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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 200 KB, 256x356, Golden_Axe_III_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2110580 No.2110580 [Reply] [Original]

Golden Axe 3 is a good game.

Fine, the graphics are not very good, they're not even an improvement on the first game, but most importantly the game mechanics are solid.

GA3 has one of the best combat mechanics in any beat'em up of its time. I'm dead serious. This is coming from a guy who has played every single retro beat'em up in existence, and can one-coin games like Alien vs. Predator (arcade), Shadow over Mystara, Sengoku Denshou 2001, Super Double Dragon, Streets of Rage (on mania), Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder, and numerous others. I know those games like the back of my hand.

And this post is not about me playing GA3 for the first time in my life and being blown away or anything, heck I played this game 10+ years ago and remember telling people how to do the projectile attacks on GameFAQs. It just always bothered me how this game gets disrespected so much.

If you ignore the mediocre graphics and the ugly magic spells, then you're treated to very good beat'em up gameplay.

There are tons of moves in this game.
-Combo attack
-Alternate combo (close range)
-Regular throw (get close and press attack once to grab - there's a unique grab animation)
-Air throw (only useable by the big dude)
-Projectile (or tackle attack when used by the panther)
-Sweep/slide attack
-2-4 types of jumping attacks per character
-Tag team attacks
-360 attack (B+C)
-Power attack (forward+B+C)
-Dual magic

>> No.2110581

Furthermore, each of the characters are fun to use.

Panther: This guy is a god; his forward,back,forward+B+C attack is unblockable and knocks down everything in front of you. He's one of the most powerful beat'em up characters ever thanks to that one move. You thought Grand Upper was powerful? Hah!

Blue: Excellent reach, priority, and huge hitboxes on his attacks; his attacks have such excellent hitboxes that you can hit enemies out of their aerial attacks with your regular swing. Fantastic character, with none of the weaknesses of Ax-Battler.

Red: Speedy character with quick moves. Her power attack does excellent damage and has quick recovery. She's able to kill enemies faster than Blue, but her moves are not as safe, efficient and reliable.

Yellow: The most powerful character. Gut punches do more damage, so abuse infinite gut punches on single enemies and bosses. His projectile attack is 3 tornadoes, each of which does separate damage - so if you hit an enemy with all 3 then you can do massive damage. Strong against single enemies, can struggle against multiple enemies.

Anyway, I'm not claiming that GA3 is one of the greatest beat'em ups ever, heck, it's not even top 30. But it certainly isn't garbage and shouldn't be dismissed so easily. Ignore the graphics initially, and try to get used to the combat system and you will enjoy the game. It's a solid game; a B+ at the least, when judged purely as a beat'em up game.

>Share some unpopular opinions you have concerning games.

>> No.2111086

Gee, maybe I should've titled this 'Unpopular Threads'

>> No.2111336

But I agree. This game is pretty damn cool.
It may not be the best, but it's certainly not the worst.
That said, I don't know what people enjoy so much about GA1 and GA2 over GA3. They're fast and that's about it. GA3 is a bit slower, but it's not nearly as cheap or punishing as the first two.

That said, even though GA: TRoDA is a bit simpler than GA3, I like it a little more because of how impressive it is. Damn shame it never had a console port.

>> No.2111347

-Zelda II, SMB 2, and most other sequels that aren't very similar to the originals are not great at all.

-Abadox is one of the best shooters of that generation

-LOZ is better than LTTP or Link's Awakening

-Pokemon Blue/Red is better than any sequel

>> No.2111352

FFIV is the worst game in the series. That's counting II.

>> No.2111354
File: 9 KB, 360x136, dorgon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8 and 9 are the worst and 5 isn't that great without the monster trainer patch, though still pretty good. 6 is hardly as boring as idiots parrot it to be, though it should have done more with dream world aesthetics. 2 isn't even hard outside the NES version. 4iOS isn't worth it, despite party chat. 1 isn't all that grindy if you actually use spells and ailments. 7 isn't that long, despite what parrots claim, and shards aren't hard to find at all, so that radar in 3DS is pretty fucking pointless if you actually bother to search and explore, which you always should in DQ anyways. 10 is still very much a DQ game despite being online. Caravan Heart is the worst DQM, even worse than Joker 1. Torneko 2 wasn't bad at all.

