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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 188 KB, 871x1200, sega.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2107816 No.2107816 [Reply] [Original]

Has /vr/ been watching HisCoool! SeHa Girls? What are your opinions on it so far?

>> No.2107847

Nobody watches it?

>> No.2107849


Give us a plot summary.

>> No.2107850

It's amusing when it actually is about retro games. It's kind of lame when it acts as an advertisement for whatever recent thing Sega is trying out. The newest episode about some mobile game was disappointing.

>> No.2107854

The puyo puyo episode made me sort of sad. For those who haven't seen it, it took a bunch of older games and made joke versions with puyo puyos in it. Then came the part with Phantasy Star and they chose to use PSO. Sega doesn't want to acknowledge the classic series.

>> No.2107856

Sega Saturn, Dreamcast and Mega Drive enrol in Segaga Gakuen, a High School. It's different from other schools though, because to graduate you need to get coins instead of a diploma. It features retro games and some new games too.

I liked the episoge about that recent mecha game where eggman suddenly appears and hacks it.

>> No.2107876

Saturn-san is mai consolefun.

Next episode is going to be the best one, with Jet Set Radio as theme.

>> No.2108015
File: 848 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Hi-sCoool! SeHa Girl - 08 [720p]_Dec 5, 2014, 3.59.41 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sega doesn't want to acknowledge the classic series.

Did you not see the newest episode?

>> No.2108019
File: 1.65 MB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Hi-sCoool! SeHa Girl - 09 [720p]_Dec 5, 2014, 4.16.01 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's some more.

>> No.2108023

It didn't have any right to be as good as it is considering how awful Sega is now and the fact it's so cheaply done in that Vocaloid posing software, but it's really funny and nostalgic.

>> No.2108101

I haven't played enough Sega to appreciate the series, but the idea of it is something I really like and I would probably watch the shit out of it if I was a Sega buff, or if there was a series like this for something I'm more intricately familiar with.

>> No.2108301


The day Ms. Genesis is animated and voiced is the day I can feel anime has done good in this world.

>> No.2108308

She's voiced by Asami Tano

>> No.2108578
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Dreamcast is so damn adorable. I want to take her home and play video games with her.

>> No.2108580

i enjoy the show, but its obvious their budget isn't so hot.

also saturn and megadrive characters barely look like the consoles, but all 3 personalities are growing on me.

>> No.2108696

Mega Drive is best grill, though. She's so clumsy and cute and smart!

>> No.2108702 [DELETED] 

Has he appeared yet? The last episode I watched was 7.

>> No.2108707
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Has he appeared yet? The last episode I watched was 7, I think.

>> No.2108712
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Leftu raitu uppu downu.

>> No.2108974

>yfw Saturn described her perfect man as older and stronger
>yfw he's Saturn's husbando
I hope they do this. Also, who is the sensei?

>> No.2108975

saturn-tan is objectively best tan

>> No.2109016

eat shit and die, dc-tan > saturn-tan

>> No.2109071


You fucked up.

>> No.2109075


>> No.2109081

Mega dora >>> Dorimucastu >> Sega Saturn

>> No.2109176


I've been loving but I hate the CG animation. Looks like a Vita game.

>No Mark III/Master System/Game Gear


That Space Channel Episode was fucking great.

>> No.2109183

The page on MAL says there is a charachter for it.

>Sega Mark III - Main - Seiyu: Tanaka, Manami

>> No.2109398
File: 1.11 MB, 552x1600, tumblr_ndx5mkVxFL1r3g97ao1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


deepest lore

>> No.2109428


why is half of this comic untranslated

>> No.2109439

>Check out the first episode
>Fucking Aiwa appears like 3 minutes in
As off-putting as most of the show seems to me, that's pretty awesome.

>> No.2109443

I really, really want to like the show. The character designs are cute. And it actually started out really really funny with the Virtua Fighter episodes. But it seems like every subsequent one has been a little bit worse

>> No.2109447


>Full CG

Is this a thing now? fuck.

>> No.2109448

I second this. I bet it was /a/ who did this.

>> No.2109451

It's a low budget show, anon, just for nostalgia.

