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File: 23 KB, 335x276, Zelda-2-Title-Resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2157789 No.2157789 [Reply] [Original]

I'm at the final stretch towards The Grand Palace, had some trouble surviving the whole way so I decided to go pick up all the 1-ups I stayed away from earlier in the game.
Now, I know these are the only ones in the game, so if I somehow fuck up now, that's it. It's a bit daunting, but then I remembered the hidden save feature. If I use that and save now, do I keep all the 1-ups on that file until I get a game over? And would it then be possible to just reset the game if I fuck up and give it another go? Or is this the absolute only chance I've got with all these extra lives?

>> No.2157791

>hidden save feature

It's documented in the manual. Hardly hidden.

If you turn off your console for any reason you will start with 3 lives the next time you power on, in the starting palace, no exceptions.

>> No.2157794

>It's documented in the manual. Hardly hidden.
The manual is a collector's item today, anon.

>> No.2157806


First result on Google for "Zelda 2 Manual." No excuses allowed.

>> No.2157813

whaaat? I thought the file naming screen popped up immediately upon pressing start and when you game over you get the options to save and continue or save and quit.

>> No.2157817

op just go to the first palace and grind away
grinding is fun
grind until you're attack is lvl 9 or something, take the dungeon item and don't place the gem in the statue, i think, i forgot the optimal route for this game

>> No.2157825

I'm already at max level, bro.
Anyway, just made a go for it, and made it with plenty of lives to spare. Will hopefully serve me well at the temple, though I'm not familiar with it at all, so probably not.

>> No.2157832

do you even NEED extra lives?
sure they help out a lot but the game should still be beatable without them, right?

>> No.2157840

I'll give you one directional hint: Go LEFT after entering.

You may still get lost, and the Fokka Knights will surely terrorize you.

>> No.2157841

how many lifes can you get in total in this game?

>> No.2157848
File: 11 KB, 298x254, 245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think six. Four in the overworld and I want to say two in the Great Palace.

>> No.2157905

Well, I managed to beat the game with the excess lives I had. They did come in handy at the final temple, and had I not known the famous Dark Link trick I'd surely have gotten a game over.

So, New Game+, is anything different except me having all spells and max levels from the start? I absolutely destroyed the first dungeon for fun, but didn't notice any differences like in the first Zelda's second quest.

>> No.2157913

There are four in the overworld, one in the Water Temple and one in The Grand Palace.
However, you can technically get as many lifes as possible, since gaining 9000 EXP will earn you one, but it would take ages to farm.

>> No.2160294

Zelda 2's NG+ is just what you said. You don't have heart containers or magic containers though.

>> No.2160336

God, when I was a kid my dad and I stressed ourselves out trying to beat this fucker.

Pro tip: If you can make it to he final palace without dying (well, you can afford to die once, probably, if you don't suck too bad), once you're in there, you can grind on the Geelok heads (the blue heads that move up and down across the screen) to keep your magic topped up. Use thunder on the damn fokkas, even backtracking if you have to to refill your magic. I forget the optimal path that my dad and I figured out, we always stayed close to where there was stuff to grind magic pots.

>> No.2160749

Don't you start at the final temple after game over once you've gone inside it? Or are you having trouble getting there?

>> No.2160776

I had trouble getting to it, but I've beaten the game now, so in the end it wasn't that much trouble.

>> No.2161564

There are many hidden rooms with red magic containers in the Great Palace. Invisible walls and what not.