>> No.2111357

>not 6
Also, only parrots think 2 is bad. However, I agree that its dungeon design layouts are pretty stupid at times with so many dead ends.

>> No.2111361

Also, this is one of the most amusing things I'e read about FF.

>> No.2111367

I don't actually think 2 was as bad as the rap it gets. It's a decent and inventive game, but a lot of stupid and unintuitive game design makes it average at best.

FFIV is just barely interactive visual novel garbage though, VI shits all over it, even though I'm not a huge fan of it, and even I blows it clean out of the water as far as combat and customization are concerned.

>> No.2111375


What's so bad about Caravan Heart? I loved it!

>> No.2111379

But they made best character Glius-Thunderhead take a backseat.

>> No.2111381

Wait, that's an unpopular opinion?

I thought Golden Axe III was the best one.

>> No.2111390
File: 158 KB, 566x836, Bkw42oJCcAAcDjl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, no doubt, especially if you're the type who likes customization.
That said, 4 is so limited in that end, it sometimes feels like it's practically a Dragon Quest game with ATB. Regarding that though, there is some degree of customization through equipment, but not anywhere near a job system.

That being said I think that it handled jobs far better than FF3fc did. Especially regarding boss fights, which hold some of FF's better ones. Most other FFgames after, even 5, which I love, has most (but not all) bosses basically just have a big chunk of HP and higher than normal damage dealing and... that's pretty much it. The idea is that you're able to take them out with any party setup, but when you make it that way, there's only so much you can do for the sake of fairness and the fact that you don't have all skills/magics by changing a class as you have to learn them. In FF4, you'll always have a preset party, so bosses take advantage of your current capabilities and weaknesses. On top of that, even more limited characters had unique utilities. Some cases being child-Rydia's Ice Rod, Cid's Gaia Hammer, and Big Ed's ailment-inducing harps and Salve ability.
Even though I don't like it that much, I will admit that FF6 also does this decently, though not nearly as well as FF4 and in some cases, it feels just like a tutorial affair, such as Celes' Runic fighting that tank-thing with Locke and Cyan's bushido. Past that, most of the instances boil down to just using magic or not hitting at x-turn or you'll get countered. On top of that, 6's systems were imbalanced as fuck, even outside the SNES version. Compare that to some of the stuff in 4, even the non-DS version. The Scarmiglione fight still remains as one of my series favorites due to making your pimpass deathbringer sword and darkness skill into a useless stick and HP-waster respectively. Even then though, Cecil could still be useful by healing others and throwing hi-potions at scar.

>> No.2111404

It's not "bad" but I can't call it "good" either. It had a lot of neat ideas, but the execution was shoddy for almost all of them. It's really bad in terms of monster fusion and skills/magic especially, both of which are core foundations of the series. On top of that, they took out quite a few of the latter (even taking out combo magics/skills from 2) and really fucked up the former with the heart-fusion system and an insane amount of grinding needed to make up for it. Taking out two slots of skills and magic was also pretty stupid. In addition, having to rely on the wagon members for lots of stuff was pretty dumb, as its meant to be about the monsters and the weight system really throws that into counter-balance as well. Also, the post-post-game was awful. I like quite a bit about the game as a whole, especially seeing Torland again, along with what it did, and what it tried to do; but, in terms of gameplay mechanics and keeping and improving on the DQM GB(C) games, it really dropped the ball. It was a good experiment, and I think Monster Parade even took some elements from it, but there's pretty good reasons why later games weren't like it and why it never got a port and/or remake. That said, if it were to have a remake that fixed many of the issues I had with it, I'd be more than willing to give it another shot, especially if they got rid of the weight limits and the fuckawful heart-fusion system and utilized monster obtaining and breeding/fusion instead.
Maybe his arthritis was acting up? I mean, hell, he's the only hero in the series to die twice. Then again, maybe he had to get back to his shop in Shining in the Darkness.

>> No.2111414

That said, building and maintaining your own traveling town was also really cool, and one of the few things that CH had that I wish had been maintained in later entries of DQM. The closest we got was feeding a machine spare parts in Joker 2, and that's hardly even close.

