 131 KB, 800x600, SS010000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah Blood looks great. It's probably the best looking Build game, that is unless you play it with 3DFX because that has no voxels and shitty bilinear filtering.

>> No.2171746

This is good advice... and when do cultists do that animation? Where's his gun? Don't think I've seen that...

Also OP if you like your right mouse click to be set to alternative fire (alt fire is important) you gotta do that via the mouse settings in setup.exe. Open that with dosbox or use the gog shortcut 'Launch Settings'.

>> No.2171773

The alternate fire mode of the flare gun is perhaps my favorite weapon effect in any FPS game I've ever played.

>> No.2171816
File: 2.98 MB, 640x480, it burns.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aye... it's fucking awesome.

>> No.2171827

>What is the best way to play Blood?

>> No.2171846

I did that way back in 2006 for a lot of the game. It's a mindfuck.

I remember one time this Norwegian qt friend of my mine was sitting there and she saw the pitchfork etc and was like, "What is this? This is disgusting!" I told her that the game is basically an homage to the horror movie genre and she was like, "I don't care what it is, it's sick!" I kek'd pretty good. Good old uni years.

>> No.2171859

Do you have to play Blood like a total spaz?

>> No.2171864

That shouldn't count, it's the best way to play pretty much anything.

The guys actually screaming "IT BURNS IT BURNS" when >>2171816 happens always cracked me up as a kid. Not to mention Caleb's little musings. It's so great.

>> No.2171875

I remember when I was a kid... first time I loaded up Blood at maybe 11 years old I was kinda horrified at first. Especially the cultist screams; they used to really cut through me. I think I actually felt a little bad every time I killed a cultist. But yeah, then there was the humour that lightened everything up.

That's one of the things I liked most about the game; how it was able to ride this line between a really dark, dystopian morbid atmosphere and yet somehow be funny at the same time. I can't think of any other game that was able to pull this off - or at least I never played one that did or tried.

Now I find cultist screams hilarious... all of them. Especially the brief 'OW!' when they get stunned.

>> No.2171957

Blood has an excellent color palette (lots of red and gray of course, but dem pastel blues, greens, and yellows) and really well-chosen textures.

>> No.2171959

I don't recognize this map. What is it?

>> No.2172006
File: 98 KB, 800x600, kebabfromblood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's from a user-made episode. IIRC it's from French Meat episode 1 but I'm not sure.

If you want to play a fan made addon for Blood, start with Death Wish, everyone will tell you it is a masterpiece.

>> No.2172074

If that looked spastic to you, I don't think you'd be into fast-paced gunplay type games.

>> No.2172218
File: 2.71 MB, 640x360, caleb uses secondary flare.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>If you want to play a fan made addon for Blood, start with Death Wish, everyone will tell you it is a masterpiece.
Can confirm. Death Wish is actually on par with the original game (some even think it's better) and is absolutely must play if you loved Blood.

Gggmanlives did a review of it here:

>> No.2172564

If you want it in hi-res play it in a VM.
It's not that hard to get running and the performance beats DOSBox by a mile.

>> No.2172578

I viewed this webm on my phone and it is so hd and so long I can't believe it's under 3mb

>> No.2172589

>DOS isn't just the best way to play Blood, it's the only possible way.
Really? I'm sure I've seen it running in a source port before.

>> No.2172592

People would lose their shit if one was out.
We even get constantly teased that we might get the code leaked.

>> No.2172665

tfw bloodXL will never be released

>> No.2172736

Getting a large amount of money and buying the source code from whoever owns it so someone can make a source port. Otherwise stick with DOS.

>> No.2172941

I honestly liked
the gameplay, weapons etc from Blood but I thought it was butt ugly for a Build game. I preferred Duke 3d and Powerslave.

You could run fast in the old Build games but they weren't intended to be twitch and bunny hop shooters like Quake 3. Running fast and jumping is more useful for finding secrets.

>> No.2173043


>> No.2173060

There is no sourceport of Blood because the sourcecode was never released or used commercially even though there were talks about it.

