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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 145 KB, 1024x768, ffix-main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2167703 No.2167703 [Reply] [Original]

Final Fantasy IX release date: July 7th, 2000

What are some other essential retro games released in the early 2000s? PC games compatible with Windows 98 and older also welcome.

>> No.2167720
File: 101 KB, 1010x758, vagrant-story-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vagrant Story: February 10th, 2000

>> No.2169273

I really wish /vr/ was a little more open to discussion of games from the early 2000's. it's not like I'll get a good discussion out of /v/

>> No.2169359
File: 307 KB, 1024x768, conkers-bad-fur-day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May as well post more

This came out March 5, 2001

>> No.2169364

not /vr GET OUT

>> No.2169365


>> No.2169368
File: 115 KB, 468x330, Papermario.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here. I'd love a great discussion on early PS2 stuff from 2001 like Shadow of Destiny or Tsugunai: Atonement. Some really charming stuff came out that year.

Pic related came out Aug 11th 2000 in Japan and Feb 5th 2001 for US.

>> No.2169370

It honestly depends on the game.

You'll get a guy starting a Deus Ex thread, and everything will be fine, but then some asshole will start a Halo thread in protest.

>> No.2169371
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November of 2000 for this one

>> No.2169373
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Zelda Gaiden was released in April 2000 in Japan, and October 26th in US. October 26th was also the day the PS2 was released.

>> No.2169375
File: 147 KB, 797x800, 36886-FIFA_Soccer_2005_[NTSC-U]-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the "newest" retro title anyway, going by /vr/ console rules?

>> No.2169386 [DELETED] 

If you want to talk about games up to 2003 there's another /vr/ on a competing chan that does that.

>> No.2169393

Gunlord? It was a homebrew Dreamcast game released in 2012. Stuff like it and Pier Solar can be discussed according to the rules, but always felt like they weren't retro enough.

>> No.2169482
File: 51 KB, 417x393, TOE_PSX_NA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure I'd say it's essential, but I do think that any JRPG fan with access to PS1 games, be it physical (in which case, be aware this one's pricy) or emulation, should at least give it a try. Especially considering how well it still holds up, given how smoothly it plays (also still petty damn good in a lot of other ways, besides maybe the English dubbing, which while not great isn't exactly too bad either). Japanese release date of November 30th, 2000, US release date of September 10th, 2001 (with Europe and PAL areas finally seeing it in February 2006 via PSP port).

I've seen a few non /vr/ games people here are reasonably open to discussing, such as Wild Arms 3 in Wild Arms threads, or Shadow Hearts in Koudelka ones. Still, I'm not sure people want the bulk of discussion for either series to be about their non /vr/ entries.

But yeah, I agree that the situation for sixth gen discussion could be better. Not saying that it should be allowed here and encouraged on /vr/ (at least as of now, and I know some hope consoles newer than the Dreamcast are never allowed to see discussion; and even then Dreamcast discussion seems to be an iffy topic for some), but between it being generally too old for much discussion on /v/ beyond recommendation threads and too recent for /vr/, it doesn't really have much of a home. And even the few attempts at starting some general variants on /vg/ died quick deaths from what I saw. I digress though.

>> No.2169495
File: 77 KB, 600x564, 36825-Driver_2_[Disc1of2]_[U]-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still my favourite PS1 game. A PC version would be GOTYAY.I KNOW YOU DON'T LOVE ME, BABY

>> No.2169526 [DELETED] 

shit now i have to wander over to my desktop to report this shit thread


>> No.2169542 [DELETED] 

Fucking newfags ruining our board.

We like our age margin to /v/, if your fond "retro" memories are of the ps2, PLEASE GET OUT. There are literally TENS OF THOUSANDS of boards to discuss ps2 games on. Why can't you just let us have our little board where time stopped in 1999? We were here first.

>> No.2169545

they didnt breaking any rules, fags

reminder reddit sent me to destroy you're precious bored

>> No.2169630


>> No.2169635

do homebrews count

>> No.2169641

not in my books
only games that were sold in stores

>> No.2169649


now give me a reason that homebrews don't count?

>> No.2169668
File: 165 KB, 252x329, Baldur's_Gate_II_-_Shadows_of_Amn_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

September 24, 2000

Not that it matters, we all just create Baldur's Gate I threads and talk about BG2 in them.

>> No.2169684

>tfw got a modded psx in 2001 that i still use today
The very first game i played was FF9. I probably should've started with FF7, FF7 was so bad in comparison to 9. I was very late getting a playstation, I had an N64 and ended up mostly into PC games during the mid to late 90's ( Diablo, WarCraft 2, StarCraft, Duke Nukem, Doom, etc ) so I never really even thought of getting a playstation. Oh, the RPG's i'd missed out on. Got myself caught up though.
I still really fucking love FF9. I never get tired of it.
Pro-tip: Don't challenge the drunk hiccuping guy in Treno to cards. He'll kick your ass.

>> No.2169690

Honestly, I think there should be some kind of sliding scale when it comes to what is allowed. Just me though.

>> No.2169708
File: 395 KB, 1489x1000, 150167-Baldur's_Gate_-_Dark_Alliance_(USA)-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this count?