>> No.2109489

Just according to keikaku

>> No.2109637
File: 145 KB, 743x485, sega-girls-anime-05.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No Mark III/Master System/Game Gear

>> No.2109837

It's a parody webcomic with fake mangled Japanese.

>> No.2109851

I think that's the joke. I believe it's a pisstake of bad fansubs/scanlations like TV-Nihon.

I hope.

>> No.2110170
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It is kantan amai.

>> No.2110195

Post the rest of these,, if there are more.

>> No.2110214

Just watched the first episode. When they go into the virtua fighter world they don't become low poly models? fukken boo.

The ending also makes it looks like we're never gonna see another system enter the fray which is sad.

It's okay for what looks like a fan series with some budget, it looks cheap and seems very moe though. Still it can't be as bad as World War Blue.

>> No.2110279

Yuji Naka. The kanji for Naka is the one for Center.

>> No.2110323

porn when?

>> No.2110340

Saturn had a few red label games with nudity, usually 3D.

>> No.2110353


Well she hasn't appeared yet. And I'd think a system that did better than both the Saturn and the Dreamcast would be a main character.

>> No.2110357

If its gonna be like that, genesis had Divine Sealing.

>> No.2110361

It hurts to read those.

>> No.2110521
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>> No.2110524
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>> No.2111027

>eggman suddenly appears and hacks it.
Was I the only one to read it as a taunt towards Sony getting hacked ALL. THE. FUCKING. TIME?

Damn, I was supposed to have learned that at school.

>colors everywhere
Okay, so why does...
- ...Saturn got a blue eye and a green one?
- ...Saturn have "Twin Sticks"?
- ...Game gear got hair in three colors?
- ...Master System have earphone accessories?

Maybe there's no answer to that, but maybe it's something related to SEGA lore.

Sorry, swimsuit-Saturn is best girl.

>> No.2111063

>- ...Saturn got a blue eye and a green one?
The Sega Saturn had 2 CPUs

>- ...Saturn have "Twin Sticks"?
Reference to the Virtual On controller accessory.

>- ...Game gear got hair in three colors?
Those colors are in the Japanese logo.

>- ...Master System have earphone accessories?
Dunno about this one

>> No.2111070

I can answer the earphone one. Remember how the Model 1 Genesis had a headphone jack?

>> No.2111074

How the fuck did I misread "Master System" as "Mega Drive". I don't know shit then.

>> No.2111695


What is Center supposed to be based on? They show it in one of the episodes.

I'm not either but when I was 10 or 11 the gamecube came out so there was a few classics that came out and they always had so many cameos and references that I got familiar with so much sega shit.

>> No.2111698

>What is Center supposed to be based on?

Old Sega mascot.

>> No.2111742

I guess even Sega Japan acknowledges the fact that they were a one hit wonder in precisely one location.

>> No.2111749

I usually can't stand this kind of shit Robot Girls Z is terrible and anyone who likes it should die in a fire but I'm actually kind of enjoying it.

>> No.2111752

Yeah Robot GIrls Z is awful. SeHa Girls is shitty but in an endearing way.

>> No.2112787
File: 969 KB, 1280x720, Saturn a shit.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made by one dude in MMD plus the VAs
if you went to the sega live event for this, the dude would let you get a copy of the girls models if you brought a pen drive

>> No.2113732

Damn, there was no mercy for Saturn. Dreamcast OP as fuck, though.

What mascot? Can't find any info on him.

>> No.2114278

I'm a bit rustled Megadrive and Genesis are separate characters. I like megadrive's design more.

>> No.2114465

>no NAOMI character

>> No.2114480


>> No.2115370

I feel like Dreamcast's colourscheme was inspired by Ulala. There's a running joke of her trying to connect to the internet via dailup internet connection too.

>> No.2115378
File: 1.23 MB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Hi-sCoool! SeHa Girl - 08 [720p]_Dec 5, 2014, 3.41.11 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's the screenshot I have of him from the show if that helps you find anything.

>> No.2115390
File: 19 KB, 400x400, 19d3f22183d0077d631f976048493aef_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not just search for "Sega rabbit mascot"?