What you must have been playing is a recreation of Blood, probably the one in EDuke32. All the behaviours in the game were redone from scratch and are off, some completely off.
It's being worked on by a few Russians, Russians seem to have a thing for inferior recreations. Maybe it's because they were all brought up in a word full of bootleg consoles and games.
Another group of Russians did a similar recreation of Redneck Rampage in EDuke32 which is a horrible mess.
The problem isn't the mods themselves, I guess they're interesting as fan made mods, the problem is that the people making them have the guts to call them soureports, even though no sourecode was involved, and that they say people can "play the game at modern resolutions and in widescreen".
you're not playing the game if you're playing a recreation with behaviours that are off

>> No.2173074
File: 87 KB, 640x400, ex_008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technically speaking Powerslave uses an older version of the Engine with no slopes and no voxels. Powerslave's resolution only go as high as 640*400 while Blood could go 1600*1200.

But that's only technically speaking, I know you were talking about the art direction. I like both a lot but I probably like Blood better.
Powerslave's look is very repetitive, it's very yellow and brown, only in the last levels you start getting new colours

>> No.2173198

People can play a game however they want and Blood has a ridiculously high skill ceiling. Just because your gameplay is limited and gimped doesn't mean everybody else's should be too.

>> No.2173789


>> No.2173848
File: 2.64 MB, 640x480, door.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry bro, can't help it


>> No.2173939


I'd love to play French Meat if getting a custom episode configured correctly wasn't such a fucking bitch. Even getting BPF working took way too long, and it still had all those broken textures so it really cut into the enjoyment of it all. I really liked that one though. Pity the last episode was so awful compared to the first two.

>> No.2173950

I never played French Meat but I intend to some time. I didn't know how to set it up unfortunately.

I saw from the Blood forum that they're apparently working on French Meat 2. I really hope it's good... and I think it might be. I'm hoping that because of Death Wish's release, maybe the standard for Blood mods may have been raised significantly and the guys have more incentive to make something really amazing. I doubt anything will top Death Wish though.

DW is the only fan expansion I've played so far though.

>> No.2173979

What, you want a power fantasy where you just blindly run into a room and shoot everything in sight?

Duke and Blood both encourage a reckful style of play. If you try to play them like Quake or Doom, you get slaughtered.

>> No.2173994

actually i find that i have to do more of the evasive acrobatic shit in doom than i do in blood.

>> No.2174010
File: 17 KB, 111x146, problem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2174014


In user WADs, you mean. In the base game, very little of that is ever necessary in Doom.

>> No.2174021

what difficulty are you playing on?

>> No.2174027

wat? It's never necessary in the base iwads nigga. There is no jump in vanilla Doom.

>> No.2174031

talking about 'swing-shots' and stuff

>> No.2174040

If you're asking about those webms, they're on Well Done difficulty. I'm not either of those guys you replied to.

>> No.2174051

How is 'swingshot' the same as 'evasive acrobatic shit'?

>> No.2174067


Bloody Pulp Fiction is pretty awesome. The second level takes place in a shopping mall at Christmas while cultists raid the city and it's probably my favorite map ever made for Blood, including DW. Unlike death wish however, map quality takes a massive dive as you progress, and the final episode pretty much sucks as a result. Regardless, I'd highly recommend it even just for the first episode, but like I mentioned before getting it to work is a bitch because it uses some custom textures at places (with the version I played having half of them not working) and needs some .Bat file to operate correctly. Seriously, there's a reason DW was made using official textures only.

>> No.2174075

I miss these shooters so bad. I really wanna try some new level mods for Blood. My laptop died over a month ago and I haven't played any PC games since then. Feels weird... at least the withdrawal symptoms finished long ago.

>> No.2174093

Impressive. Makes me want to dig this game out of my closet.

>> No.2174231

please explain how you have 'acrobatic shit' in doom when there's no jump button

>> No.2174238



Who doesn't play with a modern source port now?

>> No.2174239
File: 20 KB, 429x420, prepare for shiggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>enabling jump in source ports

>> No.2174246

lol not even that guy but every webm that ever gets posted of blood or douk or something is always the most unnecessary jumping around. That is playing like a spazz half the jumps you guys do don't even save you any damage, or affect the hitscan enemies.

>> No.2174312

I like this meme.

>> No.2174347
File: 44 KB, 640x480, 1408090969296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didnt know we were still in 2008

>> No.2174550

>actually i find that i have to do more of the evasive acrobatic shit in doom than i do in blood.
Why? Doom enemies react slowly and the Z/GZDoom jump height is very shallow iirc, offering little control/benefit for combat. You should post some webms or a video. I'm genuinely intrigued why someone would need jumping in the original Doom wads for combat more than Blood - or even at all. I don't play ZDoom with jump enabled and can go through the originals half brain dead on UV. I guess it might be beneficial in some way (a new kind of movement dynamic will of course open up some possibilities), but being someone that has played Doom his whole life without jump, as it was supposed to be played, I just don't see why someone would need it.