DA 1/2 are two of my favorites to this day, shame to see it died off.

>> No.2169728

>that fucking feel when i couldn't escape the boat where you had to bring that car to
How can one escape? i just kept on falling into the water iirc

>> No.2170269

>it's not like I'll get a good discussion out of /v/

You won't with that attitude.

Encouraging off-topic discussion makes you just as bad.

>> No.2170335

One of my favourite games of all time anon. My fiancé got me a complete copy for our 3 year anniversary a few months ago. I would call it essential for any JRPG fan.

>> No.2170339

Had a lot of fun with that back in the day.

Dwarf a best.

>> No.2170501

Nice. Hope you guys enjoy it, especially since it has co-op as an option (honestly wish more JRPGs allowed for that, but barring Tales, older Mana games, and the occasional game here or there it just doesn't happen too much).

Actually first played it a year or two back myself with a friend and was surprised at how well it still handles, especially for being only the third original title in a now long running series (that's not to say Destiny or either version of Phantasia are bad, but they are understandably less refined and can be a bit harder to go back to; I have to give Namco credit for ironing out the issues in the span of only a few games, with most games since having a level of fluidity at least at Eternia's level, if not moreso). It's quickly become a favorite of mine within the series. Shame it's so expensive (ranges from $90 to $120 where I live) and has no PSN version or anything though.

>> No.2170684

I remember playing the first one and loooooving the 2D sidescrolling battle system. How's this one compare?

>> No.2170706
File: 69 KB, 438x546, dbf92da273269ee8ef6d95fbbf3be8ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like Phantasia and Destiny, the combat is still 2D sidescrolling. Difference is that it handles much more fluidly and feels faster, building off and refining the combat improvements started in Tales of Phantasia PS1. While in prior games, spells (midtier and advanced, anyhow) would temporarily freeze combat until the animation was over, that no longer happens in Eternia. You can have both Reid and Farah executing sword artes and punches/kicks while Meredy shreds enemies with Freeze Lancer and Keele casts Eruption (this is just an example) all with little to no slowdown at all and no interruption. Summons (while able to be used much more frequently than in most later games between the way the Vitality gauge works, and the fact that both casters are able to summon, are not in play as often as in Phantasia since they're not exactly ordinary spells) and Mystic Artes/Blast Caliber/Divine Skills/whatever the fuck they call them there still do pause combat for the duration to give significance though. As for the rest of the game itself, I found it very entertaining. Story was decent and the pacing for it felt pretty darn good, and the cast for the most part enjoyable (Keele might take some time to grow on you though). The music is pretty good if you ask me and the battle themes can be quite catchy. Only part I feel doesn't hold up that well is the English voice acting, but it's honestly not that bad once you get used to it (and between there being example of far worse English dubbing around and it being Namco's first attempt to give a Tales game an English dub, I'm pretty forgiving of it; and hell, the guy that voiced Reid went on to voice Sly Cooper).

Oh, and co-op is an option once you acquire the "Manual Manual" early on in the game and is accessed through the menu rather, so no more need to have to track down a bunch of equippable rings to use manual mode if you wish to play with friends.

>> No.2170770 [DELETED] 

Halo: Combat Evolved.

>> No.2173027

I'm still surprised they never released final fantasy 9 for the PC. I would have enjoyed higher quality textures, but now since Square merged with Enix, nothing will ever come to fruition properly.

>> No.2173068

Diablo II
Paper Mario
Perfect Dark
Pro Skater 2
Jet Set Radio
Deus Ex

>> No.2173080
File: 9 KB, 201x133, 1385515160467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people think ff9 is back to basics but the only thing that is reference to anything before 6 is the black mage........

funny tho categorizing games by years... why not just look at a list of games that came out pre-9/11?

OH OH off the top of my head i remember Red Alert II

so retro when it's better then the predecessors. if you don't know it get it and yuri's revenge, the single-player is nice.

>> No.2173082
File: 44 KB, 378x363, 1410937201429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Perfect Dark
where did we go from there...

>> No.2173093
File: 61 KB, 360x270, shenmuf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shenmue & Shenmue II

>> No.2173748

Golly-gee anon, I guess I just never thought to try putting on a big smile while I sift through the shit.

>> No.2173797

Go back to /b/, shitposter.

>> No.2173810
File: 37 KB, 390x500, thief2cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thief 2: The Metal Age
Released March 23 2000 in NA

One of the best stealth games ever

>> No.2173820

>the only thing that is reference to anything before 6 is the black mage........
Are you kidding me? FF9 is chock full of references to earlier games, from the Black Mages and Garland and the Four Elemental Fiends straight out of the first game to the FFIX's Pandemonium theme being FFII's Pandemonium theme at a slower tempo.


Many of these are stretches (There is a little girl in Lindblum named Elena...because Elena isn't a common name at all and a throwaway NPC is such a significant allusion right?) but you can still see that FFIX is full of allusions to earlier games.

>> No.2173826

Yeah FFIX was basically a love letter to the FF games that came before it. It also gave us an origin story for Gilgamesh. Which I found amusing.