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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2147943 No.2147943 [Reply] [Original]

Anything worth playing? Or totally lost and you wish you could play it?

Pic half-related

>> No.2147974
File: 79 KB, 291x343, 1404510835801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ura Zelda
Zelda Oracle of secrets
Rouge Squadron 4

>> No.2147976

Duelin' Firemen.

Meantime also.

>> No.2147978

Isn't Ura Zelda just the Master Quest?

>> No.2147984

No, anon. We've been though this many times.

>> No.2147986

"We" haven't, but okay.

>> No.2147997

Pocket Monsters 2 - Gold & Silver, before GS were remade to take advantage of Game Boy Color
Mother 3/Earthbound 64

>> No.2148019


>> No.2148023
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Tyrannosaurus Tex and Gameboy Diablo

>> No.2148248

Lufia/Estopolis 3, it was originally going to be a PS1 game, and was actually nearly finished, but the dev went bankrupt and taito pulled all their assets in and did a cut and burn job to all of it, downsizing everything and cutting content everywhere, and putting it out for gameboy color as Lufia: The Legend Returns in the states.

If that game had come out as intended, it would have been one of the greats of it's day, no doubt in my mind. Though knowing how japanese developers handled their source code and assets, I wonder if there's anything left of the original project anywhere.

>> No.2148273

I still wish Robotech Crystal Dreams happened back then

yeah I know it's pretty crap from the unfinished rom but I'd have loved it then, we had nothing Macross-related in vidya over here

>> No.2148274
File: 50 KB, 480x400, warlocks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Warlocks of the Fates for the Neo Geo. Mostly because it was to be the first 2D fighting game to utilize flight, but also because of the SoR-esque rave music soundtrack and wacky 90's anime character designs.


>> No.2148278
File: 19 KB, 284x200, Amtrak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amtrak time!

I've posted about it before (https://archive.moe/vr/thread/2043301/#2043387)), but it's like no one cares about old Squaresoft. They were going to make a railway management game before anyone else; it would have been the first major product for Kazuhiko Aoki, most likely.

>> No.2148310

Yeah Yeah Beebiss

>> No.2148319
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>Rouge Squadron 4
Were there plans for Rogue Squadron 4? I remember being so hyped for Rogue Squadron 2 and 3 >more than 10 years ago
time flies
I also thought Ura Zelda was Master Quest. could you explain for an uninformed pleb like me?
>Mother 3/Earthbound 64

>> No.2149243

>Were there plans for Rogue Squadron 4?
Nigger, it's finished.



>> No.2149248

>tfw I am a jerk and have to let the world take notice.

props, anon. Achievement unlocked.

>> No.2149291

nightmare busters on the snes is pretty neat

and i'd kill for that rayman prototype

>> No.2150082

everything except for the Jedi duels is taken straight from Rogue Squadrons 2 and 3. Not even rehashed--they're legit straight up taken straight from those games verbatim.

>> No.2150087

wrong quote

>> No.2151994

Van Buren. I know we got the tech demo, but I wish we could see the final game.

>> No.2153195

it might happen someday somehow...
inxile (the guys behind wasteland 2) trademarked the name

>> No.2153235

What's that one arcade racing game from the mid 80s that looks a little like proto F-Zero or Wipeout and of which no ROM dumps, only a few prototypes and a single Youtube video exist?

>> No.2153237

Vertexer? It's from the mid 90's though.

>> No.2153242

Yes, Vertexer. Didn't remember it to be so young. I'd absolutely LOVE to play it some day.

>> No.2155529
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I care!

crosspost from the other thread

>> No.2155569


>> No.2155574

RS4 ;o

>> No.2155584

Didn't Super Fighter Team finish it?

>> No.2155590

if i remember well, it was complete from the start, it's just that they had no publishers

>> No.2155592

Wait a sec, you just cross-posted Amtrak didn't ya...


>> No.2155595



>> No.2155612 [DELETED] 


>> No.2155649

I've owned a couple of 7" vinyl Duelin Firemen promos. 2 songs, can't remember one but the other was Boredoms which was why I bought it. I bought another for my friend that showed me DF for the first time. Only 500 made, I see them on ebay from time to time for $5 and snatch them up.

>> No.2155652

At first glance I thought that was a porno cover

>> No.2155658


>> No.2155670


The best unreleased and nearly lost game is still Starfox2 which was saved thanks due to emulation and one generous leaker.

>> No.2156021
File: 320 KB, 976x1358, Roy_and_Elza_Resident_Evil_1_5_by_EzraBladerunner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Biohazard 1.5 prototype was my holy Grail for years, until it was finally leaked in 2013. It was exciting to finally see it in action after the wait, but truth be told, it would not have worked the way it was intended originally. It felt pretty amateurish for a major developer's work. I just wish they would've kept more ideas from the proto.

>> No.2156026

Dinosaur Planet.

>> No.2157101
File: 2.55 MB, 4128x2322, 20150102_172823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miyamoto confirms completion of Ura Zelda in October 2000 and that Nintendo would just sit on it. N64 Magazine, Nov-2000. Same column has him discuss that Mother 3 would be moving to the GameCube if the development team wanted. Hold me.

>> No.2157118

Acclaim's Bloodshot and Capcom's Werewolf: the Apocalypse would have been interesting to see certainly. I'm still made that there are full length vids of 12 Tales Of Conker and Dinosaur Planet on youtube and we have yet to see roms leak because of greedy collectors

>> No.2157129

It has also been confirmed that Ura Zelda was essentially just Master Quest.

>> No.2157158


>> No.2157160

We've been over this. It isn't.

>> No.2157175

>It felt pretty amateurish for a major developer's work.

I have some news for you, anon. Sit down.

>> No.2157180

what was it then since youve played it

>> No.2157224

The best thing about Final Option is that Seagals fighting animation are clearly a direct inspiration for macs karate in its always sunny

>> No.2157273

Darkstalkers 4. Both of them.