Btw, I find that the best way to get gameplay is to start a new game and record from the beginning. That way your gameplay will be completely natural. Just play, have fun, and when your 'acrobatic gameplay' occurs go ahead and make a webm out of it. Cheers bud.

>> No.2174675

I remember Bloody Pulp Fiction was a fucking BITCH to install, and IIRC not because there were new textures, but because the maker(s) did a poor job with the installation.

Then, after finally struggling forever to figure out how to make it work, it was very average, at best. I was very disappointed. None of it felt like Blood, it felt like an average Duke mod at best.

Try Rage Against The Machine, that one is pretty good overall though it goes overboard with the cultists in some levels (that fucking double train level... ).

>> No.2174682
File: 12 KB, 256x321, 256px-Blood2_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Blood 2 really that bad?

>> No.2174903
File: 326 KB, 1000x1415, blood_2_the_chosen_poster_by_firestriker-d38nh61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I quite like it actually. It has much more things wrong with it once you play it enough times compared to the first but most of the shit wrong with it is simply due to GT rushing the product out. I even liked how the Chosen aren't dead anymore.

>> No.2174916

I watched this to Good Life by Inner City, a humorous experience

>> No.2174972

How's the gameplay/level design?

>> No.2176374

Actually, there sort of is. You can rocket jump horizontally, and straferun to cover large gaps. Both of these are completely doable in vanilla, and ironically, vanilla rocket jumping doesn't work properly in most sourceports.

>> No.2176380

holy shit really?

you dont use that in combat as that guy was suggesting

>> No.2176385

>How's the gameplay/level design?

They recycle a lot of levels. Each level only has 1 to 3 different kinds of enemies. Most levels lack the the dark gothic atmosphere that the original game had. Caleb's jokes aren't funny.

>> No.2176387

I mainly use it for finding secrets and skipping parts of levels.

>> No.2176435

These are really cool. I gotta get round to playing this already.

Should I get the gog version or steam?

>> No.2176546

You want the gog version.

Also see

>> No.2176703

What gave this game such a retro feel bros?

>> No.2176710

OK, I want to play this. How do I do it? I suck at setting up dosbox.

>> No.2176867 [DELETED] 


Gog version is all setup in DOSBox fairly well. Some friendly advice:

>By default, 'U' toggles on mouse look in-game. To turn off the default inversion of the Y-Axis, check the in-game menu.

>If you don't like Blood's mouse aim, get yourself BMouse and install it from the downloads section here:

>If you want to set alternative fire to right mouse click, you have to do that via mouse settings in setup.exe. Access setup.exe with DOSBox or use the gog shortcut 'Launch Settings'. In setup.exe you can also mess about with advanced mouse settings for both the X and Y axis, as well as change your keyboard controls and other mouse buttons. There is also an in-game control menu but it has less options, and you WON'T be able to change your mouse buttons in the in-game menu.

>Blood's midi music is generally considered superior to the CD music which I find to be kind of annoying for the most part. Gog version has CD music by default and to change to midi you need to access the conf files dosboxBlood_single (for Blood) and dosboxBlood_addon (for Cryptic Passage expansion) with Word and change the line
imgmount D game.inst -t iso
imgmount D game.gog -t iso

>Trust me, midi music is significantly better. CD music also doesn't loop for some reason.

>Try changing your graphical output settings. I believe the shortcut is 'Graphics Mode Setup' and in there you have a bunch of options including OpenGL, Direct3D, Overlay, etc. One could improve your performance significantly over the others and it's highly subjective to your PC.

>You want 60fps minimum in Blood and, since it's a DOSBox resource hog, if you don't have a good CPU I recommend playing at the lower resolutions. However the forum post below works for some people and gives them really good performance at high res:

Sounds like a lot but it'll take you five minutes tops. glhf :)

>> No.2176871

Gog version is all setup in DOSBox fairly well. Some friendly advice:

- By default, 'U' toggles on mouse look in-game. To turn off the default inversion of the Y-Axis, check the in-game menu.

