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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2150605 No.2150605 [Reply] [Original]

What was your worst loss in retro vidya? I lost my old PS1 a long time ago. Also, I just lost my SD card with all of my games and game saves.

>> No.2150608

Legend of Dragoon copy and my friend's cousin ripped me off when I was like 10 by trading a pokemon card for my n64 cart of Super Smash Bros. I said no, but my friend threatened me to stop being his friend if I said no. Makes my blood boil everytime when I think of them 2.

>> No.2150615

PS1 and all my stuff for it got stolen when someone broke into my grandma's house. Strangely only that stuff got stolen and nothing else.

everyone knows my cousin did it but wont admit it

>> No.2150616

What huge sons of bitches.

>> No.2150715

I lost my Amiga 4000. Bought it from some Canadian shop I found in a magazine. Sent it in for repairs. Never heard back. They might have went out of business too. Spend about $5000 on it. Fucking Canadians.

>> No.2150727

Lost my SNES with Turtles in Time, all the DKC games, and a few others; my N64 with Goldeneye and the standard litany of Nintendo games; every Game Boy I had ever owned since 1989; and my PSOne, when Katrina shoved seven feet of salt water through my house.

>> No.2150730
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Lost my Dreamcast, PS2, SNESs and Atari 800 in a fire 2 years ago.

>> No.2150740

My Xbox 360 was the straw that broke my bookcase's back.

At the bottom was my (limited) PS1 collection. The GTA games were destroyed along with Wipeout and Descent (both longbox cases, I don't care what anyone says, they are superior in every way to jewel cases) and Granstream Saga.

>> No.2150752

The day my PSP died.

I loved laying in bed listening to Internet radio at night.

Oh, and manhunt 2.

>> No.2150754


>> No.2150875

I took a friend with me to an AAMA auction with me in the 90s and he bought a Rampage cabinet. He left it outdoors, completely exposed to the elements and I got to watch it decompose. Depressing but educational on caring for my own machines.

>> No.2150876

I had a Commodore monitor in storage at my mother's place for years, and at the time I didn't think it would have any particular value. I think my mother took it to a charity or something. There were also a bunch of boxed Amiga games in good condition and some of them probably rare, but I don't remember what became of them.

Well shit, that is a considerable loss. Aren't A4000s really rare now?

>> No.2150878

>Aren't A4000s really rare now?
Any full-blown working Amiga with HDD and CD is very desirable. Not $5000 but maybe $1000 if complete and working.

>> No.2150884

Went on holiday and when I came back the PS1 was stolen. So we got a PSOne instead. The following year it got stolen in the same fashion.

>> No.2150889
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How can this even happen twice? Maybe the thief was also a /vr/ trooper.

>> No.2151049

Losing my Ice Blue N64 after at least six years of service. Thankfully, a then-in-law of mine gladly gave me his own that he never used in its stead and has been used by me ever since.

...I still have the controller that came with the old thing, goddammit...

>> No.2151150

After I got an N64, my dad gave my NES to my cousins. They can't walk 5 feet without breaking some shit.

>> No.2151249

I had my whole CD collection stolen from my backpack in hichschool, and the Wipeout 3 disc was amongst it... that one sucked.

A lot more minor, but I once lent a friend Virtual Springfield and we then had a falling out and I never got it back.

>> No.2151250


>> No.2151251

I was moving with a roommate into a new house, and had boxed up my old SNES and game collection with my roommate's XBOX and some other stuff. When I asked him, "hey, did you get the videogame stuff in the box?" He said," yes." Turns out, he went through the box and carefully removed all of HIS possessions, and left the box in the living room of the old house. By the time I realized it, the landlord's son and friends (the "cleaning crew") had long since jacked all my SNES stuff. Needless to say, I no longer associate with this former roommate of mine.

Games lost: Final Fantasy IV and VI, Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, Secret of Evermore, Street Fighter II Turbo, UN Squadron, Super Earth Defense Force, Clayfighter, Samurai Showdown, Killer Instinct, F-Zero, Super Mario World, Yoshi's Island, and a several others that don't immediately come to mind.

>> No.2151262

When i got my PS2, my mother gave my N64 with games like Majoras mask,OOT,Fucking Conker,Banjos and Mischief Makers to my cousin, the fucker probably selled them for weed.

>> No.2151263


>> No.2151275


To be fair, a lot of 4chan users are from non English speaking countries.

>> No.2151389

My father lost old games and consoles I wasn't playing for a while like all N64 games (except from ISS '98). He also threw away an Amstrad CPC which I could sell on a retro games shop for 50 euro.

>> No.2151393

>be a kid
>parents divorce
>play a ton of videogames and am on the computer all the time
>spend equal time with each parent, switch houses every friday
>come back to my dad's house to find he's had a garage sale and sold my genesis and gameboy

>> No.2151420

When I was a kid, I would sell all of my SNES games to funcoland when I was done with them to fund my next purchases. I never minded since I thought that video games would just keep getting better and better.

Games sold: FF4, FF6, Chrono Trigger, Earthbound, etc...

>> No.2151568


I was in a similar situation but it was my stepfather selling to funcoland.

Usually this meant he was coming home with a new game so I didn't have a problem with that. I did when it was FF3(na), though.

>> No.2151572

even as a kid you knew what you had lost

>> No.2151610

My mom sold my old ass Sears Pong in a garage sale for a dollar. ;_;

>> No.2151647

not really lost per se, but sold all my resi collection (1[dc],2,3,+survior) at a bootsale around year 2000 for a pitiful amount of money.

lost super mario bros.2, bart vs the space mutants for nes. lent mgs1 to a friend, never got it back.

thing that annoyed me most? lending my official strategy guide for dino crisis 1 to my friend yearsss ago. when i get it back it has lots of little holes from where they were throwing darts at it. i was quite autistic about dino crisis so that really pissed me off.

oh yeah, nd trading in my copy of mgs3 subsistance to CEX when i was short on cash. theres other shit ive lost over the years too but these are the ones i remember. i can no longer find my old windows 95 computer either.. all them 3d movie maker movies, gone forever... all my bitmap drawings too.. :(

>> No.2151680

Lost most of my old PC games as well as the cases and instructions to my megadrive games. Left em home when I went to uni, my parents put em in the shed, the roof gave in one winter and they all got chucked.

I also got started gaming on my mums spectrum as young kid, she chucked that out at some point. I didn't care then but I would have loved to have it now.

>> No.2151696

holy shit. unlucky man

>> No.2151702

When I first moved in to college, I didn't have a big car, so I only packed what I absolutely needed. I planned to pick up more of my things over Thanksgiving. About two weeks after classes started, I got the dreaded phone call from my mom.
>You remember those old boxes you had with your Nintendo, Lego, and magic cards?
>Well, I've been cleaning up the house since you left, and they were just taking up space, so I started looking around eBay.
>I couldn't believe that people would pay money to take those dumb things off our hands!
>Now I got you a whole fifty dollars to put towards books!
I try not to look at magic card prices now.

>> No.2151713

sold my n64, ps1, gameboy color, gba, gamecube. it still hurts

>> No.2151731

if my mum ever sold my lego/technic collection i would probably cry. losing the gmes would be a kick in the teeth, but my lego and mindstorms sets were my childhood. im saving them to give to my kids.


>> No.2151736

>tfw had a college class where we used Lego mindstorm to build robots to do a bunch of tasks
>thought it was cool, looked up the mindstorm prices and was shocked.

>> No.2151737

My parents ending up selling my Amiga 500, NES, Sega Genesis, Gamecube and all my games while I was in college. If I hadn't taken my PSX with me they would had sold it as well.

They didn't tell me until I got back. Turned out our dog had ovary cancer and they pawned my stuff for a loan in order to pay for her surgery. They wanted to pay off the loan but simply couldn't afford it. As for why they didn't ask me, they didn't wanted me to worry.

Needless to say I am happy they did this as it gave me three more years with my beloved pet before she passed away earlier this summer.