>> No.2111837
File: 598 KB, 425x604, Galaxy_fight_arcadeflyer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Galaxy Fight is a good game

It has a shit rep because the A.I. was so terrible it made single player a frustrating mess of the AI cheesing you until you find a suitable counter cheese that you monotonously spam the entire game.

It's 2 player mode, where you realize what a fun game this is underneath the clunkiness. Sure, the system is simple and the moves are limited compared to KoF and the like. It also takes getting used to but it gets cool once you do, kinda like Liero.
Very fast paced and mind game heavy.
Atmospheric levels with parallax goodness and nice sprite work.
One of the characters is Robocain from Robocop 2
Ignore 1p, grab a friend and test his/her skill in the boundless battlefield!
Juri >>> Roomi

>> No.2111854

>>2111837 here, forgot to post feedback

>>2110580 nice review! I like your descriptions of the characters the most. I tried a few levels of Golden Axe 3 years a go and never really bothered with it after that. Will definitely play it through tonight thanks to you, co oppan with the fat chick sitting next t

>> No.2112169

>I'm not claiming that GA3 is one of the greatest beat'em ups ever, heck, it's not even top 30

We'll be needing this top 30 list anon

>> No.2112198
File: 52 KB, 600x600, g8juzl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2112210

I second this

>> No.2112218
File: 21 KB, 250x171, Secret_of_Mana_Box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I say it in all of these threads because I can't think of any other opinions of mine that might be unpopular.

I fucking hate Secret of Mana.

>> No.2112242

Unpopular opinion you say? Mega Man, 5, 6, 7 and 8 (Saturn version) are some of the best games in the series.

>> No.2112246

Super Castlevania IV gets too much hate for being 'easy'. What it does lack in classic Castlevania challenge it makes up for in atmosphere, music and visuals - all things that a lot of /vr/ folk are too quick to dismiss and undermine. That said it's not even a piss easy game, it just adds mechanics which break the classic Castlevania formula like 8 directional attack and whip-swinging.

>> No.2112736

I do too.
Its ideas are nice, but the execution is shoddy as fuck and magic and weapon grinding takes for fucking ever. The progression structure is very poor as well, and I hate all of the random ass misses, parries, and defends. The meters for waiting for your attack to not suck take too damn long, and charging for a year to whip out a power attack is idiotic, specially when it might fuck up due to the animation jumping past an enemy or, once again, shit missing or getting cancelled out. Also, most of the soundtrack blows compared to the other members of the big Mana 4 (FFA, SD3, and Legend) and outside of certain stand-out songs, is pretty boring and repetitive in general. I hate the goddamn doo-da-dee-doo forest song and all of its variations which are all played far too often.
Evermore did quite a few of its ideas better.
People rag on evermore's lack of co-op, but Mana's co-op fucking sucked if you used magic, and even if you didn't, enemies did.

NESfag and I talked about this years ago, and we pretty much agreed that FFCrystal Chronicles is what Secret of Mana should have been, but couldn't. No interruptions, characters act and use inventories at their own paces, etc.

I think that Echoes of Time on DS was also a pretty good spiritual successor to some of the concepts of FFCC, though not 100% due to doing its own things and focusing on different aspects, along with having different aesthetic, atmosphere, and sense of progress in comparison. I still like both, but I can acknowledge their differences and similarities, and consider both pretty cool successors to the Mana series.
I don't know how NESfag feels about Echoes, since I doubt he ever played it.

>> No.2112743

I loved SoM, hated Evermore, loved Terranegma

Crystalis, Landstalker and Alundra are still my fave console games though

>> No.2112753

In reference to this, my favorites aren't even the NES games, they're the Game Boy/RMWorld games. Specifically 3, 4, and 5. In terms of console though, I prefer 3, 4, 6 and parts of 8 though not on a whole (agree with saturn, that tenguman too good). 5 is a bit too spike-friendly for my tastes, but hardly bad, and I don't like how 7 controls so heavily, especially when you have bullshit to deal with like cloudman's weather fuckery and some annoying jumps from time to time.
Also, both inticreates games fucking sucked, though I prefer 10 over 9, even if the hardmode in 10 is shit compared to 9's.
I think faggots who parrot egoraptor and other e-celebs are all full of shit, especially when that cunt arin and his former sex slave jon are completely retarded and can't practice what they preach and both suck ass at games.