- If you don't like Blood's mouse aim, get yourself BMouse and install it from the downloads section here:

- If you want to set alternative fire to right mouse click, you have to do that via mouse settings in setup.exe. Access setup.exe with DOSBox or use the gog shortcut 'Launch Settings'. In setup.exe you can also mess about with advanced mouse settings for both the X and Y axis, as well as change your keyboard controls and other mouse buttons. There is also an in-game control menu but it has less options, and you WON'T be able to change your mouse buttons in the in-game menu.

- Blood's midi music is generally considered superior to the CD music which I find to be kind of annoying for the most part. Gog version has CD music by default and to change to midi you need to access the conf files dosboxBlood_single (for Blood) and dosboxBlood_addon (for Cryptic Passage expansion) with Word and change the line
>imgmount D game.inst -t iso
>imgmount D game.gog -t iso

Trust me, midi music is significantly better. CD music also doesn't loop for some reason.

- Try changing your graphical output settings. I believe the shortcut is 'Graphics Mode Setup' and in there you have a bunch of options including OpenGL, Direct3D, Overlay, etc. One could improve your performance significantly over the others and it's highly subjective to your PC.

- You want 60fps minimum in Blood and, since it's a DOSBox resource hog, if you don't have a good CPU I recommend playing at the lower resolutions. However the forum post below works for some people and gives them really good performance at high res:

Sounds like a lot but it'll take you five minutes tops. glhf :)

>> No.2176905

click and drag setup.exe to the top of the dosbox shortcut. follow the screen instructions and do some trial and error until you get sound working

srsly that's it

>> No.2176931

Is it too much heavier than doom? My Pc is on it's last days of life, I fear.


>> No.2177217

Blood is pretty dosbox heavy I guess, probably way more than Doom. On my old 2.4 ghz Core2Duo laptop I had to run Blood at just 320x240 native to get 60fps gameplay. That thing could run FEAR at 1366x768, 60fps about medium settings and I ran all the other classic shooter sourceports perfectly fine... but sadly Blood dosbox had to be kept very low.

>> No.2177397

Shit. I won't be able to play it untill I get my new PC, then. This is an old notebook with shitty intel graphics.

>> No.2177408

The graphics card doesn't really mean shit for dosbox. It all depends on your CPU.

It's unlikely you won't be able to run dosbox Blood at 60fps at 300x200 or 320x240. Doesn't matter if you gotta take it low, it's that good of a game. The graphics quality will be equivalent to the webms posted itt. At least try it out m8.

>> No.2177425

It's an I5, but I don't know if that's good. I'll try it.

>> No.2177562

>Ridiculously high skill ceiling
Not really, I never thought FPS games had a high skill ceiling until the real twitch shooters took over. Slower, more deliberate play makes more sense on a game like Blood. You can play however you want, but don't pretend it's a esports LAN party extravaganza. At times, Blood rewards fast play, but running like a spaz tends to get you killed with cultists wielding machine guns on "Extra Crispy". Enemies on Blood are not very mobile but they do high hitscan damage, so you have to be deliberate.

>> No.2177579

I mean relative to the other single player FPS's. Of course you can't compare Blood to Quake 3 or most multiplayer FPS's.

>> No.2177586

I just honestly think the aiming and movement control on the Build engine games are too clumsy to really pull off that kind of that thing. If the Build Engine games were intended for this kind of gameplay, you would see a lot more platforming segments. With Doom, mouse aim wasn't necessary and there was no jumping so you could run and that was about it. The idea of the fast twitch shooter basically originated with Quake. Most of the Unreal games were in between I guess, Half-Life too.

>> No.2177595

Actually Blood 2 uses a more modern engine that allows more refined gameplay. Of course Blood 2 is a pain in the ass to run on Windows 7/8, so get a Windows 9x box to play it on.

>> No.2177602


Graphics card doesn't matter. Blood is before 3D acceleration was big, not that it would have benefited from it. It's all on your motherboard.

>> No.2177614

I've an older Athlon64 where I play it from time to time - with a low res IPS panel it's pretty awesome... or even better a big CRT.
Best thing was going through it in coop.
I have to say that the coop-ing action with Doom and build games + LAN matches in Quake with some buddies of mine were stellar things I dearly miss... so many laughs and curses.

>> No.2177616

It pretty much destroys the franchise.
If they made blood 2 then they should have gone the Doom2 route coupled with some tweaks to the engine. Going 3D in a cardboard engine was very disheartening to the fans of the original... I remember buying it and it was simply a totally different beast with zero qualities that made the original unique... disgusting.