>> No.2116958
File: 116 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Hi-sCoool! SeHa Girl - 08 [720p].mkv_snapshot_06.40_[2014.11.28_00.32.12].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking awesome. Even if you have no idea about Sega classic (althought they also parody modern Sega games) it totally worths if you want to see a wacky comedy.

I only have one objection: Master System was also strong in Europe (and much more popular than NES). Why not mentioning that, Mega Drive-san?

>> No.2117148

If you're going to sum it up in one sentence, then it makes sense to focus on South America. The Master System was Brazil's top-selling console until the 2000s. In Europe, even when the SMS was current-gen, it still had to compete with PCs like the C64 and VX-Spectrum.

>> No.2118506

Resume: Sega won in Brazil

>> No.2118651

That word does not mean in English what its cognate means in your language.

>> No.2118734

I was thinking about it after I posted it. Too ashamed to come back and correct myself.

>> No.2119137

SANIC was overhypedand got too much screentime. fuck him.

i liked 3D thunderhead dancing with ulala.

>> No.2119171

The Space Channel 5 episodes did me in. Best game, best music, and best girl in a bikini.

Fuck the space PTA.

>> No.2119208

They didn't mention that Jenny trashtalks a lot.

>> No.2119278
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>> No.2119280


>> No.2119316
File: 1.09 MB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Hi-sCoool! SeHa Girl - 10 [720p]_Dec 11, 2014, 12.36.10 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What game is the weird bearded guy from?

>> No.2119327
File: 83 KB, 457x452, powerdrift-saturn[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Power Drift, one of those arcade racers that used the scaling effects like Galaxy Force (same board).

I only know this because of HG101 had an article

>> No.2119330
File: 186 KB, 1440x810, sentai1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isn't this the serie where Gokai Yellow dubs a character ?

>> No.2119482


Never thought I'd enjoy it as much as I did, even though it's pretty low budget it adds more to the "nostalgic" charm


Yep. She's Dreamcast.

>> No.2120193

Just don't let her look up something on the internet for you.

>> No.2120203

Looks like shit, probably is.

>> No.2120209

Has she ever looked up porn of herself?

Three episodes rule, then. You should actually make it six, since it's a half time show, though.

>> No.2120217

I'll watch it right after I finish watching Naruto, Dragon Ball, Jing and Inuyasha and every Gundam season and OAV to date, reading Jojo and GTO. That's a promess.

>> No.2120238

>Naruto, Dragon Ball
You better be baiting me, dude.

>> No.2120251

When I start something I finish it, and I started both a long time ago.

>> No.2120267

Well, okay, I guess.

>> No.2120842
File: 429 KB, 676x461, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What the fuck. I loved Gokaigers but I had no idea Dreamcast was Gokai Yellow. She doesn't sound the same to me at all. I thought I had a good ear for this stuff too.

>> No.2120938
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>> No.2120969
File: 115 KB, 1366x768, arino moe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2123786

Don't really understand the appeal.

>> No.2123802

>japanese humor
It does strike the retro chord every now and then. Also I think the sega fanboy from GCCX had a hand on it.

>> No.2123865

If you're under 25 or you're aren't a fan of Sega games, then I can see the show not appealing to people. However, for people who grew up with these systems or hardcore Sega fans in general, it's a hilarious romp. Otherwise, you won't understand jokes like DC complaining about free time.

>> No.2124074

Oh, I get the show, I just don't see the appeal in the characters.
Like there's that one part of their design that just ruins it.

>> No.2124089


that's sort of assuming a lot. I'm 25 and grew up with Sega consoles, but I think it's really mediocre past the first two episodes.

>> No.2124437
File: 219 KB, 487x540, 1347266918137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kibe is a writer for both GCCX and this show, he's the SEGA guy

>> No.2124495

>Then came the part with Phantasy Star and they chose to use PSO. Sega doesn't want to acknowledge the classic series.

It's being made by one guy who's not part of Sega, and is limited by which CG assets he can get ahold of

>> No.2126961

anon delivers!

>> No.2127005

See >>2111074.

>> No.2130015

Bump! This weekend I'll get up with the series.