>> No.2151765

yup. it is pricey shit but worth it imo. think the robotics invention system cost about £160 at the time. I cannot tell you how much time i spent playing with that kit though, incredibly fun. also had the droid developer kit which was pretty cool, and the vision command set, which was actually quite shitty.. you think having a robot with a camera attached to it is going to be the coolest thing ever. then you realize the camera leads about 2m long, and all those cool ideas you had about creating robots to spy on people etc suddenly goes down the drain

>> No.2151830
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>Get both NES and SNES complete with package and manuals
>SNES was pretty rare Super Mario All-Stars + Super Mario World bundle package
>Dad thinks it's just trash
>He burns all of it, despite me pleading him not to

He literally burned up potentially hundreds of dollars in front of my eyes. Not to mention nostalgic value.

>> No.2151853

My brother and I shared all of our games when we were kids. NES, GB, SNES alike.
He was four years older, and when the GC came out, he really wanted to get SSM to play with his friends.
Went to Game Xchange and sold all of our SNES and NES games/consoles to buy a GC and SSM.
I didn't mind much at the time because I was a kid and really wanted to play a new game, and I got countless hours of fun outta Melee, but GOD DAMN I AM MAD NOW. I HAD CHRONO TRIGGER AND SECRET OF EVERMORE AND FF3 AS WELL AS THE ORIGINAL FF1 IN ITS BOX GOD DAMMIT

>> No.2151859

tell your brother this story
i'm sure he'll buy you some of it back after he's so touched about how you did that for him

>> No.2151860

Oh, I could've been more clear. HE went and traded all this in.

>> No.2151868

Well now that you're not a little kid beat his ass

>> No.2151897


fellow katrina bro here


>> No.2151903


Well, even then I knew RPG games retained prie better than other games. Remember, Funcoland had a big paper that listed all their resale values and RPG games were always far and beyond the most expensive.

But it wasnt even about the money (other than the fact that that made replacing it more difficult and expensive.) It was all about the game Final Fantasy III I'd enjoyed so thoroughly, my save file hard-fought to beat it, menu colors customized in my own style...

No, I never got another FFIII cart :(

>> No.2151936

ITT: The opposite of the GREAT FINDS thread.

Don't worry guys, someone had fun with it.

>> No.2151967

My Sega CDX. My brother's 8 year old daughter took threw it across the room in a tantrum three years ago. The 32X in it survived though.

My brother said he'd replace it, he still hasn't.

>> No.2152105

I was a dumb kid that sold my SNES and games to family members. Surprisingly, the small collection stayed mostly intact over the years. When this board was added, I lurked for a week or so and decided I wanted my SNES back. I tracked it down and found it. I knew it was mine because of the shape of the chip near the power light. Many of my games stayed with it, stuff like Buster Busts Loose, Super Mario All Stars, Super Mario World, DKC 1, etc. But I was missing some of my best/favorite games. Some fucknut decided to sell my Super Metroid, DKC 2 & 3, Super Mario RPG, Chrono Trigger, and Super Mario Kart. The games that replaced it were Barbie Super Model, Ardy Lightfoot, Super Caesar's Palace, and Super Black Bass.

To be fair, I did sell it, so it technically wasn't mine anymore, but I'm still burned up about it. I still haven't gotten copies of SM RPG, Super Metroid, and Chrono Trigger yet since it's so tough to find them locally for a price I'm willing to pay.

>> No.2152109

I had a model 1 Mega Drive that broke because someone put weight on top of it, crushed the on/off switch and cracked the board into 2 two.

I also have a Sonic 3 cart that doesn't work, for some reason. It was my favorite game, too.

>> No.2152112

I forgot to add that I was also missing A Link to the Past.

>> No.2152194

Pretty much everything.
Maybe i wouldn't be a lazy fuck if arcades were still a thing.

>> No.2152282

Don't. Sometimes it's best not to know.