>> No.2177639

You can have twitch reflex in Blood on X-Axis, you just have to get used to the mouse.

^Even though reaction time is slow, that is clearly a twitch response at about 13s.

And Blood does have a few platforming segments here and there. But really, I don't see how platforming segments are related to twitch reflex. All modern shooters with modern KBM controls have capacity for twitch but few FPS's these days are platform orientated; most are in fact less platform orientated than Blood was. Quake was platform orientated because id used to be good devs and they wanted to take full advantage of 3D space. 2.5D games obviously couldn't match Quake at all in that regard and so had less verticality.

You seem to be continuing with 'what developers intended'. When you started Quake, you were treated to a demo of the guy playing. Iirc the guy was at first using keyboard only, but then he stands still and uses the mouse to look around (I could be wrong though). Quake by default had you hold a key to be able to look around with the mouse. Sure you could use +mlook with the console, but WASD + mouse weren't even Quake's standard controls at release.

Furthermore, I think the whole notion of 'what developers intended' is silly in the first place. If games were played that way bunnyhopping or rocket jumping wouldn't have come about. A game's limitation are its mechanics and as I've shown Blood allows for twitch in the x-axis. As far as their single player campaigns go, I think twitch is a much more useful tool in Blood than it is in Quake as Quake's monsters obviously react much slower than Cultists do.

>> No.2177665

The lack of platforming segments could simply be a design decision, but to me it seems like the developers knew the engine's limitations meant that precise platforming wouldn't be possible without excessive frustration. The problem with most of the Build engine games is that they try to be more vertical than Doom with a slightly more advanced 2.5D engine. Powerslave came earlier but it doesn't bother me as much. The most ridiculous vertical gameplay was at the beginning of Episode 3 on Duke3D. You basically just jump off a skyscraper because you can't aim downwards well enough to hit the enemies below. Quake wasn't a fully mouselook enabled game, but a lot of players put +mlook and crosshair 1 in their autoexec right when they started playing once they learned about the console commands. The mouselook is smooth since the game isn't 2.5D. By Quake II, most players were accustomed to aiming with the mouse.

>> No.2177674
File: 6 KB, 120x147, B1_phantasm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>psychotic cultists, zombies, spiders, really disgusting looking fleshy gargoyles
>Phantasm appears
>basically just a cartoon grim reaper


>> No.2177675

The fist and yellow metal part of the gun really look like a naked blonde woman laying on the floor from behind in the thumbnail. To me, anyway.

>> No.2177693

Caleb's movement feels really good to me. It's very different to other FPS's. You can actually control him in ways you can't in others. He feels almost elastic and bouncy and you're in full control of his jumps/movement. That's one of the things I like most about the game. It feels very natural to jump in Blood, but not so much in Duke, which is much clunkier since Duke kinda stumbled after every jump. Caleb feels really light on his feet, always ready to bounce and float. He's also very maneuverable in the air and jumps high as fuck and from any position, it feels really great. Plus you can control the height really well and also use duck to bring him back down quickly if need be. He feels so... malleable. no homo

As far as movement goes, Caleb's feels fucking amazing and very precise to me. Blood also had some segments that required some pretty precise platforming, like The Cold Rush as an example.

>The problem with most of the Build engine games is that they try to be more vertical than Doom with a slightly more advanced 2.5D engine
I greatly appreciated the added verticality the BUILD engine games brought over Doom.

>> No.2177712

Actually, when I think about it, ever played TES: Daggerfall? It's an RPG obviously but the dungeons were fucking huge with massive vertical segments. The 2.5D aiming worked a bit better than Build games, but you often misjudged jumps when doing the risky platforming in the bigger dungeons. There was one place where you had to jump into a fake coffin to go down to the next room. It took so many tries to jump into the goddamn thing, because you kept jumping OVER it and/or launching yourself, and the climb skill couldn't help me. TES: Arena was a more boring and generic game, but the dungeons were easier to handle. I kind of see the same comparison between Doom and Build engine games.

>> No.2177735

Nah, only RPGs I ever cared for were the Souls games (which I love), but they're more action based with RPG elements. RPG doesn't really appeal to me, which is too bad considering the breadth of the genre. Oh well.

>> No.2177769
File: 5 KB, 225x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If they made blood 2 then they should have gone the Doom2 route coupled with some tweaks to the engine.
That would have been so fucking sweet...

Apparently Blood 2 was also rushed by GT so there's that. It could have been a much better game. My understanding is that they made both the Lithtech engine and Blood 2 in a year between Blood's and Blood 2's releases. Making an engine takes fucking ages, so that must have taken the majority of the time, and when they were done they tried to squeeze in a game. They should have given Blood 2 a full a year or two after Lithtech was made if they were gonna go with the full 3D route.

Personally though, like you said, it would have been so splendid if they went the Doom 2 route.

>> No.2177772

>Personally though, like you said, it would have been so splendid if they went the Doom 2 route.
*But the game would have bombed hard prob. People were tired of the Doom clone by that point, Half Life had arrived and full 3D was in. Nobody would have given a damn except you, me and NESfag.

>> No.2177815

I agree that it would have flopped, fuck even Unreal would have been out by the time that was released. Imagine the graphical and technological gap between the Build and Unreal engines. It's truly staggering. Graphics isn't all that matters but there was no good 2.5d engine game that I can recall being released later than 1997. A build engine sequel would have been good, but what if Duke Nukem Forever came out in 1997 as a Build game?

>> No.2177830

>Duke Nukem Forever came out in 1997 as a Build game?
Probably would have been better than it is now.

>> No.2177847

Yeah, I thought a Duke 2 based on the Build engine would be pretty good if it came out in 97. Supposedly DNF runs on a modified Unreal 1 engine, they switched engines more than once and stuck with the Unreal Engine forever, but ruined every good thing the engine had going for it.

>> No.2177853

I remember hearing that they switched engines a ridiculous amount of times.

Such a shame. There was that one E3 where they showed a pretty cool looking Duke game but of course it was not meant to be.

>> No.2177861

It's Duke 4. Duke Nukem Forever, just like how Duke Nukem 3 is Duke Nukem 3D.

>> No.2177870

holy shit

>> No.2177879

If you are talking about the 2001 trailer or screenshots, those are admitted fakes. That was staged and there was virtually no progress on an actual game.

I didn't mean to omit the 2D games. I think fairly few people played them though. There was a Game Boy Color one also. Plenty of PSX/N64 duke nukem games as well.

>> No.2177985

That depends. It was the time of shitty tech wars... exciting but lethal to some good games.
If the lower end PCs would have ran it fine and there were some eye catchers and an excellent game it could still have delivered. It would have fared better than the turd fest called Blood 2.

>> No.2178030

>If you are talking about the 2001 trailer or screenshots, those are admitted fakes. That was staged and there was virtually no progress on an actual game.
goddammit what had they been doing all that time

btw how's the duke nukem 3d mod of duke nukem forever?

>> No.2178090
File: 393 KB, 1100x727, phantasm reggie shotgun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you guys seen the Phantasm movies? They're pretty much Blood: The movie.

>> No.2178352

>2.5D games obviously couldn't match Quake at all in that regard and so had less verticality.

I don't think Quake is more platforming heavy or vertical than Build games. Duke, SW, Blood, and Powerslave all have a lot more platform-hopping, as well as vertical climbing in general, than Quake levels. Quake does have some really cool exceptions like Ziggurat Vertigo where you really feel the 3D sense of space and height, but I remember a thread a while back where a guy showed that you can beat E1 without using the jump key at all. And most city levels in Duke have bigger height differences between buildings/windows and the street than Quake levels, Quake environments are comparatively claustrophobic and dungeony.

>> No.2178482

Well, more like Blood is Phantasm the Game.

>> No.2178489

There is no "DN3D mod of Duke Nukem Forever". There is however DNF mod for DN3D that bases itself on old trailers.
It's a good DN3D mod/episode but doesn't really deserves all the hype it got, there are better DN3D mods out there.

>> No.2178498


>It's a good DN3D mod/episode but doesn't really deserves all the hype it got, there are better DN3D mods out there.

There are better DN3D mods, but can you name a better Duke Nukem Forever?

>> No.2178547

>decided to pick up Blood
>keep dying from my own TNT

>> No.2178624

Mastering TNT is 50% of mastering Blood. Feels so good when you start nailing those tosses on pure reflex.

>> No.2178770
File: 2.86 MB, 640x480, voodoo.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At some point dynamite throws become pure instinct/reflex; you don't even think about it.

>> No.2178782
File: 3.00 MB, 640x480, collateral.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2178814
File: 2.98 MB, 640x480, hotel.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2178869

>With a good processor you can play Blood in DOSbox at 800*600 and 60fps.
I'm getting 60 fps @ 800x600 on muh new Win 98 SE rig in VirtualBox.

The mouselook does indeed suck, it seems to respond non-linearly, thanks for the pointer.

How do you set up resolutions higher than 800x600?

>> No.2178875

NVM, noticed it's on this guide as well

unfortunately anything higher than 1024x768 makes muh virtual rig BSOD, will try raising its vram

>> No.2178881

>muh new Win 98 SE rig in VirtualBox.
how do you set that up?

>> No.2178903

There's no complete guide that tells you the right amount- it's all too much or too little. Basically do this:

>get bootable .iso copy of Win 98
Win 98 SE always is; I pirated a pack w/ all Win 9x OSes on it, bootable. It's easy to find. This is just for convenience over installing your real old copy of Win 98.

>get VirtualBox

>make Win 98 machine in VirtualBox
Name it Windows 98 and VirtualBox will auto-select. Continue. I set the RAM to 256 MB (you can always change it later). Create a virtual HDD. People say the pre-allocated one is faster, but I'm getting good results with the other.

Then, the only other settings you need to change are:
>Display -> Video Memory
(I boomed it up to 24 MB and will fiddle with it more)
>System -> Acceleration -> Enable VT-x/AMD-V
Uncheck this while you install Windows, check it back on afterwards for good performance (otherwise there's no point using VirtualBox; everything will run like ass).
Under "Controller: IDE", there should already be a CD drive. Click it. The disc icon in the top-right allows you to select a host drive. Select your Daemon Tools drive with the Windows .iso mounted (I switch host drives between the virtual Daemon Tools one and my real optical drive as needed).

>install Windoze
Follow the prompts and shit. I had to fuck around with this a bit to get it working. I *think* I used option 2 in the end ("Start with CD support" or some such). Not too hard either way.

>install Rain & gfx driver
Grab a file called "win98tools.iso". It's very easy to find in a search. This has two things you want on it: a "CPU cooler" called Rain, and gfx drivers so you can run in 32-bit color and high resolutions. Rain reimplements Win 98's idleness so as not to waste CPU time on the host machine (on my quad-core, VirtualBox was only eating 1/8 CPU anyway, so I could've lived without this).

Mount this win98tools in Daemon Tools, you should know the drill now.

>> No.2178908


Rain is straightforward to install. The gfx drivers need are in VBE9X->UNI. To install them, you need some classic Windoze fuckrey that we're no longer used to. Nothing hard but I ain't typing it out here, so I direct you to one "Josh Bladen":


Then you're done. Everything works well with a pretty serious exception: MIDI. AFAIK from scouring the 'Butts, MIDI is simply unsupported on a (fake) hardware level in VirtualBox.

>> No.2178924

thanks dude. that really blows about midi though

>> No.2179025

There is no DNF mod. Never has, never will be.

>> No.2179541

I think the voxels in Blood and SW are weird. I usually turn them off.

>> No.2179872

So a vm with dos outperforms dosbox? Weird

>> No.2179882

whats your problem with it?

>> No.2179954

By a country mile apparently. Can go to much higher resolutions with it and maintain 60fps.

>> No.2179971

Emulating x86 on x86 is p bonkers. It'd be amazing if there was something that combined the efficiency of virtualization with DosBox's thorough emulation of various sound hardware (etc).

>> No.2180001

>It feels old on DOS.

Yes, and your point being..?

>> No.2180030

You're a moron or you didn't play all of Quake.

>> No.2180196

"DNF mod" implies a mod made to play with the official game DNF released 2011. There is no such thing.

>> No.2180219
File: 43 KB, 640x480, raptureblood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attention: There is a Bioshock single level mod for Blood. It requires Plasma Pack.


>> No.2180223

It's not a mod, just a map. But yeah, I played it long ago and it's a great map; however it's very short, less than 10mins to play iirc, but worth playing anyway.

>> No.2180234


How does the underwater train at the end work? Does Blood allow 2 way trains to have moving doors within them, that move with the train?

>> No.2180285

Of course I did. And the expansions. Scourge of Armagon is actually better in that regard. Would you like to address anything I said? There's no need to get upset over a relative comparison.

>> No.2180436

Could Someone just post a working .vdi with freedos and Blood, so we can play with high framerate? Some anon promised to do that last year or so, but I don't think very many people got it.