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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2122654 No.2122654 [Reply] [Original]

I've never played a handheld Zelda. Where should I start? Quality wise, I mean. I don't care about the convoluted chronology.

>> No.2122660

start by whcichever you want, otherwise we'll have another 400 posts thread about this.

>> No.2122662

links awakening

>> No.2122727

The oracle games are by far the best. They have lots of new items and mechanics. A bit of advise in choosing your game. Ages is designed to have harder puzzles and less combat. Seasons has more combat and easier puzzles.

Link's awakening has that re-has feel where it doesn't bring enough new experiences. The game also doesn't feel as grand. The dungeons end too quickly and there's less than in a standard zelda game.

>> No.2122747


Thanks. Might give Seasons a try since I'm more action kind of guy.

>> No.2122751

Fuck you anon, Link's Awakening is the GOAT!!

Good post though. This thread is making me wanna go back and play the Oracle games since I really only bothered playing OoT and Link's Awakening (LTTP and Windwaker to a lesser extent)

>> No.2122762



>> No.2122775

Okay, personally I think they're all worth playing, but this is how I'd rank them:

Top Tier
Link's Awakening DX
Oracle of Seasons
Oracle of Ages

Middle Tier
Minish Cap
A Link Between Worlds

Bottom Tier
Phantom Hourglass
Spirit Tracks

>> No.2122812


I don't know much about PH and ST, but my understanding is that they aren't traditional adventure type Zelda games. Is that correct?

>> No.2122820

Sort of. You still have dungeons, items, puzzles, combat etc, but they tend to focus on the puzzle side of things and put a lot of focus on the gimmicks. Especially Spirit Tracks that puts a lot of emphasis on the train.

I still think they're worth playing, but some on /v/ will act like they're shit (they're not, they're just not the best).

>> No.2122837
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I really liked Minish Cap except for how slow text scrolls and link walks (mainly an issue in successive playthroughs).
Also pic related is a pain in the dick

>> No.2123150

This list is perfect, even down to how far each game strays from it's roots, Minish Cap in particular. "Grinding" for Shells to get the last heart piece is what made me turn it off.

>> No.2123167

Fuck that boss.

Fun but annoying as hell

>> No.2123194

I'd put A Link Between Worlds in the top tier if it wasn't for its excessive rehashing of LttP. But other than that, yeah, accurate.

>> No.2123198

You should also be aware that LoZ, Zelda II, and LttP all have GBA ports.

I've always favored the Oracle games. Minish Cap was good, but too short.

>> No.2124450

>a lot of focus on the gimmicks
this, haven't played spirit tracks but been going through phantom hourglass, everything is done by the stylus and they incorporate tons of DS gimmicks that may be difficult to figure out - at one point you have to actually CLOSE the console and open it back up

>> No.2125360

Abso-fucking-lutely. Link's Awakening is up there with the best console games in the series in terms of story line and shit.

>> No.2125410

>Link's awakening has that re-has feel where it doesn't bring enough new experiences.
Literally what? How can you say LA has a "rehash" feel when the Oracle games are the most rehashed games in the series (off of LA, of all things)? They added a lot of great things, but the fundamental gameplay was the same.

Don't get me wrong, I love all these games. But your post reads like you played the Oracle games before LA and missed out on what made the first game great.

>> No.2128282

That one puzzle took me like 30 minutes to solve. I was aware of the DS gimmicks and whatnot (e.g. Mario says "bye bye" when you close your DS on Super Mario 64 DS), but I thought it was limited to sounds or little thins like that. When I figured that puzzle, I was quite impressed. But now that I think of it, I was pretty dumb: if closing the DS triggers a sound from the game it means that it can trigger anything else.

Spirit Tracks is one of my favorite Zelda games. I like the music on the train and I really enjoyed the 2 screens boss battles, specially Cragma: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MU5q0_NPw2U..

I, for one, enjoy the "gimmicks" of the games. It makes for pretty new interesting puzzles and items like the Sand Wand, the Whirlwind, the Spirit Flute, the Whip, etc.

I also enjoyed being able to control Zelda in the Tower of Spirits and the final boss.

My only complaint would be that it can be a little too easy for some and they're short games.

>> No.2128287

Link's Awakening, not DX

>> No.2128296

Play links awakening first anon

>> No.2128495

A link between worlds or Minish Cap.

Yeah this is /vr/ but seriously those two are fucking amazing.

While most Zeldas are great the oracle games are overrated as fuck.

>> No.2128497

Minish cap is waaaaaaay better than the oracle games. Looks to me like you just like them in the order you played them (and therefore most nostalgia to least nostalgia) save PH and ST.

>> No.2128502
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I'm going to agree with you anon, Spirit Tracks is really good and a vast improvement over Phantom Hourglass.
It was gimmicky, but in the good kind of way. They all felt fun. Also it has one of the better plots and soundtracks in the series.

>> No.2128504

My opinion:

Top Tier:
Link's Awakening DX
Oracle of Ages
A Link Between Worlds

Middle Tier:
Oracle of Seasons
Minish Cap
Spirit Tracks

Bottom Tier:
Phantom Hourglass

>> No.2129558

I had a ton of fun playing minish cap it was interesting being able to shrink, and the whole talking hat thing was cool

>> No.2129565

I would like people to list some reasons as to why Links Awakening is so good. I can't stand it when a game is praised so highly, but no one ever gives any reason why they like it so much.
It's one of those things like "just because". People don't even know why they like it.

>> No.2129580

Why is Luke in a Stargate?

>> No.2129608

+Unique, interesting story
+Solid controls and mechanics
+Not bogged down by gimmicks
+Excellent level design
+Simple but entertaining aesthetics, script and music
+Not handholdy but not overly cryptic

-Item upgrades are mostly useless
-Accidentally playing that Mambo song and teleporting?

>> No.2129628

Best difficulty curve in the series. The first three dungeons are a cake walk, the next three mediocre skill wise and then that last dungeon, in particular the boss, were great.

Also for just two towns it has great NPCs. Maybe a bit lol so random, but still more interesting then anyone in symmetry town for instance.

>> No.2130027

I'm curious, why the original as opposed to the DX release? Looking for reasons other than warp screen glitch and the graphics being monochrome.

>> No.2130074
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not him, but I'd rather have the warp screen glitch over any of the DX additions

>> No.2130080

It is a fun glitch to use, I quite like that side-entrance glitch though sadly it can only really be used on BowWow's house unless you have a walk through walls code enabled then you can try it on pretty much any door. I've also been curious if there's a way to re-implement the warp screen glitch back into Link's Awakening DX only issue is I don't know much on GB hacking.