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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 25 KB, 250x288, Systemshock2box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2147187 No.2147187 [Reply] [Original]

>Worst Old School FPS game in existence?

System Shock 2
>inb4 "kill urself"

But seriously: Heard about it back then, never played it, because I was into Half-Life. Bought it on Steam, played 20 minutes and uninstalled it, because it is a waste of Hard Drive space!
Please tell me how this game is supposed to be a master piece!
>Confusing Gameplay
>Unneeded RPG-Elements
>Bullshit upgrade system
>Clunky Controlls
>and also the enemies are way too fucking hard even on easy.

>Summarized: It was trying to be like Doom 3, 5 years earlier and failed, but decided to add in RPG bullshit


>What is your worst Old School FPS experience?
>What do you think about Shithole Shock 2

>> No.2147206


>played 20 minutes and uninstalled it

I can see this is going to be a good start already.


You could have stopped there.

>It was trying to be like Doom

Blatantly wrong.

>Shithole Shock 2

I've always wanted to relive my middle school days where people would replace some syllable of a thing they don't like with a cuss word. It's a hallmark of maturity and wit.

>> No.2147234
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I diddn't play more than 20 minutes, because I just raged and shouted, thats not fun, also saving over your last save when trying to reload after dieing resulty in having to play the entire game over again.
>Yeah. no thank you

Also: I want to have fun playing games, not to have the game test my patience

>All old games have clunky controlls

Nope. Doom, Quake and Half-Life (All came before this shitfest) have great controlls.

>Trying to be Doom
Nope, I ment trying to go into the direction DOOM >>3<< later went in

>> No.2147242


ayy lmao

>> No.2147245


>> No.2147252

Daily reminder to not respond to bait.

>> No.2147263
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>> No.2147264

RPG mechanics are inherently casual.
If anything, it's the FPS portion of this game that makes it NOT casual.

>> No.2147287
File: 26 KB, 300x317, 1391914386986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Worst Old School FPS game in existence?

Deus Ex, for pretty much the same reasons you listed

>> No.2147297

Goddamn, this place is becoming /v/ at an alarming rate.

>> No.2147298

I've been planning to play this for a while. Should I play System Shock 1 first?

>> No.2147307

been playing this for a few days and thought it was hard because I've always been a consoletard and can't switch my weapons and psi powers easily when enemies appear. i think it's a great precursor to bioshock tho and i really like the depth and different solutions to obstacles the rpg and psi powers add to the gameplay

>> No.2147310

you got that backwards m8 :^)

>> No.2147348

Yes. Not because you need it to understand SS2 but System Shock is a criminally underrated game and plays great with System Shock Portable.

Sorry to bump this shitty thread, but being a System Shock 1 evangelist has become my calling in life.

>> No.2147369


Stop that. The more people repeat it, the more it's going to seem like it's true. Then retards will be retarded without restraint because 'Oh well this place sucks anyway, why not have some fun?'

Just chill out. Wait until winter break is over, and school is back in session.

>> No.2147376


It saddens me that OP might actually think like he writes. He's more likely a troll though so I wouldn't worry about it too much.

However his criticisms are IMO quite justified if you change the words "System Shock 2" to plain "System Shock [1]". Or Ultima Underworld. Now there are two old shooters that are an ungodly mess to play nowadays due to their horrible interfaces and having a useful screen size of a post stamp. Still waiting for those modern remakes to enjoy these two.

>> No.2147482

Greetings, lord OP, how art thou a trying-too-hard troll? Let me count the ways:

>Played 20 minutes and uninstalled
At once we establish that this fictional SS2 hater doesn't frequently visit /vr/, and the writer does- to know what might push the buttons of the typical user. Not giving the game a chance? Horrendous! Also, something many modern FPS players actually do, so it's convincing enough. Good job on the b8 so far.

>Confusing Gameplay
>Unneeded RPG-Elements
>Bullshit upgrade system
Here's where you really start to betray yourself, though. Even a complete idiot would know that n FPS-RPG needs RPG elements. Your fictional asshat can't be that autistic, because it's impossible.
>Clunky Controlls
See, nobody who can open up a browser and make their way to /vr/ is computer-illiterate enough to not know how to open an options menu for keybinding. And all-caps is another betrayal of the falseness of this nonexistent 4chan user.
>and also the enemies are way too fucking hard even on easy.
More obvious b8.
>Summarized: It was trying to be like Doom 3, 5 years earlier and failed, but decided to add in RPG bullshit
Again, nobody this stupid could get to 4chan.

6/10, OP, might read again if it were polished to be more convincing.

Not to SERIOUSLY respond

>> No.2147493

back to /v/, mongoloid

>> No.2147580

>system shock 1
>useless screen size
You don't know about the game's fullscreen mode? Also System Shock 1 and even Ultima Underworld are much better games than 2, holy fuck 2 was bad.

>> No.2147595

System Shock 2 was great! The original was better, and significantly better at that, but the sequel was still noteworthy

>> No.2147607

To be honest comparing them is almost unfair. 1 was a cyberpunk dungeon crawler in space, 2 was a sci-fi horror RPG FPS.

I still think 2 sucked though, and I hate how everyone forgets why there's a "2" there. People often say SS2 brought a lot of innovations to the FPS genre but SS1 did a lot more. Some of these innovations I have yet to see in FPS games today still.

>> No.2147710


>I diddn't play more than 20 minutes, because I just raged and shouted, thats not fun

Overgrown children typically do have anger management issues.

