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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2125765 No.2125765 [Reply] [Original]

I love roguelikes. I love them hard with mouth.

Avoiding the staples like Rogue/Hack/Nethack etc. what are some of your favourites?

Pic related is Torneko's Great Adventure on the Super Famicom - the first Mystery Dungeon game (which eventually gave birth to the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games).

>> No.2125770
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Also Fatal Labyrinth on the Genesis rocks.

>> No.2125836
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>> No.2125862

>Game contains gold
>There are no shops
>All it does is buy you a better funeral when you die

Hate to bring non-traditional Rogues into this topic. But Toejam & Earl was the only retro rogue-inspired game I ever got into. Really fun with a friend.

>> No.2125992

OP here and I'm totally okay with that. Random generation fuels my engine.

>> No.2126325

Is the PS1 version better?

>> No.2126525

I haven't actually tried that version but I would assume that since it's the third game in the series it would be a similar experience with more features. Looking at images, it looks pretty similar in design.

>> No.2126550
File: 166 KB, 632x440, ssKgO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That game looks pretty friggin' awesome.

Here's a good one I used to play yeeeaaaaars ago.

>> No.2126585

I love roguelikes, not sure if the latest version of Angband would count as retro or not.

The Japanese seem to have a thing for commercial roguelikes. I haven't tried many but they don't seem all that, uh, involved compared to the traditional ASCII beasts.

I have Sword of Fargoal on my phone, an updated port but I think the gameplay's faithful. It kinda sucks and I want my money back.

>> No.2126598

Man, Angband is Angband, the fact it's still maintianed doesn't make it more retro, it just proves how amazing community is.
Most retro games wish they had community like that.
I think ADOM would also count, with first version being in 1994, right? Even though it lately a graphical version got greenlist on Steam.

>> No.2126643
File: 26 KB, 512x448, shiren_the_wanderer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was gonna tell you off about how Shiren was actually the original, but I looked and Torneko's actually game first. Huh.

But in any case, Shiren the Wanderer seems like an obvious choice.

>> No.2127061

holy shit man. played this before i was literate.

>> No.2127068

Every time I play a roguelike other than Nethack, it just makes me want to play Nethack. What do?

>> No.2127204

Play Nethack.

>> No.2127210

Don't play Nethack.

>> No.2127218

Imagine it's Nethack

>> No.2127229

Commit Sudoku.

>> No.2127310

Call your parents and tell them you miss them.

>> No.2127313

Get another hobby.

>> No.2127321

Any roguelikes with Co-op? I only know of that Chocobo game on the PSX

>> No.2127356


Toejam and Earl.

>> No.2127441
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Azure Dreams was my first RL and will probably always be my favorite, even if it is easy compared to most others. Usually when I play it now I can get so far in the tower it activates all the side quests after one trip.

Also Cheryl is the best waifu.

>> No.2127880

Just ordered a copy of that actually because I love Torneko's Adventure so much. Should be here Friday.

>> No.2129173

Nethack was my first and favorite Rouguelike, though it's not exactly retro because the latest release was 2004. (Wow 10 years). I have a hard time trying to git gud in it.

I also really like the Doom Roguelike which is only tangentially retro.

>> No.2129191

I've tried Nethack but I'm a shit at it, so I'm wondering if there are any more lenient roguelikes for casual scum like myself.

I've played a few dungeon crawlers like PMD and BoI but from what I understand those aren't considered to be actual roguelikes due to their simplicity, and of course they aren't retro anyway. Any good way to make the leap into a real roguelike besides "git gud?"

>> No.2129214

it's not the first mystery dungeon game, it's built on the shiren the wanderer engine

>> No.2129324
File: 559 KB, 1200x770, 1418344276683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the wii shiren the wanderer good?
I've heard a lot of people say it's bad, but they say it's bad because it's easy. I actually enjoy easier roguelikes like the pokemon ones because they're pretty chill.

>> No.2129343
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Great pick. It's interesting that you begin all the way again at level 1.