Now, to clarify, I'm not saying that you, >>2112246, specifically do. I'm talking about all the other idiots that do this, mostly on /v/.

>> No.2112758

Castlevania is my fave series, and honestly Super Castlevania 4 is good, but Bloodlines kills it that generation

>> No.2112790

Goldeneye was not revolutionary in any way, save for introducing the concept of locking parts of levels away behind difficulty requirements - this was not a good thing. It was a very flawed game even at the time of its release and I'm flabbergasted that anyone still talks about it when Half-Life and Quake so thoroughly outdid in every conceivable fashion.

The N64 is a bad system because of its retarded controller. The GameCube is a bad system because of its retarded controller. The Wii U is a bad system because of its retarded controller. It should not come as a shock to anyone that these are its three worst-selling consoles.

The worst fanbase in video games are Zelda fans, even more than Sonic fans.

The first Xbox was a decent system and worth owning, but only if you have the original ORIGINAL controller with the proper button placement.

Tekken 3 is the greatest retro fighting game, even better than TTT.

Video games are fun, now more than ever, and I pity everyone on this board who thinks that they peaked before 2000, when they haven't peaked yet at all.

>> No.2112807

>having fun

>> No.2112821

>Goldeneye was not revolutionary in any way
>I didn't have friends to play multiplayer with me

>> No.2112826

I played Quake and Doom online with 8 and 16 person setups. Stop acting like getting a quarter of your TV to play on is a good thing.

>> No.2112845


>It should not come as a shock to anyone that these are its three worst-selling consoles.

I like that statement.

>Sells doesn't matter, 64 and Gamecube were way better than PS1 and PS2!
>Well, NES and SNES sold more than Master System and Genesis, so obviously they're objectively better consoles.

Also, I really like strawmanning.

>> No.2112860

I love it dearly but a lot of things about it are a total mess.

>wonky hit detection
>NPC party members get stuck on EVERYTHING
>stunlock every enemy to death
>early in the game that Tiger boss can easily unfairly stunlock you to death
>magic OP on bosses
>as if anybody actually owns a multitap to play 3 player
>rushed and very simple translation

>> No.2112863

the sequel did a lot better if you can get the english repro cart
i never noticed that stuff as a kid

>> No.2112869

Making people fucking mad: The post

>> No.2112872

You keep comparing GE to PC games. Do you realize that's exactly why it was considered revolutionary? Console FPS games were in the stone ages until GE. On top of that, the multiplayer functionality was much simpler and smoother than anything PC games had to offer at the time.

I agree with you on a lot of GE's flaws, but to deny its impact is just ignorant.

>Stop acting like getting a quarter of your TV to play on is a good thing.
I would rather deal with this than play over a lagged-out server or set up a PC for a LAN party.

>> No.2112882

Turok and Perfect Dark were great FPS games

>> No.2113000

Agreed, but even though I think they're both better than GoldenEye, neither was "revolutionary" in the way GE was

>> No.2113010

>you keep comparing my shitty features to ones that are clearly superior stopppp iiiiitttt

>> No.2113047

I hope you're a troll because that's an idiotic reduction of my post.

GoldenEye can be completely mediocre and massively influential at the same time. It took FPS games from a niche PC mustard race genre to where the genre is now. Not necessarily a good thing, but influential nonetheless.

>> No.2113114

I don't know how anyone can really dislike 8, it was just solid all around the board. Incentive to play again with different skills, incredibly beautiful world with fun side characters,likeable main cast, monster arena is given plenty of attention, a fleshed out post game etc.

But I guess this is the wrong thread to try and discuss this even outside of it not being /vr/ related

>> No.2113117

What was so revolutionary about GE? i mean it's just a FPS that give you some objectives and that's about it, stuff like System Shock was much more complex and was a 1994 game.

>> No.2113128
File: 12 KB, 255x259, sanae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Sega Genesis has better RPGs than the SNES does. Quality > Quantity.

