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2158624 No.2158624 [Reply] [Original]

What are some platformers with intense shmup-like shooting?
I mean games like Super Ghouls and Ghosts or NES Kid Icarus in which you are attacked and harassed by enemies from all directions, and you get items, upgrades, power ups that change your shooting.

>> No.2158626
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>> No.2158638
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First thing I thought of was Shinobi arcade

Then I realized it doesn't really fit

Fuck you I'm posting it anyway

>> No.2158648


OP here, I was close to writing "refrain from mentioning Mega Man" but I didn't want to start an argument about that franchise.

I don't consider Mega Man shooting to be very intense. I have rented all the nes ones as a kid, and owned X and 2 of the Gameboy ones.

It is not like in Mega Man you need to tap the shooting button to shoot almost as in turbo mode.And the upgrades work in different ways.
Still good games anyway.

>> No.2158686

It fits a lot actually, there ia no reason to stop shooting shurikens and the enemies are some serious shit, also Shadow Dancer for genesis fits.

Rolling thunder 2 also.

>> No.2158695

Elf for the Amiga. You get to upgrade your weapons, armour, and accessories. And it's a decent objective-based metroidvania-esque mash-up too. Overall one of my two fav platformers on the system.


>> No.2158703
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While not strictly retro -- this game was released in 2012 -- Gunlord for the Dreamcast is supposed to be pretty good. I have a copy of it on my hard drive, but I have not gotten around to playing it yet.

>> No.2158726

run n gun genre

contra series
gunstar heroes
alien soldier
3 wonders roosters/midnight wanderers
makaimura series
midnight resistance

>> No.2158727

Not really what you are saying I guess, but I would say that SonSon mixes platforming and shooting, though it is more the later than the former.

>> No.2158746

arcade Willow

>> No.2158756

thanks for the recommendations people

>> No.2158784

I was disqualifying Shinobi because you there's only one shot upgrade but it is spammy as hell in the best way

>> No.2158805
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Come to think of Ninja Spirit fits it

>> No.2158809

Kirb'y Adventure is a game with a shmup-like part. It's not that intense but it's challenging.

>> No.2158814

metal slug series
cyber lip

>> No.2158842

is there a pattern to that last fall ??? had to rapid pause to fuckin pass that (on PCE of course)

>> No.2158850

Mechanics for Gunlord are alright. Feels like Turrican and Metroid. Sprites don't have many frames of animation so it looks like a top notch flash game.

>> No.2158979

Looks like that game was highly influenced by Capcom's Willow (arcade version) which was released 3 years before.

Also, I like that xenomorph in the store menu.

>> No.2158994

Dyna Gear, Black Tiger.

>> No.2159876


Oh Sega y u no port this gem to genesis.

Master System doesn't count, it's slow as fuck.

>> No.2160063


I had the demo on the Atari ST as a kid. The demo didn't even have any sound but I played it all the damn time.

>> No.2160119

Ghouls 'n Ghosts is a lot more "shooter" than Super GnG, you can shoot up and down and there is tons of action without slowdowns, Super is a bit more slowpaced with autoscrolling areas and that sort of things.

Nigga Sega developed 3 superb new Shinobi games on genesis, yeah a port of the Arcade would have been cool but i prefer having those original genesis titles.

>> No.2160121
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>y u no

>> No.2160176

Demon's Crest gets intense at times.

>> No.2160210

James Bond Jr. for the SNES

>> No.2161389

Visually, you might be right, though a lot of cutesy games looked a bit like that. In terms of gameplay, no; any resemblances are superficial. They play very differently, and Elf is actually way deeper.

Another title i thought of from the Amiga is New York Warriors. Top down shooter, and IMO easily the best run'n'gun/shoot-em-up on the system. Super fast gameplay, devastating offensive weaponry that's hugely satisfying and often great fun, (semi-)destructible environments, multiple paths, hundreds of bullets on-screen at once, and an ultra-hard mode.


>> No.2161391
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Don't bother with other version than the Amiga one though. Or possibly the ST one.

>> No.2161393

>making fun of memes
>on 4chan

>> No.2161469 [DELETED] 
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The best PS2 hidden gem

>> No.2162915


But only Shadow Dancer is the one with arcade-like one-hit and you're dead.

>That gameplay
> That music
>That charming old school graphics

Maybe sega could had it remade the same way Data East did with Atomic Runner Chelnov (Arcade -> Genesis conversion)

>> No.2162927

This is the first game that came to mind when I read OP's post.

>> No.2162936

sunset riders

>> No.2162943
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>power ups that change your bullets
>bullets coming from all directions
>bosses with huge health
>8 directions intense shooting

>> No.2163020

>Atomic Runner Chelnov
That game is fukken great, and fits perfectly the thread.

Also, it has a "spiritual sequel" (at least for me) which plays very similar and is awesome, it's also for PS1 and Saturn.


>> No.2163039
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jim powers the first snes game that comes to mind. even though the shmup parts are the easiest from memory

>> No.2163058
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>Atomic Runner Chelnov
>That game is fukken great, and fits perfectly the thread.

Yep, but people generally hate this game because it's always auto-scrolling like a shmup.

I pretty much love it though.

>tfw i miss Data East so much

>> No.2163075

But it has also a lot of platforming, so it's not a pure shoot em up.

>> No.2164038

There is a game on famicom that alternates 2D sidescrolling action with shmup, but the name escapes me right now.

>> No.2164040

dragon fighter?

>> No.2164060


>> No.2164065


Sounds like Xexyz. Had an American release too.

>> No.2164067

Nope, I know it was famicom only, rather unknown, but I can't remember the name for the life of me

>> No.2164178

>Super Ghouls and Ghosts
>intense shmup-like
Ghouls n Ghosts is pretty easy and laid back compared to most shmups.
Could as well have listed Rocket Knight Adventures. This at least has real shmup levels but is just as easy.

>> No.2164213

Is there just one "omg that game is easy play a shmup" guy on this board or are there a bunch of assholes taking turns

>> No.2164218
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Dinosaurs For Hire on Genesis/Mega Drive.

Lesser known gem.

>> No.2164225

everything is ez : the board

>> No.2164238

It's wonderful.

>> No.2164563

Not the exact right thread but there used to be a Rapidshare or something full of shmups with a MAME emulator packaged in, does anybody know where to find this now?