>Toejam and Earl is the shit. Lots of fun playing this with friends. It's great that you can level up just walking around...

Is that you bro? You get hurt? It's cool, high five me.

>> No.2129390

I really love co-op games where you can wander away from each other. I know that's weird to say but there really isn't too many co-ops with that.
Whether you got separated because your buddy fell down a level, or if you're on level 19 and your buddy is still hanging with the girls in the hot-tub on level 0. Having that independence is great.

>> No.2129397

Azure Dreams is pretty fun if you happen to also like sims. And Pokemon Mystery Dungeon.

>> No.2129425

>easier ones
Check out Dungeons of Dredmor

>> No.2129476

Not /vr/ but i was playing the pokemon red team rescue game and it feels really slow are they all like that?

>> No.2129506

There should be a way to speed up movement. I think. I know it's in the Explorers games, though I haven't played the originals in a while.

>> No.2129546
File: 3 KB, 256x192, dragon-crystal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Pokemon ones are by the same Exact development team. Shiren the Wanderer is fucking fantastic and it doens't matter if a roguelike is easy as long as it's fun.

OP contributing with fucking Dragon Crystal!

>> No.2130043

As far as the classics go: I managed to finally beat ADOM recently. As for console roguelikes, I remember chocobo's dungeon 2 being my first console one that i can recall. Borrowed it off of a freind back in... middleschool? highschool? something like that. game was a blast back then.

>> No.2130135

Dungeon crawl stone soup.

It's like nethack but without the bullshit.

these days I play about 50% crawl 50% nethack. Both great games

>> No.2130138

Toejam & Earl

>> No.2130245

The thing about Shiren Wii is that it is always either too easy or too hard or too frustrating. I've never once had fun playing it. You have to look out for three separate characters and if one dies you have to replace all of their equipment which can take weeks and all because you forgot that the revival herb doesn't work when it's inside a jar. By the third or fourth time you lose you just want to burn the fucking game and go back to playing "hard" Roguelikes that can be beaten in a day.

>> No.2130261
File: 216 KB, 770x428, Brogue-Lava.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out Brogue. It's a pretty simple roguelike with a couple of core gameplay elements that deviate from the standard formula, it's extremely intuitive and it has, in my opinion, the prettiest ascii-style graphics anyone has managed to come up with.

Pic related, overlooking a lava pit.

Apologies for non-retro.

>> No.2130271
File: 29 KB, 640x480, mission-thunderbolt.region-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Operation: Thunderbolt was the first roguelike I ever played, when my family had a shiny new PowerMac. Are there any other unique old Mac roguelikes out there? At the time it seemed totally unique, of course having had an Apple II before that and Macs all after it would be years until I actually heard of Rogue

>> No.2130272

"Mission: Thunderbolt" rather. Looks like there was a Mac-only sequel called "Mission: Firestorm" that I never played, so I guess it's time to fire up basilisk.

>> No.2130362

Used to play the shit out of the old DND DOS game as a kid.

Still remember how traumatizing it was to summon a demon when you weren't in combat. It would look at you, shrug, throw you over its shoulder and pull you into hell with it and then your save is gone.

Also on team Azure Dreams. It's like eight games in one.

>> No.2130363

Aw man, that game was great.

I remember I tried downloading it and playing it awhile ago but it didn't work. Guess I should try dosbox or something

>> No.2130378
File: 42 KB, 1938x1050, powder-screenshot-7_20_2012-4_49_50-pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heavy recommendation for powder. Not retro really, but can be played on damn near everything at this point and it's crazy-ass god system makes it very fun.

>> No.2130706

The roguelike thread on /vg/ allows PMG and they tend to be pretty spergy about definitions. It's turn-based at least.

Brogue, DoomRL, Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup, POWDER and ToME4 are the most casual-friendly "real" roguelikes. The first two in particular are best if you absolutely cannot be fucked to glance at a manual or even play through a tutorial.

>> No.2132558

I have this on my iPod, play it so much

>> No.2132570


>> No.2132638

Any NES/SNES rls?

>> No.2132678

No and yes

Here's ever console roguelike ever: http://www.roguebasin.com/index.php?title=Console_roguelike

>> No.2133554

First off I want to thank you guys for this thread and getting me back into roguelikes. I've been on a binge with them the last few days and really really am digging POWDER and ToMe4.

A question about POWDER tho - half the time when I start a game it just put me in a room with out doors or a downwards ladder. Unless it just happens to give me a book I can learn teleport or dig from, I am fucked and just have to quit. One time (out of probably 100 games of it) it started me with armor that had a dig spell on it and I could just tunnel through anything, which was awesome. Is it normal to get stuck and shit out of luck in POWDER?

>> No.2133732

Search for secret doors. Sometimes it takes a while to find but there should always be one

>> No.2133857

have sex with Nethack

>> No.2134218

Question for you and the other POWDER players here - Who is your favorite God in the game? And do you prefer to worship just one god or use multiple ones? Personally I like being a cultist of ><0:V: and a fighter for Klaskov.

>> No.2134239

The game is easiest if you start with Klaskov and/or H'ruth and maybe switch to somebody who gives magic later

>> No.2134267

Anyone remember Castle of the Winds? Early 90s Windows shareware. That was a good time for CRPGs.

>> No.2134271


First roguelike I ever played. My grandma had it on a disk of 1000+ games. Made me fall in love with the genre.

>> No.2134303

Galaxy of Games, right? Besides Castle I recall enjoying Exile trilogy, Mordor Depths of Dejenol, Dare to Dream, Micro Man, Chip's Challenge, Critical Mass. That was probably the most fun I ever had from something sold out of a dollar store.

>> No.2134325

that's really cool

>> No.2134334

I feel like they are missing a bunch of games, especially for the later systems. Off the top of my head I know Baroque was a rougelike 3d game. They dungeon games in Tobal 1 and 2 and Ehrgeiz could be considered rougelike as well.

>> No.2134343
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Shiren the Wanderer is Mysterious Dungeon 2. I actually know what I'm talking about.

Unless the games themselves are wrong, because you know, kek.

It just arrived yesterday! Played a little and holy shit I like it a fuckton more than Torneko's Adventure so far. I'd played the DS version a, but this one feels a lot more impressive as a Suepr Famicom game.

>> No.2135265
File: 46 KB, 432x242, torneko-3-artwork-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lemme tell you /vr/, the second I saw that pic, I remembered I still have my copy of the Torneko game for the Playstation. I remembered loving it way back when, before I even knew what a Roguelike was.

Decided to play the translated SNES one for the heck of it, now I can't put it down. Managed to get super lucky in my last run, had a cloning rod and cloned a shit load of Metal Babbles. Was level 20 on floor 10.

And I was having so much fun with Yakuza 2 too...

>> No.2135274 [DELETED] 

Only on /vr/ you can have a thread about that term without faggots sperging over semantics.

>> No.2135346
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Dragon Crystal is still a favourite of mine

>> No.2135354

I have fun with this game. But I'm so shit at best genre I still can't beat it

>> No.2135369
File: 2.11 MB, 3264x2448, 20141221_000944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I got an ATGames portable Game Gear/Master System doogit as a gag gift for Christmas from my roommate last year. There's two reasons I actually play the things quite a bit. Dragon Crystal is one of them. Love that music.

Shit quality pic because hard to get the light balance right.

>> No.2135379

oh damn, i kind of want one lol

>> No.2135392

Can I use a gamepad for Angband?

>> No.2135420

Been putting it off since I'm not sure what version I should play. I want to have it on the go on my phone so I'm between getting the gba and use a emulator or get the android version, which according to his site, it's still in beta.

Any suggestions?

>> No.2135673


shit, I own one too and I was playing Dragon Crystal yesterday. Such a nice piece of portable with good games. Worth it

>> No.2135838

Or not, apparently they don't ship to Canada

>> No.2135868

I played this a lot on my Genesis when i was a child.

Never went past the 5th floor.