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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 170 KB, 1024x741, Everquest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2129316 No.2129316 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have an MMO general?

/vr/ doesn't talk about MMOs that much. Share your old EQ or Ultima stories and speculate why the MMO genre has gone to shit.

>> No.2129520

I can remember the very first play session on everquest. I had purchased it along with the first or second expansion because I had been accepted to the star wars galaxies beta and wanted to get my feet wet in an MMO before feeling competent enough to playtest one.

I started out as wood elf ranger and remember exploring the treetop towns with such awe and excitement. only reached level 14 or so but it took me about a two weeks and I always hold the time spent in that MMO with high regard as people were more keen to roleplay, help out and generally were immersive in how they communicated with you. It was fucking fun in the nerdiest way.

>> No.2129645

>tfw druid always OoM because casting SoW on everyone passing by
Being warrior was suffering

>> No.2129650

I played UO on its release... and it was glorious. I think I could write up an entire notebook of adventures. MMOs were so wild back then, especially UO before the Tramel/Feluca bullshit.
I'm feeling all nostalgic.

Also, that Everquest elf was probably my very first fap. I regret nothing.


>> No.2129725

I think UO classic is the purest MMO ever.
My fondest memories were when I and my best friends made a large 4 bedroom house and furnished it so pimp, if YouTube existed back then we would probably have shown it off.

I roleplayed a Crooked Doctor who seduced a young lady into his potions business... potions with unpredictable results. Eventually the roguish hero defeated me in a duel to the death for poisoning his pets. My love was the only who mourned me.

>> No.2129731

Does EQ still have a community? I heard they put a "classic" version of the game back up. Is this true?

>> No.2129779

Project1999 I assume is what you heard about.

>> No.2131772

Anyone have any memories of Asheron's Call? I was always interested, never played though.

>> No.2131783

I came into this thread to reminesce about rubbing one out to day elf. Glad your here.

>> No.2132002

I find it hilarious all the people who nostalgia for UO and EQ. I came into those games after years of playing MUDs, so the novelty of online play didn't blind me to the issues with these games at the time. Guess that saved me from the shitty game nostalgia bandwagon.

>> No.2132079

I just started playing Project 1999 this week with a friend. It's pretty fun. He is a veteran of old and is showing me a lot of the ropes I didn't get to when I played for a few weeks back in the day.

It's certainly a lot more adventuresome than many modern ones. I like it.

>> No.2132623
File: 96 KB, 593x854, fullshamannewbiearmor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Used to have a CD and would change tracks to certain zones in the game.

Spent most of my time as a Barbarian in the Everfrost:
For dungeons and waiting for the foggy boat ride into Halas:
For grinding in Blackburrow:

>> No.2132650

glad i'm not the only dude who throws this epic track on whenever i'm slaying trolls etc

>> No.2132684

>why the MMO genre has gone to shit.


It's small and free, try it.

>> No.2132703

Yeah. It was back when I was too dense to really make any headway in MMOs but I've still got fond memories.

Making a character with high jump skill just to jump on top of buildings. Killing Azure gromnies on the eastham beach. Having some guy give me that boss purple Olthoi helm.

Good times. IDK if you'd like it without having the nostalgia factor, but they stopped charging a subscription for it. Now it's just 10 bucks if you want to play.

>> No.2132949
File: 198 KB, 720x405, 782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everquest is still alive and well, it recently released its 21st expansion. pic related

>> No.2134351

second thread with everquest as a theme and i didnt start it! gonna give it a bump save

>> No.2134571
File: 548 KB, 672x960, 026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a private server for Final Fantasy XI that has rates and rules just like classic FF11?

The world needs an FF11 version of Project 1999.

>> No.2134773

Always fun to see old rpg/mmorpg discussions. Love the anarchy that existed in those old games, you really had no idea what might happen.

>> No.2134817
File: 10 KB, 657x141, CropperCapture[22].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started playing Everquest back in 1999, up until the velious expansion, so many good memories.

Tried going back to EQLive but it's just not the same, exploring old content and farming old bosses alone gets tiresome quickly, and all the new content just seemed really... uninspired. I also tried Project99 back when it was first released, but it's really just not fun without some friends to play with.

I just miss everquest :(

>> No.2134910


Oh snap man. My first EQ character was also a woof elf. I was playing it on a friend's PC at their place, so there was always lots of drugs and booze flowing and I kept falling off the city platforms and dying.

Good times, good times.

>> No.2134972

I've found one good one and it had high xp rates
was super fun

>> No.2136714

I lament that I never got to play EQ, it looks like a magical game.
This is well worth a watch: