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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 22 KB, 320x388, Operation_Flashpoint_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2159334 No.2159334 [Reply] [Original]

what does /vg/ think about Operation Flashpoint for the PC.From what I heard this game was a technological landmark back in 2001 with its draw distance and realistic gameplay. I only got to play the 'Elite' edition for the Xbox but I remember even with only the single player to mess around with I had a tremendous amount of fun (and that was in 2012). I'm curious about other people's experience with the game, particularly the multiplier which I never got to experience.

>> No.2159339

I also want to clarify that the Elite edition was more or less identical to the original game which i have played. Really it was a texture upgrade more than anything else.

>> No.2159374


It was amazing for its time, huge landmass and objectives to take on. I remember a mission at night where you had to sneak into a base, take out some HINDs with explosives and sneak back out while avoiding patrols with tanks and infantry. I only played it over Lan for multi play but matches were usually people holding up in buildings. I have been thinking about giving it another play through but if I remember correctly the original retail release had fade protection and I don't remember if the cracks were any good. I also don't know why it was removed from GoG.

Also, I don't think this game is considered retro, but w/e.

>> No.2159384

Kozlovsky was my waifu

>> No.2159393

Oh no. Three. Is Down.

>> No.2159512

games for the dreamcast were released well into late 2001, and OP:F was released in June. I think it counts.

>> No.2159520

From what I've seen, since PC isn't limited quite like a console is, it's only games before 2000.

>> No.2159812

This is four taking command. I repeat this is four taking command.
Amazing game. That mission where you are alone and you must escape the island.

>> No.2160005

I believe they took it down from GOG due to the muddy issue of who owns Flashpoint. Now it's sold on Steam as "ARMA: Cold War Assault", which is the original + Resistance


>> No.2160016


Last PS1 game was released 2004 or 2005 I believe, cut off date for pc is different.

>> No.2160027


This isn't /vg/, and this game is not /vr/.

>> No.2160106

Brilliant game. Cawadoodie kids who wanna enlist in the forces should have to play Operation Flashpoint first. It'd dispel any stupid notions.

>I remember a mission at night where you had to sneak into a base, take out some HINDs with explosives and sneak back out while avoiding patrols with tanks and infantry
I was struggling with that mission until I stole one of the HINDs and went on a massacre. Good times. The mission where everyone's dead and you have to sneak to the evac point gave me more feels than any other part of any game. Somber desolation.

>> No.2160108

Read the sticky you idiots. 1999.

OpF is not retro.

>> No.2160118 [DELETED] 



>> No.2160169

Go back to /v/, kid.

>> No.2160225 [DELETED] 


autistic bootlicking stickler faggots

>> No.2160283
File: 100 KB, 890x536, gf2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game is the best. I still replay it every 2 years or so. The FFUR mod enhances the gameplay enough to be at least singleplayer-wise the better choice over ARMA I-III.

There is nothing more thrilling than spending two hours in one mission killing tanks on foot, while collecting RPG's from everywhere, knowing that you wasted your ONE and only savegame in the first 10 minutes.

Btw, it's much more video gamish than todays military shooters, which makes it in a way retro!

>> No.2162076

Played through the entire campaign savescumming most of the later missions especially the stealth ones. Fucking fun though.

I must have played the steal the car scenario a million times.