Castevania peaked with the 16bit entries. Metroidvanias suck because Super Metroid is not a very good game

Donkey Kong Country 2 is the most fun platformer on the SNES.

>> No.2113132

>implying Doom was niche

>> No.2113218

I don't get what you're saying about SCIV - I don't watch Jontron or Egoraptor so I can't tell if you're agreeing with me or what..

>> No.2113235

Basically all boils down to the novelty and simplicity of console multiplayer. It would have probably slid into obscurity if not for that.

People went nuts over the game despite the mediocrity and developers realized there was a huge demand for console FPS games, setting into motion what we have now. A game doesn't have to be good to be "revolutionary."

>implying one game represents a genre's popularity

>> No.2113249

The Genesis is only better to fanboys. Most of the games look like dogshit compared to the SNES counterparts and the sound quality on the Genesis is also shit.

I've never met someone who owns both and has objectively told me that they'd take a Genesis over a SNES if push came to shove.

>> No.2113251

>muh precious muffled trumpet samples

>> No.2113253

>I've never met someone who owns both and has objectively told me that they'd take a Genesis over a SNES if push came to shove.
Gee, I wonder why?

Have you ever thought that maybe it's because they like both?

>> No.2113259 [DELETED] 

I grew up with a SNES and i genuinely play and enjoy more Genesis game now, although i love SNES too.

Eat shit.

>> No.2113262

>tfw all classic castlevania's are fucking excellent
Yes, even Simon's Quest was really good, people just hate on it because of it being cryptic and being a bit grindy, mostly due to riding off the coat tails of AVGN.

I thoroughly enjoyed it, but yeah, I had a guide ready at parts.

Every new castlevania brought something new and interesting to the table. C1 set the standard, C3 let you have branching paths and other characters, C4 had multi-directional whipping and swinging and shit. Bloodlines had 2 characters and some pretty funky levels and shit.

>> No.2113264

I grew up with a SNES and i genuinely play and enjoy more the genesisnow, although i love my SNES too.

Eat shit.

>> No.2113265

The list of must plays on Genesis is paltry compared to the SNES. With the CD add on it becomes a bit of a tighter race, but even so, the SNES is way beyond it.

I've never really owned a Genesis and I just bought one and a lot of the "must plays" namely:

>Beyond Oasis
>Vectorman 1 and 2
>Castlevania Bloodlines
>Gunstar Heroes
>Contra Hardcorps

Which I feel is a reasonable sample set as a starting point. I've played the Sonic games and Ecco the dolphin, but thats about it as far as Genesis is concerned.

I think I may write up my thoughts on it when it gets here and post it on my blog like a fag.

>> No.2113267

I specifically said I was agreeing with you.

>> No.2113276

Who would consider Vectorman a "must play"? Shit's weak. As is that list. Other than the Konami titles and Truxton. But even Truxton isn't the most fun shooter on the Genesis. Its a really primitive 80s shooter notable for being hard as nails. Do more research.

>> No.2113278

>muh must play
What a stupid term, go to /v/ or something for that kind of shit, do you think everyone have to agree with your fucking tastes?

Also, here in /vr/ we want to dig more on the libraries that just some popular games, and the Genesis just like the NES has tons of great but relatively obscure stuff.

>> No.2113279

>do more research
how about some fucking suggestions? No multiplats either.

I took a look at the recommended Sega pastebin and those were the ones that stood out to me the most.

>> No.2113283

Not him but if you are going to shit on a console at least do some fucking research, faggot.

>> No.2113284

>Who would consider Vectorman a "must play"?
Idiots like him. And /v/.
>Shit's weak. As is that list.
Somewhat agreed, though it has some good stuff.

>> No.2113292

Do your own fucking research, /v/.

>> No.2113304

This isn't the thread for that. But seriously, you didn't list a single Sega first party title. Sega has top tier platformers, RPGs, beat em ups, and racing games on the Genesis. Basically every genre.

The Konami games are good, I'll give you that. People will fight over whether CV4 or Bloodlines are better or Contra 3 or Hard Corps are better depending on what they enjoy. I think Bloodlines is better than 4 and Contra 3 is better than Hard Corps, myself.

>> No.2113303

These are actually pretty good opinions.