>> No.2152314

Top loader NES destroyed when basement flooded. All the carts still worked even after been submerged in some serious fn water. Amazing

>> No.2152324

Some gangly, oily techno DJ once beat me at Tetris in front of people. I realized near the end that he had been letting his pieces fall slowly and breaking one line at a time at the bottom the whole game. It was like 180-20 in lines at the end of the game, but everyone saw my board fill up first. That filthy son of a bitch.

>> No.2152365
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Had issues 3-75 or something of nintendo power in fair condition. Sold them all to my neighbor for $20.

I bought candy with it and it was gone.


>> No.2152368

Pokemon Yellow fell out of my gameboy and Mom ran it over with her van. It never worked properly afterward.

>> No.2152386

When I was very young my Dad sold his ZX Spectrum and Commodore 64 at a garage sale for around $50.

I lost my Gameboy colour and a game when it went overboard also lost our old 64 somewhere when we moved many years ago.

>> No.2152464

just how

>> No.2152764

I had saved the boxes of every single N64 cart I've ever owned - my Mom threw them all away one day when she was cleaning the closet. Somehow my Harvest Moon 64 box survived the culling.

>> No.2153283

> Mom ran it over with her van
Man, that's some tough luck.

>> No.2153297

my original gameboy got stolen from my locker in jr. high. 1990ish, IIRC.

>> No.2154354

My friend lost his entire retro collection to his drughead brother, who sold it all for drug money.

>> No.2154357

My brother tripped on the cord and broke my SNES.

My dad then sold all 32 games we had for it.

Still butthurt

>> No.2154370

2008, the shelf I had my Sega CD, Saturn, PS1, and Dreamcast games in jewel cases fell during a freak earthquake, wrecking the cases, bout 10 games didn't survive.

>> No.2154396

Lost all of my phone data due to my retardation

There was at least
three pokemon games
Chrono trigger nnnnnnnnnng+
D&D Pool of radiance completed
SMW2 Yoshi's island almost 100%
Earthbound completed
Tecmo cup soccer game / Captain Tsubasa super leveled characters
Super Metroid 100%
Dragon warrior completed

And other not so big losses like Mega man saves, SMB, Kirby, DKC, NES Metroid, 3d battles of World runner, Alttp,

>> No.2155390

People at school stole
>pocket pikachu
>banjo kazooie guide
>gameboy color
>pokemon blue
>worm light

Me and my friends would just take and leave games at each others house. Due to that half my n64 games have been replaced with games that aren't mine and I dont know how or who put them there.

Also, a couple weeks ago me and my friends went drinking down town and I woke up with a dirty ass Gameboy pocket in my pocket and I dont know where it came from. I feel really bad about it

>> No.2155426

I burnt my PS1 when I forgot the stepdown voltage converter I regret not getting an european one so it wasn't needed

>> No.2155579

Didn't happen to me personally, but happened to a good friend of mine a few years ago

>Friend had a case full of N64 games along with an N64
>His brother was sent away to live with his dad because he was getting into drugs and stealing from stores
>Asks to be given the N64 and all of the games
>His mom forces him to give all of the games to his brother along with the console

The worst part is that I think his brother sold it along with the games later on. Gladly, before he had to give everything up, he gave me his copies of Banjo Kazooie and Pokemon Snap because he refused to let those 2 games go.

>> No.2155587

> I woke up with a dirty ass Gameboy pocket in my pocket and I dont know where it came from. I feel really bad about it
Shouldn't you feel great? Or do you think you stole it?

>> No.2155607

He most likely stole it

>> No.2155617
File: 8 KB, 140x250, god damn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some faggot stole my lime green game boy color with Link's Awakening DX in it when I was in jr. high school. It still saddens and pisses me off when I think about it.

>Don't bring your nintendo to school anon
Why didn't I listen?

>> No.2155628
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OP here just fixing something.

>> No.2155643

That dude was NOT your friend

>> No.2155647

My brother was always harping on about clearing out shelf space. We'd run out of space for games, then he'd pull "We share everything, so half of these games are mine." followed by "I'm throwing out my half of the games unless you want them." and when I'd save his half of the games it would go to, "We share the game shelf equally too, so get your games off my half of the shelf". In the end he convinced me to throw out the boxes to all our PC games, and all of our cardboard box genesis games. Didn't have anything that rare, but I've still always regretted it and have been slowly trying to get complete copies of the genesis games that I tossed the boxes to.

>> No.2155694
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I lost my copy of Wario Land 3 when I moved.

I also lost my copy of Pokémon Blue, with the first 150 complete in the Pokédex, when I was like 10, though I actually found that one just a couple months ago under my little sister's bed. That bitch. Save file was still intact.

>> No.2155696

Before underage b& I should state I forgot to mention I'm 20, it was lost for ten years

>> No.2155704

Damn. That's pretty mean.

>> No.2155726
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I probably stole it.
I dunno who would bring a Gamboy pocket to a bar but somehow I got one from someone in some bar. Its pretty haggard though, looks like they didn't take care of it

>> No.2155735

>Save file was still intact

>> No.2155737

Does nobody know where it came from? Who would walk around with a GB in 2014?

>> No.2155750

Gen I saves seem to last longer than Gen II in my experience. My Silver lost its save a long time ago but Yellow lasted like 3 years longer.

I guess it's a bigger surprise that it hadn't been erased over like all my other Pokémon games countless times.

>> No.2155773

I had a NES with 40ish games of varying quality(Mario 1/2/3, Kid Icarus, Metroid, Contra, Super C, Metal Gear, etc to stuff like Spelunker and Milo's Secret Castle) from like age 4 to age 20. Around that time it ended up in my Dad's storage unit in his apartment. When he moved to his current house he tossed most of the stuff in there and the whole package was a victim.

I ain't even mad tho my old man can't handle anything more advanced than NES anyway and he got me into the hobby with the first purchase and being my bro-op buddy for those Contras and any other multi-player game that involved shooting shit(POW and Jackal in particular.)

I lost a similar 20 game spread for the original GameBoy in a similar moving related incident, no idea how. Still have the original brick and a copy of the first Wario game.

Much more careful with my stuff these days. Still has the same SNES and Genesis I originally got. And technically I guess my giant PS1 library is pretty retro these days.

>> No.2155778

In the late 90s when I discovered emulation I gifted my niece my super nintendo with Super Mario World, Mega Man X, Aero the Acrobat 2, Killer Instinct, Street Fighter II Turbo, Samurai Showdown and Mortal Kombat II.

Her cleaning lady stole it.

>> No.2155818

I must've lost 3 copies of OoT.

I got the collector's edition but for some reason my disc won't play OoT only.

so I'm getting OoT/MQ for 25 dollars. not a bad deal.

>> No.2155828

What game was in it?

>> No.2155857

Give me my gameboy back you fucking faggot

>> No.2156169

I asked one of my buddies and he said "who cares?" None of my friends really played any games growing up so they couldn't care less

Super Mario Land.
I wish it was Super Mario Land 2 though because I already have the first one

Whats your address? I'll ship it to you.
I already have a pocket and the game it has in it. I dont need it unless I can think of something cool to do with it

>> No.2156283

My NES broke, and replacements are ridiculously expensive online. Now I have to emulate like a filthy pleb.

>> No.2156327

>playing NES
No Anon, you are the pleb

>> No.2156328

My mom gave away my n64 with all my 64 games to our cleaning lady when we moved out of miami. She thought I didn't care about it anymore and bought me a gamecube before she told me. I lost mario 64, rogue squadron, pkmn stadium 1 & 2, mario party 3, and a copy of bad fur day my cousin lent me.
It took me until earlier this year to track down a copy of bfd...

>> No.2156345

>shit-talking NES
>in /vr/

>> No.2156356

Do you even know where you are?

>> No.2156535
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I had 68 Saturn games and my mom threw away all the cases for them, at least she kept the manuals though.

>> No.2156665

>Had a copy of Maniac Mansion for NES.
>It let me microwave the hamster.
>Lend it to a friend and never see it again.

I fucked up real bad, didn't I?

>> No.2156679

My brother decided to lend his buddy our NES (without consulting the rest of the video game playing family) and we never got it back.