>also saving over your last save when trying to reload after dieing resulty in having to play the entire game over again.

So... it's the game's fault you can't operate a savegame system?


Oh, yeah, keyboard controls are great for FPS games. Totally.

>Quake, HL

Those are exceptions to the rule. Most old PC games that aren't platformers games or strategy games were clunky to some degree, namely the older first person RPGs. System Shock 1 is a prefect example of clunky controls/interface.

>Nope, I ment trying to go into the direction DOOM >>3<< later went in

SS2 has nothing to do with Doom, firstly, and (by your logic) if anything Doom 3 would have gone in System Shock 2's direction, which it didn't. The two are not similar at all, else Doom 3 would have been less Doom 3 and more BioShock.


This thread was going to turn into shit anyway. At least I saged for what it was worth.



>> No.2147752
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I've been waiting for a System Shock thread! I just finished both of them; the first one immediately became one of my favorite games of all time, and the second one was a really good game, but not as good as the first.

The controls do take some remapping and getting used to, but they're not awful by any stretch. I played both quite comfortably with a PS2 controller. More games should have leaning and mantling! I thought the breakaway cursor and HUD-clicking was weird at first, but once I got used to it, I actually really like that system, although I do wish there was a way to cycle psi powers with a button in SS2.

I thought the RPG elements were pretty unnecessary in SS2, but they didn't really bog the game down for me. I think I may have happened upon a game-breaking build on my first try, though. I went OSA, got healing and anti-entropy immediately and then stopped developing psi powers entirely, and then I had a shitload of extra mods and nanites because I never had to buy repair/maintenance skills or health items, so I was one-shotting stuff with max strength/wrench most of the game and had max standard weapons/assault rifle/hundreds of bullets at the end of the game without my guns degrading. And the whole time I had enough hacking skill to unlock/discount EVERYTHING. Exotic weapons turned out to be completely useless, though.

I thought the respawn chambers were kind of dumb. I played through SS1 entirely without activating them because I thought negating death made the game too easy, but I wasn't as amazed by the second one, so I just did it to save time.

I missed cyberspace in SS2, I thought Citadel Station was more visually interesting than the Von Braun/Rickenbacher, and I liked the wider variety of enemies in SS1, but I did like the boss fights in SS2 a little better.

What are some other games you'd recommend to a fan of these?

>> No.2147756


I do. It's still cringeworthy that half of the screen is filled with the UI. Also, the controls are clunky and combat is not fun. It doesn't play very well nowadays, it doesn't immerse me in its world.

I of course recognize the game for it's technical and innovative merits, but that's that. 2 is a better game, even when it's 15 years old.

>> No.2147919

I just cannot for the life of me get into DeusEx. I got it cause I was told as a fan of SS2 I'd enjoy it, and I enjoyed HR. But I just can't get into it. JC is such a bland character and the non-lethal options are shit. Tranqs take too long to knock someone out, and they always end up activating an alarm before dropping to the floor, and the baton only seems to knock them out 25% of the time. Is the game designed to be primarily played lethally?

>> No.2147973

Tried to get into SS2 a few times and failed. The visual design is gorgeous, but the game feels slow & clunky & unfun.

> Is the game designed to be primarily played lethally?
I have no idea, but it's certainly much more fun to just kill everything as you would in any other game. Non-lethality in Deus Ex is a cheap gimmick that you can rapidly dispense with.

>> No.2148480

Deus Ex is a horribly designed game, to knock an enemy out with the baton, don't go for the head, go for the back and make sure to be right up to them.

>> No.2148826
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>JC a bland character

JC is IMO one of the most likable video game protagonists of all time. I could go as far as to say that I'm a bit gay for JC and he would be my #1 choice for catching a pint with.

All those undying bits of dialogue, man
> My vision is augmented
> A bomb!
> What a shame

>> No.2149186


>JC is such a bland character

He's actually what they call a "blank" character. He's written rather well, but his emotions are pretty much non-existent. The idea is that the player will impose his or her own feelings onto JC instead of JC having any real emotions of his own. It's not everyone's cup of tea, though.

>Tranqs take too long to knock someone out

It's to keep it balanced.

>and they always end up activating an alarm before dropping to the floor

Gotta plan for that.

>and the baton only seems to knock them out 25% of the time

Sneak up behind them while crouched and aim for their upper back. Due to how the Unreal Engine calculates the damage (stupidly), it counts as a head shot. This works with the riot prod, too, which is almost always a 1 or 2 hit KO if you know what you're doing.

>Is the game designed to be primarily played lethally?

Essentially, yes. The non-lethal abilities really drop in effectiveness after about the halfway point of the game and some characters just have to die. It was a nice idea, but it wasn't realized all that effectively. Still, if you're really determined and you're not trying to KO literally everyone, then you can do a mostly non-lethal playthrough.


That's not game design, that's tech limitations/bugginess. The original Unreal Engine has definitely shown its age by this point.

>> No.2149619


Warren Spector talked about this before: Deus Ex doesn't do combat as well as Half-Life, it doesn't do RPG elements as well as Baldur's Gate, it doesn't do stealth as well as Thief, but it's when you realize that the game balances all these elements well and accommodates the player playing any combination of these playstyles that you really appreciate the game.

SS2 is a little different in that it lets you only choose how you want to kill things (aside from a couple of psi powers) and you really have to specialize.

And for the people that keep complaining about the clunky controls in SS2, remember that it's a horror game. Play Bioshock if you want something with better control and graphics.