The best Metroid is... part II.

>> No.2113305

Of course. This isn't a "bad opinions" thread. Though there are some here. Such as "muh console wars" some tard read into my comment. I didn't say anything about the SNES vs. Genesis because that's a retarded argument.

>> No.2113312 [DELETED] 

>VF 2 on Genesis is a fun game despite the shit it gets. Yeah it removed Lion and Shun but its still enjoyable tho I wish they could of used the SVP chip but meh.
>VF 3 is ugly af and looks like shit the only fun factor is the 1st person view but understood the hype when it came it out
>Sonic 2 is medicore
>DC is 10x than all its competition in the 6th gen except the xbox
>SS version of resident evil looks graphically better than PS1 version the vanilla version tho
>Vanilla version of SF II on SNES music sounds like shitty PC MIDI and farts
>Any game version of SF II before SSFII is not worth your time
>N64 is the worst 5th gen console retrospectively it only had about 40 good games and the fucking fog makes a lot of games unplayable
>FFVII is overrated and only praised by nostalgiafags and weebs
>AOF 1 and FF 1 are the worst SNK games ever

>> No.2113316 [DELETED] 

>>DC is 10x than all its competition in the 6th gen except the xbox

Fucking Dreamcast fags... PS2 shits all over it.

>> No.2113327
File: 47 KB, 397x556, athenanescover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AOF1 and FF1 are the worst SNK games ever
Nice try, Kensou.

>> No.2113337

I keep forgetting this game exist and it needs to stay that way
I thought it was hot shit when I was 7 till i realized I playing an underpowered and overhyped 480i DVD player. Tho there are good exclusives and some good arcade compilations for it. Sony won and they usually know what they're doing.

>> No.2113525

While SNES is a great console, it's incredibly overrated mainly for its jRPG and highly marketed games, it's good but the other 16-bits consoles deserve the same treatment.

>> No.2113619


I mostly disagree with your posts, but

>VF 2 on Genesis is a fun game despite the shit it gets. Yeah it removed Lion and Shun but its still enjoyable tho I wish they could of used the SVP chip but meh.
>N64 is the worst 5th gen console retrospectively it only had about 40 good games and the fucking fog makes a lot of games unplayable

is plain right. But fuck, I still think AOF3 is unbearable. I mean, even if first AOF isn't the holy grail of gameplay like some Garou or KOF titles, it still playable. The third title is one of the most beautiful fighters I played back in the day, but is unplayable in Shaq Fu levels.

>> No.2113769

>no TFIV
>no adv of B&R
>no Rocket Knight
>no Phantasy Start
>no Shining
>no Strikes
>no SoR
>no Shinobi
>no Ranger X

It show that you never owned a MD

>> No.2113786

>implying one game represents a genre
>implying that Goldeneye was that game over Doom if it were

>> No.2113809

I can't stand OoT. It's a slow and boring game. I just can't see the appeal of it and I can't see the appeal of it as one of the best games of all time.

It's also seems to best the best go to example for nostalgia goggles.

>> No.2114134

>being this pants on head retarded

>> No.2114229
File: 806 KB, 200x175, 1412617064899.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of old western Amiga-esqe arcade/action games of the 80s' & 90's are mediocre at best, godawful at worst. Those bland-looking platformers with boring level design, slippery controls, and shitty boss fights. They often spend more time on the overly-detailed graphics and music than polishing up the gameplay and design. There are a few decent ones like the DKC games & Soccer Kid but the bad far outweighs the good imo.

Outside of Hydroah, westerners can't make Shmups to save their lives. Euroshmups just fucking suck.

Amiga & C64 games on average are shit and inferior to their Japanese contemporaries on platforms like the MSX & Sharp X68000 machines. The latter two system's library put the top-rated Amiga & C64 games to shame. I never found SID all that great outside of demoscene stuff. AY-3-8910 alone sounds better.

I fucking hate Working Designs' localizations and any others who attempt to ape that style. I personally wish the games in their catalog were retranslated from the ground up and given new localizations.

Super Turrican 1 & Mega Turrican are the only good games in the entire series. The first two have aged like milk.

Virgin's Aladdin is a highly overrated and mediocre platformer. The only thing it has going for it are the graphics and presentation. Snes version plays better.

Game Sack > your favorite retro reviewer

Even with it's flaws, RetroArch/Libretro is the best thing to happen to emulation and it mops the floor with the original standalones in terms of functionality.

>> No.2114325

>Download Retroarch for wii
>it sure is nice having all these emulators in one place
>options between bilinear (...no) or point filtering
>the latter makes most games not fit the TV by substantial margins

Pretty big flaws.

>> No.2114342

>hate western games and western computers like C64/Amiga.
>Game Sack > your favorite retro reviewer

Hi Joe.

>> No.2114364

you're so weeb my eyes started to slant reading that

>> No.2114509

Beside your weird onesided apples and oranges comparisions, I don`t get what`s so awesome about RetroArch. In my experience it introduced new bugs, lacks features of the standalone emulators, had inferior performance and I also had crashes between switching cores and games and it`s doesn`t work with some image formats. MESS is a nightmare to setup properly. Amiga emulation uses P-UAE which is shit compared to WinUAE. MAME has a lots of way better frontends with more features than RetroArch. Let me guess: you use Linux?

>> No.2114524

I doubt that's Joe. He likes Working Designs.
I like Working Designs translations too. I like the humour they put into it.

>> No.2114526

Retro PC platformers are shit in general and anyone who says otherwise is just wearing rose-tinted glasses. Even stuff like Commander Keen or Dangerous Dave is blistering shit compared to console platformers that were released a decade before them.

>> No.2114536

EGA graphics are fugly, too. Muh purples and teals!

First game I ever played was on a computer and I'm still a PC gamer, but "muh mustard race" faggots are delusional.

>> No.2114553

>Commander Keen or Dangerous Dave is blistering shit compared to console platformers
So your point is, Keen is shit because there are technically better platformers? Why do you even play old games?

>> No.2114554

I haven't had a console until the GBA and spent my childhood playing computer games. And retro PC platformers were pure shit. Ugly, clunky, and though that can be excused with hardware restrictions, they were also boring as shit to play compared to console games of the time. Retro PCs were only good for FPS and RTS.

>> No.2114559

Not the person you replied to, but outside of the one-size-fits-all GUI, I think Retroarch is pretty good for emulating consoles and handhelds. Because of the GUI, I wouldn't want to mess with MAME or computer games on it, but I've never had any emulation issues with its cores outside of the 32X. That, and there really needs to be a way to save multiple controller profiles for N64 games.

I've never had an issue with crashing at core change, because I saved different configs for each system I emulate, specifically to avoid changing all of my settings manually when I play a different system. The image formatting thing is kind of a pain in the ass, though; not even gonna lie. It's annoying to have to convert ISOs to BIN/CUE pairs.

>> No.2117678

>The worst fanbase in video games are Zelda fans, even more than Sonic fans.

This. I will defend you to the death.

>> No.2118741

> sound quality on the Genesis is also shit


>> No.2118796


I love Abadox. It really bugged me that it was constantly called a Life Force clone by people who can't into SHMUPs and realize that Life Force is far, far closer to Gradius than it will ever be to Abadox.

>> No.2118852



Go back to /v/.

>> No.2119396

Mega Man X6 is a good game and X5 is complete and utter crap

>> No.2119442

There has only ever been 1 decent Nintendo console - The SNES.

>> No.2119730

>MAME has a lots of way better frontends with more features than RetroArch

Name one that uses dynamic rate control to adjust emulated system refresh rates to your display with no audio crackling or video stuttering without needing to have 50 different modelines

Also multipass Cg shaders >>> MAME's HLSL

>> No.2119750

>The image formatting thing is kind of a pain in the ass, though; not even gonna lie. It's annoying to have to convert ISOs to BIN/CUE pairs.

That's because Mednafen cores require that. RetroArch doesn't care about file types, it loads what cores tell it to load.

>> No.2119754

so essentially it DOES care about file types since it only has the mednafen core for ps1 games

>> No.2119761

Quality PS1 rips always have a cue sheet to go with the bin/img/iso.

>> No.2119763

not the guy but the physics in keen really sucked ass and hunting for keys was a chore